349 research outputs found

    Geo-spatial and sectoral change in assembly for re-export in Mexico. Structure,geo-space and strategy. 1990 to 2014

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    México se ha convertido en el séptimo productor mundial de vehículos automotores, pero su función es ensamblar partes y componentes procedentes de las empresas globales, principalmente de Estados Unidos, que absorbe la parte mayoritaria de las re-exportaciones. El auge del ensamble automotriz está relacionado con dos procesos fundamentales: de una parte tiende a culminar el objetivo gubernamental de aumentar el empleo y la captación de divisas en un momento crítico, pues las re-exportaciones de electrónicos mostraron signos de desaceleración por otro lado, la región Centro-Occidental donde se han concentrado la apertura de las nuevas plantas ha aumentado su participación en el PIB nacional, provocando un cambio en el balance nacional. En primera instancia, este creciente rol jugado por México en las redes de producción global podría verse como una oportunidad para lanzar una estrategia de aprendizaje tecnológico al estilo asiático. Sin embargo, no es ese el caso, no por las razones que se esgrimen habitualmente ----es decir, falta de iniciativa---- sino por problemas estructurales de larga gestación relacionados con la naturaleza de la reforma económica neoliberal, que acotaron sustancialmente el margen estratégico de acción para instaurar políticas alternativas. El artículo concluye señalando que un resultado no planificado del auge del ensamble es la aparición de una plataforma productivo-logística derivada de la relativa proximidad en que operan las plantas en esa estratégica región del país; esa plataforma parece abrir oportunidades inéditas de asociación de empresas locales a las automotrices redes globales, principalmente en el sector servicios. Irónicamente, esta oportunidad parece no haberse visualizado ni existen, por lo mencionado arriba, los instrumentos de promoción para efectuar ese giroMexico has become the seventh world producer of automotive vehicles, but its func-tion as an assembler of parts and components from global firms, mainly from the United States,which absorbs almost 90% of the re-exports. The boom in automotive assembly is associated withtwo fundamental processes: on the one hand, it culminates the government effort to increaseemployment and foreign exchange earnings in a critical moment because of the slowdown onelectronics re-export. In addition to sustaining and expanding the assembly, the Governmentis committed to the modernization of the infrastructure, mainly road and ports. On the otherhand, the states on Central-Western region, where new plants have been recently opening,have increased their share in the GDP, causing a change at national level.In the first place, this increasing role played by Mexico in global production networks could beseen as an opportunity to launch an Asian-style strategy for technological learning. However,this is not the case, and not for the reasons that is usually offered, i.e., lack of initiative,but due to long-standing structural problems related to the nature of neo-liberal economicreform, a reform that curtails the scope for strategic action towards new economic policies.The article concludes by stating that an unplanned result of the automotive assembly boomis the emergence of a sort of platform for production and logistics derived from the relativeproximity of plants in that strategic region of the country. That platform could open a newopportunity for the integration of local companies as suppliers to automotive global networks,mainly in the service sector. Ironically, this opportunity is not perceived by policy makers, andfor the reason state above, its looks like there is no economic policy instrument at hand tomake that chang

    MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 variability in patients with essential hypertension: 1-year follow-up study

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    The aim of this study is to analyze MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 variability, potent predictors of cardiovascular events, in stable hypertensive patients during a 12-month followup. 234 asymptomatic patients (age 6 0 ± 1 3 , 136 male) out of 252 patients with essential hypertension were followed up. MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 were measured at baseline and after 12 months (stage I). To compare MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 levels over time interval, we used the statistical method of Bland-Altman. MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 reproducibility was good in our patients for the two intervals with a coefficient of reproducibility of 8.2% and 11.3%, respectively. The percentages of patients within 1.96 × standard deviation of the mean were 93.6% and 92.7%. An elevated coefficient of correlation was obtained for MMP-2, basal versus stage I

    Model Predictive Control-Based Optimized Operation of a Hybrid Charging Station for Electric Vehicles

