59 research outputs found

    Teaching And Learning: Five Womens Stories Of Leadership In Higher Education

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    Women in leadership provide a different voice.  Five women’s stories of leadership in education are told.  From Deans to Department Chairs and Public School Administrators—all reflect on leadership journeys

    Mucosal Application of gp140 Encoding DNA Polyplexes to Different Tissues Results in Altered Immunological Outcomes in Mice

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    Increasing evidence suggests that mucosally targeted vaccines will enhance local humoral and cellular responses whilst still eliciting systemic immunity. We therefore investigated the capacity of nasal, sublingual or vaginal delivery of DNA-PEI polyplexes to prime immune responses prior to mucosal protein boost vaccination. Using a plasmid expressing the model antigen HIV CN54gp140 we show that each of these mucosal surfaces were permissive for DNA priming and production of antigen-specific antibody responses. The elicitation of systemic immune responses using nasally delivered polyplexed DNA followed by recombinant protein boost vaccination was equivalent to a systemic prime-boost regimen, but the mucosally applied modality had the advantage in that significant levels of antigen-specific IgA were detected in vaginal mucosal secretions. Moreover, mucosal vaccination elicited both local and systemic antigen-specific IgG(+) and IgA(+) antibody secreting cells. Finally, using an Influenza challenge model we found that a nasal or sublingual, but not vaginal, DNA prime/protein boost regimen protected against infectious challenge. These data demonstrate that mucosally applied plasmid DNA complexed to PEI followed by a mucosal protein boost generates sufficient antigen-specific humoral antibody production to protect from mucosal viral challenge

    Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of a DsbA-like protein from Wolbachia pipientis

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    Wolbachia pipientis are obligate endosymbionts that infect a wide range of insect and other arthropod species. They act as reproductive parasites by manipulating the host reproduction machinery to enhance their own transmission. This unusual phenotype is thought to be a consequence of the actions of secreted Wolbachia proteins that are likely to contain disulfide bonds to stabilize the protein structure. In bacteria, the introduction or isomerization of disulfide bonds in proteins is catalyzed by Dsb proteins. The Wolbachia genome encodes two proteins, a-DsbA1 and a-DsbA2, that might catalyze these steps. In this work we focussed on the 234 residue protein a-DsbA1; the gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, the protein was purified and its identity confirmed by mass spectrometry. The sequence identity of a-DsbA1 for both dithiol oxidants(E. coli DsbA, 12%) and disulfide isomerases(E. coli DsbC, 14%) is similar. We therefore sought to establish whether a-DsbA1 is an oxidant or an isomerase based on functional activity. The purified a-DsbA1 was active in an oxidoreductase assay but had little isomerase activity, indicating that a-DsbA1 is DsbA-like rather than DsbC-like. This work represents the first successful example of the characterization of a recombinant Wolbachia protein. Purified a-DsbA1 will now be used in further functional studies to identify protein substrates that could help explain the molecular basis for the unusual Wolbachia phenotypes, and in structural studies to explore its relationship to other disulfide oxidoreductase proteins. Copyright © 2008 Elsevier In

    Staphylococcus aureus DsbA does not have a destabilizing disulfide: A new paradigm for bacterial oxidative folding

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    In Gram-negative bacteria, the introduction of disulfide bonds into folding proteins occurs in the periplasm and is catalyzed by donation of an energetically unstable disulfide from DsbA, which is subsequently re-oxidized through interaction with DsbB. Gram-positive bacteria lack a classic periplasm but nonetheless encode Dsb-like proteins. Staphylococcus aureus encodes just one Dsb protein, a DsbA, and no DsbB. Here we report the crystal structure of S. aureus DsbA (SaDsbA), which incorporates a thioredoxin fold with an inserted helical domain, like its Escherichia coli counterpart EcDsbA, but it lacks the characteristic hydrophobic patch and has a truncated binding groove near the active site. These findings suggest that SaDsbA has a different substrate specificity than EcDsbA. Thermodynamic studies indicate that the oxidized and reduced forms of SaDsbA are energetically equivalent, in contrast to the energetically unstable disulfide form of EcDsbA. Further, the partial complementation of EcDsbA by SaDsbA is independent of EcDsbB and biochemical assays show that SaDsbA does not interact with EcDsbB. The identical stabilities of oxidized and reduced SaDsbA may facilitate direct re-oxidation of the protein by extracellular oxidants, without the need for DsbB

