254 research outputs found

    Detection of Anti-Patterns in the Control Flow of Collaborative Business Processes

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    The verification of the behavior of Collaborative Business Processes is an important aspect to consider when developing inter-organizational systems. In this work, a verification approach for the control flow of collaborative processes based on anti-patterns is proposed to improve the performance of verification. The approach supports the verification of complex constructs for advanced synchronization, multiple instances, and exception management. To this aim, 10 anti-patterns were defined from a repository of process models, and a tool which implements the anti-patterns was developed to evaluate the verification approach. Results indicate that, at worst, the verification time is less than half a millisecond, even for models with complex control flow constructs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Detection of Anti-Patterns in the Control Flow of Collaborative Business Processes

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    The verification of the behavior of Collaborative Business Processes is an important aspect to consider when developing inter-organizational systems. In this work, a verification approach for the control flow of collaborative processes based on anti-patterns is proposed to improve the performance of verification. The approach supports the verification of complex constructs for advanced synchronization, multiple instances, and exception management. To this aim, 10 anti-patterns were defined from a repository of process models, and a tool which implements the anti-patterns was developed to evaluate the verification approach. Results indicate that, at worst, the verification time is less than half a millisecond, even for models with complex control flow constructs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Verification of Structured Processes: A Method Based on an Unsoundness Profile

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    The verification of business processes has been widely studied in the last two decades achieving significant results. Despite this, existing verification techniques based on state space exploration suffer, for large processes, the state space explosion problem. New techniques improved verification performance by structuring processes as trees. However, they do not support complex constructs for advanced synchronization and exception management. To cope with this issue we propose the definition of an unsoundness profile of a given process language, which specifies all possible combinations of control flow constructs that can lead to errors in the behavior of structured processes defined with such a language. In addition, we introduce the sequential and hierarchical soundness properties, which make use of this profile to determine soundness of a structured process with complex constructs in polynomial time. As an example, we defined an unsoundness profile for a subset of the BPMN language and verified the behavior of a BPMN process model.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    La Innovación Social Educativa (ISE) como herramienta metodológica para la búsqueda de una educación con sentido

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    El presente artículo, pone en escena algunas contribuciones que puede brindar la Innovación Social Educativa (ISE) como metodología de la investigación frente a las tendencias y rasgos particulares tanto nacionales como internacionales que giran en torno a la educación en el marco del contexto del siglo XXI. En términos epistemo-políticos, dicha metodología se enmarca en tres categorías a saber, el Educonstruccionismo, el Modo 3 de producción del conocimiento y los Agenciamientos educativos comunitarios. Se defiende la idea según la cual, al desarrollar investigaciones desde dicha metodología, el acto educativo necesariamente adquiere mayor sentido.

    Verification of Structured Processes: A Method Based on an Unsoundness Profile

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    The verification of business processes has been widely studied in the last two decades achieving significant results. Despite this, existing verification techniques based on state space exploration suffer, for large processes, the state space explosion problem. New techniques improved verification performance by structuring processes as trees. However, they do not support complex constructs for advanced synchronization and exception management. To cope with this issue we propose the definition of an unsoundness profile of a given process language, which specifies all possible combinations of control flow constructs that can lead to errors in the behavior of structured processes defined with such a language. In addition, we introduce the sequential and hierarchical soundness properties, which make use of this profile to determine soundness of a structured process with complex constructs in polynomial time. As an example, we defined an unsoundness profile for a subset of the BPMN language and verified the behavior of a BPMN process model.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Detection of Anti-Patterns in the Control Flow of Collaborative Business Processes

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    The verification of the behavior of Collaborative Business Processes is an important aspect to consider when developing inter-organizational systems. In this work, a verification approach for the control flow of collaborative processes based on anti-patterns is proposed to improve the performance of verification. The approach supports the verification of complex constructs for advanced synchronization, multiple instances, and exception management. To this aim, 10 anti-patterns were defined from a repository of process models, and a tool which implements the anti-patterns was developed to evaluate the verification approach. Results indicate that, at worst, the verification time is less than half a millisecond, even for models with complex control flow constructs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    The Moral Deliberation: The Clinical Ethics Method. Presentation of a Paediatric Case

