48 research outputs found

    Analysis of aerodynamic coefficients using gradient data: Spanwise turbulence effects on airplane response

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    The influence of spanwise turbulence on airplane dynamic behavior is determined. Calculations are based on data collected from test flights with the NASA B-57 research aircraft. The approach is to first compute aerodynamic forces and moments due to a spanwise distribution of angle of attack and airspeed. Secondly, these quantities are incorporated into the equations of motion. Simulation of flights done with the effects of spanwise turbulence included are compared to simulations without any spanwise turbulence. The findings of the study are that the moments developed by turbulence along the span are significant and that more realistic flight simulation can be achieved by including the spanwise turbulence terms

    Eggshell membrane as an extracellular matrix environment for enhancing wound healing

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    Kroniske sår og behandling av disse utgjør en av de største utgiftene innenfor medisin i dag. Diabetes resulterer ofte i kroniske sår, og med en økende eldre befolkning med diabetes, vil det økonomiske presset kun fortsette å stige. En måte å motvirke dette på er å utvikle nye og bedre lavkostnadsprodukter til behandling av sår som kan komme ut på markedet. Bruken av eggeskall-membran til sårheling har vært kjent i østlig medisin i flere hundre år, og nyere forskning har demonstrert en positiv effekt på sårheling. På grunn av dette er det et insentiv for å videreføre denne forskningen, og forstå hvilke effekter eggeskall-membran som ingrediens kan ha i en sårhelingsprosess, og i hvilken form eller type produkt det bør inngå i. Målet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke effekten av prosessert eggeskallmembran-pulver (PEP) på fibroblastceller fra hud. Eksperimenter ble gjennomført i 2D og 3D miljøer. I 2D ble humane dermale fibroblast celler sådd ut i celle kulturer og stimulert med PEP. Forsøk ble gjennomført med forskjellige konsentrasjoner og ved ulike tidspunkter, og deretter ble celleresponsen undersøkt ved å studere levedyktighet, cellevekst og spesialisering, cytotoksisitet, samt real-time PCR og western blotting av ulike cellemarkører. Ulike typer scaffolds som var implementert med eggeskall-membran, kollagen eller PEGDA ble karakterisert med tanke på struktur. Disse scaffoldene ble også brukt til å undersøke cellevekst. Våre resultater viste at fibroblastcellene var levedyktige ved lave doser av PEP behandling, mens levedyktigheten ble redusert ettersom PEP-konsentrasjonen økte. Videre fant vi at PEP behandling stimulerte celleveksten og stress respons i fibroblast cellene. Ulike typer scaffold, produsert med varierende mengder ESM ble karakterisert ved hjelp av scanning electron mikroskopi, og ved hjelp av denne metoden var vi i stand til å vise hvordan inkludering av de forskjellige komponentene påvirket den strukturelle integriteten. Til sist brukte vi fluorescens mikroskopering for å undersøke cellevekst i de ulike scaffoldene. Våre resultater viser at ESM og PEP har gunstige effekter på fibroblaster, både i 2D og 3, og at dette materialet har stort potensiale som ingrediens i scaffold brukt vevsregenereringTreatment of chronic wounds is one of the largest expenses in medicinal practice today. With increased accounts of diabetes which often results in chronic wounds, and a growing elderly population with diabetes, this economic pressure will only continue to grow. One way to prevent this is to bring new and improved low-cost products to the marked. The use of eggshell membranes for wound healing has been found in eastern medicine for hundreds of years, and recent scientific reports have demonstrated its positive effect on wound healing. As such, there is an incentive to further study the effect eggshell membranes may have in a wound healing process, and to find type of product it may be incorporated into. The goal of this thesis is to study the effect of processed eggshell membrane powder (PEP) on fibroblast cells derived from human skin. Experimentation was conducted in 2D and 3D environments. For 2D, human dermal fibroblast cells were seeded into cultures and stimulated with PEP. Using different concentrations and time periods of treatment, the cell response was studied through cell viability, growth and specialization, cytotoxicity, in addition to real-time PCR and western blotting of different markers. Different types of scaffolds containing collagen, eggshell membrane or PEGDA was characterized by structure. These scaffolds were also used to study cell growth in a 3D environment. Our results show that fibroblast cells maintained a suitable level of viability when treated with lower doses of PEP. Cell viability was reduced with increasing PEP concentrations. Further, we found that PEP treatment stimulated cell growth and stress response in fibroblast cells. Different types of scaffolds produced with variable concentrations of ESM was characterized using scanning electron microscopy. Using this method, we were able to show how the different components introduced affected the scaffolds structural integrity. Finally, we used fluorescent microscopy to study cell growth in the different scaffolds. Our results show that ESM and PEP provides favourable effects to fibroblast cells, both in 2D and 3D environments. ESM shows great potential as an ingredient in tissue regeneration.M-BIOTE

    Comparison of wind and turbulence measurements from Doppler lidar and instrumented aircraft

