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    573 research outputs found

    State’s Right of Control: Concept and Its Corelation for Renewable Energy Use in Indonesia: Hak Menguasai Negara: Konsep dan Korelasinya terhadap Penggunaan Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia

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    Hak Menguasai Negara (HMN) memberikan otoritas kepada pemerintah dalam melakukan pemanfaatan terhadap bumi, air, dan kekayaan alam. HMN merupakan refleksi atas Pasal 33 ayat (3) UUD NRI tahun 1945. Kerusakan lingkungan yang semakin masif bahan bakar fosil mensyaratkan pentingnya transisi energi di Indonesia. Penggunaan energi terbarukan dapat menjadi sumber energi sekaligus mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan. Penggunaan energi terbarukan yang ramah terhadap lingkungan seharusnya tidak menjadikannya sebagai suatu pilihan, melainkan sebagai kewajiban untuk digunakan secara meluas di Indonesia. Pokok permasalahan tersebut melahirkan pertanyaan yakni bagaimana konsepsi HMN dan hubungannya terhadap peran pemerintah dalam menciptakan iklim energi terbarukan di Indonesia. Penelitian hukum normatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pada akhirnya diketahui bahwa konsep HMN telah memberikan kewenangan kepada pemerintah dalam melakukan peruntukan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam di Indonesia. Kewenangan pemerintah melalui HMN dapat menjadi sarana dalam membuat regulasi maupun kebijakan atas penggunaan energi terbarukan di Indonesia, serta ditujukan untuk menciptakan sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat.The dominance of fossil energy use in the midst of abundant renewable energy potential in Indonesia is the basis for looking at the existence of State’s Rights of Control (SRC) in the energy sector. This research aims to elaborate on the concept of SRC and its correlation to the use of renewable energy in Indonesia. This research was studied with a normative legal approach. The results show that SRC not only gives authority to the government, but also gives responsibility so that the utilization of natural resources is oriented towards the interests and prosperity of the community. The dominance of the use of fossil energy actually puts people and the environment in a threatened condition. Therefore, the selection of renewable energy in the primary energy mix is the responsibility of the government as part of SRC. to encourage the use of renewable energy in Indonesia, strengthening the concept of SRC is needed in every regulation and policy on the utilization of natural resources in the energy sector

    Resolving Institutional Dualism of Election Supervisory Institutions in Aceh Province: Penyelesaian Dualisme Kelembagaan Lembaga Pengawas Pemilihan Umum di Provinsi Aceh

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    Hingga saat ini, dualisme kelembagaan lembaga pengawas pemilu dan pilkada di Aceh masih terjadi. Kondisi tersebut masih menyisakan masalah dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan pemilu dan pilkada di Aceh. Artikel ini memfokuskan bahasan pada aspek pilihan kebijakan hukum yang dapat diambil untuk menyelesaikan dualisme tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang sepenuhnya menggunakan data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Kajian ini berkesimpulan bahwa akar persoalan dualisme lembaga pengawas pemilu dan pilkada di Aceh disebabkan tidak sinkronnya pengaturan UU Pemilu dan UU Pilkada dengan UU Pemerintahan Aceh. Hal itu juga diperkuat dengan Putusan MK yang menyatakan Pasal 557 dan Pasal 571 huruf d UU Pemilu bertentangan dengan UUD 1945 karena pembentukannya tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan perubahan UU Pemerintahan Aceh yang dimuat dalam UU Pemerintahan Aceh itu sendiri. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar dualisme kelembagaan lembaga pengawas pemilu dan pilkada di Aceh segera diakhiri melakukan perubahan terhadap UU Pemilu, UU Pilkada dan UU Pemerintahan AcehUntil now, the institutional dualism of election monitoring institutions and regional elections in Aceh still exists. This condition still leaves problems in the implementation of election supervision and regional elections in Aceh. This article focuses discussion on aspects of legal policy choices that can be taken to resolve this dualism. This research is normative legal research which fully uses secondary data in the form of primary and secondary legal materials. This study concludes that the root of the problem of dualism in the election and regional election supervisory institutions in Aceh is due to the lack of synchronization in the regulation of the Election Law and the Regional Election Law with the Aceh Government Law. This was also reinforced by the Constitutional Court\u27s decision which stated that Article 557 and Article 571 letter d of the Election Law were contrary to the UUD 1945 because their formation was not in accordance with the provisions of the amendment to the Aceh Government Law contained in the Aceh Government Law itself. This research recommends that the institutional dualism of election and regional election supervisory institutions in Aceh be ended immediately by making changes to the Election Law, Regional Election Law and Aceh Government Law

