472 research outputs found

    Prevalence of tail biting in pigs and associations to carcass condemnations - a Finnish pilot study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of tail biting in Finland and the relationship between tail biting and carcass condemnation

    Haitallisten vieraiden kala-, rapu- ja nisÀkÀslajien leviÀminen, tietoisuuden lisÀÀminen ja hallinta

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    TyössÀ kerÀttiin tietoa mm. hopearuutanan, mustatÀplÀtokon, puronieriÀn, tÀplÀravun, rapuruton, minkin, supikoiran, amerikanmajavan ja valkohÀntÀkauriin tilanteesta. Hopearuutanan ja mustatÀplÀtokon levittÀytymisestÀ ja populaatioista kerÀttiin laaja aineisto. Vieraiden nisÀkÀslajien haittavaikutusten laajuutta arvioitiin supikoiran ja minkin osalta. Arviointiin kÀytettiin RKTL:ssa koottuja aineistoja, kuten saalistietoja, peltokolmio- ja riistakolmioaineistoja sekÀ kala-atlastietoja. Osa tiedoista on koottu julkaistuista aineistoista, osa vielÀ julkaisemattomista tai valmisteilla olevista materiaaleista. Vieraslajitietoisuuden lisÀÀmiseksi ja uusien havaintojen kerÀÀmiseksi vieraslajeista tiedottamista on lisÀttÀvÀ sekÀ mediassa ettÀ kohdennetusti asiantuntijoille. Vieraslajit.fi -portaali tarjoaa hyvÀn kanavan tÀhÀn, mutta sen kehittÀmistÀ on edelleen syytÀ jatkaa. Vieraslajien levinneisyyden muutokset ja niiden elinympÀristössÀÀn aiheuttamat muutokset saattavat olla nopeita. Esimerkiksi kalojen esiintymisen ja runsastumisen muutoksia olisi seurattava vuosittain. ErityistÀ huomiota tulisi kiinnittÀÀ leviÀmisvaiheen varhaisiin signaaleihin, kuten yksittÀisiin havaintoihin uusista lajeista. MustatÀplÀtokon ja hopearuutanan todettiin aiheuttavan haittaa alkuperÀisille lajeille ja ekosysteemitason muutoksia. Haittojen minimoimiseksi olisi ryhdyttÀvÀ vÀlittömiin toimenpiteisiin lajien sisÀvesiin leviÀmisen estÀmiseksi. Useimmiten vieraslajien leviÀmistÀ ei voida estÀÀ, mutta tietoisuuden lisÀÀmisellÀ ja asettautumiseen vaikuttavilla sÀÀtelytoimenpiteillÀ kyetÀÀn hidastamaan muutoksia. PÀÀasiassa laivojen painolastivesien mukana leviÀvien merilajien asettautumismahdollisuuksiin on mahdollista puuttua painolastivesisopimuksella. SisÀvesien jÀrvialtailla ja virtavesissÀ on paikallisilla ratkaisuilla, riskinarvioinneilla ja pÀÀtöksillÀ helpommin saavutettavaa vaikuttavuutta vieraslajien hallinnassa verrattuna merialueisiin. Julkaisussa annetaan lajikohtaisia suosituksia ja ohjeita vieraslajien leviÀmisen estÀmiseksi ja torjumiseksi Suomessa. -- Liite 5. HAVINA-loppuraporttiin URN:NBN:fi-fe2014062529465</a

    The role of assistance dogs in society

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    Assistance dogs are specially trained to undertake a variety of tasks to help individuals with disabilities. This review gives an overview of the different types of assistance dogs in the UK, including guide dogs, hearing dogs, mobility assistance dogs, service dogs and dual purpose dogs. The literature describes many benefits of assistance dogs, including their impact on physical wellbeing and safety of their ‘owners,’ as well as on psychological wellbeing and social inclusion. The role of assistance dogs in society is widely recognized by the public, but is not currently acknowledged in government social policy. The current evidence on the benefits of assistance dogs is limited by the type and scale of current research. This article highlights the need for independent funding for high quality research to enable social care and policy makers to make evidence-based decisions on the value of assistance dogs to people with disabilities

    Predictive Value of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in Identifying Fatal Outcome and Deep Infections in Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia

