44 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Minat dan Motivasi Siswa-Siswi Dalam Mengikuti Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Futsal di SMP Negeri 17 Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Deskriptif Kuantitatif dengan Pendekatan Survei dan instrumen penelitian berupa angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII dan VIII yang mengikuti kegaiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal berjumlah 50 siswa-siswi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 siswa-siswi yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 17 Samarinda. Uji validitas menggunakan korelasi product moment dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus alpha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat siswa-siswi secara keseluruhan dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 17 Samarinda menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 44,6 yang tergolong ke dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase (52%) dan untuk motivasi siswa-siswi secara keseluruhan dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 17 Samarinda menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 59 yang tergolong ke dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase (40%). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa minat dan motivasi siswa-siswi dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 17 samarinda masuk ke dalam kategori sedang


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    Tujuan penelitian revitalisasi Lembaga Wali Nanggroe Aceh (LWNA) bagian dari upaya menemukan konsep aktivasi LWNA dalam penanggulangan pandemic covid-19 dan menemukan fungsi advise dalam tata kelola Pemerintah Aceh saat ini. Pemerintah Aceh dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh selaku pembentukan Qanun Aceh harus melibatkan LWNA, karena secara normatif yuridis lembaga a quo ini menjadi penjaga kekhususan dan keistimewaan rakyat Aceh. Penghidupan LWNA dalam untuk mempercepat penanganan pandemic covid-19 sehingga dapat memutus mata rantai penyebaran pandemic covid-19 yang saat ini dibeberapa kabupaten/kota di Aceh sudah masuk tahap zona merah

    Mewujudkan Keadilan, Kepastian Dan Kemanfaatan Hukum Dalam Qanun Bendera Dan Lambang Aceh

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    Article 246 paragraph (2) of Law No. 11 Year 2006 concerning Aceh Government may stipulate that the Aceh government and the Aceh region determine the flag and emblem that reflects the privileges and specificity. It is indeed the opposite opinion with the provision of Article 6 (4) of Governement Regulation No. 77 Year 2007 on Regional Symbols which states that the logo design of regional flag should not have similarity in its essential part or in its entirety with logo design and the flag of the banned organization or association or institution or separatist movement in Indonesian. The above explanation makes the writer interested in aanalysing it further with existing legal theory. The research question is what is the position of the flag and emblem of Aceh in relation to legal justice. What is the influence of the flag and emblem of the province of Aceh in the effort to unite the people of Aceh towards legal certainty. How does the flag and emblem of Aceh influence legal order in Indonesia, and is there any legal utility. The method used is descriptive research analysis which is a study that aims to describe or illustrate systematically, factually and accurately a population or certain regions regarding the nature or certain factors. Research results show that the Qanun made should meet the elements of legal objectives in order to be more beneficial to the community at large


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Minat dan Motivasi Siswa-Siswi Dalam Mengikuti Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Futsal di SMP Negeri 17 Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Deskriptif Kuantitatif dengan Pendekatan Survei dan instrumen penelitian berupa angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII dan VIII yang mengikuti kegaiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal berjumlah 50 siswa-siswi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 siswa-siswi yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 17 Samarinda. Uji validitas menggunakan korelasi product moment dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus alpha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat siswa-siswi secara keseluruhan dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 17 Samarinda menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 44,6 yang tergolong ke dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase (52%) dan untuk motivasi siswa-siswi secara keseluruhan dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 17 Samarinda menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 59 yang tergolong ke dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase (40%). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa minat dan motivasi siswa-siswi dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 17 samarinda masuk ke dalam kategori sedang


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    This article wants to highlight the theory of gender justice in the draf Family Law Qanun, does the DPRA and the Aceh Government accommodate the theory or even omission?. Then from behind the theory of gender justice there is the essence of gender justice that should be applied in the a quo qanun design? Gender justice itself should be interpreted as equal treatment and not discriminated based on their natural identity. If so, that women are also understood or interpreted to be able to be married to more than one person? There are two results of this study as follows: First, the theory of gender justice is not accommodated at all in the draf Family Law Qanun, so it is feared that women’s rights will be violated by the qanun a quo. The arrangement of polygamy in the design of the a quo qanun in fact missed the theory of gender justice. Evan the principle of justice is not given space in the articles on polygamy, tends to regulate procedurally. Second, the nature of the theory of gender justice is not touched by the Family Law Qanun Formulation Team, so that it can be ascertained that after the establishment of the a quo qanun there will be a degradation of Acehnese female figure. Then Aceh became the center of decline in terms of attitudes towards women. Indeed, this must be understood that ancient Aceh placed women in a respectable position. &nbsp

