Jurnal Infotel (Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telematika Telkom Purwokerto)
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    392 research outputs found

    Implementation of multiple linear regression to estimate profit on sales of screen printing equipment

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    Traditional marketing strategies are no longer practical to implement because the process requires more costs and time to disseminate information which is much longer. Data Mining is a science that discusses knowledge from previous data to estimate the amount of production in the future. Data mining is a term used to find hidden knowledge in databases. “Data mining is a semi-automatic process using statistical, mathematical, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques to extract and identify valuable and helpful information in large databases. It is necessary to solve the problem by using one of the five methods in the field of Data Mining, namely the Multiple Linear Regression method, where this method will analyze the variables that have an influence and can make estimates. Multiple Linear Regression Is a method that can be used to analyze data and obtain meaningful conclusions about a relationship between one variable and another. This relationship is generally expressed by a mathematical equation expressing the relationship between the independent and dependent variables in the form of a simple equatio

    Fatigue Detection Using Decision Tree Method based on PPG signal

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    Fatigue is a complex psychophysiological condition marked by sleepiness or fatigue, poor performance, and a range of physiological changes. A decision tree may be used to categorize weariness based on the subject's heart rate data. To begin the experiment, a dataset of the heart rate signal was obtained. The signal has already undergone preprocessing. The feature obtained through preprocessing is then used to construct the decision model. Four traits were discovered. The HF power, LF power, normalized HF power, and normalized LF power are the characteristics. This research has a 75.94% accuracy rating. The precision, recall, and F-measure scores for this study were 0.736, 0.736, and 0.736, respectively

    Pendeteksi dini dan penjejak kendaraan yang datang dari jarak jauh dengan pendeteksi referensi titik hilang untuk lampu lalu lintas adaptif

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    Real-time traffic monitoring is essential for the operation of an adaptive traffic lighting system and plays a significant role in decision-making, particularly signaling in roadworks. When only one lane is accessible due to temporary road blockage, early detection of oncoming vehicles is crucial to minimize bottlenecks near the traffic light that could result in congestion and accidents. This research aimed to enhance the detection and tracking of traffic at a distance from the traffic light. We utilized the vanishing point as a reference for detection and calculated the region of interest. We implemented the proposed method on twelve traffic surveillance videos and evaluated the system performance based on how quickly it could detect incoming traffic compared with the R-CNN method. The proposed method detected target vehicles in an average of 17.75 frames, while the R-CNN method required an average of 63.36 frames. Moreover, the proposed method’s precision depends on the number of pixel orientations used to estimate the vanishing point and the definition of the region of interest. Therefore, the proposed method for enhancing the safety and reliability of an adaptive traffic light system is reliable.Pemantauan lalu lintas secara kontinu sangat penting dalam pengoperasian sistem lampu lalu lintas adaptif dan memiliki peranan signifikan dalam pengambilan keputusan, khususnya pengaturan di area pekerjaan jalan. Karena penutupan salah satu jalur secara sementara, deteksi dini kendaraan yang akan datang sangat esensial untuk meminimalkan antrian kendaraan di dekat lampu lalu lintas yang berisiko kemacetan dan kecelakaan pada area pekerjaan jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk peningkatan deteksi dan pelacakan kendaraan pada jarak yang jauh dari lampu lalu lintas. Referensi titik hilang digunakan dalam pendeteksian kendaraan dan penghitungan region of interest (RoI). Pengujian sistem dilakukan terhadap dua belas video pemantauan lalu lintas dan pengevaluasian kinerja sistem berdasarkan seberapa cepat pendeteksian kendaraan datang dibandingkan dengan metode R-CNN. Metode yang diusulkan mampu mendeteksi kendaraan target dalam rata-rata 17,75 frame, sedangkan metode R-CNN membutuhkan rata-rata 63,36 frame. Selain itu, ketepatan metode yang diusulkan tergantung pada jumlah orientasi piksel yang digunakan untuk memperkirakan titik hilang dan definisi wilayah yang diminati. Oleh karena itu, metode yang diusulkan untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan keandalan sistem lampu lalu lintas adaptif dapat diandalkan.&nbsp

    Automatic temperature detector to mitigate the spread of COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 causes wide impact in business operation. The enterprise must mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread in its environment. The monitoring of body temperature for employees can be applied as a method to prevent COVID-19 spread. However, the monitoring system must consider several factors such as contactless system, accountable, and simple. The integration between IR temperature sensor and attendance system based on ESP32 is able to provide those need. The use of proximity, IR, and RFID sensor is affordable to detect body temperature properly within 10 cm. The proposed system provides notification if user gets fever or suspect of COVID-19 by detecting the body temperature. The accuracy of sensor is adequate. It is based on the comparison testing between proposed system with body thermometer where the testing is performed 30 times for each condition. In order to deduce the comparison result, this study uses analysis of variance method. The analysis produces F-critical (4,006) greater than F-value (0,022) where it means that the proposed system and body thermometer have similar testing result. It is shown good accuracy for the proposed system

