552 research outputs found

    "De plantis hispanae notulae systematicae, chronologicae et ecologicae", II

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    Se publican algunos datos sistemáticos, corológicos y ecológicos sobre la Flora Española. Además se proponen las siguientes nuevas combinaciones: Phlomis purpurea L. subsp. almeriensis (Pau) Losa & Rivas Goday; Phlomis purpurea L. subsp. caballeroi (Pau) Rivas-Martínez; Phlomis italica L. subsp. antiatlantica (Peltier) Rivas-Martínez; Hormathoprylla lapeyrousiana (Jordan) Kupfer subsp. angustifolia (Willk.) Rivas-Martínez; Avenula sulcata (Gay ex Delastre) Dumort. subsp. aibinervis (Boiss.) Rivas-Martínez.Some systematic, chorologic and ecological data of Spanish Flora are included in this papel. Also we proposed the following new combinations: Phlomis purpurea L. subsp. almeriensis (Pau) Losa & Rivas Goday; Phlomis purpurea L. subsp. caballeroi (Pau) Rivas-Martínez; Phlomis italica L. subsp. antiatlantica (Peltier) Rivas-Martínez; Hormathophylla Iapeyrousiana (Jordan) Kupfer subsp. angustifolia (Willk.) Rivas-Martínez; Avenula sulcata (Gay ex Delastre) Dumort. subsp. albinervis (Boiss.) Rivas-Martínez

    Sobre la vegetación nitrófila del "Chenopodion muralis"

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    Se hace una revisión de los herbazales de los biótipos fuertemente nitrófilos, pertenecientes a la alianza mediterránea Chenopodion muralis (Chenopodietalia muralís, Stellarietea mediae). En la Península Ibérica se reconocen siete asociaciones, de las que dos Sisymbrio-Malve/am parz4florae y Atr¡plici-Salsoletum ruthenicae se describen por primera vez

    Miscellania: Completada la Flora dels Països Catalans

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    Datos sobre la vegetación nitrófila española

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    Se discute el concepto y rango de las distintas clases de vegetación ruderales y nitrófilas relacionadas con la división Chenopodio-Scleranthcc¿ existentes en la España peninsular. Se aceptan, lectosintipifican y se indica su tipología hasta el rango de alianza de nueve clases de vegetación: Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea vulgaris, Bidentetea tripartiti. Cakiletea maritimae, Epilobietea angustifolii, PeganoSalsoletea vermiculatae, Onopordetea acantho-nervosi, Polygono-Poetea annuae y Frankenietea pulverulentae. A estas puede incluirse, si se acepta el rango, la clase Secalietea

    Through the looking-glass: microscopy techniques for studying mitochondria

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    Mitochondria are essential organelles of eukaryotic animal cells, representing the powerhouses fueling all cellular processes. Despite their fundamental importance for eukaryotic life, some aspects of their physiology remain obscure or poorly studied, partially due to technological limitations. For example: 1) transcellular degradation of mitochondria from one cell by another cell, transmitophagy, which has been observed in neurons and that is hypothesized to add to the known mechanisms of mitochondrial degradation, apoptosis and intracellular mitophagy; 2) the spatial association between Twinkle helicase, a protein indispensable for mitochondrial DNA replication, and mitochondrial-associated membrane structures, fatty-rich dynamic structures implicated in contact points with endoplasmic reticulum. In this thesis, I collected more than 150 transmission electron microscopy images and established experimental parameters for fluorescence microscopy section of correlative light electron microscopy to study transmitophagy. Moreover, I established experimental parameters on sample preparation and staining when using fluorescence microscopy and immuno transmission electron microscopy with silver - nano gold coating to study mitochondrial DNA replication. Thus, this work aided in establishing experimental setups for available imaging techniques, which have added to the existing repertoire of tools to study mitochondria

    Datos sobre la vegetación y biogeografía de los Picos de Europa

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    Se dan a conocer ciertos tipos de vegetación higrófila y turfófila del piso altimontano de los Picos de Europa. Asimismo se precisan las fronteras y los criterios fitocenóticos que permiten reconocer los subsectores Picoeuropeano y Altocarrionés en tales territorios montañosos.It is released some types of higrophile and peat bogs vegetation in the altimontano bioclimatic stage from Picos de Europa mountains (Cantabria, España); likewise it is specified the limits and phytocenotic criteria that permit to recognize the Picoeuropeano and Altocarrionds subsectors in such mountainous territory

    WORRIES AS SIGNALS OF COMMITMENT: Reflections from University of Luxembourg Students in the Time of COVID-19

