6 research outputs found

    Creation of a homogeneous plasma column by means of hohlraum radiation for ion-stopping measurements

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    In this work, we present the results of two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of a hohlraum target whose outgoing radiation is used to produce a homogeneously ionized carbon plasma for ion-beam stopping measurements. The cylindrical hohlraum with gold walls is heated by a frequency-doubled (λl=526.5\lambda_l = 526.5 μm\mu m) 1.41.4 nsns long laser pulse with the total energy of El=180E_l = 180 JJ. At the laser spot, the peak matter and radiation temperatures of, respectively, T380T \approx 380 eVeV and Tr120T_r \approx 120 eVeV are observed. X-rays from the hohlraum heat the attached carbon foam with a mean density of ρC=2\rho_C = 2 mg/cm3mg/cm^3 to a temperature of T25T \approx 25 eVeV. The simulation shows that the carbon ionization degree (Z3.75Z \approx 3.75) and its column density stay relatively stable (within variations of about ±7%\pm7\%) long enough to conduct the ion-stopping measurements. Also, it is found that a special attention should be paid to the shock wave, emerging from the X-ray heated copper support plate, which at later times may significantly distort the carbon column density traversed by the fast ions.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Comparative Analysis of Upper Ocean Heat Content Variability from Ensemble Operational Ocean Analyses

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    Upper ocean heat content (HC) is one of the key indicators of climate variability on many time-scales extending from seasonal to interannual to long-term climate trends. For example, HC in the tropical Pacific provides information on thermocline anomalies that is critical for the longlead forecast skill of ENSO. Since HC variability is also associated with SST variability, a better understanding and monitoring of HC variability can help us understand and forecast SST variability associated with ENSO and other modes such as Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Tropical Atlantic Variability (TAV) and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). An accurate ocean initialization of HC anomalies in coupled climate models could also contribute to skill in decadal climate prediction. Errors, and/or uncertainties, in the estimation of HC variability can be affected by many factors including uncertainties in surface forcings, ocean model biases, and deficiencies in data assimilation schemes. Changes in observing systems can also leave an imprint on the estimated variability. The availability of multiple operational ocean analyses (ORA) that are routinely produced by operational and research centers around the world provides an opportunity to assess uncertainties in HC analyses, to help identify gaps in observing systems as they impact the quality of ORAs and therefore climate model forecasts. A comparison of ORAs also gives an opportunity to identify deficiencies in data assimilation schemes, and can be used as a basis for development of real-time multi-model ensemble HC monitoring products. The OceanObs09 Conference called for an intercomparison of ORAs and use of ORAs for global ocean monitoring. As a follow up, we intercompared HC variations from ten ORAs -- two objective analyses based on in-situ data only and eight model analyses based on ocean data assimilation systems. The mean, annual cycle, interannual variability and longterm trend of HC have been analyze

    Mesospheric temperatures and sodium properties measured with the ALOMAR Na lidar compared with WACCM

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    We present a comparison of the temperature and sodium layer properties observed by the ALOMAR Na lidar (69.3°N, 16.0°E) and simulated by the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with specified dynamics and implemented sodium chemistry (WACCM-Na). To constrain the meteorological fields below 60. km, we use MERRA and GEOS-5. For the years 2008 to 2012, we analyse daily averages of temperature between 80.5. km and 101.5. km altitude, and of the Na layer's peak height, peak density, and centroid height. Both model runs are able to reproduce the pronounced seasonal cycle of Na number density and temperature at high latitudes very well. Especially between 86.5. km and 95.5. km, the measured and simulated temperatures agree very well. The lidar measurements confirm the model predictions that the January 2012 stratospheric warming led to large variation in temperature and Na density. The correlation coefficient between Na number density and temperature is positive for almost all altitudes in the lidar data, but not in the simulations. On average, the centroid height and peak height measured by lidar is about 2. km-3. km higher than simulated by WACCM-Na