186 research outputs found
Las helmintiasis y hemoparasitosis representan una amenaza diaria para los equinos, esta especie es susceptible de contraer distintas enfermedades parasitarias a lo largo de toda su vida. El objetivo de este estudio fue diagnosticar mediante la t\ue9cnica directa de Willis y la de frotis de capa blanca los endoparasitos en el Caballo Criollo Venezolano (CCV) en dos hatos del estado Apure. Se seleccionaron 200 equinos de dos hatos (h1 y h2) a los cuales se les tom\uf3 muestras de heces directamente del recto, \ue9stas se identificaron y trasladaron al laboratorio, donde se aplic\uf3 la t\ue9cnica cualitativa de Willis, as\ued como, la toma de muestras de sangre completa con anticoagulante para el diagn\uf3stico de hemopar\ue1sitos. Los resultados coprol\uf3gicos obtenidos por la morfolog\ueda y morfometr\ueda de los huevos y la identificaci\uf3n taxon\uf3mica de algunos ejemplares adultos fue de un 100% de grandes estrongilos en ambos hatos; entre los peque\uf1os estrongilos se identific\uf3 59% Triodontophorus sp. en h1 y 75% para el h2, as\ued como 2% de Cyathostomum sp. en h1, mientras que en h2 fueron negativos; Trichostrongylus axei 35% en el h1 y 6% para el h2; Anoplocephala sp. 25% h1 y 38% h2; Oxyuris equi 26% para ambos hatos y Parascaris equorum 23% h1 y 11% h2. En relaci\uf3n a los hemopar\ue1sitos mediante la t\ue9cnica de Woo resultaron negativos a Trypanosoma evansi y Setaria sp. en ambos hatos y en frotis de capa blanca se observ\uf3 el 0,5% a Theileria equi y 5,5% positivos a Babesia caballi. Se demostr\uf3 un alto porcentaje de par\ue1sitos gastrointestinales y una baja presencia de hemopar\ue1sitos en los animales de los dos hatos evaluados.
Palabras Clave: helmintos, caballo criollo, hemopar\ue1sitos, endopar\ue1sitos.
Helminthiasis and hemoparasites are a daily threat to horses; this species is susceptible to suffer several parasitic diseases throughout their lifetime. The objective of this study was to diagnose the endoparasites of venezuelan creole horse in two herds at Apure State using direct techniques. Two hundreds (200) venezuelan creole horses were selected from two herds (h1 and h2). Stool samples were taken directly from rectum of each horse, identified and transferred to laboratory, where qualitative technique of Willis was applied. Samples of whole blood with anticoagulant were taken for diagnosing hemoparasites. The stool results obtained were 100% positives to large Strongylus in both herds; among the small Strongylus were identified: 59% Triodontophorus sp. in h1, and 75% for h2, 2% Cyathostomum sp. in h1, whereas h2 was negative; Trichostrongylus axei 35% in h1, and 6% in h2; Anoplocephala sp. 25% in h1, and 38% in h2; Oxyuris equi 26% for both herds, and Parascaris equorum 23% in h1, and 11% in h2. Regarding hemoparasites obtained by the Woo technique results were negative to Trypanosoma evansi and Setaria sp., whereas 0.5% were positive to Theileria equi, and 5.5% to Babesia caballi after buffy coat smears were microscopically checked. Finally it was demonstrated a high percentage of gastrointestinal parasites, and low or no presence of blood parasites in herds of venezuelan creole horse that were clinically healthy.
