188 research outputs found

    Comprehensive determination of the high-pressure structural behaviour of BaTiO<sub>3</sub>

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    We have mapped the phase diagram of BaTiO3 more extensively than previous attempts using high-pressure neutron-powder diffraction. The mapping of the phase diagram has been performed using isothermal compression at fixed temperatures (175, 225, 290, 480 K) within each of the known crystallographic phases, up to ∌6 GPa using a large volume press. The crystallographic structure of each phase has been measured, and the determined absolute atomic displacements of all atoms within the cell have provided detailed information on the order of the phase transitions observed, and the behaviour of the ferroelectric dipole moment.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Preferential closed channel blockade of HERG potassium currents by chemically synthesised BeKm‐1 scorpion toxin

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    The scorpion toxin peptide BeKm‐1 was synthesised by fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl solid phase chemistry and folded by air oxidation. The peptide's effects on heterologous human ether‐a‐go‐go‐related gene potassium current (I HERG) in HEK293 cells were assessed using 'whole‐cell' patch clamp. Blockade of I HERG by BeKm‐1 was concentration‐dependent, temperature‐dependent, and rapid in onset and reversibility. Blockade also exhibited inverse voltage dependence, inverse dependence on duration of depolarisation, and reverse use‐ and frequency‐dependence. Blockade by BeKm‐1 and recombinant ergtoxin, another scorpion toxin known to block HERG, differed in their recovery from HERG current inactivation elicited by strong depolarisation and in their ability to block HERG when the channels were already activated. We conclude that synthetic BeKm‐1 toxin blocks HERG preferentially through a closed (resting) state channel blockade mechanism, although some open channel blockade also occurs

    Modular Robotic Vehicle

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    A modular robotic vehicle includes a chassis, driver input devices, an energy storage system (ESS), a power electronics module (PEM), modular electronic assemblies (eModules) connected to the ESS via the PEM, one or more master controllers, and various embedded controllers. Each eModule includes a drive wheel containing a propulsion-braking module, and a housing containing propulsion and braking control assemblies with respective embedded propulsion and brake controllers, and a mounting bracket covering a steering control assembly with embedded steering controllers. The master controller, which is in communication with each eModule and with the driver input devices, communicates with and independently controls each eModule, by-wire, via the embedded controllers to establish a desired operating mode. Modes may include a two-wheel, four-wheel, diamond, and omni-directional steering modes as well as a park mode. A bumper may enable docking with another vehicle, with shared control over the eModules of the vehicles

    Dual-specificity phosphatase 1 and tristetraprolin cooperate to regulate macrophage responses to lipopolysaccharide

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    Dual-specificity phosphatase (DUSP) 1 dephosphorylates and inactivates members of the MAPK superfamily, in particular, JNKs, p38a, and p38b MAPKs. It functions as an essential negative regulator of innate immune responses, hence disruption of the Dusp1 gene renders mice extremely sensitive to a wide variety of experimental inflammatory challenges. The principal mechanisms behind the overexpression of inflammatory mediators by Dusp12/2 cells are not known. In this study, we use a genetic approach to identify an important mechanism of action of DUSP1, involving the modulation of the activity of the mRNA-destabilizing protein tristetraprolin. This mechanism is key to the control of essential early mediators of inflammation, TNF, CXCL1, and CXCL2, as well as the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. The same mechanism also contributes to the regulation of a large number of transcripts induced by treatment of macrophages with LPS. These findings demonstrate that modulation of the phosphorylation status of tristetraprolin is an important physiological mechanism by which innate immune responses can be controlled

    Cellular characterisation of advanced osteoarthritis knee synovium

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    Objectives Osteoarthritis (OA) is increasingly recognised as a whole joint disease, with an important role for synovium. However, the repertoire of immune cells and fibroblasts that constitute OA synovium remains understudied. This study aims to characterise the cellular composition of advanced OA synovium and to explore potential correlations between different cell types and patient demographics or clinical scores. Methods Synovium, collected from 10 patients with advanced OA during total knee replacement surgery, was collagenase-digested, and cells were stained for flow cytometry analysis. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded synovium was sectioned, stained with immunofluorescence, and imaged using the multiplex Cell DIVE platform. Patient demographics and clinical scores were also collected. Results The proportion of immune cells in OA synovium varied between patients (8–38% of all cells). Macrophages and T cells were the dominant immune cell populations, together representing 76% of immune cells. Age positively correlated with the proportion of macrophages, and negatively correlated with T cells. CCR6+ T cells were found in 6/10 patients; these patients had a higher mean Kellgren-Lawrence grade across the three knee compartments. Immunofluorescence staining showed that macrophages were present in the lining as well as distributed throughout the sublining, while T and B cells were mainly localised near vessels in the sublining. Fibroblast subsets (CD45−PDPN+) based on the expression of CD34/CD90 or FAP/CD90 were identified in all patient samples, and some populations correlate with the percentage of immune cells or clinical scores. Immunofluorescence staining showed that FAP expression was particularly strong in the lining layer, but also present throughout the sublining layer. CD90 expression was exclusively found around vessels in the sublining, while CD34 was mostly found in the sublining but also occasionally in the lining layer. Conclusions There are significant differences in the relative proportions and subsets of immune cells in OA synovium; exploratory correlative analyses suggest that these differences might be correlated with age, clinical scores, or fibroblast subsets. Additional studies are required to understand how different cell types affect OA pathobiology, and if the presence or proportion of cell subsets relates to disease phenotypes