    Reconstruction of the 1945 Constitution for strengthening the legal framework of Indonesia Environmental Law: Rekonstruksi UUD 1945 Menuju Penguatan Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia

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    The Anthropocene era was marked by a decline in the quality of the environment including being influenced by the law itself, for example the Job Creation Law was considered to have a negative impact on efforts to protect the environment. This research will analyze the development of legal instruments and the role of the Constitutional Court in environmental protection. This research will be conducted by studying legal literature. The urgency of changing the environmental law political paradigm (green policy) in Indonesia based on the ecocentrism paradigm will provide stronger environmental law political guidelines. Efforts to strengthen the paradigm of environmental protection are carried out by reconstructing the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia by granting rights to the environment and setting state obligations. There is a role for the Constitutional Court through Decision Number 32/PUU-VII/2010 and Number 18/PUU-XII/2014 by providing guidelines for the development of more comprehensive environmental law

    Partisipasi publik Partisipasi Publik Sebagai Hak Konstitusional dalam Proses Penyusunan Dokumen Lingkungan: Hak Konstitusional

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    Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menjawab persoalan hukum terkait pembatasan partisipasi publik dalam proses penyusunan dokumen lingkungan di dalam Pasal 22 angka 4 dan Pasal 22 angka 5 Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja. Problematika hukum tersebut menarik untuk diteliti utamanya jika dikaitkan dengan hak konstitusional setiap warga negara untuk ikut berperan serta dalam perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan filosofis. Hasil penelitian dan analisa terhadap hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa partisipasi publik merupakan hak konstitusional, sehingga pembatasan terhadap partisipasi publik merupakan bentuk pelanggaran konstitusional; pembatasan partisipasi berpotensi menimbulkan antinomi atau konflik norma antara satu pasal dengan pasal lainnya dalam satu peraturan perundang-undangan dan antara satu undang-undang dengan undang-undang yang lain; dan dalam lingkup yang lebih luas, pembatasan partisipasi publik juga bertentangan dengan prinsip hukum lingkungan internasional, khususnya hukum lingkungan yang bersifat prosedural.This study aims to explore the legal concerns associated with limitations on public involvement in the preparation of environmental documentation under the Job Creation Law. This research is doctrinal and conducted using statutory, conceptual, and philosophical approaches. The results of the research and analysis conclude that public participation is a constitutional right. Therefore, limiting public participation, particularly for individuals who are directly impacted by a proposed business plan and/or activity, constitutes a constitutional violation. Restrictions on participation can potentially create antinomies or conflicts of norms between articles or even regulations within a law. Furthermore, in a broader scope, restrictions on public participation conflict with the principles of international environmental law, especially procedural environmental law

    Restorative Justice as an Effort to Fulfill the Constitutional Rights of Citizens: Restorative Justice sebagai Upaya Pemenuhan Hak Konstitusional Warga Negara

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    This study aims to determine whether the settlement of criminal cases through restorative justice is an effort to fulfill the constitutional rights of citizens. The method used in this research is normative legal research with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that the settlement of cases through restorative justice is an effort to fulfill the constitutional rights of citizens because the principle of resolving cases through restorative justice can be said to be more able to guarantee justice and equality before the law (equality before the law) as regulated in Article 27 paragraph (1), Article 28D paragraph (1) and Article 28I paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

    The Relationship between Pancasila and Constitutional Court Decisions as a Source of Law in Indonesia: Relasi Pancasila dengan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Sebagai Sumber Hukum di Indonesia