    Room cleaning robot movement using A* algorithm and imperfect maze

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    Cleanliness is a mandatory requirement to help prevent virus spread. The cleaning process can be done automatically by humans or robotic devices. If a robot does this process, it is a must that the robot is able to explore the room autonomously. The robot movement in room tracking should reach all points without obstructions and return to its initial position. This study simulated the movement of a room explorer robot using the imperfect maze method, as well as searching a room that has not been explored using the A* algorithm. The A* algorithm was also used to find the shortest path to reach the initial place of the robot when the room exploration was completed. The results of the simulation showed that the imperfect maze could be used to explore the room well, and A* algorithm is quite optimal to be used for searching both the unexplored room and the path to return to its initial position &nbsp

    Analisis konsumsi energi protokol routing reaktif dsr pada mobile ad hoc network

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    Mobile ad-hoc network is a connection between mobile devices that uses wireless media. Mobile devices on the network hereinafter referred to a nodes. This network does not have an administrative center so each node on the network in addition to functioning as a sender and receiver of data information also functions as a router that will look for route information from the sender to the receiver. The topology of an ad-hoc network is always changing because the nodes move dynamically. The topology changes resulted in the repetition of route information searches. The process of finding route information requires a routing protocol. The routing protocol-enabled nodes must maintain the energy usage in the route-finding mechanism. Choosing the right routing protocol can be a solution to make energy use by nodes more efficient, especially in ad-hoc networks. In this study, a routing protocol in the reactive category is used, namely DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). This study aims to determine the performance of energy consumption, remaining energy, and PDR with scenarios of increasing node movement speed and network area. Based on the research results, it is known that the DSR routing protocol can handle changes in the speed of node movement and network area related to energy consumption and remaining energy. This is evidenced by the results of research showing that with faster node movements and wider areas, less energy is required. Meanwhile, regarding the success of packet delivery, the DSR routing protocol cannot handle changes in the speed of node movement and network area. This is evidenced by the results of the packet delivery ratio measurement which shows that with faster node movements and wider areas, many packets are not successfully received.Jaringan mobile ad-hoc merupakan koneksi antar perangkat (mobile) yang menggunakan media wireless. Perangkat dalam jaringan disebut juga node. Jaringan ini tidak memiliki pusat administrasi sehingga setiap node pada jaringan selain berfungsi sebagai pengirim dan penerima informasi data juga berfungsi sebagai router yang akan mencari informasi rute dari pengirim ke penerima. Topologi pada jaringan ad-hoc selalu berubah karena node bergerak secara dinamis. Perubahan topologi tersebut berakibat terjadinya pengulangan pencarian informasi rute. Proses pencarian informasi rute membutuhkan protokol routing. Node yang diaktifkan protokol routing harus menjaga penggunaan energi dalam mekanisme pencarian rute. Pemilihan protokol routing yang tepat dapat menjadi solusi agar penggunaan energi oleh node menjadi lebih efisien, terlebih pada jaringan ad-hoc. Pada penelitian ini digunakan protokol routing dalam kategori reaktif yaitu DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performansi konsumsi energi, energi yang tersisa, dan PDR dengan skenario penambahan kecepatan pergerakan node dan luas area jaringan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa protokol routing DSR dapat menangani perubahan kecepatan pergerakan node dan luas area jaringan terkait konsumsi energi dan energi yang tersisa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa dengan pergerakan node yang semakin cepat dan area yang semakin luas, membutuhkan energi yang kecil. Sedangkan terkait keberhasilan pengiriman paket, protokol routing DSR tidak dapat menangani perubahan kecepatan pergerakan node dan luas area jaringan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil pengukuran packet delivery ratio yang menunjukkan bahwa dengan pergerakan node yang semakin cepat dan area yang semakin luas, banyak paket yang tidak berhasil diterima

    Classification of tea plantation using orthomosaics stitching maps from aerial images based on CNN