    A new ionospheric electron precipitation module coupled with RAM-SCB within the geospace general circulation model

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    Electron precipitation down to the atmosphere due to wave-particle scattering in the magnetosphere contributes significantly to the auroral ionospheric conductivity. In order to obtain the auroral conductivity in global MHD models that are incapable of capturing kinetic physics in the magnetosphere, MHD parameters are often used to estimate electron precipitation flux for the conductivity calculation. Such an MHD approach, however, lacks self-consistency in representing the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes. In this study we improve the coupling processes in global models with a more physical method. We calculate the physics-based electron precipitation from the ring current and map it to the ionospheric altitude for solving the ionospheric electrodynamics. In particular, we use the BATS-R-US (Block Adaptive Tree Scheme-Roe type-Upstream) MHD model coupled with the kinetic ring current model RAM-SCB (Ring current-Atmosphere interaction Model with Self-Consistent Magnetic field (B)) that solves pitch angle-dependent electron distribution functions, to study the global circulation dynamics during the 25–26 January 2013 storm event. Since the electron precipitation loss is mostly governed by wave-particle resonant scattering in the magnetosphere, we further investigate two loss methods of specifying electron precipitation loss associated with wave-particle interactions: (1) using pitch angle diffusion coefficients Dαα(E,α) determined from the quasi-linear theory, with wave spectral and plasma density obtained from statistical observations (named as “diffusion coefficient method”) and (2) using electron lifetimes τ(E) independent on pitch angles inferred from the above diffusion coefficients (named as “lifetime method”). We found that both loss methods demonstrate similar temporal evolution of the trapped ring current electrons, indicating that the impact of using different kinds of loss rates is small on the trapped electron population. However, for the precipitated electrons, the lifetime method hardly captures any precipitation in the large L shell (i.e., 4 < L < 6.5) region, while the diffusion coefficient method produces much better agreement with NOAA/POES measurements, including the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of electron precipitation in the region from the premidnight through the dawn to the dayside. Further comparisons of the precipitation energy flux to DMSP observations indicates that the new physics-based precipitation approach using diffusion coefficients for the ring current electron loss can explain the diffuse electron precipitation in the dawn sector, such as the enhanced precipitation flux at auroral latitudes and flux drop near the subauroral latitudes, but the traditional MHD approach largely overestimates the precipitation flux at lower latitudes

    The role of a disulfide bridge in the stability and folding kinetics of Arabidopsis thaliana cytochrome c6A

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    Cytochrome c 6A is a eukaryotic member of the Class I cytochrome c family possessing a high structural homology with photosynthetic cytochrome c 6 from cyanobacteria, but structurally and functionally distinct through the presence of a disulfide bond and a heme mid-point redox potential of + 71 mV (vs normal hydrogen electrode). The disulfide bond is part of a loop insertion peptide that forms a cap-like structure on top of the core α-helical fold. We have investigated the contribution of the disulfide bond to thermodynamic stability and (un)folding kinetics in cytochrome c 6A from Arabidopsis thaliana by making comparison with a photosynthetic cytochrome c 6 from Phormidium laminosum and through a mutant in which the Cys residues have been replaced with Ser residues (C67/73S). We find that the disulfide bond makes a significant contribution to overall stability in both the ferric and ferrous heme states. Both cytochromes c 6A and c 6 fold rapidly at neutral pH through an on-pathway intermediate. The unfolding rate for the C67/73S variant is significantly increased indicating that the formation of this region occurs late in the folding pathway. We conclude that the disulfide bridge in cytochrome c 6A acts as a conformational restraint in both the folding intermediate and native state of the protein and that it likely serves a structural rather than a previously proposed catalytic role. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
