141 research outputs found

    A method to position a simple strip trial to improve trial efficiency and maximise the value of vineyard variability for decision-making

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    The main difficulties grapegrowers and consultants face in obtaining robust trial results include time and labour to collect data and land variability that confounds trial results. Spatial approaches that use whole-field designs, sensing technologies and geostatistical analysis enable more efficient data collection and account for the impact of spatial variation on crop responses while generating statistically robust results. However, the practical application of these approaches for vineyard trials requires affordable automation of measurements of viticultural variables and access to skills for geostatistics. A strip approach has been developed to simplify experimentation by allowing the farmer to use a single crop row to trial and analyse data in a spreadsheet. However, guidance is needed as to how to position trial strips in a vineyard block to reveal likely treatment effects across the entire block. Here, we investigated using a covariate to a response variable of interest to position a strip trial to infer treatment effects beyond the trial strip. Strip trials were simulated for two experiments: one comparing three treatments for vineyard floor management on grape yield and another comparing two spray programs for powdery mildew control. Useful covariates for yield or mildew severity were determined using correlation analyses. Trial results were analysed using a moving pairwise comparison of treatments and a moving average of the covariates. Simulated trial strips that incorporated a range of variation in a useful covariate close to that encountered in the whole block showed how yield or mildew severity varied with the covariates along the strips. Importantly, such results provided information about likely crop responses in other parts of the block according to variation in the covariates, thus contributing to better-informed decision-making. Compared to whole-field approaches, this strip approach is more efficient and simpler for growers to implement

    An exploration into the efficacy of public warning signs : a zoo case study

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    Unauthorised feeding and touching of the animals by visitors to zoos and wildlife parks pose serious threats to the health of both animals and visitors alike. We tested the efficacy of four different “do not feed” signs designed to prevent zoo visitors from feeding a group of meerkats. Signs consisted of one of two different written messages and imagery of either a pair of watching human eyes, or meerkat pawprints as a control. Covert observation of visitor behaviour in the presence and absence of the signs was analysed. Visitors were significantly less likely to feed the meerkats when signs were present, than when they were absent. The effect of the signs was specific to the targeted behaviour in that feeding was reduced, but attempts to touch the meerkats increased with the presence of the signs. We did not find that the presence of watching eyes or the different wording on the signs affected the likelihood of visitors feeding the meerkats. We also examined factors that influenced the likelihood of visitors attending to the signs. We found that children were more likely to attend to signs than adults which has important implications for the design of such signs. Together our findings show that signs are effective in reducing the unwanted behaviours they target but may also result in displacement of these negative behaviours and that children are more likely to attend to these signs than adults

    The West Midland Space Sector Strengths, Underpinning Assets, and Market

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    This report outlines the key findings from the West Midlands Space Cluster project. The project has:• mapped regional space activities in industry, academia and beyond • developed a vision for how the region could become a major player in space industry – identified the regional specialisms and networking opportunities• assessed the opportunities for the regional supply chain to join these developments and hence the realise growth potential for the regionThere have been four key stages of research, these are:• Phase 1 – Secondary Data Analysis of Space Sector Firms in the Region • Phase 2 – Secondary Data Analysis of Underlying Assets in the Region • Phase 3: Interviews with Key Stakeholders • Phase 4: Local Space Leadership GroupThe project was led by WMREDI/City-REDI and supported by Professor Kai Bongs (Director of Innovation – College for Engineering and Physical Sciences) and Tariq Ali (Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships, University of Birmingham, and Vice-Provost for Research & Innovation).This report developed in partnership with the West Midlands Combined Authority, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP), the Black Country LEP and Coventry and Warwickshire LEP, under the UKSA Local Space Sector Cluster and Supply Chain Development Funding Call

    The impact of university STEM assets:A systematic review of the empirical evidence

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    Background Innovation ecosystems are an important driver of regional economic growth and development. STEM assets connected to universities may play an important role in such ecosystems. Objective To systematically review the literature relating to the effect of university STEM assets on regional economies and innovation ecosystems, providing a better understanding of how the impact is generated and constrained, as well as identifying any gaps in knowledge. Methods Keyword and text word searches using the Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate), Econlit (EBSCO) and ERIC (EBSCO) were performed in July 2021 and February 2023. Papers were double screened on abstract and title, and were included if there was consensus that they fulfilled the inclusion criteria of: (i) relating to an OECD country; (ii) having been published between 1 January 2010 and 28 February 2023; and (iii) concerning the impact of STEM assets. Data extraction was undertaken for each article by a single reviewer and checked by a second reviewer. Due to the heterogeneity of the study designs and outcome measures used, it was not possible to perform a quantitative synthesis of results. A narrative synthesis was subsequently undertaken. Results Of the 162 articles identified for detailed review, 34 were accepted as being sufficiently relevant to the study to be included for final analysis. Three important features identified were that the literature: i) is predominately concerned with supporting new businesses; ii) describes a high level of involvement with a university in providing that support; and iii studies economic impacts at local, regional and national levels. Discussion The evidence points to a gap in the literature relating to looking at the broader impact of STEM assets and any corresponding transformational, system-level effects that go beyond narrowly defined, short to medium-term outcomes. The main limitation of this review is that information on STEM assets in the non-academic literature is not captured
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