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    IntroductionClear cut-off levels could aid clinicians in identifying patients with a risk of fatal outcomes or complications such as deep infection foci in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB). Cutoff levels for widely used clinical follow-up parameters including serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and white blood cell counts (WBC) have not been previously studied.Methods430 adult SAB patients in Finland took part in prospective multicentre study in which their CRP levels and WBC counts were measured on the day of the positive blood culture, every other day during the first week, twice a week during hospitalization and at 30 days. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to evaluate the prognostic value of CRP and WBC on the day of the positive blood culture and at days 4, 7, and 14 in predicting mortality and the presence of deep infections at 30 days. Adjusted hazard ratios (HR) for CRP level and WBC count cut-off values for mortality were calculated by the Cox regression analysis and adjusted odds ratios (OR) for cut-off values to predict the presence of deep infection by the binary logistic regression analysis.ResultsThe succumbing patients could be distinguished from the survivors, starting on day 4 after the positive blood culture, by higher CRP levels. Cut-off values of CRP for day 30 mortality in adjusted analysis, that significantly predicted fatal outcome were at day 4 CRP > 103 mg/L with sensitivity of 77%, specificity of 55%, and HR of 3.5 (95% CI, 1.2-10.3; p = 0.024), at day 14 CRP > 61 mg/L with a sensitivity of 82%, specificity of 80% and HR of 3.6 (95% CI, 1.1-10.3; p 8.6 x 10(9)/L was prognostic with sensitivity of 77%, specificity of 78% and HR of 8.2 (95% CI, 2.9-23.1; p 108 mg/L with sensitivity of 77%, specificity of 60%, and HR of 2.6 (95% CI, 1.3-4.9; p = 0.005) and at day 14 CRP > 22 mg/L with sensitivity of 59%, specificity of 68%, and HR of 3.9 (95% CI, 1.6-9.5; p = 0.003). The lack of decline of CRP in 14 days or during the second week were neither prognostic nor markers of deep infection focus.ConclusionsCRP levels have potential for the early identification of SAB patients with a greater risk for death and deep infections

    Prognostic utility of human complement factor H related protein test (the BTA statÂź Test)

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    The purpose of the study was to determine, in addition to well-known prognostic factors, histological grade, stage, tumour size and multiplicity, the correlation of BTA stat Test on disease free interval (DFI) on primary superficial bladder cancer. A total of 116 patients with newly diagnosed bladder cancer were evaluated in a prospective multicentre study. A voided urine sample was obtained prior to TURB and split for culture, cytology and BTA stat testing. Follow-up data for the patients were collected until the first recurrence or the last visit and the DFI was analysed by Kaplan–Meier method and Cox analysis. Ninety-seven of the 116 (83.6%) patients were eligible for analysis. The BTA stat Test was positive in 73 (75.3%) patients, whereas cytology detected 20 (20.6%) cases. The DFI was found to be shorter among patients with a positive BTA stat Test, and also among those with intermediate or high-grade tumours. The BTA stat Test result divided patients with grade 2 tumours into two prognostic groups, in that those testing positive had 68.6% risk of recurrence during the first year compared to 42.9% risk of those with a negative test result (P = 0.041). Although the effect of tumour size on DFI was notable, the difference did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.064). Number of tumours was not related to DFI, nor was the difference between different stage of tumour of significance. BTA stat Test is not only sensitive in detection of primary bladder cancer, but also might have some independent prognostic significance. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Microbial characteristics in homes of asthmatic and non-asthmatic adults in the ECRHS cohort

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    Microbial exposures in homes of asthmatic adults have been rarely investigated; specificities and implications for respiratory health are not well understood. The objectives of this study were to investigate associations of microbial levels with asthma status, asthma symptoms, bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR), and atopy. Mattress dust samples of 199 asthmatics and 198 control subjects from 7 European countries participating in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II study were analyzed for fungal and bacterial cell wall components and individual taxa. We observed trends for protective associations of higher levels of mostly bacterial markers. Increased levels of muramic acid, a cell wall component predominant in Gram-positive bacteria, tended to be inversely associated with asthma (OR's for different quartiles: II 0.71 [0.39-1.30], III 0.44 [0.23-0.82], and IV 0.60 [0.31-1.18] P for trend .07) and with asthma score (P for trend .06) and with atopy (P for trend .02). These associations were more pronounced in northern Europe. This study among adults across Europe supports a potential protective effect of Gram-positive bacteria in mattress dust and points out that this may be more pronounced in areas where microbial exposure levels are generally lower.Peer reviewe

    IL-6 and other biomarkers as predictors of severity in COVID-19

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    ObjectiveCytokine release syndrome is suggested to be the most important mechanism triggering acute respiratory distress syndrome and end organ damage in COVID-19. The severity of disease may be measured by different biomarkers.MethodsWe studied markers of inflammation and coagulation as recorded in 29 patients on admission to the hospital in order to identify markers of severe COVID-19 and need of ICU.ResultsPatients who were eventually admitted to ICU displayed significantly higher serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP), and procalcitonin. No statistical differences were found between the groups in median levels of lymphocytes, D-dimer or ferritin.ConclusionsIL-6 and CRP were the strongest predictors of severity in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.</p
