1,507 research outputs found

    La imagen del desecho. Hacia un análisis de la estética del cadáver, el desaparecido y el cuerpo como basura

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    The following paper provides the analysis of three moments when the image has been produced as a symptom of a specific social problem. The argument of this work, born in lates modernity, has produced a speech that confuses the treatment of the human corpse with solid waste; at this way the human body becomes part fo the waste. The images refered, which make visible the same speech, are the photographic work of Fernando Brito, the literary image of Roberto Bolaño and the images produced in the context of what happened on September 26, 2014 to the missing students in Ayotzinapa, Mexico. More than a general theory of the image, the study is focus among their singularities of the use of these literary and photographic images that treat forms of violence in Mexico.El presente texto trata del análisis de tres momentos en que la imagen se ha constituido como síntoma de una problemática social en específico: las formas de violencia en México. La tesis de la que parte este trabajo es que en la más reciente modernidad se ha construido un discurso que confunde el tratamiento del cadáver humano con los desechos sólidos, y de esta manera el cuerpo humano ha pasado a ser un elemento que se dispone junto a la basura. Las imágenes a las que nos referimos, que visibilizan ese mismo discurso, son la obra fotográfica de Fernando Brito, la imagen literaria de Roberto Bolaño y los retratos producidos en el marco de lo acontecido el 26 de septiembre del 2014 a los estudiantes desaparecidos de la normal de Ayotzinapa, en México. Más que una teoría general sobre la imagen, aquí nos interesa estudiar, desde sus singularidades, el uso de éstas en sus variantes literarias y fotográficas que tratan las formas de violencia en México

    Escala de Autoeficacia Motriz: propiedades psicométricas y resultados de su aplicación a la población escolar española

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    This study analysed the new Self-Efficacy Motor Scale (seMs), the motor efficacy evaluation (Mee) in adolescents and its relation with variables such as general self-efficacy, speed-agility, dynamic coordination and cardiorespiratory adaptation. To do so, an ex post facto design was devised, using a sample of 1.288 adolescents (14.9 ± 1.7 years) from six spanish regions. The seMs is one-dimensional with a good internal consistency (a = .89). Boys reported higher motor self-efficacy than girls did, regardless of age. Among girls only, the older the age, the lower the expectations of efficacy. The Mee is closely related to the general self-efficacy variable (r= .62). we conclude that the seMs is an original, unpublished instrument that has been shown to have high reliability and sufficient validity in terms of content, construct and criteria for measuring perceived self-efficacy in challenging situations of physical activityEste trabajo analizó la nueva Escala de Autoeficacia Motriz (e-AeM), la valoración de autoeficacia motriz (AeM) en adolescentes y su relación con variables como la autoeficacia general, la velocidad-agilidad, la coordinación dinámica y la adaptación cardiorrespiratoria. Para ello se procedió con un diseño ex post facto, valiéndose de una muestra 1.288 adolescentes (14.9±1,7 años), de seis comunidades autónomas españolas. La e-AeM es unidimensional y con buena consistencia interna a= .89). Los chicos declaran mayor autoeficacia motriz que las chicas, independientemente de la edad sólo entre las chicas, cuantos más años se tienen menor es la expectativa de eficacia. La AeM está altamente relacionada con la variable autoeficacia general (r= .62). se concluye que la e-AeM es un instrumento original e inédito, que ha mostrado alta fiabilidad y suficiente validez de contenido, constructo y criterio para medir la percepción de eficacia propia en situaciones-reto en la actividad físic

    Self-efficacy motor scale: psycometric properties and the results of its application to the spanish school population

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    This study analysed the new Self-Efficacy Motor Scale (seMs), the motor efficacy evaluation (Mee) in adolescents and its relation with variables such as general self-efficacy, speed-agility, dynamic coordination and cardiorespiratory adaptation. To do so, an ex post facto design was devised, using a sample of 1.288 adolescents (14.9 ± 1.7 years) from six spanish regions. The seMs is one-dimensional with a good internal consistency (a = .89). Boys reported higher motor self-efficacy than girls did, regardless of age. Among girls only, the older the age, the lower the expectations of efficacy. The Mee is closely related to the general self-efficacy variable (r= .62). we conclude that the seMs is an original, unpublished instrument that has been shown to have high reliability and sufficient validity in terms of content, construct and criteria for measuring perceived self-efficacy in challenging situations of physical activityEste estudio se ha realizado gracias a fondos parciales de los proyectos BSO 2002-00502 y SEJ2007-67267/EDUC, concedidos por el Ministerio de Educació

