1,059 research outputs found
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh masih banyaknya siswa kelas V SDN Cipete I yang belum mampu berkomunikasi dan keterampilan berbicaranya masih kurang. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya yaitu, kurangnya keberanian dan rasa percaya diri siswa untuk mengemukakan pendapat dan memberikan tanggapan ketika proses belajar berlangsung dan kurang tepatnya metode yang digunakan guru dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara, sehingga siswa belum menguasai keterampilan berbicara ketika proses pembelajaran dan hasil yang diharapkan belum sesuai.
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Bagaimana pelaksanaan metode bermain perandalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa. 2). Bagaimana hasil keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas V SDN Cipete 1 setelah menggunakan metode bermain peran.
Adapun tujuan penelitan tidakan kelas yang ingin dicapai yaitu: 1). Untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan Metode Bermain Peran dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara sisiwa kelas V SDN Cipete 1. 2). Untuk mengetahui bagaimana peningkatan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas V SDN Cipete 1 setelah menggunakan metode bermain peran
Dan manfaat dari hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini yaitu:1.) Bagi siswa, ikut berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran dan meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara.2.) Bagi Guru, hasil penelitian memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman juga solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi siswa dan guru khususnya dalam pembelajaran berbicara penelitian 3. Bagi peneliti (mahasiswa), Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan bagi mahasiswa untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut dalam menciptakan metode pembelajaran yang kreatif.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan prosedur Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari empat langkah yaitu Pra Siklus, Siklus I,Siklus II dan Siklus III. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan peneliti menggunakan instrumen observasi dan tes.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa setelah penggunaan metode bermain peran mengalami peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam keterampilan berbicara. Hal ini dibukikan dari hasil belajar siswa dari pra siklus sampai dengan siklus III. Nilai hasil belajar siswa pada pra siklus yaitu 53.75, pada saat siklus I hasil belajar siswa yaitu 64.79, pada siklus II, hasil belajar siswa yaitu 74.58 dan pada siklus III, hasil belajar siswa yaitu ratanya 83.33.
Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran melalui metode bermain peran dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa, khususnya pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
Service Quality Preferences Among Customers at Islamic Banks in South Africa
Purpose: The objective of this study is to investigate the service quality preferences of Muslim customers considering demographic factors, specifically gender preferences.
Theoretical framework: This study is guided by the dimensions in the SERVQUAL model including an additional dimension related to ‘compliance’ from the Carter Model.
Design/Methodology/Approach: A quantitative, cross-sectional study was carried out to examine the preferences of customers concerning service quality at Islamic banks in South Africa. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Findings: The findings from the study show that ‘convenient operating times’, ‘providing prompt service to customers’, ‘having records that are accurate and without errors’, ‘staff keep to promises when timeframes are given regarding services to be complete’, ‘keeping customer information confidential’ ‘staff having the best interest of customers in mind’ and finally ‘the Islamic bank does not take interest on loans given’ are the most important items for both males and females regarding the various dimensions of service quality. The reported results also show no significant difference when it comes to service quality preferences between males and females.
Research, Practical & Social implications: The results of this study have several practical implications. Firstly, Islamic banks can increase their market share by tailoring the quality of their service offerings to align with customer preferences. Secondly, Islamic banks should include as part of their advertising campaigns, the specific service quality offering most appealing to customers. Lastly, initiatives towards improving service quality should not be directed to a specific gender, rather initiatives must be inclusive of all customers, as the results of this study found no difference in service quality preferences regarding gender.
Originality/Value: This is the first study to consider the role of gender concerning service quality preferences by customers of Islamic banks in South Africa.
Colorectal cancer: from epidemiology to current treatment
Colorectal cancer (CRC) was the second most frequent cancer in Europe in 2004, responsible for 13% (376,400) of all incident cancer cases. It is also the second most frequent cause of cancer mortality in Europe, with 11.9% (203,700) annual deaths. When localized, CRC is often a curable disease, but the overall prognosis is determined by the extent of local and particularly metastatic tumour spread. The disease outlook is relatively poor, because advanced disease is a significant cause of worldwide cancer-related mortality. Thus, estimated 5-year survival rates range from nearly 90% in stage I disease (Dukes’ A) to less than 10% in patients with metastatic disease (Dukes’ D). Comprehensive cancer care in the 21st century is dependent on a multidisciplinary approach to patients with malignant disease. Large bowel cancer is no exception, as there is increasing clinical trial data supporting multimodal treatment for both localized and advanced tumours. This review will focus on important aspects in CRC including the latest treatment strategies (chemotherapy, radiotherapy and the targeted therapies)
Engagement and Awareness of Islamic Banking Customers: Exploring an African Context