    Upaya Menemukan Konsep Ideal Hubungan Pusat-Daerah Menurut Undang-Undang Dasar Negera Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945

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    This study entitled "In search of Ideal Concepts Central-Local Relations According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945". This study aims to determine the future of local governance arrangements relating to the principle of asymmetric decentralization so much more freely take care of his own household. This study is a conceptual attempt to discover the concepts of central and local relations by UUDNRI 1945. The data was collected using library research (literature research) were performed to obtain secondary data in the legal field. This research is descriptive analysis is a study that aims to describe or illustrate a systematic, factual and accurate to a poluasi or a particular region, on the nature or certain factors. Based on the results of the discussion are available, the results of this study are. First, the concept of asymmetric decentralization has long sought its format as a constitutional mandate need further interpretation so really find the ideal concept for the Government of Indonesia. Second, the presence of Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government is already using the principle of broad autonomy so there keluasaan to manage their own regions. But in the case of researchers working to find a new format, which researchers have to offer is asymmetric decentralization to all areas of Indonesia although it seem difficult but it is if it is done jointly it will be easy to implement. Third, related to asymmetric decentralization to Indonesia has been applied to four areas namely Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Aceh and Papua, but researchers expect in the future Indonesia will be easily made further changes to the Law No. 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government. Fourth, Related to the regional authority which will be a very comprehensive course monitoring methods will be much tighter than before because of the decentralization of government power levels allow to lower or below to determine a number of issues, which they note


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    Abstract: The main goal of this research is to comprehend deeply the relation between husband and wife relating to the responsibilty of nafaqat in their family. The methodology used is juridical-sociological; where the data analyzed from textual livelihood obligations conditional or current contextual forces that all family members also have a responsible role in terms of living. The results of the study are as follows: that al-Baqarah requires a husband to provide a living to his wife, but in another context, a wife or other family members can play a role in maintaining family resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic resistance. In reality, however, the nafaqat become mutual responsibility of the husband and wife without any objection. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendalami relasi dan tanggung suami dan isteri terkait nafkah sehingga akan diketahui legal bases yang berkembang. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis-sosiologis, dimana data yang ditelaah dari tekstual kewajiban nafkah dengan kondisional atau kontekstual sekarang yang memaksa bahwa semua anggota keluarga juga punya peran tanggungjawab dalam hal nafkah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam Q.S. al-Baqarah mewajibkan seorang suami memberikan nafkah kepada istri tetapi dalam konteks lain, seorang istri atau anggota keluarga lain dapat berperan dalam menjaga ketahanan keluarga di masa pandemi covid-19. Realitasnya, nafkah keluarga menjadi tanggung bersama suami isteri tanpa ada merasa keberatan. Keywords: nafaqat, family resilience, Covid-19 pandemi

    Penentuan Kandidat Kepala Pemerintah Aceh di Internal Partai Aceh

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    Artikel ini ingin menyorot mengenai penentuan kandidat pepala Pemerintah Aceh di internal Partai Aceh. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis penentuan kandidat calon Kepala Pemerintah Aceh di Internal Partai Aceh. Serta mengetahui dan menganalisis penentuan kandidat calon Kepala Pemerintah Aceh di Internal Partai Aceh yang tidak merujuk kepada AD dan ART Partai Aceh sekaligus dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 2007 tentang Partai Politik Lokal di Aceh. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dalam pembahasan, disimpulkan: Pertama, bahwa proses penentuan kandidat calon Kepala Pemerintah Aceh di internal Partai Aceh tidak sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga Partai Aceh. Akan tetapi proses ditentukan dalam kongres partai hal ini berdasarkan pernyataan para elit-elit Partai Aceh. Kemudian Dewan Pimpinan Pusat, Dewan Pimpinan Wliayah, Dewan Pimpinan Sagoe, Dewan Pimpinan Mukim dan Dewan Pimpinan Gampong sudah mengadakan rapat dalam hal penentuan para kandidat yang diusung. Kedua, konsekuensi dari penentuan kandidat Kepala Pemerintah Aceh baik itu Calon Gubernur/Wakil Gubernur, Calon Bupati/Wakil Bupati, Calon Walikota/Wakil Walikota memang tidak merujuk kepada Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Partai Aceh, dalam Anggaran Rumah Tangga Pasal 6 yang menyatakan kewenangan Majelis Tuha Peut menentukan kebijakan strategis namun kenyataannya tidak demikian, hal ini inkonstitional karena melanggar ketentuan AD dan ART Partai Aceh. Karena legitimasi AD dan ART Partai Aceh diakui secara kuat oleh Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 2007 tentang Partai Politik Lokal di Aceh. This article would like to highlight the determination of the Aceh Government candidate pala in internal Aceh Party. Aims to find out and analyze the determination of candidates for the candidates for the Head of the Government of Aceh in the Internal Aceh Party. As well as knowing and analyzing the determination of candidates for candidates for the Head of the Aceh Government in the Internal Aceh Party who did not refer to the AD and ART of the Aceh Party as well as Government Regulation Number 20 Year 2007 concerning Local Political Parties in Aceh. Based on the research results in the discussion, it was concluded: First, that the process of determining candidates for the Head of Aceh Government candidates in the Aceh Party internally was not in accordance with the Aceh Party Statutes and Bylaws. However, the process was determined at the party congress based on the statements of the Aceh Party elites. Then the Central Leadership Board, the Wliayah Leadership Board, the Sagoe Leadership Board, the Mukim Leadership Council and the Gampong Leadership Council held a meeting in determining the candidates to be promoted. Second, the consequences of determining the candidates for the Head of the Government of Aceh, whether Candidates for Governor / Deputy Governor, Candidates for Regent / Deputy Regent, Candidates for Mayor / Deputy Mayor, do not refer to the Statutes and Articles of the Aceh Party, in Article 6 of the Bylaws which states the authority of the Tuha Assembly Peut determines strategic policy but the reality is not the case, this is unconstitutional because it violates the provisions of the AD and ART of the Aceh Party. Because the legitimacy of the AD and ART of the Aceh Party is strongly recognized by Government Regulation Number 20 of 2007 concerning Local Political Parties in Aceh.