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    This paper presents an energy management system (EMS) based on a novel approach using model predictive control (MPC) for the optimized operation of power sources in a hybrid charging station for electric vehicles (EVs). The hybrid charging station is composed of a photovoltaic (PV) system, a battery, a complete hydrogen system based on a fuel cell (FC), electrolyzer (EZ), and tank as an energy storage system (ESS), grid connection, and six fast charging units, all of which are connected to a common MVDC bus through Z-source converters (ZSC). The MPC-based EMS is designed to control the power flow among the energy sources of the hybrid charging station and reduce the utilization costs of the ESS and the dependency on the grid. The viability of the EMS was proved under a long-term simulation of 25 years in Simulink, using real data for the sun irradiance and a European load profile for EVs. Furthermore, this EMS is compared with a simpler alternative that is used as a benchmark, which pursues the same objectives, although using a states-based strategy. The results prove the suitability of the EMS, achieving a lower utilization cost (-25.3%), a notable reduction in grid use (-60% approximately) and an improvement in efficiency

    Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators Regulate Dendritic Spine Plasticity in the Hippocampus of Male Rats

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    Some selective estrogen receptor modulators, such as raloxifene and tamoxifen, are neuroprotective and reduce brain inflammation in several experimental models of neurodegeneration. In addition, raloxifene and tamoxifen counteract cognitive deficits caused by gonadal hormone deprivation in male rats. In this study, we have explored whether raloxifene and tamoxifen may regulate the number and geometry of dendritic spines in CA1 pyramidal neurons of the rat hippocampus. Young adult male rats were injected with raloxifene (1 mg/kg), tamoxifen (1 mg/kg), or vehicle and killed 24 h after the injection. Animals treated with raloxifene or tamoxifen showed an increased numerical density of dendritic spines in CA1 pyramidal neurons compared to animals treated with vehicle. Raloxifene and tamoxifen had also specific effects in the morphology of spines. These findings suggest that raloxifene and tamoxifen may influence the processing of information by hippocampal pyramidal neurons by affecting the number and shape of dendritic spines

    Influence of Bitartrate Ion Concentration in the Copper Electrodeposition Onto a Polycrystalline Gold Electrode

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    In the present work, the influence of the concentration of bitartrate ions (HT) on the copper electrodeposition process was analyzed. The study was carried out from an aqueous solution containing 0.001 M of CuX (where X = (NO3–)2 ,(Cl–)2, SO42–) and x M KHT (where x = 0.005 M, 0.01 M, and 0.015 M). From voltammetric and chronoamperometric studies, the results indicate that copper electrodeposition is a diffusion-controlled process. The current density transients were well described through a kinetic mechanism involving capacitive and faradaic contributions. The diffusion coefficient values of Cu1+ and Cu2+ result to be similar at the different concentration values of potassium bitartrate used in this work. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Differences in MEF2 and NFAT transcriptional pathways according to human heart failure aetiology

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    Background: Ca(2+) handling machinery modulates the activation of cardiac transcription pathways involved in heart failure (HF). The present study investigated the effect of HF aetiology on Ca(+2) handling proteins and NFAT1, MEF2C and GATA4 (transcription factors) in the same cardiac tissue. Methodology and principal findings: A total of 83 hearts from ischemic (ICM, n = 43) and dilated (DCM, n = 31) patients undergoing heart transplantation and controls (CNT, n = 9) were analyzed by western blotting. Subcellular distribution was analyzed by fluorescence and electron microscopy. When we compared Ca(+2) handling proteins according to HF aetiology, ICM showed higher levels of calmodulin (24%, p<0.01), calcineurin (26%, p<0.01) and Ca(2+)/Calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKIIδ(b) nuclear isoform 62%, p<0.001) than the CNT group. However, these proteins in DCM did not significantly increase. Furthermore, ICM showed a significant elevation in MEF2C (33%, p<0.01), and GATA4 (49%, p<0.05); also NFAT1 (66%, p<0.001) was increased, producing the resultant translocation of this transcriptional factor into the nuclei. These results were supported by fluorescence and electron microscopy analysis. Whereas, DCM only had a significant increase in GATA4 (52%, p<0.05). Correlations between NFAT1 and MEF2C in both groups (ICM r = 0.38 and DCM r = 0.59, p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively) were found; only ICM showed a correlation between GATA4 and NFAT1 (r = 0.37, p<0.05). Conclusions/significance: This study shows an increase of Ca(2+) handling machinery synthesis and their cardiac transcription pathways in HF, being more markedly increased in ICM. Furthermore, there is a significant association between MEF2, NFAT1 and GATA4. These proteins could be therapeutic targets to improve myocardial function

