613 research outputs found

    The effect of carbohydrate ingestion on the Interleukin-6 response to a 90-minute run time trial

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    Fatigue is a predictable outcome of prolonged physical activity; yet its biological cause remains uncertain. During exercise, a polypeptide messenger molecule interleukin- 6 (IL-6) is actively produced. Previously, it has been demonstrated that administration of recombinant IL-6 (rhIL-6) impairs 10-km run performance and heightened sensation of fatigue in trained runners. Both high carbohydrate diets and carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged exercise have a blunting effect on IL-6 levels postendurance exercise. We hypothesized that carbohydrate ingestion may improve performance during a prolonged bout of exercise as a consequence of a blunted IL-6 response. Seven recreationally trained fasted runners completed two 90-min time trials under CHO supplemented and placebo conditions in a randomized order. The study was of a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, cross-over study design. Distance covered in 90 min was significantly greater following exogenous carbohydrate ingestion compared with the placebo trial (19.13 ± 1.7 km and 18.29 ± 1.9 km, respectively, p = .0022). While postexercise IL-6 levels were significantly lower in the CHO trial compared with the placebo trial (5.3 ± 1.9 pg·mL?1and 6.6 ± 3.0 pg·mL?1, respectively; p = .0313), this difference was considered physiologically too small to mediate the improvement in time trial performance

    The effect of exercise on plasma soluble IL-6 receptor concentration: a dichotomous response

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    The aim of this article is to review current literature on the response of soluble interleukin-6 receptor to exercise and identify a potential role for sIL-6R in skeletal muscle function. We also provide novel data on the impact of eccentric exercise on circulating levels. The aim of the research study was to investigate changes in plasma concentration of soluble interleukin-6 receptor (sIL-6R) and soluble glycoprotein 130 (sgp130) during recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) up to 72 h and their relationship with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and muscle function. 18 participants attended the laboratory on 4 consecutive days. On the first day, participants completed 6 sets of 10 repetitions of unilateral eccentric-concentric knee flexions at a test speed of 1.05 rad.s(-1) using a Cybex Isokentic dynamometer to induce muscle damage of the hamstrings. Prior to the eccentric exercise bout and each subsequent morning, following an overnight fast, participants had a venous blood sample taken which was centrifuged immediately and plasma frozen at -80 degrees C until later analysis. Plasma IL-6 and sgp130 were unchanged at any time point during recovery but sIL-6R was significantly reduced at 48 h and 72 h post-exercise (p < 0.05). Plasma sIL-6R was correlated with DOMS at 48 h post EIMD (r = 0.45, p < 0.05) and peak muscle torque at 24 h and 48 h following EIMD (r = -.42; p < 0.05; r = -.57; p < 0.01 respectively). Our novel finding that sIL-6R concentrations are decreased 2-3 days following a single bout of EIMD may reflect a regulatory mechanism controlling the influx of different leukocyte subpopulations into damaged tissue, although this needs to be confirmed by future studies. Our data suggests an association between sIL-6R, perception of pain and reduced peak muscle performance post-EIMD but further investigation is warranted to explore this relationship and implications for exercise performance

    Localized waves carrying orbital angular momentum in optical fibers

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    We consider the effect of orbital angular momentum (OAM) on localized waves in optical fibers using theory and numerical simulations, focusing on splash pulses and focus wave modes. For splash pulses, our results show that they may carry OAM only up to a certain maximal value. We also examine how one can optically excite these OAM-carrying modes, and discuss potential applications in communications, sensing, and signal filtering


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    In the last two decades, there has been a growing interest from scholars in thesocial sciences and about gospel music production religion. Much of the work discussedthe changes that took place in the repertoire of this musicality Christianity shed, resultingfrom a process of renewal of the liturgy of some churches or the formation of the gospelphonographic market. In this article, I propose another possibility for understanding theGospel sung word, to investigate the relationship between the &quot;fire choruses&quot; andPentecostal cosmology. More than simple liturgical ornaments, the &quot;Fire choruses&quot; areaction generators, are important elements in the connection between the sacred andhuman.Nas &uacute;ltimas duas d&eacute;cadas, observou-se um crescente interesse por parte deestudiosos das ci&ecirc;ncias sociais e da religi&atilde;o a respeito da produ&ccedil;&atilde;o musical evang&eacute;lica. Boaparte dos trabalhos abordou as transforma&ccedil;&otilde;es ocorridas no repert&oacute;rio da musicalidadedesta vertente do cristianismo, decorrentes de um processo de renova&ccedil;&atilde;o da liturgia dealgumas igrejas ou da forma&ccedil;&atilde;o do mercado fonogr&aacute;fico gospel. Neste artigo, proponhooutra possibilidade de entendimento acerca da palavra cantada evang&eacute;lica, ao investigar arela&ccedil;&atilde;o existente entre os &ldquo;corinhos de fogo&rdquo; e a cosmologia pentecostal. Mais do quesimples adere&ccedil;os lit&uacute;rgicos, os &ldquo;corinhos de fogo&rdquo; s&atilde;o geradores de a&ccedil;&atilde;o, sendo elementosimportantes na conex&atilde;o entre o sagrado e os humanos

