101 research outputs found

    Algunas especies raras o relicticas que deben protejerse en la Espana mediterranea

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    Rivas Goday Salvador. Algunas especies raras o relicticas que deben protejerse en la España mediterranea. In: La Terre et La Vie. Supplément, 1959. Animaux et végétaux rares de la région méditerranéenne. pp. 95-101

    Sobre la presencia de Teucrium pumilum y Teucrium libanitis (Lamiaceae) en la provincia de Valencia

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    Teucrium pumilum y T. libanitis son dos especies que han sido citadas como presentes en la provincia de Valencia desde mediados del siglo XX, para los yesos que afloran en la comarca del Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes. El análisis de las etiquetas de los pliegos de los herbarios no es concluyente; ningún pliego testigo certificaría la presencia de estas especies. La determinación de visu por parte de Rivas Goday, y su inclusión en una tabla de inventarios fitosociológica, son el único fundamento de su existencia en la zona en algún momento determinado de la reciente historia botánica española. Además, para T. pumilum, el pliego de herbario que tradicionalmente se ha asignado a la cita valenciana se trata de una confusión en la determinación por parte de algunos autores con su congénere T. carolipaui, siendo imposible al mismo tiempo asignar una localidad geográfica concreta a este material. Abstract. About the presence of Teucrium pumilum and Teucrium libanitis (Lamiaceae) in the Valencian province, Spain.- Teucrium pumilum and T. libanitis have been cited from Valencia province (Spain) since the middle of the XXth Century from the gypsic soils in the Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes shire. The analysis of specimens and labels is not conclusive; no specimen would certify the presence of any of these taxa. The field identification and their inclusion in a phyotosociological table (relevé) by Rivas Goday are the only basis of their presence in the territory in a particular moment of the recent Spanish botanical history. Additionally, the unique herbarium specimen from Valencia, impossible to assign a concrete geographic locality, which was traditionally assigned to T. pumilum by some authors, is actually its congeneric T. carolipaui. Resum. Sobre la presència de Teucrium pumilum i Teucrium libanitis (Lamiaceae) a la província de València.- Teucrium pumilum i T. libanitis són dues espècies que han estat citades com a presents a la província de València des de mitjans del segle XX, sobre els guixos que afloren a la comarca de la Vall d'Aiora-Cofrents. L'anàlisi de les etiquetes dels plecs dels herbaris no és concloent; cap plec testimoni certificaria la presència d'aquestes espècies. La determinació de visu per part de Rivas Goday, i la seva inclusió en una taula d'inventaris fitosociològica, són l'únic fonament de la seva existència a la zona en un moment determinat de la recent història botànica espanyola. A més, per a T. pumilum, el plec d'herbari que tradicionalment s' ha assignat a la cita valenciana es tracta d'una confusió en la determinació per part d'alguns autors amb el seu congènere T. carolipaui, essent impossible al mateix temps assignar una localitat geogràfica concreta a aquest material

    Modelos de endemicidad a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en Sierra Nevada (España) y Lefka Ori (Creta, Grecia)

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    Aim: High mountains in the Mediterranean region of Europe are particularly rich in endemic vascular plants. We aimed to compare the altitudinal patterns of vascular plant species richness and the proportion of endemic species in two Mediterranean region: Lefka Ori on the island of Crete (Greece) and Sierra Nevada on the Iberian peninsula. Location: Sierra Nevada, Granada (Spain); Lefka Ori, Crete (Greece). Methods: Data from standardised permanent plots settings on summit sites (comprising eight plot sectors, covering the upeermost 10 altitudinal metres) of different elevations were used (GLORIA Multi-Summit approach; www.gloria.ac.at). Species numbers, rates of endemic species, and soils temperature were compared by means of ANCOVA and linear regression. Results: The two regions, though climatically similar, showed strikingly different patterns: In Sierra Nevada, the proportion of endemic vascular plants (species restricted to Sierra Nevada) showed a stepwise increase from the lowest to the highest summit. In contrast, the proportion of endemic species restricted to Crete was not significantly different between the four summits in Lefka Ori. In both regions the observed trends were largely consistent with the altitudinal distribution of the endemic species obtained from standard floras. Main conclusions: The geographic positions of the two regions, i.e. island versus mainland and the higher elevation of Sierra Nevada are suggested to be the primary causes of the observed differences. The high degree of endemism in the cold environments of Mediterranean mountains’ upper bioclimatic zones indicates a pronounced vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. A continued and intensified species monitoring in the mountains around the Mediterranean basin, therefore, should be considered as a priority research task.Objetivo: Las zonas de alta montaña en la región mediterránea europea son particularmente ricas en plantas vasculares endémicas. Nuestro objetivo es comparar los modelos altitudinales para la riqueza de plantas vasculares y la proporción de endemismos en dos regiones mediterráneas: Lefka Ori en la isla de Creta (Grecia) y Sierra Nevada en la Península Ibérica. Localización: Sierra Nevada, Granada (España); Lefka Ori, Creta (Grecia). Método: Los datos proceden de un muestreo estandarizado en varias cimas situadas a diferentes altitudes (GLORIA Multi-Summit approach; www.gloria.ac.at). El número de especies, tasas de endemicidad, y temperatura del suelo se compararon por medio de ANCOVA y regresión lineal. Resultados: Las dos regiones objeto de análisis, aunque similares climáticamente, muestran patrones llamativamente diferentes: en Sierra Nevada, la proporción de plantas vasculares endémicas (especies restringidas a Sierra Nevada) muestra un incremento gradual desde la cima más baja a la más alta. En contraste, la proporción de endemismos restringidos a Creta no fue significativamente diferente entre las cuatro cimas de Lefka Ori. Las tendencias observadas en ambas regiones fueron en gran parte consistentes con la distribución de las especies endémicas obtenida de las floras para cada región. Conclusiones principales: La posición geográfica de ambas regiones, por ejemplo. isla frente a continente, y la mayor elevación de Sierra Nevada se sugieren como las principales causas de las diferencias observadas. El alto grado de endemicidad en los ambientes fríos de las zonas bioclimáticas superiores de las montañas mediterráneas evidencia una marcada vulnerabilidad a los impactos del cambio climático. Por lo tanto, el seguimiento continuado e intensivo de las especies de montaña alrededor de la cuenca mediterránea, debería considerarse como una tarea investigadora prioritaria.He set up of the permanent plots and data collection was supported by the FP-5 project GLORIA-Europe (2001-2003) No EVK2-2000-00056 of the European Commission

