59 research outputs found

    Analisis Estimasi Kanal Dengan Menggunakan Metode Invers Matrik Pada Sistem MIMO-OFDM

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    Kanal merupakan media transmisi antar pengirim dan penerima. Pada sistem komunikasi berbasiskan nirkabel, kanal memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan kualitas dari proses pengiriman sinyal dari pengirim ke penerima. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menentukan kualitas komunikasi nirkabel akibat pengaruh kanal, diantara komponen yang mempengaruhi kanal antara lain; kanal terdapat banyak noise (derau), atenuasi (redaman), juga dengan banyaknya jalur yang digunakan, sehingga terjadi redaman yang dikenal dengan istilah multipath fading yang dapat merusak sinyal, sehingga sinyal berubah dari bentuk aslinya. Multipath fading merupakan gejala pelemahan sinyal akibat sinyal dari pengirim melewati berbagai macam jalan, bisa sinyal langsung, terpantul, maupun sinyal yang sudah teredam oleh bahan tertentu, misalnya kaca atau kayu. Penggunaan teknik OFDM dapat meminimilasi pengaruh gejala multipath fading. OFDM merupakan teknik pentransmisian data berkecepatan tinggi dengan menggunakan beberapa sinyal pembawa (carrier) secara paralel. Sedangkan MIMO merupakan teknik dalam proses pentransmisian sinyal dengan menggunakan beberapa antena, baik pada sisi pengirim maupun penerima. Tujuan dari penggunakan teknik multi-antena adalah untuk memaksimalkan proses transmisi data (sinyal) ke penerima. Sehingga penggabungan teknik MIMO-OFDM merupakan suatu teknik transmisi yang mampu menyediakan layanan dengan kecepatan transfer data tinggi serta dapat meminimalisasi akibat pengaruh multipath fading. Dalam proses pendeteksian data pada sisi penerima diperlukan peran dari proses estimasi kanal. Perubahan kondisi kanal yang setiap saat berubah mengakibatkan perlunya proses estimasi kanal disisi perangkat penerima. Salah satu metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik invers matrik. Pola penggunaan antena banyak (multi-antena) pada sisi pengirim dan penerima dapat dipolakan dalam bentuk matrik. Sehingga estimasi kanal dengan menggunakan salah satu teknik dalam matrik yaitu invers matrik dapat dimungkinkan. Hasil keluaran dari penelitian adalah membandingkan pengaruh penambahan teknik OFDM dalam proses estimasi kanal menggunakan metode invers matrik pada sistem MIMO. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukkan sistem estimasi kanal menggunakan metode invers matrik MIMO tanpa OFDM, sistem dapat menghasilkan BER 0 (tanpa error) disaat sistem diberikan noise sebesar 12 dB. Artinya sistem MIMO tanpa OFDM hanya tahan sampai adanya noise sebesar 12 dB. Sedangkan untuk sistem MIMO dengan penambahan teknik OFDM menghasilkan nilai BER 0 (tanpa error) disaat diberikan nilai noise sebesar 15 dB

    Pengaruh Corporate Governance, Profitabilitas, Dan Financial Leverage Terhadap Income Smoothing (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Yang Masuk Dalam Jakarta Islamic Index)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of corporate governance mechanism which proxied by institutional ownership, board of commissioners education background and audit committee meeting frequency as well as the effect of the profitability and financial leverage on the practice of smoothing profits (income smoothing). The study sample by 11 companies. This study used a methods quantitative approach and multiple regression data analysis using SPSS version 21. The results showed that in partial institutional ownership effect on positively to the practice of smoothing profits (income smoothing) while audit committee meeting frequency and profitability effect negative to the practice of smoothing profits (income smoothing) and board of commissioners education background and financial leverage has no effect to the practice of smoothing profits (income smoothing) on companies in the Jakarta Islamic Index. Simultaneously the institutional ownership, board of commissioners education background, audit committee meeting frequency , profitability, and financial leverage effect on the practice of smoothing profits (income smoothing) on companies in the Jakarta Islamic Index

    Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan dan Riwayat Antenatal Care (ANC)dengan Tindakan Sectio Caesarea

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    Introduction: The incidence of cesarean section in many countries continues to increase as well as in Indonesia and has exceeded the WHO-defined limit. Purpose: The aims of the study to determine the relationship between the level of education and antenatal care history (ANC) with the action of caesarea section. Method: The research was analytic observational with case control approach. The number of case samples is 80 and control samples is 80. Data was obtained from the patient's medical record that gave birth in the period 1 January to 31 December 2016 at the Hospital of Healthy Islam Amal Sehat Sragen. Results: The number of all childbirth in 2016 is 235. There is a relationship that can occur between education level and caesarea section with p = 0,000 (OR = 5,432) and there is a relationship between ANC history with caesarea section action with p = 0,000 (OR = 4,532). Conclusions: There was a statistically significant relationship between educational level and antenatal care history with caesarean childbirth. Keywords: Sectio caesarea, antenatal care (ANC), level of educatio

    Edukasi dan Optimalisasi Mesin Giling Sambal Pecel Untuk Menjamin Mutu Produksi UMKM Shingkara