    HĂ€lsosamma hus med CLT-stomme

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    Detta examensarbete baserar sig pĂ„ den allt större medvetenheten om att bygga hĂ„llbart, energisnĂ„lt, ekologiskt och hĂ€lsosamt, samtidigt som man beaktar kretsloppet. MĂ„let med examensarbetet var att utforma ett koncept för en vĂ€ggstruktur med goda hygroskopiska egenskaper, som bĂ„de Ă€r snabbt och kostnadseffektivt att bygga. Arbetet behandlar kĂ€nnetecken för hĂ€lsosamma hus, ekologiska synpunkter, hĂ„llbart byggande samt bestĂ€mmelser frĂ„n Miljöministeriet och byggbestĂ€mmelsesamlingen. Även bakgrunden till de skadeproblem vi upplever i byggnader behandlas, vĂ€sentliga delar angĂ„ende vad fukt Ă€r och hur det pĂ„verkar konstruktionerna vi bor i, samt kvalitetssĂ€kring. Som resultat ges skĂ€rningar över vĂ€ggkonstruktionen, analys över hĂ„llfasthet, U-vĂ€rde och fukttransport, samt en jĂ€mförelsekalkyl mot en allmĂ€nt anvĂ€nd vĂ€ggkonstruktion. Stommen i denna bestĂ„r av korslaminerat trĂ€, sĂ„ kallat CLT – Cross Laminated Timber. CLT-skivor Ă€r massiva trĂ€skivor med trĂ€lameller limmade i kors, vilka fĂ„s bearbetade med hĂ„ltagningar, osv. av CNC maskiner direkt frĂ„n fabrik med mĂ„tt upp till 3 x 16 m. VĂ€ggkonstruktionen Ă€r i sin helhet baserad pĂ„ produkter av trĂ€, vilket ger en konstruktion som Ă€r hygroskopisk och naturligt kan hantera och transportera vattenĂ„nga. Detta gör att den naturligt balanserar den relativa fukthalten, vilket ger ett behagligt inomhusklimat.TĂ€mĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyö perustuu kasvavaan tietoisuuteen kestĂ€vĂ€stĂ€, energiatehokkaasta, ekologisesta ja terveellisesta rakentamisesta, ottaen samalla huomioon ajan kiertokulun. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli suunnitella seinĂ€rakenne, jolla on hyvĂ€t hygroskooppiset ominaisuudet ja joka on nopea ja kustannustehokas rakentaa. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ kĂ€sitellÀÀn terveiden talojen tunnusmerkkejĂ€, ekologisia nĂ€kemyksiĂ€, kestĂ€vÀÀ rakentamista ja YmpĂ€ristöministeriön sekĂ€ Suomen rakentamismÀÀrĂ€yskokoelman mÀÀrĂ€yksiĂ€. TyössĂ€ kĂ€sitellÀÀn myös nykyisten rakennusten vahinkojen ja ongelmien taustoja, ja pÀÀasiallisesti mitĂ€ kosteus on ja miten se vaikuttaa rakenteisiin, joissa elĂ€mme, sekĂ€ laadunvarmistusta. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tulokset ovat seinĂ€rakenteen leikkauksia, lujuusanalyysi, U-arvo ja kosteuskĂ€yriĂ€ sekĂ€ yleisesti kĂ€ytetyn seinĂ€rakenteen vertailulaskenta. Runko koostuu ristiinlaminoiduista massiivipuuelementeistĂ€ nimeltÀÀn CLT – Cross Laminated Timber. CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuulevyjĂ€, jotka koostuvat toisiinsa ristiin liimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista. CLT:Ă€ valmistetaan suurina 3 x 16 m:n levyinĂ€ ja niitĂ€ on mahdollista saada työstettyinĂ€ CNC-koneilla suoraan tehtaalta, esimerkiksi ikkunoiden ja ovien rei’itykset. SeinĂ€rakenne perustuu kokonaan puutuotteisiin, jotka muodostavat hygroskooppisen rakenteen, joka kykenee kĂ€sittelemÀÀn ja siirtĂ€mÀÀn vesihöyryĂ€ luonnollisella tavalla. Puutuotteet tasaavat myös sisĂ€ilman kosteuden vaihtelua luonnon omalla menetelmĂ€llĂ€.This BachelorÂŽs thesis was based on the increasing awareness of building sustainable, energy-efficient, ecological, and healthy houses with a circular mindset. The aim of this thesis was to design a concept for a wall structure with good hygroscopic properties, that is both fast and cost-effective to build. The thesis deals with the hallmarks of healthy houses, ecological aspects, sustainable building and regulations and the building codes given by the Ministry of the Environment. Also, the background to the problems we experience in our buildings and essential parts about what moisture in buildings is and how it affects the buildings, in which we live, are covered as well as the quality assurance for building with controlled moisture control. As a result, you can see cross sections, structural analysis, U-value and vapor transport, as well as comparative calculations against a commonly used wall structure. The frame consists of Cross-Laminated Timber, also known as CLT, which is a massive wood panel product with slats that are glued together crosswise. The CLT-board can be manufactured with window and door openings, for instance, with measures up to 3 x 16 m. The wall structure is in its entirety based on wood products, which provides a construction that is hygroscopic and naturally can handle the water vapor transport. Therefore, it also balances the relative humidity naturally, which gives a pleasant indoor climate

