1,508 research outputs found

    Down-regulation of Groundnut Rosette Virus Replication by a Variant Satellite RNA

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    AbstractSymptom production in groundnut plants infected with groundnut rosette virus (GRV) depends on the presence of satellite RNA (sat-RNA) in the GRV culture, and sat-RNA variants that induce only mild symptoms are known. One such variant drastically diminished the replication of GRV genomic RNA in infectedNicotiana benthamianaplants. This down-regulating ability did not involve either of the two open reading frames in the sat-RNA but was controlled by a region near its 5′ end, which is required for sat-RNA replication. WhenN. benthamianaplants were inoculated with GRV and the mild satellite and challenged by inoculation with a GRV isolate (YB) containing a sat-RNA that induces yellow blotch symptoms, no symptoms appeared and little GRV genomic RNA or sat-RNA was detected in the plants, provided the two inoculations were no more than 2 days apart. A GRV isolate containing a sat-RNA that neither induces symptoms inN. benthamiananor affects genomic RNA accumulation also provided protection against yellow blotch symptom production if inoculated before or up to 2 days after isolate YB. However, in this case protection was incomplete and both GRV RNA and sat-RNA accumulated to normal levels. It is suggested that sequences from the mild sat-RNA may provide a novel source of resistance against rosette disease

    Smooth electron waveguides in graphene

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    Copyright © 2010 American Physical SocietyWe present exact analytical solutions for the zero-energy modes of two-dimensional massless Dirac fermions fully confined within a smooth one-dimensional potential V(x)=−α/cosh(βx), which provides a good fit for potential profiles of existing top-gated graphene structures. We show that there is a threshold value of the characteristic potential strength α/β for which the first mode appears, in striking contrast to the nonrelativistic case. A simple relationship between the characteristic strength and the number of modes within the potential is found. An experimental setup is proposed for the observation of these modes. The proposed geometry could be utilized in future graphene-based devices with high on/off current ratios

    Ultrasonographic assessment of splenic volume at presentation and after anti-malarial therapy in children with malarial anaemia

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    Background: Splenic enlargement is a component of the host response to malaria and may also influence the genesis and progression of malarial anaemia. Few cross-sectional and no longitudinal studies have assessed the relationship between splenic volume measured ultrasonographically and haemoglobin concentrations in children with malaria. Methods: Fifteen Papua New Guinean children with severe malarial anaemia (SMA; haemoglobin <50 g/L) and ten with moderate malarial anaemia (MMA; 51-99 g/L) were recruited. The SMA patients were given intramuscular artemether followed by oral artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), and were transfused one unit of packed cells 0.3-4.0 days post-admission. The MMA patients were treated with ACT. Splenic enlargement (Hackett's grade, subcostal distance and ultrasonographically determined volume) and haemoglobin concentrations were measured on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 28, and 42. Results: Associations between Hackett's grade, subcostal distance and splenic volume were modest (r(s) = 0.90). Mean splenic volume had fallen by approximately 50 % at day 14 in children with MMA ( P = 0.30). There was no change in haemoglobin in the MMA group during follow-up but a rise in the SMA group to day 7 ( P <= 0.05 vs days 0, 1, 2, and 3) which paralleled the packed cell volume transfused. Conclusions: Clinical assessment of splenomegaly is imprecise compared with ultrasonography. Serial splenic volumes and haemoglobin concentrations suggest that the spleen does not influence post-treatment haemoglobin, including after transfusion

    Lost in translation? Standardising the terminology used in marine invasion biology and updating South African alien species lists

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    Confusion between terms and ambiguities among definitions have long plagued the field of invasion biology. One result is disruption in flow of information from researchers to policy-makers and managers who rely on science to inform regulatory frameworks and management actions. We reviewed the South African marine biology literature to quantify the current usage of terminology describing marine invasions and found a variety of terms in use, few of which are defined when used. In response, we propose standard terminology that aligns with international practice. We then interpreted the Blackburn unified framework for biological invasions within the marine context and used this as a transparent way to apply the standardised terms to an updated list of marine alien species for the country. This resulted in the recognition of 36 alien and 53 invasive species within South Africa. Most notably, follow-up research is required to confirm the status of at least 11 listed species, the majority of which have been recorded only once, or not in the past 25 years. It is hoped that by standardising terminology, marine science in South Africa will better support authorities charged with managing the threat posed by marine alien species

    Replicated analysis of the genetic architecture of quantitative traits in two wild great tit populations

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    Currently, there is much debate on the genetic architecture of quantitative traits in wild populations. Is trait variation influenced by many genes of small effect or by a few genes of major effect? Where is additive genetic variation located in the genome? Do the same loci cause similar phenotypic variation in different populations? Great tits (Parus major) have been studied extensively in long-term studies across Europe and consequently are considered an ecological ‘model organism’. Recently, genomic resources have been developed for the great tit, including a custom SNP chip and genetic linkage map. In this study, we used a suite of approaches to investigate the genetic architecture of eight quantitative traits in two long-term study populations of great tits—one in the Netherlands and the other in the United Kingdom. Overall, we found little evidence for the presence of genes of large effects in either population. Instead, traits appeared to be influenced by many genes of small effect, with conservative estimates of the number of contributing loci ranging from 31 to 310. Despite concordance between population-specific heritabilities, we found no evidence for the presence of loci having similar effects in both populations. While population-specific genetic architectures are possible, an undetected shared architecture cannot be rejected because of limited power to map loci of small and moderate effects. This study is one of few examples of genetic architecture analysis in replicated wild populations and highlights some of the challenges and limitations researchers will face when attempting similar molecular quantitative genetic studies in free-living populations