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    In Indonesia, Tea is an important economic crop that is widely grown, and in many countries, accurate mapping of tea plantations is essential for the operation, management, and monitoring of the growth and development of the tea industry. We propose a classification of tea plantations using orthomosaics from aerial images based on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which identifies the condition of the tea plantations with the parameters observed, namely the condition of the tea leaves, estimated yields achieved, and monitoring of treeless areas caused by tree death. In this study, we took a sample of 20 hectares. We classify images based on maps generated by drones in previous studies. Image segmentation is performed to maintain image objects, while an enhanced CNN model is used to extract deep image features. To get complete results, this study uses UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) imagery as the basis for the map, which is then combined or stacked into one image. The results of the images that are used as maps undergo image classification, where the information contained in the map is mapped and divided according to its type. The area of ​​the tea plantations sampled is 20 ha, and the threshold for the image captured by the UAV is 5% of the total area captured, which is around 1 ha. If the image created by the UAV has an error of more than 5%, then the image does not meet the classification requirements. We determine this margin of error based on the performance of the drone camera capture when capturing Fig. 2, and the resolution used is 4096 x 2160 for each image captured by the drone. We conclude that the proposed method for mapping tea plantations using ultra-high resolution remote sensing imagery is effective and has great potential for mapping tea plantations in areas such as the development of drone aerial photography methods for tea plantations based on image classification for forecasting. tea plantations Image stitching can be used to improve the monitoring of tea plantations and predict harvest time using a classification process. The tea garden map has 5 types of information categorized by harvest time, medium leaf tea, milled tea, tea, and old tea. The success of image recognition shows the error matrix data by testing 123 random points spread over the map, of which 113 random points were identified with an average accuracy of 91.87%, this value is of course very good and exceeds the specified threshold of 75%. When using this method, an error occurs that the colors of similar pixels cannot be distinguished, resulting in an incorrect detection. In addition, the image stitching method using the orthomosaics method has succeeded in performing image stitching and can be well applied to classification using the CNN approach

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    Back Matter May 202

    Internet of things for monitoring parking system using optical character recognition

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    This research is in the form of an IoT-based parking system, which can help the transportation department. Currently, there are several obstacles experienced in collecting parking levies in the field, the absence of automatic and real-time information on four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles and the processing of vehicle parking tax levies is not transparent. One of the components of local revenue is the motor vehicle tax, in Bandar Lampung City, the implementation is still not optimal. This type of On Street Parking parking service uses the curb to park motor vehicles, generally guarded by a parking attendant with a parking location that has been determined by the parking manager. At each On Street Parking parking point, parking attendants are facilitated with a tool in the form of "Monitor Parking", with detection cameras that take pictures of motor vehicle license plates and store them in a database. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technique of annotated plate data, and generates data again. The design results are in the form of a vehicle parking monitoring tool that can be run through portable gadgets. The "Monitor Parking" tool is easy to use and can help make it easier for parking attendants and the Transportation Agency to monitor parking in the field.Penelitian ini berupa sistem parkir berbasis IoT yang dapat membantu dinas perhubungan. Saat ini terdapat beberapa kendala yang dialami dalam memungut retribusi parkir di lapangan, tidak adanya informasi otomatis dan real time pada kendaraan roda empat dan roda dua serta proses retribusi pajak parkir kendaraan yang tidak transparan. Salah satu komponen pendapatan asli daerah adalah pajak kendaraan bermotor, di Kota Bandar Lampung pelaksanaannya masih belum optimal. Jenis layanan parkir On Street Parking ini menggunakan trotoar untuk memarkir kendaraan bermotor, umumnya dijaga oleh juru parkir dengan lokasi parkir yang telah ditentukan oleh pengelola parkir. Pada setiap titik parkir On Street Parking, petugas parkir difasilitasi dengan alat berupa “Monitor Parking”, dengan kamera pendeteksi yang mengambil gambar plat nomor kendaraan bermotor dan menyimpannya dalam database. Teknik OCR (Pengenalan Karakter Optik) dari data pelat beranotasi, dan menghasilkan data lagi. Hasil perancangan berupa alat pemantau parkir kendaraan yang dapat dijalankan melalui gadget portable. Alat “Monitor Parkir” mudah digunakan dan dapat membantu memudahkan petugas parkir dan Dishub dalam memantau parkir di lapangan

    Monitoring of three-phase distribution power transformer based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and SCADA

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    The three-phase distribution transfomer, equipment for stepping down the voltage from medium (20/11,5 kV) to low voltage network (400/231 V) with a constant power,  is a type of the PT. PLN (Persero) assets which has a direct relationship with customers. The condition and the performance of transformer are affecting on how the continuity of the electricity distributed. Hence, the monitoring process of three-phase distribution transfomer condition and performance should be done. Some elements which have to be monitored such as voltage (ZMPT101B sensor), current (ACS712 30 A sensor), power, and transfomer load. Those elements could be included as an electrical indicator.And then the transfomer’s temperature (DS18B20 sensor) and the oil transfomer level (HC SR04 sensor) could be included as a mechanical indicator. All of the sensors are processed and programmed with Arduino Mega 2560 which has been connected directly into an additional modul called Ethernet shield and router. The results then emitted by WiFi into SCADA to be shown. The results shown by SCADA is the information whether transformer need to be maintened or no


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