The Islamic banking industry is a niche market within the South African banking industry. Information is needed on the profile of customers and their level of awareness concerning activities at Islamic banks. Thus, this study aims to identify the banking engagements and CSR awareness levels of Islamic bank customers in South Africa. This study involved 163 respondents in South Africa selected using non-probability sampling. Meanwhile, the data were collected using a questionnaire. The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results indicate that respondents seek Islamic banking for them, have a long-standing relationship with the Islamic bank, and mainly use saving, current, and investment accounts. The findings also show that respondents should be aware of the CSR activities undertaken by the Islamic banks, and they could have engaged in CSR activities more regularly. Thus, the Islamic bank management is encouraged to proactively make their Sharia-compliant offerings and CSR activities visible
Novel Sustainable Structural Materials By Using Benign Waste Materials
We propose a Green Cement Paradigm (GCPa) for fabricating environmentally friendly cementitious materials. By using GCPa, we report for the first time, the usage of Class C Fly Ash as a sole source of cementitous phase without any activation by alkali. During this study, Class C Fly Ash, and its composites with sand were fabricated at different compaction stresses by maintaining a low w/c (w-water, c-cement) ratio of 0.17-0.24 in the compacts. The porosity and the number of days for curing played a significant role in the evolution of compressive strength. The experimental results indicate that the curing for 28 days is the optimum time required for strength development. For example, the Class C Fly Ash samples cold pressed at ~86 MPa and cured for 28 days showed a compressive strength of ~29.5 MPa. The effect of additional Ca(OH)2, high temperature curing and carbonation on the compressive strength development of the class C FA samples is reported. SEM, EDS, TGA/DSC and XRD investigations were employed to explain the obtained results. The possibility of fabricating lignin based polymer composites was investigated. The mechanical properties of the composites were reported in terms of yield strength and flexural strength
Penelitian ini berjudul “MAJAS PADA LIRIK LAGU SLANK DALAM ALBUM SLANKISSME”. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena sebagian besar masyarakat khususnya anak remaja, hanya mendengarkan lagu untuk mengobati rasa bosan, tanpa mengetahui bagaimana pembuatan lirik pada lagu dengan bahasa yang mempunyai nilai keindahan. Adapaun tujuan yang dicapai dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan majas pada lirik lagu Slank dalam album Slankissme. Metode penelitian pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, artinya data yang dianalisis dan hasil analisisnya berbentuk deskripsi dan tidak berupa angka-angka. Peneliti memilih metode ini karena ingin mendeskripsikan penggunaan majas pada lirik lagu Slank dalam album Slankissme. Objek dalam penelitian ini yaitu berupa lirik-lirik yang terdapat pada lirik lagu Slank dalam album Slankissme. Sumber data pada penelitian ini yaitu lirik pada lagu Slank dalam album Slankissme yang berjumlah 13 lagu, dan kemudian di analisis bentuk majas yang terdapat pada lirik lagu tersebut. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu studi pustaka, observasi lapangan, teknik simak, dan kemudian teknik catat. Penggunaan majas pada lirik lagu Slank dalam album Slankissme sangat beragam, hal itu dapat ditunjukan dengan data hasil analisis yang ditemukan pada lirik lagu Slank dalam album Slankissme dan memenuhi penggunaan ragam majas
Hacking HIPAA: Best Practices for Avoiding Oversight in the Sale of Your Identifiable Medical Information
In light of the confusion invited by applying the label de-identified to information that can be used to identify patients, it is paramount that regulators, compliance professionals, patient advocates and the general public understand the significant differences between the standards applied by HIPAA and those applied by permissive de-identification guidelines. This Article discusses those differences in detail. The discussion proceeds in four Parts. Part II (HIPAA’s Heartbeat: Why HIPAA Protects Identifiable Patient Information) examines Congress’s motivations for defining individually identifiable health information broadly, which included to stop the harms patients endured prior to 1996 arising from the commercial sale of their medical records. Part III (Taking the I Out of Identifiable Information: HIPAA’s Requirements for De-Identified Health Information) discusses HIPAA’s requirements for de-identification that were never intended to create a loophole for identifiable patient information to escape HIPAA’s protections. Part IV (Anatomy of a Hack: Methods for Labeling Identifiable information De-Identified ) examines the goals, methods, and results of permissive de-identification guidelines and compares them to HIPAA’s requirements. Part V (Protecting Un-Protected Health Information) evaluates the suitability of permissive de-identification guidelines, concluding that the vulnerabilities inherent in their current articulation render them ineffective as a data protection standard. It also discusses ways in which compliance professionals, regulators, and advocates can foster accountability and transparency in the utilization of health information that can be used to identify patients
Methods to assess process flow and wait-times at student run free clinics
Objective: The aim of this study is to suggest a methodology for Student Run Free Clinics (SRFC) to collect and analyze data in order to derive recommendations that improve clinic operations and the value of care. Background: SRFC play an important role in healthcare, yet research into improving their effectiveness is largely absent. The use of business process management (BPM) and Quality Improvement (QI) tools are effective ways to identify inefficiencies and make workflows capable of adapting in changing environments. We leveraged these tools to employ a methodology at MedZou Community Health Clinic to better understand and improve our patient flow. Methods: Through timecards and volunteers we collected process data comprising of the patient ID, name of the service and its timestamp. The data was then collected and analyzed through the Disco process mining software to give us a graphical representation of clinical flow and statistical data. We then developed a Value Stream Map and executive and QI focused Tableau dashboards. Data collection period was from May 2015 to December 2015. Results: Through this process, we collected 66 patient timecards allowing us to understand out clinic flow and its utilization and duration of services. We were also able determine the time it takes from arrival to physician as 114 minutes, of which 47.9% was value added steps and the rest was attributed to wait time. Implication: Our study allowed us to understand our processes within the Clinic and suggest measurable recommendations to improve efficiency, reduce wait-times and increase value
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