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    Dalam pembangunan nasional masyarakat sangat berperan penting dalam mendukung kemajuan ekonomi suatu negara salah satunya melalui Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). UMKM Singosari Shangkara (SHINGKARA) merupakan salah satu usaha mikro yang dibentuk untuk mewadahi masyarakat di kecamatan Singosarai Kabupaten Malang yang langsung di bawah pendampingan Pusat Layanan Usaha Terpadu (PLUT). Pelaku usaha pada Shingkara sendiri sudah mencapai 145 pelaku usaha mikro yang tersebar di Kecamatan Singosari. Salah satu jenis usaha yang dijalankan oleh Shingkara yaitu produksi sambal pecel. Salah satu kendala yang dialami oleh mitra yaitu proses penggilingan kacang menjadi sambal pecel masih dilakukan oleh pihak lain, dalam hal ini pelaku usaha harus melakukan penggilingan kepasar. Maka dari itu solusi yang diberikan yaitu dengan melakukan edukasi dan optimalisasi mesin giling sambal pecel pada mitra untuk meningkatkan mutu produksi. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu telah dibuatnya mesin giling sambal pecel dengan spesifikasi motor listrik 1 fasa dengan daya ½ HP. Selain itu edukasi yang dilakukan juga telah menyadarkan pelaku UMKM Shingkara terkait pentingnya higenitas dan pelatihan yang dilakukan berhasil memahamkan pelaku UMKM Shingkara bagaimana cara menggunakan dan merawat mesin giling sambal pecel dengan baik. Kata kunci— Mesin Giling, Higenitas, Sambal Pecel Abstract  In national development, the community plays an important role in supporting the economic progress of a country, one of which is through Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs Singosari Shangkara (Shingkara) is one of the micro-enterprises that was formed to accommodate the community in the Singosarai sub-district, Malang Regency, which is directly under the assistance of the Integrated Business Service Center (PLUT). Business actors in Shinkara itself have reached 145 micro business actors spread across Singosari District. One type of business run by Shinkara is the production of chili sauce. One of the obstacles experienced by partners is that the process of grinding peanuts into chili sauce is still carried out by other parties, in this case business actors have to grind to the market. Therefore, the solution given is by educating and optimizing the chili pecel grinding machine to partners to improve production quality. The results obtained are that a chili pecel grinding machine has been made with specifications for a single-phase electric motor with a power of ½ HP. In addition, the education carried out has also made Shingkara SMEs actors aware of the importance of hygiene and the training carried out has succeeded in understanding Shinkara SMEs players how to use and care for the chili pecel grinder properly. Keywords— Milling Machine, Hygiene, Chili Pece


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    Background: Tooth extraction is tooth removal procedure from the alveolar socket. Tooth extraction causes wounds in the form of exposed alveolar bone to the oral cavity where the treatment should be observed. Wound healing is begun by an inflammatory phase. The first defense cells that come to the wound tissue are neutrophils. The excessive post-traumatic inflammation can lead neutrophils to be overactivated. This condition may prolong and aggravate the inflammatory response. This study is to determine the effect of cocoa seed extract gel to the number of neutrophil. Method: This research was an experimental research laboratories with the post test control group design. 24 male Wistar rats were used to be the sample. The sample were divided into 2 groups which were control and treatment group. Cocoa seed extract gel was given to the treatment group, whereas the control group didnt given the cocoa seed extract gel. The treatment and control groups were performed decaputation on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days after tooth extraction. After decaputation was performed, socket tissue was taken to make histological preparation which was stained by Hematoxylin Eosin. Result: The neutrophils average of the treatment group is lower than control group in the 1st, 3rd, and 7th day. Conclusion: The result of the study showed that the 8% cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) bean gel extract could reduce the neutrophils in rat post-extraction tooth socket

    In Search of the Optimal Surgical Treatment for Velopharyngeal Dysfunction in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: A Systematic Review

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Patients with the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22qDS) and velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD) tend to have residual VPD following surgery. This systematic review seeks to determine whether a particular surgical procedure results in superior speech outcome or less morbidity.</p> <h3>Methodology/ Principal Findings</h3><p>A combined computerized and hand-search yielded 70 studies, of which 27 were deemed relevant for this review, reporting on a total of 525 patients with 22qDS and VPD undergoing surgery for VPD. All studies were levels 2c or 4 evidence. The methodological quality of these studies was assessed using criteria based on the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias. Heterogeneous groups of patients were reported on in the studies. The surgical procedure was often tailored to findings on preoperative imaging. Overall, 50% of patients attained normal resonance, 48% attained normal nasal emissions scores, and 83% had understandable speech postoperatively. However, 5% became hyponasal, 1% had obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and 17% required further surgery. There were no significant differences in speech outcome between patients who underwent a fat injection, Furlow or intravelar veloplasty, pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty, Honig pharyngoplasty, or sphincter pharyngoplasty or Hynes procedures. There was a trend that a lower percentage of patients attained normal resonance after a fat injection or palatoplasty than after the more obstructive pharyngoplasties (11–18% versus 44–62%, p = 0.08). Only patients who underwent pharyngeal flaps or sphincter pharyngoplasties incurred OSA, yet this was not statistically significantly more often than after other procedures (p = 0.25). More patients who underwent a palatoplasty needed further surgery than those who underwent a pharyngoplasty (50% versus 7–13%, p = 0.03).</p> <h3>Conclusions/ Significance</h3><p>In the heterogeneous group of patients with 22qDS and VPD, a grade C recommendation can be made to minimize the morbidity of further surgery by choosing to perform a pharyngoplasty directly instead of only a palatoplasty.</p> </div
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