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    Both Pancasila and the Constitutional Court Decision both have the same position as a source of law in the formation of laws and regulations. Therefore, this paper intends to analyze the relationship that must be built between Pancasila and the Constitutional Court Decision as a source of law. This research is normative legal research, the data in the writing comes from legal materials, both primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Therefore, the selected data collection technique is literature study. The results of this study indicate that the rulings of the Constitutional Court which are regulatory (conditional constitutional-unconstitutional and those that formulate new norms) make the Constitutional Court Decisions a binding source of law which has major implications in constructing the formation of statutory regulations. At this point, Constitutional Justices must be able to relate and synchronize the decisions they make with Pancasila, bearing in mind that as a source of law Pancasila is the source of national basic law and the source of all sources of law in Indonesia.Pancasila maupun Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi keduanya sama-sama berkedudukan sebagai sumber hukum dalam pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini bermaksud untuk menganalisis bagaimana relasi yang harus dibangun antara Pancasila dengan Putusan MK sebagai sumber hukum. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif, data dalam tulisan bersumber pada bahan-bahan hukum baik bahan hukum primer, sekunder, maupun tersier. Oleh karena itu, teknik pengumpulan data yang dipilih adalah studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Putusan MK yang bersifat mengatur (konstitusional-inkonstitusional bersyarat dan yang merumuskan norma baru) menjadikan Putusan MK sebagai sumber hukum mengikat yang memiliki implikasi besar dalam mengkonstruksi pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan. Pada titik ini, Hakim Konstitusi harus bisa merelasikan dan mensinkronkan putusan yang dibuatnya dengan Pancasila, mengingat sebagai sumber hukum Pancasila merupakan sumber hukum dasar nasional dan sumber segala sumber hukum di Indonesia

    Protection of Human Rights in the Execution of Forced Attempts against State Administrative Court Decisions: Perlindungan HAM dalam Eksekusi Upaya Paksa Terhadap Putusan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara

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    Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pentingnya perlindungan hak asasi manusia dalam pelaksanaan upaya paksa eksekusi putusan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN) dan Kendala Pelaksanaan Eksekusi Paksa Putusan PTUN dalam mewujudkan Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia. Sebagaimana diketahui, Penguatan eksekusi putusan pengadilan tata terus diperkuat melalui perubahan Undang-Undang tentang PTUN tahun 2005 dan terakhir 2009 melalui Upaya paksa serta pengenaan sanksi administratif terhadap tergugat yang dalam hal ini adalah pejabat pemerintahan yang tidak melaksanakan putusan pengadilan yang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap. Tulisan ini  menggunakan metode Normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual dan dianalisis menggunakan Teknik deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Perlindungan hak asasi manusia merupakan hal yang penting dalam menyelesaikan pelaksanaan eksekusi paksa putusan PTUN agar eksekusi  dapat memastikan keadilan bagi semua pihak yang terlibat sesuai dengan prinsip negara hukum yang berkeadilan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Selain itu, Kendala Pelaksanaan Eksekusi Paksa Putusan PTUN dalam mewujudkan Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia yaitu Kurangnya kerjasama atau permohonan upaya paksa dari pihak penggugat ke PTUN, kurangnya Kesadaran Pejabat, dan kurangnya aturan pelaksana. Pada akhirnya, penulisan ini menawarkan solusi perlunya payung hukum yang lengkap dan tidak bertentangan satu sama lainnya untuk pelaksanaan eksekusi, pelaksanaan penegakan hukum yang konsisten dan tegas, dan peningkatan efisiensi sistem birokrasi dan kapabilitas aparatur pemerintah. Implementasi dari solusi-solusi ini diharapkan dapat memperbaiki proses eksekusi putusan PTUN, menjadikannya lebih berkeadilan, serta berkontribusi positif pada penegakan hukum dan penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia di Indonesia.This research examines the importance of human rights protection in the enforcement of forced execution of decisions from the Administrative Court and the various obstacles encountered in its implementation. This study employs normative methods with a statutory and conceptual approach to analyze the existing issues. The study emphasizes the need for comprehensive legal regulations regarding the execution of decisions, consistent law enforcement, and improved efficiency within the bureaucratic system. Furthermore, the research identifies the challenges faced, including the lack of cooperation from relevant parties, the low level of awareness among officials, and the absence of adequate implementing regulations. These findings highlight the importance of a just rule of law and the urgent need for a structured legal framework to ensure that forced execution is carried out fairly and effectively

    Legal Policy of President Joko Widodo and the Independence of Constitutional Court: Politik Legislasi Presiden Joko Widodo dan Independensi Mahkamah Konstitusi

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    This article discusses the independence of the Constitutional Court in reviewing legislation created by President Joko Widodo. There are three main questions posted: What is the character of legal policy under President Joko Widodo, how has the role of the Constitutional Court shifted in the last decade and what is the character of the Constitutional Court’s decisions in reviewing legislation enacted by President Joko Widodo. These questions are discussed using normative research on Constitutional Court decisions. Data from the results of this research are deployed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative data is displayed to show legislative trends and Constitutional Court decisions. Analysis was carried out on 78 laws and 277 Constitutional Court Decisions. Meanwhile, qualitative research is to assess the character of legislation and Constitutional Court decisions through case studies of several Constitutional Court decisions related to politics, economics, law enforcement institutions and civil liberties. This article shows that the Constitutional Court has not been effective in exercising judicial review of legislation enacted under President Joko Widodo, amidst an increasingly abusive legislative process