    Transformer‐Based Z‐Source Inverter with MVDC Link

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    Z‐source inverters have attracted considerable attention in renewable energy systems like photovoltaic (PV) systems due to advantages such as buck–boost power conversion in single stage, shoot-through capability, and wide range of input voltage regulation. Transformer-Based Z-source inverters (TransZSI) based on magnetically coupled inductors and reduced number of passive components can be used to improve the boost capacity of these inverters, and to increase the voltage levels. Medium voltage DC (MVDC) is being used more and more in distribution grids and renewable energy systems. This paper presents a transZ-source inverter with MVDC link where renewable energy systems and energy storage systems can be integrated. The active and reactive powers and DC voltage are controlled by acting on the modulation index and shoot-through duty cycle of the converter. The trans-Z-source inverter is evaluated under different operating conditions to illustrate its suitable operation. © 2022, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved

    Impacto de la Atención al Cliente y el Desempeño del Personal en el Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad en la Coordinación de Administración Escolar de la UAZ

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    La calidad concebida como la capacidad de un servicio para ser de manera satisfactoria los deberes y superar las expectativas del cliente, es por esta razón que surge la necesidad de implementar un modelo de administración basado en un sistema de gestión de calidad apoyado en los estándares internacionales de la norma ISO 9001 aplicado en la Coordinación de Administración Escolar de la UAZ. Como aspectos fundamentales de la calidad de los servicios, para el modelo de administración, se tiene en primera instancia la puntualidad, que se debe realizar en el periodo prometido, el segundo pero menos importante es la cortesía, que se debe realizar alegremente, la constancia que es proporcionar a todos los clientes experiencias similares en todas las ocasiones, la cuarta es la convivencia,&nbsp; que es la facilidad de acceso para los clientes, la quinta es el servicio completo, que se termina según lo requerido, y por último la exactitud que se refiere a realizado correctamente en cada ocasión. Una desventaja en cuanto a la implementación de modelos de administración basados en los sistemas de gestión de calidad es costosa, ya que las organizaciones que no pueden ofrecer servicios de calidad no tendrán la capacidad para competir con éxito. Con base en lo expuesto en lo anterior se realizó el estudio en base a una metodología cuantitativa, con una muestra de 377 usuarios de servicio para conocer y estudiar a fondo, la atención al cliente y el desempeño del personal y el impacto que tiene con el sistema de gestión de la calidad en la coordinación de la administración escolar de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.Quality conceived as the ability of a service to satisfactorily fulfill its duties and exceed customer expectations. For this reason, the need arises to implement an administration model based on a quality management system supported by international standards. of the ISO 9001 standard applied in the School Administration Coordination of the UAZ. As fundamental aspects of the quality of the services, for the administration model, there is, in the first instance, punctuality, which must be carried out within the promised period, the second but less important is courtesy, which must be carried out cheerfully, consistency which is to provide all customers with similar experiences on all occasions, the fourth is conviviality, which is the ease of access for customers, the fifth is the complete service, which is completed as required, and finally the accuracy that refers to performed correctly on each occasion. A disadvantage of implementing management models based on quality management systems is that it is costly, as organizations that cannot offer quality services will not have the ability to compete successfully. Based on the above, the study was carried out based on a quantitative methodology, with a sample of 377 service users to know and study in depth, customer service and staff performance and the impact it has on the quality management system in the coordination of the school administration of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas

    Suicide risk prevention in children: an intervention proposal.

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    Las conductas suicidas en la infancia ha sido insuficientemente estudiadas y requieren atención para su prevención. Objetivo: diseñar y evaluar un programa de intervención basado en terapias contextuales para disminuir los indicadores de riesgo suicida en población infantil. Método: estudio de dos casos de menores mexicanos de 9 años con ideación suicida, depresión, ansiedad e impulsividad. La intervención constó de pretest, 8 sesiones para los infantes, 4 para sus padres o tutores y postest. Resultados: se encontraron cambios clínicos significativos en ambos casos, en ideación suicida, riesgo suicida y depresión. Conclusiones: los resultados son alentadores respecto al tratamiento de las conductas suicidas en la infancia, indicando la pertinencia de esta intervención basada en las terapias contextuales