    A New SJ* Value Based on Sievers' J-Miniature Drill Tests to Determine the Drillability of Limestones

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    [EN] This research presents a new drillability value (SJ*) that corrects the most-used Sievers¿ J-value (SJ) by removing the accommodation effect of the drill bit in the first tenths of a millimetre to better represent the real drillability of limestones. Moreover, this research demonstrates how such an effect is more notable when porosity and micro-cracking increase, which in this study has been achieved by inducing thermal damage in the samples. To do so, limestone samples from the Prada formation were subjected to temperatures of 105, 300 and 600 °C and then cooled at fast and slow rates to induce porosity and micro-cracking. Two characteristic zones were identified in the penetration¿time plots: (a) a shallow region (Zone 1) with a variable drilling rate including an initial peak and (b) a deeper region (Zone 2) where the drilling rate stabilises. These drilling rates increase with thermally induced porosity and mi-cro-cracking, and the authors propose a new method to delimit Zones 1 and 2. Zone 1 is attributed to the time it takes for the drill bit to adjust and settle in the rock surface, while Zone 2 more realistically represents the drillability of the material. The above influ-ences the SJ value derived from Sievers¿ J-miniature drill tests, so a new drillability value SJ* is proposed that corrects SJ by ex-cluding Zone 1 and giving more weight to Zone 2. The novel SJ* presented in this research constitutes a more accurate tool to assess and predict the drilling performance in limestones.This research received no external funding. The author, Roberto Tomas, is supported by the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital within the framework of the CIAICO/2021/335 project.Martínez Ibáñez, V.; Garrido De La Torre, ME.; Hidalgo Signes, C.; Tomás, R.; Álvarez-Fernández, M. (2023). A New SJ* Value Based on Sievers' J-Miniature Drill Tests to Determine the Drillability of Limestones. Sustainability. 16(1):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/su1601000811716

    Metataxonomic and histopathological study of rabbit epizootic enteropathy in Mexico.

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    Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE) affects young rabbits and represents 32% of the enteropathies in rabbit production farms in Mexico. The etiology of this syndrome has not been clarified yet. A metataxonomic and histopathology study of ERE was carried out to compare the gastrointestinal microbiota and histopathological lesions of healthy and positive-ERE rabbits. The metataxonomic study was done using an Illumina MiSeq (MiSeq® system, Illumina, San Diego California, USA) massive segmentation platform, and a Divisive Amplicon Denoising Algorithm 2 (DADA2 algorithm) was used to obtain Shannon and Simpson diversity indices as well as the relative abundance of the identified communities. For the histopathological study, paraffin sections of the cecum, ileo-cecal valve, and colon were stained with eosin and hematoxylin. AxioVision 4.9 software (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH, Jena, Germany) was used to measure the crypt depths. Statistical analysis was done using PERMANOVA analysis for the metataxonomic study and ANOVA for the histopathology study. Histopathologic analysis showed smaller sizes of crypts in the colon of ERE rabbits. Differences were observed in the diversity and abundance of the gastrointestinal microbiota between the analyzed groups. The genus Clostridium and the species Cloacibacillus porcorum and Akkermansia muciniphila were associated with ERE. The results obtained from this study can provide information for future clarification of the etiology and proposals of effective treatments

    Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits.

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. Rabbits that had either recovered from epizootic rabbit enteropathy or ones that had never had epizootic rabbit enteropathy were fed on a diet of 32% or 36% neutral detergent fiber until they were 70 days of age. At this point, the short-chain fatty acid and ammonia levels were measured in caecotroph and fecal samples and compared using 2 × 2 ANOVA. The microbial composition of the samples was also analyzed using next-generation sequencing and compared by PERMANOVA. Caecotrophic samples from previously affected rabbits on lower fiber diets had higher short-chain fatty acid contents and higher species diversity index values for some indices (p [less than] 0.05), although the fecal samples showed lower species diversity levels (p [less than] 0.05). In addition, the PERMANOVA analyses demonstrated that differences were detected in the microbial composition of both fecal and caecotrophic samples, depending on the disease status at the outset of the experiment (p [less than] 0.05). The results of this work show that, although there is some potential in the use of high-fiber diets for the treatment of rabbits that have had epizootic rabbit enteropathy, they are not able to produce the same digestive tract properties as those seen in rabbits that have never had the condition. This is true even after the rabbits have recovered from epizootic rabbit enteropathy

    An Expressed Sequence Tag (EST)-enriched genetic map of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): a useful framework for comparative genomics across model and farmed teleosts