Key words: helminths, creole horses, blood parasites, endoparasites.<br
Sustainable Development and the Practice of Spatial Planning: a Proposal of Criteria for Measuring the Overall Sustainability of Planning Actions in Open Public Urban Spaces
The sustainable city debate is gaining ground in recent years, featuring as a prominent issue in several policy documents of the European Commission, and enjoying support by the main organisations and institutions at international level. At the same time, improving local governance standards by involving citizens in local decision-making is a recurring issue in the debate on local democracy and enhancement of community cohesion. This paper presents an analysis of the European experience and best practice relating sustainable development to the day-to-day practice of spatial planning. The overall purpose is creating a proposal of indicators for measuring the sustainability of planning actions in urban environments
De complemento a motor : la transformación de la función del ocio y turismo en las estrategias de desarrollo local. El caso de la recuperación y valorización del patrimonio cultural
En la sociedad fordista, la actividad productiva centró las estrategias de desarrollo de los territorios dejando en segundo término, en el mejor de los casos, la función del ocio y del turismo como 'complementos' de las actividades productivas 'principales'. La consolidación de la sociedad post-productivista desde la última década del pasado siglo ha supuesto profundas transformaciones en los valores y prioridades individuales y colectivas. Estos cambios han conllevado la implantación de una concepción radicalmente diferente respecto de la función del ocio y del turismo en la programación vital y, en consecuencia, en las estrategias institucionales y territoriales. El presente artículo aporta una discusión sobre los principios del desarrollo desde el territorio (local) y la función, cada vez más central, que tienen el ocio y el turismo en las estrategias de desarrollo territorial, a través de la presentación de una metodología y de los resultados de una investigación sobre la importancia de los recursos culturales en la configuración de estrategias endógenas de desarrollo local
Impact of power ultrasound on the quality of fruits and vegetables during dehydration
Trabajo presentado en el 2015 International Congress on Ultrasonics, celebrado los días 10 a 14 de mayo de 2015 en Metz, FranciaTo date, most of dehydrated vegetables and fruits are obtained
by convection preceded or not by a pre-treatment.
In general, their quality is low due to the physical modi-
fications, loss of vitamins, polyphenols and carbohydrates
and Maillard reaction (MR). MR can originate a remarkable
loss of nutritional value due to the involvement of
lysine. To improve the final quality of these products, one
of the alternatives is the application of power ultrasound
(US). US produces mechanical effects, such as cavitation,
microstream and formation of microscopic channels which
facilitate the mass transport and so, the removal of water
from the food. The synergistic effect of US and temperature
allows carrying out dehydration at low temperatures
and short times. In the present work, the influence of
power US on the quality of fruits and vegetables during
the pre-treatment and drying was evaluated. Chemical
indicators such as pectinmethyl esterase and peroxidase
enzymes, vitamin C, carbohydrates, proteins, polyphenols
and 2-furoylmethylamino acids was studied. In addition,
rehydration capacity, leaching losses, shrinkage and
organoleptic characteristics of the final product was assessed.
During blanching, similar leaching losses and enzyme
inactivation were found in low temperature and prolonged
conventional treatments and in US processes, but
with a significant reduction in the time for the latter. Application
of US in the drying of carrots and strawberries
provided high-quality end-products. The quality was better
as compared to marketed products and superior or
equivalent to samples obtained in a convective dryer, and,
in some indicators, similar to that of freeze-dried samples.Peer reviewe
Pulmonary embolism and 3-month outcomes in 4036 patients with venous thromboembolism and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: data from the RIETE registry.
International audienceBACKGROUND: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have a modified clinical presentation of venous thromboembolism (VTE) but also a worse prognosis than non-COPD patients with VTE. As it may induce therapeutic modifications, we evaluated the influence of the initial VTE presentation on the 3-month outcomes in COPD patients. METHODS: COPD patients included in the on-going world-wide RIETE Registry were studied. The rate of pulmonary embolism (PE), major bleeding and death during the first 3 months in COPD patients were compared according to their initial clinical presentation (acute PE or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)). RESULTS: Of the 4036 COPD patients included, 2452 (61%; 95% CI: 59.2-62.3) initially presented with PE. PE as the first VTE recurrence occurred in 116 patients, major bleeding in 101 patients and mortality in 443 patients (Fatal PE: first cause of death). Multivariate analysis confirmed that presenting with PE was associated with higher risk of VTE recurrence as PE (OR, 2.04; 95% CI: 1.11-3.72) and higher risk of fatal PE (OR, 7.77; 95% CI: 2.92-15.7). CONCLUSIONS: COPD patients presenting with PE have an increased risk for PE recurrences and fatal PE compared with those presenting with DVT alone. More efficient therapy is needed in this subtype of patients