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    La toma de decisiones es una de las tareas más complejas del quehacer médico, y más cuando los casos afectan a pacientes pediátricos y con características socioculturales especiales. Es deber de la ética clínica, teniendo la interdisciplinaridad como herramienta, analizar de manera integral los aspectos clínicos, sociales, culturales y legales, entre otros, que se debe tener en cuenta a la hora de escoger la mejor opción terapéutica que beneficie al paciente. Un caso clínico permitirá entender de manera práctica este proceso de análisis y trabajo en equipo, para abordar problemas médicos difíciles.Decision-making is one of the most difficult tasks of medical judgment, especially when cases involve paediatric patients with different cultural characteristics. It is the obligation of clinical ethics, taking the interdisciplinary approach as a tool to comprehensively analyse the clinical, social, cultural and legal aspects, among other topics, when choosing the treatment options that will be more beneficial for the patient. A clinical case, should enable this process of analysis and teamwork to be understood in practical way in order to address difficult medical problems


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    The purpose of the research was to establish the relationship between the teaching practices, oriented to the teaching of literary text reading, of the Language and Communication teachers, who conduct classroom classes for the second year students of a private school subsidized by the community of El Bosque and their motivations for reading these texts in general and specific literary topics. The research approach was quantitative descriptive. The sample corresponded to three teachers of Language and Communication and 118 students who attended the second year in the educational establishment. The data collection technique was the survey and the collection instruments were two questionnaires, both with a Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.94. The results show that teachers promote participatory and critical attitude on the part of students with a methodology that includes sharing readings and favoring reading experiences but without reaching the creative level. Students enjoy reading only on some occasions and the little motivation they have has been due to the teacher's performance, because by not looking for adequate spaces for them to come into contact with the written text, the situation causes them not to read, not participate, because they are not documented to express their ideas, generating low academic performance.El propósito de la investigación fue establecer la relación existente entre las prácticas docentes, orientadas a la enseñanza de la lectura de textos literarios, de los profesores de Lenguaje y Comunicación, que realizan clases de aula a los estudiantes de segundo año medio de un colegio particular subvencionado de la comuna de El Bosque y las motivaciones de los mismos por leer dichos textos en general y los tópicos literarios específicos. El enfoque de la investigación fue cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo. La muestra correspondió a tres docentes de Lenguaje y Comunicación y 118 estudiantes que cursaron el segundo año medio en el establecimiento educativo. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta y los instrumentos de recolección fueron dos cuestionarios, ambos con un coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach de 0,94. Los resultados evidencian que los docentes promueven la actitud participativa y crítica por parte de los estudiantes con una metodología que incluye compartir lecturas y favoreciendo experiencias lectoras pero sin llegar al nivel creador. Los estudiantes disfrutan de la lectura solo en algunas oportunidades y la poca motivación que poseen se ha debido a la actuación del docente, pues al no buscar espacios adecuados para que estos entren en contacto con el texto escrito, la situación provoca que no lean, no participen, porque no se documentan para expresar sus ideas, generándose bajo rendimiento académico

    Timely diagnosis of a Newborn wth Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation: a case report

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    La malformación de la vena de Galeno a pesar de ser una patología poco frecuente representa un desafío clínico, por lo que debe ser detectada de forma temprana y manejada por un grupo multidisciplinario, iniciando desde los médicos generales quienes son los encargados de realizar el reconocimiento durante los controles prenatales, y así continuar el manejo de la mano de perinatólogos, pediatras, neonatólogos y radiólogos intervencionistas, todos ellos encargados de supervisar la evolución del paciente y dar tratamiento oportuno para mejorar el pronóstico de vida. A continuación, se presenta un caso clínico cuyo diagnóstico prenatal y manejo medico logró disminuir las complicaciones y comorbilidades resultantes, y así garantizar su preparación para una intervención endovascular posterior.The vein of Galen malformation is a clinical challenge despite its low frequency, this disease must be detected early during the prenatal age and managed by a multidisciplinary group, beginning with the general physician in the antenatal medical appointment and later receiving treatment with perinatologists, pediatricians, neonatologists and interventional radiologists; all of this in order to ensure a better outcome and neurologic and systemic consequences. This report shows a female patient with an early and accurate antenatal diagnosis of vein of Galen malformation; during the postnatal period multidisciplinary approach and rationale medical management lowered the risk and possible complications, allowing the preparation for a late endovascular intervention