4,520 research outputs found

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: Attitudes, Behaviors, and Beliefs of At-Risk Women

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    Cervical cancer is primarily caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and is the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality among women. Female college students may be at risk for contracting HPV based on their sexual behavior. Following the release of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil®, this cross-sectional study was developed to (1) determine awareness of HPV and Gardasil®, (2) assess attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs about the HPV vaccine, and (3) identify information sources that female college students are accessing. Female college students voluntarily completed a self-administered questionnaire. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlations and paired sample t-tests. Sexually active respondents would recommend the HPV vaccine to others and disagreed that vaccination would encourage risky sexual behavior. Correlations were identified on how self-reported knowledge influenced attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs regarding the HPV vaccine. These findings should assist in developing integrated public health education efforts for HPV vaccination that are targeted towards this at-risk population

    Economics of Marital Instability

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    This paper focuses on the causes of divorce. Section I developsa theoretical analysis of marital dissolution incorporating uncertaintyabout the outcomes of marital decisions into a framework of utilitymaximization and the marriage market. Section II explores the implica-tions of the theoretical analysis with cross-sectional data,primarilythe 1967 Survey of Economic Opportunity and the Terman sample. Therelevance of both the theoretical and empirical analyses in explainingthe recent acceleration in the U.S. divorce rate is discussed.

    Correlation between capillary oxygen saturation and small intestinal wall thickness in the equine colic patient

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    The surgical evaluation of haemorrhagic infarcted intestine and the decision for or against bowel resection require a lot of experience and are subjective. The aim of this prospective, clinical study was to examine the correlation between oxygen saturation and small intestinal wall (IW) thickness, using two objective methods. In 22 colicky horses, the blood flow, oxygen saturation and relative amount of haemoglobin were measured intraoperatively via laser Doppler and white light spectroscopy (O2C, oxygen to see, LEA Medizintechnik) at six measuring points (MPs) in small and large intestines. Furthermore, the IW thickness was measured ultrasonographically. Nine of 22 horses had an increased small IW thickness greater than 4?mm (Freeman 2002, Scharner and others 2002, le Jeune and Whitcomb 2014) at measuring point 1 (MP1) (strangulated segment), four horses had a thickened bowel wall at measuring point 3 (MP3) (poststenotic) and one at measuring point 2 (MP2). The oxygen saturation was 0 at MP1 in six horses, at MP3 in two horses and at MP2 (prestenotic) in one. Oxygen saturation and small IW thickness were independent of each other at MP1 and MP2. At MP3, the two parameters were negatively correlated. In summary, it is not possible to draw conclusions about oxygen saturation based on IW thickness

    Onco-miR-155 targets SHIP1 to promote TNFalpha-dependent growth of B cell lymphomas.

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    Non-coding microRNAs (miRs) are a vital component of post-transcriptional modulation of protein expression and, like coding mRNAs harbour oncogenic properties. However, the mechanisms governing miR expression and the identity of the affected transcripts remain poorly understood. Here we identify the inositol phosphatase SHIP1 as a bonafide target of the oncogenic miR-155. We demonstrate that in diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) elevated levels of miR-155, and consequent diminished SHIP1 expression are the result of autocrine stimulation by the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor a (TNFalpha). Anti-TNFalpha regimen such as eternacept or infliximab were sufficient to reduce miR-155 levels and restored SHIP1 expression in DLBCL cells with an accompanying reduction in cell proliferation. Furthermore, we observed a substantial decrease in tumour burden in DLBCL xenografts in response to eternacept. These findings strongly support the concept that cytokine-regulated miRs can function as a crucial link between inflammation and cancer, and illustrate the feasibility of anti-TNFalpha therapy as a novel and immediately accessible (co)treatment for DLBCL

    T lymphocytes from patients with primary biliary cirrhosis produce reduced amounts of lymphotoxin, tumor necrosis factor and interferon-gamma upon mitogen stimulation

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    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is considered an autoimmune disease characterized by destruction of small intrahepatic bile ducts by lymphocytes. Altered functions of these lymphocytes might reflect an abnormal immune response leading to tissue damage. We investigated lymphokine secretion by mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes from the liver biopsies of patients with PBC and for comparison also peripheral blood. In PBC, diminished synthesis of lymphotoxin (TNFP), tumor necrosis factor (TNFa) and interferon-y (IFIVy) was found both in T-cell lines from liver tissue and in peripheral blood. The reduction was most prominent for TNFP in early histological stages of PBC, and appeared to be a stable phenomenon when T cells were tested after long-term tissue culture. Analysis of mRNA levels indicates a possible link between reduced TNFP production and a defect in interleukin-2 transcription. The data suggest that diminished lymphokine production in patients with PBC may play ;In important role in the immanopathogenesis of this disease

    Mitochondrial heat-shock protein hsp60 is essential for assembly of proteins imported into yeast mitochondria

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    A nuclear encoded mitochondrial heat-shock protein hsp60 is required for the assembly into oligomeric complexes of proteins imported into the mitochondrial matrix. hsp60 is a member of the 'chaperonin' class of protein factors, which include the Escherichia coli groEL protein and the Rubisco subunit-binding protein of chloroplast

    Genética y fenotipo conductual en la discapacidad intelectual: su aplicación a la cognición y a la conducta problemática (2ªParte)

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    El artículo examina en primer lugar las conexiones entre trastornos genéticos y conducta. Después de describir cómo los trastornos genéticos predisponen a pensar que una conducta concreta guarda relación con la etiología, revisa brevemente el estado de la cuestión en el campo de la investigación sobre la conducta en diversas formas de discapacidad intelectual y ofrece algunos principios generales sobre cómo los genes afectan a la conducta. Después expone dos ejemplos, sobre la psicología y conductas maladaptativas, y sobre los puntos fuertes y débiles de la cognición, que ilustrarán los enfoques que, basados en la etiología, daremos para entender la conducta de las personas con discapacidad intelectual

    Ptychographic hyperspectral spectromicroscopy with an extreme ultraviolet high harmonic comb

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    We demonstrate a new scheme of spectromicroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectral range, where the spectral response of the sample at different wavelengths is imaged simultaneously. It is enabled by applying ptychographical information multiplexing (PIM) to a tabletop EUV source based on high harmonic generation, where four spectrally narrow harmonics near 30 nm form a spectral comb structure. Extending PIM from previously demonstrated visible wavelengths to the EUV/X-ray wavelengths promises much higher spatial resolution and more powerful spectral contrast mechanism, making PIM an attractive spectromicroscopy method in both the microscopy and the spectroscopy aspects. Besides the sample, the multicolor EUV beam is also imaged in situ, making our method a powerful beam characterization technique. No hardware is used to separate or narrow down the wavelengths, leading to efficient use of the EUV radiation
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