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    ABSTRACTKerinci-Seblat National Park (KSNP) ecosystem has pressured from the extractive activities mainly extracting ex-concession areas (ex-HPH) located in surrounding buffer zone of KSNP. Based on the current revised boundary of KSNP, the clearing of (ex-HPH) for cultivation was estimated to involve 6,000 households covering an area of 9.000-10.000 hectares with an average of 1,40–1.70 hectares per-household. Nowadays, there are still many palm oil and rubber trees growing in the area. The objectives of this research are: (1) to evaluate the change of land cover and land uses on ex-forest concession area (HPH) around KSNP buffer zone; and (2) to find out total opportunity cost resulted by land uses on an ex-area HPH around KSNP buffer zone. Research findings show that ex-area HPH around KSNP buffer zone has experienced reduction on forest coverage extent. Pattern of land uses from former extracting forest to palm plantation and public plantation are dominant types of land uses carried on. Total opportunity cost of land uses into palm plantation managed by private companies is the greatest, that is up to Rp. 191.427. 700/ha/year. It is then followed by land use into public farming land or plantation, that is up to Rp. 118.842.600/ha/year. The reduction of the loss of fertile soil substance is the greatest loss which is about 80-90%

    Hubungan Kadar Transaminase dan Albumin Serum dengan Kadar Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) pada Pasien Kanker Kolorektal di RSUD PROF. DR. Margono Soekarjo Tahun 2014-2020

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    Latar Belakang: Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) telah lama digunakan sebagai serum marker/penanda diagnosis dan prognosis kanker kolorektal (KKR) selama beberapa tahun, dan signifikansi serta kegunaannya dalam aplikasi klinis telah dilaporkan dalam banyak penelitian. Akurasi diagnostik CEA masih tergolong rendah. CEA relatif lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan kandidat-kandidat marker KKR yang lain, seperti Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1) dan exosomal copine III (CPNE3) dalam memprediksi KKR. Rendahnya akurasi ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh variabilitas hasil pengukuran CEA. Untuk meningkatkan sensitifitas CEA dalam memprediksi KKR, diperlukan analisis lebih jauh terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar CEA, salah satunya adalah status fungsi hati, organ yang berperan dalam metabolisme CEA. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kadar CEA pasien dengan penurunan fungsi hati pada pasien kanker kolorektal di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo. Metode: Rancangan penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan secara cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder berupa rekam medis. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Hasil: Variabel SGOT dan albumin memiliki korelasi yang signifikan terhadap kadar CEA serum. Kadar SGOT memiliki korelasi positif terhadap kadar CEA (p=0,003; r=0,432) sedangkan kadar albumin serum memiliki korelasi negatif terhadap kadar CEA (p=0,04; r=-0,308). Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa SGOT merupakan variabel yang signfikan mempengaruhi kadar CEA serum (p=0,018). Kesimpulan: Kadar CEA berhubungan dengan status fungsi hati pada pasien kanker kolorektal