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    peer reviewedINTRODUCTION: Worries, typically inspire and signal negative emotions at best, or dread, panic, and fear at their worst. Drawing on Self-Determination Theory (Ryan and Deci 2000), I explore how worries expressed by students via a brief online questionnaire at the University of Luxembourg (UL), communicated a sense of academic commitment and wellbeing. Coincidently, commits, committed, and commitment, are all but a few of the words used in the Charte Pédagogique, a document that outlines the ULs dedication to meeting the needs of its students and larger community of learners. These words were put to a test during the COVID-19 crisis as the university scrambled to meet and honor its commitment to its primary constituents. METHODOLOGY: The main goal of the questionnaire was to learn directly from students how the crisis was affecting their educational progress and academic wellbeing to help guide and facilitate the faculty's interventions. To minimize response burden, the total number of questions were kept to a minimum, approximately 10 items. The faculty settled on questions focusing on the amount and kinds of instructions received by the students about how to proceed with courses and assignments; about their social relations with instructors, classmates and non-university personal friendships; the reliability of their computer and internet access; and of course, their assessment of the faculty's overall quality of teaching over the COVID-19 crisis situation. The questionnaire also included two open-text questions that asked about the students most pressing academic worry as they looked forward to the rest of the semester; and of course, the questionnaire afforded the respondent an opportunity to share any additional suggestions or comments. RESULTS: The preliminary quantitative results suggest a clear relationship between connectedness (measured by the amount of expressed communication between student and course/instructor) is positively associated with overall wellbeing and satisfaction with the faculty's response and level of commitment. In the remainder of the paper, I unpack this basic finding by exploring the qualitative data, as expressed by students through the open-text responses to provide a more nuanced understanding of the connection between Self-Determination Theory, worries, and academic wellbeing in a time of crisis. In effect, we find among students a commitment to succeed, to strive forth, despite the uncertainty around them.4. Quality educatio

    Gymnocarpio dryopteridis-Abietion lasiocarpae nomen dubium et nomen ambiguum

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    Se propone una nueva clasificación para Gymnocarpio dryopteridis-Abietion lasiocarpa

    Datos ecológicos de los helechos ("Pteridophyta") del Centro de la Península Ibérica

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    Se enumeran datos ecológicos, altitudinales y biogeográficos de helechos (Pteridophyta) del centro de la Península Ibérica.Ecological, altitudinal and biogeographycal caracterization of ferns (Pteridophyta) from the Centre of the Iberian Peninsula

    Habitatová specializace jako určující faktor druhové odpovědi na globální změnu

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    Člověkem vyvolaná globální změna významně mění podobu ekosystémů. Byly shromážděny mnohé důkazy o tom, že tyto změny dokonce spouštějí šesté hromadné vymírání. Zdá se, že k této ztrátě biologické rozmanitosti nedochází náhodně, ale že zasahuje druhy na základě jejich ekologických vlastností, k nimž patří i šířka jejich ekologické niky. Zejména v důsledku transformace přirozených míst výskytu druhů (tj. jejich biotopů) se zdá, že druhy s úzkou biotopovou nikou vykazují silný pokles populací. Zkoumali jsme tedy roli biotopové specializace ptáků v ekologickém kontextu, zhodnotili ochranářské důsledky a došli k následujícím klíčovým zjištěním: Biotopoví specialisté se vyskytovali v horských oblastech a v oblastech s drsnými klimatickými podmínkami (vyznačujícími se nízkými teplotami a vysokou sezónností) napříč evropským kontinentem. Existují dvě konkrétní oblasti obzvlášť charakteristické výskytem specialistů: severní Skandinávie a stepní oblasti severně od Kavkazu. Kromě toho jsme zjistili, že biotopoví specialisté a generalisté se v prostorovém měřítku, na nějž jsme se zaměřili, vyskytují ve stejných společenstvech. Biotopová specializace úzce souvisí s populačními úbytky ptáků na celoevropské úrovni. Toto zjištění představuje další podporu pro existenci procesu homogenizace bioty, který je...Human-induced global change is altering the environmental systems as we know them. Significant evidence has been acquired that suggests these changes are triggering the sixth mass extinction. This biodiversity loss seems to not be occurring at random, but it is targeting species differently according to their niche breadth. Species with a narrow habitat niche seem to be experiencing strong population decline, especially due to the intense natural habitat transformation. Therefore, we investigated the role of habitat specialization within species ecology and its conservation implications, obtaining the following key findings: Habitat specialists gathered in montane regions and in areas with harsh climate conditions (cold and highly seasonal) across the European continent. Furthermore, we found two specialization hotspots, one in northern Scandinavia and one in the steppe region north of Caucasus. Additionally, we found that specialists and habitat generalists merge in the same communities. Habitat specialization predicts population declines at European pancontinental scales. It brings further support for widespread process biotic homogenization, likely caused by current human-induced land use and climate changes. When we tested whether conservation benefits of mid-field woodlots were...Ústav pro životní prostředíInstitute for Environmental StudiesPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc