205 research outputs found

    The welfare mobility dilemma : Transnational strategies and national structuring at crossroads

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    The dissertation considers welfare with regard to international mobility and immobility. It addresses a tension between two different conceptualisations of the organisation of everyday life with regard to nation-states: one that views everyday life as relatively mobile across nation-state borders and boundaries, and another that treats everyday life as relatively confined within such limits. The organisation of everyday life is related to welfare and the need to examine three aspects of welfare and im/mobility is identified: (i) welfare with regard to mobility, (ii) welfare with regard to immobility, and (iii) the tension between what are termed the ‘transnational frame’ and the ‘national frame’ of welfare. The transnational frame draws on the transnational turn within migration research, and the national frame on the territorial turn within social policy research. Two research questions are raised from the juxtaposition of these investigative directions: How do transnational and national welfare diverge? and How is social policy constituted by and constitutive of the nation-state? The inquiry has employed extensive reviews of the relevant scholarly literature. Through conceptual and methodological developments, the analyses shed empirical light on the research questions. Generally, the study adds to knowledge about the relation between transnational migration and national welfare states. More specifically, it contributes firstly to an understanding of how the tension between transnational welfare strategies and national structuring can be manifested in the everyday lives of individual and collective transnational actors, and secondly to an understanding of how (Swedish) social policy is constituted by and constitutive of the borders and boundaries of the nation-state. The findings stimulate further reflections on transnational welfare, and a formulation of the ‘transnational social question’ is attempted, as well as proposing two research frontiers to improve the understanding of transnational welfare

    Trabajo Social en Suecia, tendencias generales y el caso particular de los niños migrantes

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    The restructuring of the Swedish welfare state and increasing inequalities are social transformations over the past three decades. Sweden has lost its leading position in the international rankings of social equality. New ways of understanding and addressing social problems allow privatization of social services, public before. In addition, demographic changes such as increased international mobility and complexity in the dynamics of social problems demand new responses from social services, which have clear implications for social work, which emerged as a territorially bounded activity by national borders. The case of migrant children is an example, as it clearly states these new problems and shows various and contradictory responses from the services of child protection. In this paper we discuss the responses by social workers in care cases and institutionalized responses from foster care. In those places is detected the failure of institutionalized forms of child protection. In the individual case-work we see an emergence of critical responses among social workers, who within the legal framework question the tradition of loyalty to Swedish state authority in social work. Replies apart, we see also arise organizations challenging repressive policies and try to work from a perspective that takes into account the issues affecting migrant children.La reestructuración del Estado de bienestar sueco y el aumento de las desigualdades son transformaciones sociales ocurridas durante los tres últimos decenios. Suecia ha perdido su posición de liderazgo en los rankings internacionales sobre igualdad social. Nuevas formas de entender y abordar los problemas sociales permiten la privatización de los servicios sociales, antes públicos. Además, cambios demográficos como el aumento de la movilidad internacional y la complejidad en la dinámica de los problemas sociales exigen nuevas respuestas de los servicios sociales, lo que tiene claras implicaciones para el Trabajo Social, que surgió como una actividad delimitada territorialmente por las fronteras nacionales. El caso de los niños migrantes es un ejemplo, ya que expresa claramente esas nuevas problemáticas y muestra diversas y contradictorias respuestas desde los servicios de protección de la infancia. En este artículo discutimos las respuestas que dan los trabajadores sociales en la atención de casos y las respuestas institucionalizadas desde los hogares de acogida. En esos lugares detectamos el fracaso de las formas institucionalizadas de protección de la infancia. En la atención de casos individuales vemos surgir respuestas que, dentro de los marcos de la legalidad, cuestionan una tradición de lealtad y subordinación a la autoridad en la historia del Trabajo Social en Suecia. Respuestas aparte, vemos también surgir organizaciones que cuestionan políticas represivas e intentan trabajar desde una perspectiva que toma en cuenta las problemáticas que afectan a los niños migrantes

    Concepciones del conocimiento en la formación de trabajadores sociales en Suecia.

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    In this paper we discuss knowledge conceptions implicit in social workers’ academic education in Sweden, knowledge conceptions often introduced as incompatible. We sustain that behind this image of incompatibility there are differences but also common assumptions. This paper is based on the review of documents treating different aspects of the social workers’ education in Sweden. Analysis focuses on three different periods in the history of the Social Work Education: first period tackles the establishment of the first educational program; second period considers the establishment of the social work as an academic discipline; and the third period deals with the current situation. The different knowledge conceptions prevailing in each period respond as much to the society demands as to the internal exigencies of the academic world.En este artículo debatimos sobre las concepciones del conocimiento implícitas en la formación académica de trabajadores sociales en Suecia, concepciones que a menudo se presentan como incompatibles. Sostenemos que detrás de esa imagen de incompatibilidad existen diferencias, pero también presupuestos comunes. Este artículo se basa en la lectura de documentos que tratan de diferentes aspectos de la educación de trabajadores sociales en Suecia. El análisis se concentra en tres períodos de la historia de la educación en Trabajo Social: el primer período, aborda el establecimiento del primer programa de educación; el segundo período contempla el establecimiento de Trabajo Social como disciplina académica; y el tercer período trata de la situación actual. Las diferentes concepciones del conocimiento dominantes en cada uno de esos períodos responden tanto a las demandas de la sociedad como a las exigencias internas del mundo académico

    Relaciones étnicas y currículos académicos en la formación de trabajadores sociales en Suecia: un proyecto de investigación

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    In recently initiated research project we analize the contents of educational programs for socialworkers in Sweden with regards to ethnical issues. This field of knowledge has varied over timeaccording to the dominant traditions in Social Work Education. The specific aim of our study is todescribe the different ways in which ethnic relations have been conceptualized in the contents of thedifferent parts of these Social Work curriculums. We argue that the issue of ethnic relations shouldplay a central role in the academic training of social workers in Sweden. We also want to participate inthe international dialogue initiated by this journal, a dialogue that have underlined to the need to adaptthe contents of Social Work to the demands of a global society.En una investigación iniciada recientemente estudiamos los contenidos que se dan al tema de las relaciones étnicas en los programas de educación para trabajadoras/es sociales en Suecia. Entendemos que en Trabajo Social ésta es un área de conocimiento cuyos contenidos varían de acuerdo a las prioridades y tradiciones dominantes en los diferentes períodos de la historia de la formación de profesionales del Trabajo Social. El objetivo específico de nuestro estudio es describir las diferentes formas de conceptualizar las relaciones étnicas en los programas de estudio, estudiar cómo esos conocimientos influyen en las formas y contenidos de los diferentes momentos que componen esos programas, y además analizar cómo esas formas y contenidos influyen en la comprensión sobre temas relacionados con la migración que hacen los estudiantes. En este artículo sostenemos que el tema de las relaciones étnicas debería ser un tema central en la formación académica de trabajadoras/es sociales en Suecia. El objetivo de nuestro artículo es participar en el diálogo internacional que se ha iniciado en esta revista, un diálogo que apunta a la necesidad de adecuar los contenidos de la carrera de Trabajo Social a las exigencias de una sociedad global

    Ethnic relations and academic curriculum in the formation of social workers in Sweden

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    http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/tsg/article/view/1524/1713En una investigación iniciada recientemente estudiamos los contenidos que se dan al tema de las relaciones étnicas en los programas de educación para trabajadoras/es sociales en Suecia. Entendemos que en Trabajo Social ésta es un área de conocimiento cuyos contenidos varían de acuerdo a las prioridades y tradiciones dominantes en diferentes períodos de la historia de la formación de profesionales del Trabajo Social. El objetivo específico de nuestro estudio es describir las diferentes formas de conceptualizar las relaciones étnicas en los programas de estudio, estudiar como esos conocimientos influyen en las formas y contenidos de los diferentes momentos que componen esos programas y además analizar cómo esas formas y contenidos influyen en la comprensión sobre temas relacionados con la migración que hacen los estudiantes. En este artículo sostenemos que el tema de las relaciones étnicas debería ser un tema central en la formación académica de trabajadoras/es en Suecia. El objetivo de nuestro artículo es participar en el diálogo internacional que se ha iniciado en esta revista, un diálogo que apunta a la necesidad de adecuar los contenidos de la carrera de Trabajo Social a las exigencias de una sociedad global.In recently initiated research project we analize the contents of educational programs for social workers in Sweden with regards to ethnical issues. This field of knowledge has varied over time according to the dominant traditions in Social Work Education. The specific aim of our study is to describe the different ways in which ethnic relations have been conceptualized in the contents of the different parts of these Social Work curriculums. We argue that the issue of ethnic relations should play a central role in the academic training of social workers in Sweden. We also want to participate in the international dialogue initiated by this journal, a dialogue that have underlined to the need to adapt the contents of Social Work to the demands of a global society

    Transnationalism and Social Work Education

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    Transnational movements, networks, and relationships are everywhere in this “world on the move” (Williams & Graham, 2014, p. i1). Transnational peoples maintain relationships of interdependence and support with families and communities in their places of origin, often returning regularly, while starting new lives and making new connections. Transnationalism is characterized by mobilities and networks, by social integration, and by extended and extensive relationship ties of family, neighborhood, religious faith, or combinations thereof (Valtonen, 2008). While disciplines across the world including sociology, human geography, and cultural anthropology engage with the implications of transnationalism (Bauböck & Faist, 2010), social work in England and mainland Europe has not achieved similar levels of engagement. As Cox and Geisen state: “the social world is being transformed by migration and social work is playing catch-up” (2014, p. i162)

    A place-based approach to migrant integration

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    This Science for Policy report focuses on urban and territorial strategies promoted by the EU Cohesion Policy during the 2014-2020 programming period, namely Sustainable Urban Development (SUD), Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-led Local Development (CLLD), and explores whether and how they may contribute to the integration and inclusion of international migrants in the local context. The study illustrates the findings of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Exploratory Research Activity (ERA) International migrants in Functional Urban Areas. How strategies of sustainable urban development can foster the integration of migrants?, which integrates two analytical approaches, with in-depth case studies based on local data and performed by local academics complementing the analysis carried out at EU-level

    Effective suckling in relation to naked maternal-infant body contact in the first hour of life: an observation study

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    Background Best practice guidelines to promote breastfeeding suggest that (i) mothers hold their babies in naked body contact immediately after birth, (ii) babies remain undisturbed for at least one hour and (iii) breastfeeding assistance be offered during this period. Few studies have closely observed the implementation of these guidelines in practice. We sought to evaluate these practices on suckling achievement within the first hour after birth. Methods Observations of seventy-eight mother-baby dyads recorded newborn feeding behaviours, the help received by mothers and birthing room practices each minute, for sixty minutes. Results Duration of naked body contact between mothers and their newborn babies varied widely from 1 to 60 minutes, as did commencement of suckling (range = 10 to 60 minutes). Naked maternal-infant body contact immediately after birth, uninterrupted for at least thirty minutes did not predict effective suckling within the first hour of birth. Newborns were four times more likely to sustain deep rhythmical suckling when their chin made contact with their mother’s breast as they approached the nipple (OR 3.8; CI 1.03 - 14) and if their mothers had given birth previously (OR 6.7; CI 1.35 - 33). Infants who had any naso-oropharyngeal suctioning administered at birth were six times less likely to suckle effectively (OR .176; CI .04 - .9). Conclusion Effective suckling within the first hour of life was associated with a collection of practices including infants positioned so their chin can instinctively nudge the underside of their mother’s breast as they approach to grasp the nipple and attach to suckle. The best type of assistance provided in the birthing room that enables newborns to sustain an effective latch was paying attention to newborn feeding behaviours and not administering naso-oropharyngeal suction routinely

    Firewalls: A necessary tool to enable social rights for undocumented migrants in social work

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by SAGE. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1177/0020872820924454Firewalls are clear divisions between border policing and the provision of basic social rights. They have a dual character: to ensure that no information collected with the purpose of safeguarding basic social rights should be shared for immigration control purposes; and that migrants should not be subject to immigration control when being present at, or in the vicinity, of religious, private and public institutions upholding and providing social rights. This article suggests a normative argument for ‘firewalls’ in the context of social work and develops the concept theoretically as a principle practised and negotiated at different scales.Published onlin