29 research outputs found

    Labour market adjustment in Jamaica

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    The central purpose of this thesis is to explore the dimensions of labour market adjustment in Jamaica. The paper adopts a microeconometric approach, relying on new and more detailed Jamaica Labour Force Survey data for the period 1983-2006. Over this period, Jamaica has experienced significant expansion in its external trade which has been characterized by a severe import bias. Also, during this time, Jamaica's agricultural and manufacturing sectors experienced declines in their respective employment shares of 44% and 36% while service sectors expanded. One chapter of the thesis explores the empirical link between expanding trade flows and manufacturing labour market adjustment. The thesis also explores whether and to what extent sectoral labour market adjustment in Jamaica has been accommodated by an accompanying occupational transformation. Central to analyzing the issue of occupational adjustment however, is the careful definition of what constitutes a skill in order to elucidate the role of skill specificity in labour market adjustment. The thesis then investigates the incidence of unemployment in Jamaica in an attempt to identify key factors leading to escape from unemployment within a low skilled, high-unemployment, developing country context. The study finds an important role for worker characteristics, trade and industry information in affecting labour market adjustment in Jamaica. Using occupational skill definitions due to Dolton and Kidd (1998), the study also finds that most of the occupational and sectoral mobility in Jamaica, over the review period, took place among unskilled manual workers. As such, the Jamaican employed labour force experienced very little skill upgrading over the 24 year period covered. The very limited up-skilling observed over the review period was due to the emergence of relatively more highly skilled, sales and distribution related occupations. As far as adjustment costs are concerned, across all mobility types, simple sectoral moves were- in general, relatively less costly; with occupational transformation playing an accommodative role to the sectoral adjustment. Industry information, educational qualifications, geographic location, gender and the degree of skill specificity and were all critical determinants of the type of adjustment observed in the Jamaican labour market. Finally, the thesis underlines the very high incidence of long-term unemployment among uneducated, unskilled, young males in Jamaica. The study reveals negative duration dependence in the Jamaican labour market and suggests a critical role to be played by worker training in affecting unemployment escape probabilities

    Labour market adjustment in Jamaica

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    The central purpose of this thesis is to explore the dimensions of labour market adjustment in Jamaica. The paper adopts a microeconometric approach, relying on new and more detailed Jamaica Labour Force Survey data for the period 1983-2006. Over this period, Jamaica has experienced significant expansion in its external trade which has been characterized by a severe import bias. Also, during this time, Jamaica's agricultural and manufacturing sectors experienced declines in their respective employment shares of 44% and 36% while service sectors expanded. One chapter of the thesis explores the empirical link between expanding trade flows and manufacturing labour market adjustment. The thesis also explores whether and to what extent sectoral labour market adjustment in Jamaica has been accommodated by an accompanying occupational transformation. Central to analyzing the issue of occupational adjustment however, is the careful definition of what constitutes a skill in order to elucidate the role of skill specificity in labour market adjustment. The thesis then investigates the incidence of unemployment in Jamaica in an attempt to identify key factors leading to escape from unemployment within a low skilled, high-unemployment, developing country context. The study finds an important role for worker characteristics, trade and industry information in affecting labour market adjustment in Jamaica. Using occupational skill definitions due to Dolton and Kidd (1998), the study also finds that most of the occupational and sectoral mobility in Jamaica, over the review period, took place among unskilled manual workers. As such, the Jamaican employed labour force experienced very little skill upgrading over the 24 year period covered. The very limited up-skilling observed over the review period was due to the emergence of relatively more highly skilled, sales and distribution related occupations. As far as adjustment costs are concerned, across all mobility types, simple sectoral moves were- in general, relatively less costly; with occupational transformation playing an accommodative role to the sectoral adjustment. Industry information, educational qualifications, geographic location, gender and the degree of skill specificity and were all critical determinants of the type of adjustment observed in the Jamaican labour market. Finally, the thesis underlines the very high incidence of long-term unemployment among uneducated, unskilled, young males in Jamaica. The study reveals negative duration dependence in the Jamaican labour market and suggests a critical role to be played by worker training in affecting unemployment escape probabilities

    Do institutions moderate globalization's effect on growth?

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    Growth by destination: the role of trade in Africa's recent growth episode

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    Over the period 1990–2009, Africa has experienced a distinct and favourable reversal in its growth fortunes in stark contrast to its performance in the preceding decades, leading to a variety of hypotheses seeking to explain the phenomenon. This paper presents both cross-country and panel-data evidence on the causal factors driving the recent turnaround in Africa's growth and takes the unique approach of disaggregating the separate growth impacts of Africa's bilateral trade with: China, Europe and America. The empirical analysis presented in this paper suggests that the primary and most robust causal factors driving Africa's recent growth turnaround are private sector- and foreign direct investment. Although empirical evidence of the role of bilateral trade openness in Africa's recent growth emerges within a fixed effect estimation setting, these results are not as robust when endogeneity and other issues are fully accounted for. Among the three major bilateral partners, Africa's bilateral trade with China has been a relatively important factor spurring growth on the continent and especially so in resource-rich, oil producing and non-landlocked countries. The econometric results are not as supportive of growth-inducing effects of foreign aid. These findings emerge after applying a variety of panel data specifications to the data, including the recent fixed Effects Filtered (FEF) estimator introduced by Pesaran and Zhou (2014) and the dynamic panel Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator, which allows for endogeneity between trade and growth

    Trends in surgical site infection in Scotland 2002 to 2007

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    Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common healthcare associated infections (HAI) accounting for around 16% of all HAI and is estimated to cost the National Heath Service (NHS) in Scotland €240 million per year. SSI adds 5.7 days to a patient’s inpatient stay and cost €2600 per patient. SSI is an important outcome measure for surgical procedures. SSI data have been collected for all Scotland for 5 years and Health Protection Scotland facilitate the national surveillance of SSI.Objective: To assess the impact of 5 years of surgical site infection surveillance on SSI rates from 1/4/2002 to 30/6/2007.Methods: Surveillance in Scotland is conducted according to a standard national protocol, with adherence to the CDC definitions for SSI, which are internationally comparable, within that protocol.Results: For 2002 to 2007, 1270 inpatient SSIs, resulting from 81198 operations have been reported. In the last year 261 inpatient SSIs resulting from 24136 operations have been reported to SSHAIP.Inpatient SSI rates for six categories of surgery ranged from 0.6% (0.5%, 0.8%) for knee arthroplasty to 2.4% (2.1%, 2.8%) for open reduction of long bone fracture.Conclusions: SSI rates for the last year are lower than the previous year for all categories of surgery, indicating a downward trend in SSI in Scotland. There is a significant reduction in inpatient SSI rates for hips, knees and caesarean sections for the last year of surveillanc

    Online orthodontic advice : a protocol for a pilot teledentistry system

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    Summary A prototype teledentistry service was established that incorporated a PC-based expert system designed to assist in orthodontic cases. It guided the general dental practitioner (GDP) through the assessment of a patient’s malocclusion and helped ensure that all relevant clinical observations were made and details recorded. The resulting data file, containing radiographic images and clinical data, was then transferred via the Internet to a dental specialist. The specialist’s recommendations were returned by the same route or, where appropriate, a realtime videoconference was conducted. During an eight-month trial, six GDPs referred 158 cases through the teledentistry system; another 24 cases were referred directly to a local consultant. The protocol used during the trial worked satisfactorily. The GDPs found that it was straightforward and covered all aspects of the cases they submitted