    Annual dune plant communities in the Southwest coast of Europe

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    This study presents an updated sintaxonomic review of the annual communities from coastal dunes in the Southwest coast of Europe, specifically in the Iberian Peninsula, including both types: directly influenced by the sea salt spray and not affected by this influence. The floristic segregation of the different plant associations was obtained by statistical agglomerative processes (UPGMA, Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) plus principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and discussed based on the interpretation of phytosociological tables. Three new communities in central western Portugal were found and are described: Pseudorlayo minusculae-Polycarpietum alsinifoli, Cerastio diffusae-Vulpietum fontqueranae and Omphalodo kunzinskyanae-Evacietum ramosissimae

    Responses to salt stress in Juncus acutus and J. maritimus during seed germination and vegetative plant growth

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    [EN] Responses to increasing salinity, during seed germination and vegetative plant growth, were studied in two related species of Juncus, J. maritimus and J. acutus. In both species, germination was optimal in the absence of salt, reduced by about 50% in the presence of 200 mM NaCl, and completely inhibited by NaCl concentrations above 300 mM. Previous exposure of the seeds to salt, up to 500 mM NaCl, did not affect the germination capacity in J. acutus, and clearly enhanced it in J. maritimus. A concentration-dependent inhibition of plant growth was observed in the presence of NaCl for both species, together with the parallel accumulation of sodium ions in the leaves, as determined by cation exchange HPLC. Regarding the levels of divalent cations, in J. acutus Ca2+ and Mg2+ increased up to about two-fold in plants treated with 500 mM NaCl, as compared to control plants, whereas in J. maritimus they were three-to four-fold higher than in J. acutus in the absence of salt, and did not change significantly with increasing NaCl concentrations. These results suggest that Ca2+ and Mg2+ participate in defence mechanisms against salt stress, which would be constitutive in J. maritimus and salt-inducible in J. acutus.Boscaiu Neagu, MT.; Ballesteros Amat, G.; Naranjo Olivero, MA.; Vicente Meana, Ó.; Boira Tortajada, H. (2011). Responses to salt stress in Juncus acutus and J. maritimus during seed germination and vegetative plant growth. Plant Biosystems. 145(4):770-777. doi:10.1080/11263504.2011.628446S770777145

    Morphological and molecular analysis of natural hybrids between the diploid Centaurea aspera L. and the tetraploid C. seridis L. (Compositae)

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    [EN] Polyploidy and hybridisation are the basis of the evolution of Centaurea (Compositae). At the El Saler dune field (eastern Spain), the diploid Centaurea aspera ssp. stenophylla and the tetraploid C. seridis ssp. maritima form a polyploid complex in which C. x subdecurrens individuals occur. This polyploid complex was analysed morphologically and genetically, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and tubulin-based polymorphism (TBP) markers. Flow cytometry showed that the hybrids are triploid, which is a rare finding in Centaurea. Morphologically, in contrast to leaf characters, flowering characters clearly discriminated the three taxa. The genetic analyses confirm that C. x subdecurrens is a result of the hybridisation between Centaurea aspera ssp. stenophylla and C. seridis ssp. maritima, and suggest that backcrossing events and gene flow are very rare or absent. Although the hybrids likely represent true F1 offspring, they displayed some genetic diversity that is probably due to the combination of alleles. Genetic diversity was higher in diploid than in tetraploid individuals. This fact, and the high degree of sterility of the triploid hybrids, may reflect a cytotype minority exclusion effect. This may cause spatial segregation, which effectively takes place in the study area. Dune disturbance may lead to an overlapping of the parents' distribution areas, facilitating hybridisation.This work is posthumously dedicated to Antonio Samo Lumbreras, to whom we are very grateful for all his help. This study was sponsored by the Valencian Government (Research Project GVPRE/2008/130) and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Research Project Ref. 3241).Ferriol Molina, M.; Garmendia, A.; Ruiz, J.; Merle Farinós, HB.; Boira Tortajada, H. (2012). Morphological and molecular analysis of natural hybrids between the diploid Centaurea aspera L. and the tetraploid C. seridis L. (Compositae). Plant Biosystems. 146(1):86-100. https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2012.727878S86100146

    Contribuci\uf3n al estudio de la vegetaci\uf3n y flora de la provincia de Granada

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    La aridez e higrocontinentalidad en las provincias de España y su relación con las comunidades vegetales climáticas (climax)

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