    O mercado da música gospel no Brasil: aspectos organizacionais e estruturais

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    Nas últimas duas décadas ocorreram grandes e significativas mudanças na produção musical evangélica. Entre elas, a mais significativa foi a formação do nicho fonográfico evangélico. De forma preliminar, no presente artigo, apresento as principais características estruturais e organizacionais deste segmento empresarial, indicando os seus principais circuitos de produção, distribuição e divulgação. Se nos anos de 1990 o mercado de música gospel englobava somente  igrejas e empresas de políticos ligados a esta vertente do cristianismo, na atualidade, em decorrência do estabelecimento de parceiras entre cantores e gravadoras de outros segmentos, observa-se uma ampliação das fronteiras do referido mercado

    Hours spent and energy expended in physical activity domains: Results from The Tomorrow Project cohort in Alberta, Canada

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Knowledge of adult activity patterns across domains of physical activity is essential for the planning of population-based strategies that will increase overall energy expenditure and reduce the risk of obesity and related chronic diseases. We describe domain-specific hours of activity and energy expended among participants in a prospective cohort in Alberta, Canada.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The <it>Past Year Total Physical Activity Questionnaire </it>was completed by 15,591 <it>Tomorrow Project</it><sup>® </sup>participants, between 2001 and 2005 detailing physical activity type, duration, frequency and intensity. Domain-specific hours of activity and activity-related energy expenditure, expressed as a percent of total energy expenditure (TEE) (Mean (SD); Median (IQR)) are reported across <it>inactive </it>(<1.4), <it>low active </it>(1.4 to 1.59), <it>active </it>(1.6 to 1.89) and <it>very active </it>(≥ 1.9) Physical Activity Level (PAL = TEE:REE) categories.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In <it>very active </it>women and amongst all men except those classified as <it>inactive</it>, activity-related energy expenditure comprised primarily occupational activity. Amongst <it>inactive </it>men and women in <it>active, low active </it>and <it>inactive </it>groups, activity-related energy expenditure from household activity was comparable to, or exceeded that for occupational activity. Leisure-time activity-related energy expenditure decreased with decreasing PAL categories; however, even amongst the most active men and women it accounted for less than 10 percent of TEE. When stratified by employment status, leisure-time activity-related energy expenditure was greatest for retired men [mean (SD): 10.8 (8.5) percent of TEE], compared with those who were fully employed, employed part-time or not employed. Transportation-related activity was negligible across all categories of PAL and employment status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For the <it>inactive </it>portion of this population, active non-leisure activities, specifically in the transportation and occupational domains, need to be considered for inclusion in daily routines as a means of increasing population-wide activity levels. Environmental and policy changes to promote active transport and workplace initiatives could increase overall daily energy expenditure through reducing prolonged sitting time.</p

    Simulation of a Production Line with Automated Guided Vehicle: A Case Study

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    Currently, companies have increasingly needed to improve and develop their processes to flexible the production in order to reduce waiting times and increase productivity through smaller time intervals. To achieve these objectives, efficient and automated transport and handling material systems are required. Therefore, the AGV systems (Automated Guided Vehicle) are often used to optimize the flow of materials within the production systems. In this paper, the author evaluates the usage of an AGV system in an industrial environment and analyzes the advantages, disadvantages of the project. Furthermore, the author uses the systems simulation software Promodel® 7.0 to develop a model, based on data collected from real production system, in order to analyze and optimize the use of AGVs. Throughout this paper, problems are identified as well as solution adopted by the author and the results obtained from the simulations