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    [Background] The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a relevant species in European aquaculture. The small turbot genome provides a source for genomics strategies to use in order to understand the genetic basis of productive traits, particularly those related to sex, growth and pathogen resistance. Genetic maps represent essential genomic screening tools allowing to localize quantitative trait loci (QTL) and to identify candidate genes through comparative mapping. This information is the backbone to develop marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs in aquaculture. Expressed sequenced tag (EST) resources have largely increased in turbot, thus supplying numerous type I markers suitable for extending the previous linkage map, which was mostly based on anonymous loci. The aim of this study was to construct a higher-resolution turbot genetic map using EST-linked markers, which will turn out to be useful for comparative mapping studies. [Results] A consensus gene-enriched genetic map of the turbot was constructed using 463 SNP and microsatellite markers in nine reference families. This map contains 438 markers, 180 EST-linked, clustered at 24 linkage groups. Linkage and comparative genomics evidences suggested additional linkage group fusions toward the consolidation of turbot map according to karyotype information. The linkage map showed a total length of 1402.7 cM with low average intermarker distance (3.7 cM; ~2 Mb). A global 1.6:1 female-to-male recombination frequency (RF) ratio was observed, although largely variable among linkage groups and chromosome regions. Comparative sequence analysis revealed large macrosyntenic patterns against model teleost genomes, significant hits decreasing from stickleback (54%) to zebrafish (20%). Comparative mapping supported particular chromosome rearrangements within Acanthopterygii and aided to assign unallocated markers to specific turbot linkage groups. [Conclusions] The new gene-enriched high-resolution turbot map represents a useful genomic tool for QTL identification, positional cloning strategies, and future genome assembling. This map showed large synteny conservation against model teleost genomes. Comparative genomics and data mining from landmarks will provide straightforward access to candidate genes, which will be the basis for genetic breeding programs and evolutionary studies in this species.This study was supported by the projects: Consolider Ingenio Aquagenomics (CSD200700002), Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (AGL2009-13273), and Xunta de Galicia local Government (09MMA011261PR). We are indebted to Lucía Insua, María Portela, Susana Sánchez, María López, Mónica Otero and Sonia Gómez for technical assistance. B.G. Pardo was supported by an Isidro Parga Pondal research fellowship from Xunta de Galicia (Spain)

    Analysis of the environmental degradation effects on the cables of La Arena bridge (Spain)

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    After nearly 25 years of service, some of the wires of the tendons of ?La Arena? bridge (Spain) started to exhibit the effects of environmental degradation processes. ?La Arena? is cable-stayed bridge with 6 towers and a reference span between towers of about 100 meters. After a maintenance inspection of the bridge, evidences of corrosion were detected in some of the galvanized wires of the cables. A more in-deep analysis of these wires revealed that many of them exhibited loss of section due to the corrosion process. In order to clarify the causes of this degradation event and to suggest some remedial actions, an experimental program was designed. This program consisted of tensile and fatigue tests on some strand samples of the bridge together with a fractographic analysis of the fracture surfaces of the wires, its galvanized layer thickness and some hydrogen measurements (hydrogen embrittlement could be another effect of the environmental degradation process).Once the type and extension of the flaws in the wires was characterized, a structural integrity assessment of the strands was performed with the aim of quantifying the margins until failure and establishing some maintenance recommendations

    Adaptabilidad y cohesión familiar, implicación parental en conductas autorregulatorias, autoconcepto del estudiante y rendimiento académico

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    En este estudio se analiza la relación existente entre la adaptabilidad y la cohesión familiar, así como la conducta autorregulatoria de los padres en relación a su comportamiento con los hijos, en general, y en su implicación en el ámbito del estudio, en particular. También se estudia el tipo de relación que tales variables familiares mantienen con diferentes dimensiones del autoconcepto de los hijos y con su rendimiento académico. Los datos se obtienen a partir de una muestra de 163 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria que han cumplinentado tres escalas (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales, Parental Inducement of Self-Regulation y Self-Description Questionnaire-II). Los resultados muestran que la percepción que los hijos tienen sobre el grado de implicación de los padres en comportamientos característicos autorregulatorios influye significativamente sobre las diferentes dimensiones que el estudiante tiene sobre sí mismo (privada, social, académica), que este tipo de percepción se encuentra escasamente relacionada con las características de adaptabilidad y cohesión familiar y, finalmente, que la dimensión académica del autoconcepto predice positiva y significativamente el rendimiento académico, mientras que la dimensión social lo predice negativamente