    Design av dörr till kaffeautomat : Designing a door to a coffee vending machine

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    This report was written as a result of a Bachelor Degree Project at the School of Technology and Society at University of Skövde spring 2007, together with Jede AB in Mariestad. The report covers the development of a door to a coffee vending machine that is under construction, and will in a chronological order describe the project from ideas to final product. The project started with a rather extensive feasibility study that thru market research and user tests sorted out the opinions of potential customers, concerning today’s available assortment. Technical areas concerning materials and manufacturing methods were also scrutinized for the consideration of the possibilities of a future production. The next step was to constructively generate ideas and thoughts that later on could grow to be potential solutions. After several weeks of hard work and pieces of good advice and recommendations from the assigner, four comprehensive concepts were built up. After a deliberation, the project group at Jede determined to proceed with one of the concepts. This concept was modeled in the CAD program Pro Engineer, and was later on used to produce a full-scale model of the door. After having evaluated the prototype and making the door compatible with the components that were to be used, a satisfying result approached. When the project was brought to its end, all material was handed over to the assigner, including a computer model that will be used to manufacture moulding forms. If everything goes as planned, the coffee vending machine will be available on the market during the beginning of 2008. To sum up the project a discussion concerning the assignment and all its matters will be brought up in the end of this report.Denna rapport har skrivits i samband med ett examensarbete i integrerad produktutveckling pĂ„ designingenjörsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Skövde vĂ„ren 2007, i samarbete med Jede AB i Mariestad. Rapporten behandlar framtagningen av en ny dörr till en kaffeautomat som konstrueras pĂ„ företaget, och beskriver projektet i kronologisk ordning frĂ„n idĂ© till fĂ€rdig produkt. Projektet startade med relativt omfattande förstudie som utforskade vad företagets potentiella kunder tyckte om det sortiment som finns pĂ„ marknaden idag. Även tekniska omrĂ„den berörande material och tillverkningsmetoder granskades för att fĂ„ klarhet i vilket utbud som möjliggjorde en framtida produktion av dörren. Med en stadig grund att stĂ„ pĂ„ inleddes idĂ©genereringsfasen, vilken innebĂ€r att pĂ„ ett konstruktivt sĂ€tt ta fram en mĂ€ngd olika idĂ©er att sedan arbeta vidare med. Efter att ha fĂ„tt fingervisningar, rĂ„d och rekommendationer frĂ„n företaget stod efter flera veckors arbete fyra koncept klara. Koncepten överlĂ€mnades till projektgruppen pĂ„ Jede som efter överlĂ€ggning valde ut ett koncept att gĂ„ vidare med. Det slutgiltiga konceptet modellerades upp och bearbetades i CAD programmet Pro Engineer, vilket senare ledde till framtagning av en fullskalig prototyp. Efter att ha utvĂ€rderat prototypen och gjort dörren kompatibel med de komponenter som skulle ingĂ„, nĂ€rmades ett tillfredsstĂ€llande resultat. NĂ€r projektet avslutades överlĂ€mnades material som var klart för verktygstillverkning, och om projektet fortskrider i planerad takt kommer automaten att finnas ute pĂ„ marknaden under första kvartalet 2008. Avslutningsvis diskuteras utvecklingsgruppens egna Ă„sikter om projektupplĂ€gget och samarbetet med uppdragsgivaren, resultatet och tiden som följer efter projektets avslut