Pulmonary embolism and 3-month outcomes in 4036 patients with venous thromboembolism and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: data from the RIETE Registry
Background: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have a modified clinical presentation of venous thromboembolism (VTE) but also a worse prognosis than non-COPD patients with VTE. As it may induce therapeutic modifications, we evaluated the influence of the initial VTE presentation on the 3-month outcomes in COPD patients. Methods: COPD patients included in the on-going world-wide RIETE Registry were studied. The rate of pulmonary embolism (PE), major bleeding and death during the first 3 months in COPD patients were compared according to their initial clinical presentation (acute PE or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)). Results: Of the 4036 COPD patients included, 2452 (61%; 95% CI: 59.2-62.3) initially presented with PE. PE as the first VTE recurrence occurred in 116 patients, major bleeding in 101 patients and mortality in 443 patients (Fatal PE: first cause of death). Multivariate analysis confirmed that presenting with PE was associated with higher risk of VTE recurrence as PE (OR, 2.04; 95% CI: 1.11-3.72) and higher risk of fatal PE (OR, 7.77; 95% CI: 2.92-15.7). Conclusions: COPD patients presenting with PE have an increased risk for PE recurrences and fatal PE compared with those presenting with DVT alone. More efficient therapy is needed in this subtype of patients
Impact of COVID19 pandemic on patients with rare diseases in Spain, with a special focus on inherited metabolic diseases
Inherited metabolic disease; Quality of life; Rare diseasesEnfermedad metabólica hereditaria; Calidad de vida; Enfermedades rarasMalaltia metabòlica hereditària; Qualitat de vida; Malalties raresIntroduction
The Covid-19 pandemic soon became an international health emergency raising concern about its impact not only on physical health but also on quality of life and mental health. Rare diseases are chronically debilitating conditions with challenging patient care needs. We aimed to assess the quality of life and mental health of patients with rare diseases in Spain, with a special focus on inherited metabolic disorders (IMD).
A prospective case-control study was designed, comparing 459 patients suffering from a rare disease (including 53 patients with IMD) and 446 healthy controls. Quality of life (QoL) and mental health were assessed using validated scales according to age: KINDL-R and the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) for children and the WhoQoL-Bref questionnaire, GAD and PHQ-9 in adults.
First, children and adults (but not adolescents) with IMD showed greater psychological effects than controls (p = 0.022, p = 0.026 respectively). Second, when comparing QoL, only adult patients with IMD showed worse score than controls (66/100 vs 74,6/100 respectively, p = 0.017). Finally, IMD had better quality of life than other rare neurological and genetic diseases (p = 0.008) or other rare diseases (p < 0.001 respectively) but similar alteration of the mental status.
Our data show that the pandemic had a negative impact on mental health that is more evident in the group of patients with IMD. Young age would behave as a protective factor on the perception of QoL. Furthermore, patients with IMD show a better QoL than other rare diseases
Consumers’ willingness to pay for beef direct sales. A regional comparison across the Pyrenees
Willingness to pay (WTP) for direct market of beef is investigated in two Spanish and two French regions located on both sides of the Pyrenees. Given the novelty of this distribution system, especially in Spain, a contingent valuation approach is undertaken, and a double-bounded model is estimated. Different patterns of awareness, use and WTP are found across regions. Likewise, the profile of current and potential users of direct sale chains is investigated. Experience in the different stages involved from choice to final consumption of beef, intensity of varied beef consumption, familiarity with direct market of food in general,
and beef in particular, are some of the relevant factors to explain WTP and the probability of getting engaged into a direct distribution system of beef
Implicaciones de la implantación de la ley de racionalidad y sostenibilidad de las administraciones locales (ley 27/2013) en las administraciones locales de la Comunitat Valenciana
En menos de un cuarto de siglo el texto de la Ley Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local (LRBRL) ha sido modificado doce veces, con cambios que afectan a 41 de los 120 artículos, al tiempo que se han añadido 37 nuevos artículos y disposiciones adicionales. La última de estas modificaciones, con profundas implicaciones en la forma de operar de las administraciones locales, ha levantado suspicacias e incertidumbres sobre el papel de los gobiernos locales. Tras su publicación en el BOE, la Ley 27/2013 del 27 de diciembre de racionalización y sostenibilidad de la administración local (LRSAL), ha generado numerosas controversias entre los profesionales del municipalismo. Es desde este sentir que se ha emprendido la realización de un trabajo de análisis que permita conocer, a partir del análisis documental y de la evidencia empírica, las opiniones dominantes y emergentes sobre esta nueva reforma y la situación en la que queda la gobernanza de las administraciones locales como consecuencia de la implantación de la LRSAL
URRUC - Urban-Rural Connectivity in Non-Metropolitan Regions. Annex VIII: Policy Guidelines and Recommendations
Annex VIII contains a methodological overview of the policy development approach as well as the creation of European policy recommendations
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