    A Circulating Hydrogen Ultra-High Purification System for the MuCap Experiment

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    The MuCap experiment is a high-precision measurement of the rate for the basic electroweak process of muon capture, mu- + p -> n + nu . The experimental approach is based on an active target consisting of a time projection chamber (TPC) operating with pure hydrogen gas. The hydrogen has to be kept extremely pure and at a stable pressure. A Circulating Hydrogen Ultrahigh Purification System was designed at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) to continuously clean the hydrogen from impurities. The system is based on an adsorption cryopump to stimulate the hydrogen flow and on a cold adsorbent for the hydrogen cleaning. It was installed at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in 2004 and performed reliably during three experiment runs. During several months long operating periods the system maintained the hydrogen purity in the detector on the level of 20 ppb for moisture, which is the main contaminant, and of better than 7 ppb and 5 ppb for nitrogen and oxygen, respectively. The pressure inside the TPC was stabilized to within 0.024% of 10 bar at a hydrogen flow rate of 3 standard liters per minute.Comment: submitted to Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res.

    Study of flare energy release using events with numerous type III-like bursts in microwaves

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    The analysis of narrowband drifting of type III-like structures in radio bursts dynamic spectra allows to obtain unique information about primary energy release mechanisms in solar flares. The SSRT spatially resolved images and a high spectral and temporal resolution allow direct determination not only the positions of its sources but also the exciter velocities along the flare loop. Practically, such measurements are possible during some special time intervals when the SSRT (about 5.7 GHz) is observing the flare region in two high-order fringes; thus, two 1D scans are recorded simultaneously at two frequency bands. The analysis of type III-like bursts recorded during the flare 14 Apr 2002 is presented. Using-muliwavelength radio observations recorded by SSRT, SBRS, NoRP, RSTN we study an event with series of several tens of drifting microwave pulses with drift rates in the range from -7 to 13 GHz/s. The sources of the fast-drifting bursts were located near the top of the flare loop in a volume of a few Mm in size. The slow drift of the exciters along the flare loop suggests a high pitch-anisotropy of the emitting electrons.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Solar Physics, in press, 201

    The induction of behavioural sensitization is associated with cocaine-induced structural plasticity in the core (but not shell) of the nucleus accumbens

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    Repeated exposure to cocaine increases the density of dendritic spines on medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens (Acb) and pyramidal cells in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). To determine if this is associated with the development of psychomotor sensitization, rats were given daily i.p. injections of 15 mg/kg of cocaine (or saline) for 8 days, either in their home cage (which failed to induce significant psychomotor sensitization) or in a distinct and relatively novel test cage (which induced robust psychomotor sensitization). Their brains were obtained 2 weeks after the last injection and processed for Golgi–Cox staining. In the Acb core (AcbC) cocaine treatment increased spine density only in the group that developed psychomotor sensitization (i.e. in the Novel but not Home group), and there was a significant positive correlation between the degree of psychomotor sensitization and spine density. In the Acb shell (AcbS) cocaine increased spine density to the same extent in both groups; i.e. independent of psychomotor sensitization. In the mPFC cocaine increased spine density in both groups, but to a significantly greater extent in the Novel group. Furthermore, when rats were treated at Home with a higher dose of cocaine (30 mg/kg), cocaine now induced psychomotor sensitization in this context, and also increased spine density in the AcbC. Thus, the context in which cocaine is experienced influences its ability to reorganize patterns of synaptic connectivity in the Acb and mPFC, and the induction of psychomotor sensitization is associated with structural plasticity in the AcbC and mPFC, but not the AcbS.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73532/1/j.1460-9568.2004.03612.x.pd

    Onset of Superfluidity in 4He Films Adsorbed on Disordered Substrates

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    We have studied 4He films adsorbed in two porous glasses, aerogel and Vycor, using high precision torsional oscillator and DC calorimetry techniques. Our investigation focused on the onset of superfluidity at low temperatures as the 4He coverage is increased. Torsional oscillator measurements of the 4He-aerogel system were used to determine the superfluid density of films with transition temperatures as low as 20 mK. Heat capacity measurements of the 4He-Vycor system probed the excitation spectrum of both non-superfluid and superfluid films for temperatures down to 10 mK. Both sets of measurements suggest that the critical coverage for the onset of superfluidity corresponds to a mobility edge in the chemical potential, so that the onset transition is the bosonic analog of a superconductor-insulator transition. The superfluid density measurements, however, are not in agreement with the scaling theory of an onset transition from a gapless, Bose glass phase to a superfluid. The heat capacity measurements show that the non-superfluid phase is better characterized as an insulator with a gap.Comment: 15 pages (RevTex), 21 figures (postscript
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