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    Wind fields were measured with the ground based lidar, NOAA Wave Propagation Laboratory and with the NASA B-57B instrumented aircraft. The remotely sensed winds are compared with the in situ aircraft measurements. Three flight plans were carried out during the two different field programs. At NASA/MSFC the aircraft circled while the lidar scanned conically and the aircraft flew 6 deg approach path along the fixed lidar beam. The aircraft flew an approach along the lidar beam directed south-north (parallel to the mountain range) and a climbout along the lidar beam which alternately shifted east-west (perpendicular to the mountain range). Turbulence intensities and spectra were calculated from the temporal fluctuations in the lidar-measured radial wind speed component. These field tests provided unique sets of data to examine the mean wind and turbulence measurements made by remote sensing instruments. The comparison of aircraft measured turbulence intensities and spectra with lidar time histories of radial wind speed were in good agreement

    Analysis of data from NASA B-57B gust gradient program

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    Statistical analysis of the turbulence measured in flight 6 of the NASA B-57B over Denver, Colorado, from July 7 to July 23, 1982 included the calculations of average turbulence parameters, integral length scales, probability density functions, single point autocorrelation coefficients, two point autocorrelation coefficients, normalized autospectra, normalized two point autospectra, and two point cross sectra for gust velocities. The single point autocorrelation coefficients were compared with the theoretical model developed by von Karman. Theoretical analyses were developed which address the effects spanwise gust distributions, using two point spatial turbulence correlations

    Fagpersoners erfaringer med recoveryskoler-og kurs -en kvalitativ studie

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    Foreliggende studie er et delprosjekt i et større evalueringsprosjekt av Recoveryskoler-og kurs, etablert i Norge. Formålet med mitt masterprosjekt er å undersøke hvilken betydning engasjement i Recoveryskoler-og kurs har på hvordan fagpersoner fra tjenestene gir mening til tjenesteutøvelse og rolleforståelse. Studien er forankret i et kvalitativ forskningsdesign-og metode og datainnsamlingen har foregått gjennom to fokusgruppeintervjuer med fagpersoner. Fagpersonene har representert to ulike Recoveryskoler som utvikler og holder recoverykurs. Med utgangspunkt i samtalene fra fokusgruppeintervjuene har jeg utforsket fagpersoners beskrivelse av erfaringer og opplevd nytteverdi av deres engasjement i Recoveryskoler-og kurs.. Erfaringene som blir belyst i masterstudien viste seg fremtredende i analysen og omhandler likeverd, samskaping, rollen som fagperson, makt, ansvar og nytteverdi. Resultatene representerer en del av fagpersonenes mangfoldige erfaringer tilknyttet Recoveryskoler-og kurs og viser til sentrale dimensjoner i recovery og Recoveryskoler-og kurs. Fordi Recovery College er et nytt og annerledes tilbud i Norge, er det behov for mer kunnskap om tilbudet. Det foreligger et ønske at recovery og recoveryskoler-og kurs skal prege rus-og psykisk helsetjenester og gjør min studie dagsaktuell. Recoveryskoler-og kurs har hatt betydning for utøvelse av egen faglig praksis og det er beskrevet hvordan fagpersonene overfører kunnskap, elementer og holdninger inn i ordinære tjenester Gjennom studiens datainnsamling, analyse og diskusjon ser det ut til at det foreligger en ubevisst ambivalens eller rolleforvirring til rollen som fagperson i RC. Ut ifra fagpersonenes beskrivelser ser det ut til at det tidvis kan være utfordrende å forstå hvordan rollen skal utøves og opptre i kursutvikling, kursholding og kursdeltakelse

    Kjennetegn ved en kommunesammenslåing av to kommuner

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    Denne masteroppgave studerer sammenslåingsprosessen mellom Ski og Oppegård kommune. Nordre Follo kommune er et resultat av kommunereformen. På bakgrunn av en kvalitativ studie har jeg belyst kjennetegn som kan forklare sammenslåingsprosessen. Jeg har primært studert sammenslåingen i lys av tre organisasjonsperspektiver; det rasjonelle-, det institusjonelle- og det ny-institusjonelle organisasjonsperspektivet. Problemstillingen har vært: «Hva kjennetegner de ulike fasene i arbeidet med kommunesammenslåingen mellom Ski og Oppegård, og hva kan forklare valg av ny administrativ modell?» Sammenslåingsprosessen starter allerede i 2014 og er i en aktiv fase frem til 1.1.2020. Arbeidet startet først med et ønske om å bli en stor kommune Follo. Gjennom naboprat er det flere kommuner som velger å stå alene. Til slutt er det Ski og Oppegård igjen, og gjennom folkeavstemning og politisk vedtak blir det utformet en intensjonsavtale som blir gjeldende for Nordre Follo kommune. Prosessen har særlige kjennetegn som er i tråd med det rasjonelle organisasjonsperspektivet. Det har foreligget planer som er justert underveis på bakgrunn av ny informasjon. Det har vært en klar styring, og et klart mål man ønsker å oppnå. Kjennetegn kan og ses i lys av det ny-institusjonelle organisasjonsperspektivet, fordi man ønsker å utvikle en kommune sammen med innbyggerne og lokalsamfunn gjennom kommune 3.0