    The Intersection of State Control and Decentralization in the Prospect of Renewable Energy Regulation in Indonesia: Irisan Penguasan Negara dan Desentralisasi dalam Prospek Pengaturan Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia

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    Energi terbarukan berbeda dengan energi konvensional karena sifat hijau serta persebaran dan potensi yang sangat besar pada daerah di Indonesia. Namun, saat ini belum terdapat regulasi terintegrasi terkait energi terbarukan karena masih menjadi Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) dalam Prolegnas tahun 2022. Penelitian ini akan memberikan pandangan terhadap beberapa undang-undang yang mengatur konsepsi kewenangan bagi pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam pengelolaan energi terbarukan. Selanjutnya, akan dianalisis prospek pengaturan energi terbarukan dengan telaah penguasaan negara dan desentralisasi dengan mempertimbangkan potensi serta kesiapan daerah. Penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Sumber data dan bahan hukum yang diperoleh akan dianalisis secara kualitatif.  Temuan dari penelitian ini, konsep penguasaan negara memiliki irisan dengan desentralisasi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya energi.  Daerah di Indonesia memiliki potensi yang sangat besar namun bermasalah di kesiapan. Untuk itu perlu diundangkan RUU EBT sebagai dasar hukum untuk menunjang percepatan energi terbarukan di Indonesia. Dalamnya, lima fungsi penguasaan negara dijalankan berdasar desentralisasi secara ideal yang lebih cocok untuk pengembangan energi terbarukan.Renewable energy has great potential in Indonesia, but Indonesia does not have integrated regulations related to renewable energy considering that these regulations are still in the process of the 2022 Proleges Draft Law (RUU). This research aims to outline views on renewable energy through the concept of central and regional government authority in managing renewable energy and analyzing it through the prospects for state control and decentralization, in order to see the potential readiness of regions in Indonesia. This research was conducted using normative juridical research. The results of this research show that the concept of state control has an intersection with decentralization in the management of energy resources. Indonesia has enormous potential for renewable energy, but regions in Indonesia still have challenges regarding readiness. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the EBT Bill as a legal basis to support the acceleration of renewable energy in Indonesia and the importance of carrying out the five functions of state control based on decentralization ideally for the development of renewable energy

    The Paradox of State of Law Idea on Pancasila Philosophical Justification as Source of Law: Paradoks Ide Negara Hukum dalam Justifikasi Filosofis Pancasila sebagai Sumber Hukum

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    The state of law idea formulated in the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is a formulation containing normative statements that is still dubious and seems convincing. The Pancasila philosophical justification as the source of legal norms needs to be questioned. The possibility if Pancasila is used as the source of law will expand coercive actions and choices of legal imperatives. The research method used is analytical techniques with a critical-philosophical approach, which brings factual concepts closer by resting on philosophical issues within the scope of concepts and values for understanding Pancasila which is still interpreted as the source of all sources of law. The research findings found that the construction of the state of law idea should not depend on legal rigidity. It must be able to be created as a discursive space that is truly interpretive and not limitative. The paradox’s problem can be raised through legal interpretations which are able to find a relationship between what should be normative and what is factual.The state of law idea formulated in the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is a formulation containing normative statement that is still dubious and seems convincing. Embedding the nature of legality in the context of the idea of the rule of law through the statement that Pancasila is the source of legal norms need to be questioned. The idea of Pancasila is impossible to realize if it does not materialize into a living reality, not a dead one. The possibility if Pancasila is used as sources of law it will expand coercive actions and choices of legal imperatives. Pancasila must be able transforming and making itself relevant in midst of the challenges of social changes. The construction of the idea of a rule of law should not depend on absolute and certainty. It must be able to be created as a discursive space that is truly interpretive and not limitative. Pancasila is existed and recognized in the constitutional adjudication with presuppositions to explain the rationalization of legal reality. It must be carried out at the level of the goal for obtaining and achieving justice. The problem of the paradox of the rule of law idea can be raised through legal interpretations that are able to find a relationship between what should be normative and what is factual. Judges must be able to voice more than what is stated in the law and what is said by the law. &nbsp


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