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    The myth of Faust has been present in literature for almost 500 years and the authors find ways to innovate the Faustian theme when working on issues of modernity, making the myth relevant today. This article intends to understand the reason for the realization of the Faustian pact in the novel Grande Sertão: Veredas, by Guimarães Rosa, and the way in which the Faustian myth is used by the author to represent brazilian modernity and the problems of modern man. The social historical context reflected in the work will also be addressed.O mito de Fausto está presente na literatura há quase 500 anos, e os autores encontram formas de inovar a temática fáustica ao trabalharem as questões da modernidade, tornando o mito relevante na atualidade. Neste artigo, pretende-se entender o motivo para a realização do pacto fáustico em Grande Sertão: Veredas, de Guimarães Rosa, e a forma que o mito fáustico é utilizado pelo autor para representar a modernidade brasileira e os problemas do homem moderno. O contexto histórico social refletido na obra também será abordado

    Patterns and trajectories of gestational weight gain:a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Gestational weight gain in excess of or below Health Canada's guidelines is known to increase the risk of adverse outcomes for both the woman and her baby. This study describes patterns and trajectories of total and rate of gestational weight gain in a large prospective cohort of pregnant women and adolescents in the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition study. METHODS: We collected weight and height data for 1541 pregnant adolescents and women (mean age 31 years, < 27 weeks' gestation) recruited through advertisements and physicians' offices in Calgary and Edmonton between May 2009 and November 2012. Data were collected once during each trimester following enrolment and once at about 3 months post partum. The participants were categorized according to their prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) as underweight, of normal weight, overweight or obese. We calculated distributions of total and weekly rates of weight gain and determined trajectories of weight gain for each prepregnancy BMI category. RESULTS: Of the 1541 participants, 761 (49.4%) exceeded Health Canada's guidelines for total gestational weight gain, and 272 (17.6%) gained less weight than recommended. A total of 63 (19.2%) and 38 (23.6%) participants categorized as overweight or obese, respectively, exceeded the recommended upper limit by 5 to less than 10 kg, and 53 (16.2%) and 27 (16.8%), respectively, exceeded the upper limit by at least 10 kg. Ninety-five participants (30.3%) in the overweight group and 59 (39.6%) of those in the obese group gained weight at more than double the recommended rate between the second and third trimesters. The median weight gain for participants in the normal, overweight and obese categories had exceeded recommended upper limits by about 30, 20 and 18 weeks' gestation, respectively. INTERPRETATION: Adherence to Health Canada's guidelines for gestational weight gain was low. Excess gestational weight gain was most marked among those with a prepregnancy BMI in the overweight or obese category. The findings suggest that weight management in pregnancy is challenging and complex. Messages and supports that are tailored for women in different prepregnancy BMI categories may help to improve guideline-concordant gestational weight gain

    Multi-source data fusion of optical satellite imagery to characterize habitat selection from wildlife tracking data

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    This work was supported by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) [BEX-13438-13-1].Wildlife tracking data allow monitoring of how organisms respond to spatio-temporal changes in resource availability. Remote sensing data can be used to quantify and qualify these variations to understand how movement is related to these changes. The use of remote sensing data with concurrent high levels of spatial and temporal detail may hold potential to improve our understanding of habitat selection. However, no current orbital sensor produces data with simultaneous high temporal and high spatial resolution, therefore alternative methods are required to generate remote sensing data that matches the high spatial-temporal resolution of modern wildlife tracking data. We present an analytical framework, not yet used in movement ecology, for data fusion of optical remote sensing data from multiple satellites and wildlife tracking data to study the impact of seasonal vegetation patterns on the movement of maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus). We use multi-source data fusion to combine MODIS data with higher spatial resolution data (ASTER, Landsat 4-5-7-8, CBERS 2-2B) and create a synthetic NDVI product with a 15 m spatial detail and daily temporal resolution. We also use the higher spatial resolution data to create a multi-source NDVI product with same level of spatial detail but coarser temporal resolution and data from MODIS to create a single-source NDVI product with high temporal resolution but coarse spatial resolution. We combine the three different spatial-temporal resolution NDVI products with GPS tracking data of maned wolves to create step-selection functions (SSF), which are models used in ecology to investigate and predict habitat selection by animals. The SSF model based on multi-source NDVI had the best performance predicting the probability of use of visited locations given its NDVI value. The SSF based on the raw MODIS NDVI product, one which is commonly employed by ecologists, had the poorest performance for our study species. These findings indicate that, in contrast with current practice in movement ecology, a detailed spatial resolution of contextual environmental variable may be more important than a detailed temporal resolution, when investigating wildlife habitat selection regarding vegetation, although this result will be highly dependent on species. The choice of data set should therefore take into account not only the scale of movement but also the spatial and temporal scales at which dynamic environmental variables are changing.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe