32 research outputs found

    Evaluation of The Implementation of The School Literacy Movement in Elementary Schools in The District and City of Tangerang

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    This study aims to describe the evaluation of the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in Elementary Schools in the Regency and City of Tangerang. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with descriptive evaluation methods. The Context Input Process and Product model as a model used in this evaluation study consist of four stages, namely context, input, process, and product. Data collection techniques used by researchers in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the context implementation evaluation indicate that the reasons underlying the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in 6 schools are because of the lack of interest in reading students, the need for varied reading material or references and the availability of supporting facilities for the program. The results of the input evaluation are that the school implements several strategies that can be done to achieve the School Literacy Movement, the adequacy of facilities and infrastructure, have guidelines or Standard Operating Procedures, the implementation of the program is carried out at the beginning of teaching and learning activities or includes in the process of teaching and learning activities, the allocation of funds using independent funds schools or funds from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget or School Operational Assistance

    The Importance of Training Need Assessment on Competency-Based Training of Technical Guidance of Energy Auditor in Cement Industry

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    Training needs assessment or training needs analysis is a move made prior to training and a part in the design of integrated training in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the material, the allocation of time, and learning strategies that should be applied in conducting Technical Guidance Training of Energy Auditor. In this case, identifying training needs (Training Needs Analysis) is the second step after identify desired result (SKKNI Comply) in the development of a training model Technical Guidance of energy Auditor. Identification of training needs carried out by the training institutions in the cement industry is micro case, namely the identification process to find out the "gap" the competence that is owned by the labor force with the requirements of the position. Program Technical Guidance Training of Energy Auditor prepared based on Standard of Competence Workplace of Indonesia (SKKNI) in the field audits of energy audit as desired field workforce performance which is refer to Human Performace Technology (HPT) model

    How is The Program Planning for Strengthening Character Education in Elementary Schools

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    School is a formal educational institution that systematically implements guidance, teaching and training programs in order to help students to be able to develop their potential, both those that involve moral, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and social aspects. Schools as a center for meaningful learning and as a process of socialization and acculturation of abilities, values, attitudes, character, and behavior. This study aims to find out how to plan the Strengthening of Character Education program in elementary schools in South Tangerang, Indonesia. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the strengthening of character education is a means to strengthen the character of students, while the efforts made by teachers to implement the strengthening of character education Implementing a program accustom students to maintain cleanliness, beauty, and order, accustom to managing classroom conditions before starting learning, giving examples of good deeds, implementing religious values, responsibility and discipline towards student

    The Effectiveness of National Insights Based Virtual Classroom Education and Training

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    Hate speech is a word, behavior, writing, or performance that is prohibited because it can trigger acts of violence and prejudice either from the perpetrator of the statement or the victim of the action. Hate speech can be in the form of insults, defamation , defamation, unpleasant acts, provocation, inciting, spreading false news. Crimes against hate speech are carried out because these actions can have an impact on acts of discrimination, violence, loss of life, and or social conflict. Hate speech can occur due to individual or group misunderstandings about the information obtained. Studying national insight aims to provide an understanding of the Indonesian nation and the basics of this nation in order to realize unity. National insight has an important meaning in strengthening the sense of nationality and increasing the spirit of nationalism. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method. The results showed that the learning of national insight using virtual learning on field trial results was very good, and could motivate and attract the attention of education and training participants to be able to take part in the learning process in nationalism with an average score of 4.46 on a scale of 1-5 . The results of the assessment carried out before and after learning about national insight using a virtual classroom 31% seeing the results of field trials indicate that the material for developing learning insight using virtual learning can be used in the process of learning about national insigh

    Analisis Nilai Budaya Kerja SMK pada Bidang Keahlian Pariwisata

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    This study aims to analyze what work cultural values are needed by vocational school graduates in tourism. Vocational schools in the field of tourism consist of six concentrations of expertise that is tourism service business (travel business), ecotourism (marine tourism and ecotourism), hospitality, culinary (cooking), skin and hairstyling, spa and beauty therapy. This study was conducted using a literature review method which was analyzed to draw conslusions. The results of the analysis of the literature produce six soft skills that in general must be possessed by tourism graduates, namely communication, friendly, patient, empathetic, critical thinking, creative. To develop these soft skills, schools can arrange various kinds of programs either integrated with classroom learning or separate from classroom learning. It is hoped that with continuos habituation a good work culture will be formed so that it becomes an added value for vocational school graduates in the field of tourism

