The West Midland Space Sector Strengths, Underpinning Assets, and Market


This report outlines the key findings from the West Midlands Space Cluster project. The project has:• mapped regional space activities in industry, academia and beyond • developed a vision for how the region could become a major player in space industry – identified the regional specialisms and networking opportunities• assessed the opportunities for the regional supply chain to join these developments and hence the realise growth potential for the regionThere have been four key stages of research, these are:• Phase 1 – Secondary Data Analysis of Space Sector Firms in the Region • Phase 2 – Secondary Data Analysis of Underlying Assets in the Region • Phase 3: Interviews with Key Stakeholders • Phase 4: Local Space Leadership GroupThe project was led by WMREDI/City-REDI and supported by Professor Kai Bongs (Director of Innovation – College for Engineering and Physical Sciences) and Tariq Ali (Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships, University of Birmingham, and Vice-Provost for Research & Innovation).This report developed in partnership with the West Midlands Combined Authority, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP), the Black Country LEP and Coventry and Warwickshire LEP, under the UKSA Local Space Sector Cluster and Supply Chain Development Funding Call

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