    Cyclic and Long-term Variation of Sunspot Magnetic Fields

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    Measurements from the Mount Wilson Observatory (MWO) are used to study the long-term variations of sunspot field strengths from 1920 to 1958. Following a modified approach similar to that in Pevtsov et al. (2011), for each observing week we select a single sunspot with the strongest field strength measured that week and then compute monthly averages of these weekly maximum field strengths. The data show the solar cycle variation of the peak field strengths with an amplitude of about 500-700 gauss (G), but no statistically significant long-term trends. Next, we use the sunspot observations from the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) to establish a relationship between the sunspot areas and the sunspot field strengths for Cycles 15-19. This relationship is then used to create a proxy of peak magnetic field strength based on sunspot areas from the RGO and the USAF/NOAA network for the period from 1874 to early 2012. Over this interval, the magnetic field proxy shows a clear solar cycle variation with an amplitude of 500-700 G and a weaker long-term trend. From 1874 to around 1920, the mean value of magnetic field proxy increases by about 300-350 G, and, following a broad maximum in 1920-1960, it decreases by about 300 G. Using the proxy for the magnetic field strength as the reference, we scale the MWO field measurements to the measurements of the magnetic fields in Pevtsov et al. (2011) to construct a combined data set of maximum sunspot field strengths extending from 1920 to early 2012. This combined data set shows strong solar cycle variations and no significant long-term trend (linear fit to the data yields a slope of 0.2±-0.2\pm0.8 G year1^{-1}). On the other hand, the peak sunspot field strengths observed at the minimum of the solar cycle show a gradual decline over the last three minima (corresponding to cycles 21-23) with a mean downward trend of \approx 15 G year1^{-1}

    Analysis of a Fragmenting Sunspot using Hinode Observations

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    We employ high resolution filtergrams and polarimetric measurements from Hinode to follow the evolution of a sunspot for eight days starting on June 28, 2007. The imaging data were corrected for intensity gradients, projection effects, and instrumental stray light prior to the analysis. The observations show the formation of a light bridge at one corner of the sunspot by a slow intrusion of neighbouring penumbral filaments. This divided the umbra into two individual umbral cores. During the light bridge formation, there was a steep increase in its intensity from 0.28 to 0.7 I_QS in nearly 4 hr, followed by a gradual increase to quiet Sun (QS) values in 13 hr. This increase in intensity was accompanied by a large reduction in the field strength from 1800 G to 300 G. The smaller umbral core gradually broke away from the parent sunspot nearly 2 days after the formation of the light bridge rendering the parent spot without a penumbra at the location of fragmentation. The penumbra in the fragment disappeared first within 34 hr, followed by the fragment whose area decayed exponentially with a time constant of 22 hr. The depleted penumbra in the parent sunspot regenerated when the inclination of the magnetic field at the penumbra-QS boundary became within 40 deg. from being completely horizontal and this occurred near the end of the fragment's lifetime. After the disappearance of the fragment, another light bridge formed in the parent which had similar properties as the fragmenting one, but did not divide the sunspot. The significant weakening in field strength in the light bridge along with the presence of granulation is suggestive of strong convection in the sunspot which might have triggered the expulsion and fragmentation of the smaller spot. Although the presence of QS photospheric conditions in sunspot umbrae could be a necessary condition for fragmentation, it is not a sufficient one.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 15 pages, 15 figures, 1 tabl

    MOST detects corotating bright spots on the mid-O type giant {\xi} Persei

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    We have used the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) microsatellite to obtain four weeks of contiguous high-precision broadband visual photometry of the O7.5III(n)((f)) star {\xi} Persei in November 2011. This star is well known from previous work to show prominent DACs (Discrete Absorption Components) on time-scales of about 2 d from UV spectroscopy and NRP (Non Radial Pulsation) with one (l = 3) p-mode oscillation with a period of 3.5 h from optical spectroscopy. Our MOST-orbit (101.4 min) binned photometry fails to reveal any periodic light variations above the 0.1 mmag 3-sigma noise level for periods of hours, while several prominent Fourier peaks emerge at the 1 mmag level in the two-day period range. These longer-period variations are unlikely due to pulsations, including gravity modes. From our simulations based upon a simple spot model, we deduce that we are seeing the photometric modulation of several co-rotating bright spots on the stellar surface. In our model, the starting times (random) and lifetimes (up to several rotations) vary from one spot to another yet all spots rotate at the same period of 4.18 d, the best-estimated rotation period of the star. This is the first convincing reported case of co-rotating bright spots on an O star, with important implications for drivers of the DACs (resulting from CIRs - Corotating Interaction Regions) with possible bright-spot generation via a breakout at the surface of a global magnetic field generated by a subsurface convection zone.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, MNRAS in pres