    Evaluasi Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pengembangan Spesialis Penindakan Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data dan informasi yang aktual diperoleh dengan menerapkan 3 level pertama dari model evaluasi Kirkpatrick, yaitu: Level 1 (Reaksi), mengukur reaksi dan kepuasan pendidikan dan latihan, Level 2 (Belajar), mengukur signifikansi dari hasil belajar, Level 3 (Perilaku) yang mengukur perubahan perilaku peserta. Penelitian menggunakan 3 level pertama dari model evaluasi Kirkpatrick. Penelitian dilaksanakan di  Pusat Pendidikan Lalu Lintas Polri Pusat DKI Jakarta. Jumlah responden pada evaluasi ini berjumlah 86 Responden terdiri dari 25 orang peserta didik, 9 orang tenaga pendidik, 2 orang pengasuh, 25 orang rekan kerja dan atasan kerja dari masing-masing peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner. Level 1: Reaksi terdapat 7 komponen penilaian yakni tingkat kepuasan yang sudah melebihi 40% adalah kepuasan peserta Diklat terhadap  penilaian Instruktur/pelatih (Trainer (2) fasilitas pelatihan memiliki rata-rata tingkat kepuasan (3)  tingkat kepuasan terhadap Penilaian jadwal pelatihan (4)  penilaian media pelatihan. Tetapi, (5) Kepuasan peserta Diklat terhadap komponen penilaian rata-rata sebesar paling banyak tidak puas 31,45%. (6) Tingkat kepuasan sudah di atas 40% terhadap komponen penilaian konsumsi/logistik (7) Kepuasan peserta Diklat terhadap komponen penilaian latihan atau tugas cukup puas. Level 2: Hasil Belajar, yaitu peserta Diklat pada aspek pengetahuan memliki peningkatan yang signifikan dari hasil pemberian tes (pretest dan posttest); Hasil belajar peserta Diklat pada aspek keterampilan dan sikap direspon positif terhadap tenaga pendidik dan pengasuh. Level 3: Perilaku yang direspon secara negatif oleh beberapa atasan dan rekan kerja yaitu pada komponen penilaian aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan dikarenakan bukan berasal dari penegak hukum

    Perception Of Early Grade Teachers Of Madrasah Ibtadaiyah Towards Attributes Innovations Of Thematic Learning

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    Thematic learning is an integrated learning model that links or combines several subjects in one particular theme, in order to make it easier for students to see meaningful relationships, and make it easier for them to understand the material/concept as a whole. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of early grade MI teachers in Bireuen Regency towards thematic learning as an innovation based on its attributes (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability). This study used a quantitative approach and diffusion research procedures developed by Rogers. The data in this study were collected by giving questionnaires to 29 MI early grade teachers in Bireuen District. The results showed that the thematic learning innovation attributes were relatively positively perceived by MI early grade teachers. Thus thematic learning is perceived to be more profitable (relative advantage) than previous learning models, a high level of compatibility with the values ​​and norms adopted by the community, easy to implement (low level of complexity), trialability (can be tried out) and Early grade MI teachers perceive negatively the observability attribute


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    This research covering 30 junior High School in 10 regions in Indonesia aims at identifying the needs for learning resource center. the findings show that all schools have performed the funcion of learning resource center in instructional activities and 70% of the teachers has used media in their instructions; 78% of the schools have included learning resource center in their school stuctures; but only 30% of them treat the learning resource centers as formal organizations. more over, 90% of the schools provide special room for learning resource center which are generally used for Audio Visual. besides, the hardware and software of learning resources are not as complete as they should be. Based on the findings this research recomends the goverment facilitates the schools to develop learning resources center in each school as it has important and strategic roles in improving the quality of instructional process and competencies

    Development of Language Learning Based on Multimedia Devices for Autistic Student

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    The purpose of this study to develop a learning device of Indonesian language based on multimedia for autistic students. This research was conducted at SD Islam Alam dan Sains Al- Jannah. The students involved in the research were 20 students. The developed learning device uses the instructional model approach by Dick Carey and Carey (2009). Subjects of the research were 20 students. The developed learning device consists on applications, videos and manual book for both student and teachers. The developed products have been reviewed by a subject matter expert, an instructional design expert, a language expert, a media expert and an information technology expert. A series of formative evaluations through try-out examination has been conducted. The improvement of the learning device has been developed based on the previous formative evaluations. The results of this study shows developed learning device could improve the student learning outcomes effectively. Based on this result, the learning device could be recommended to be used as an alternative learning resource. Keywords: development of learning devices, autistic student, Indonesian language, multimedi


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    In the era of information and communication technology (ICT) every institution, including library, competes in integrating technology to develop and empower ICT based application in the library containing digital learning resource. This research focused on developing Digital Library as a students’ learning resource to assist them to search digital information. Applying ADDIE Model, the research took place at Curriculum and Educational Technology Program, The School of Education, The State University of Jakarta, in March – September 2012 following the steps: analysing the students’ need, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the product. The result of the development of the application database for the digital library is the the development of open source which has applied International Standard, AACR. The software is called SliMS (Senayan Library Management System). SliMS is an Open Source Software (OSS) web based and designed specifically to meet the need for library automation at small to big scales. Digital Library of Curriculum and Educational Technology Program, The School of Education, The State University of Jakarta is beneficial for the staff and students in searching references and instrucional materials