17 research outputs found

    Global uncertainty and economic growth–evidence from pandemic periods

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    This paper investigates whether global uncertainty predicts economic growth rates using a global sample of 136 countries. We use the panel regression model and find strong evidence that global uncertainty negatively predicts the economic growth rate. Further, the negative impact of global uncertainty on economic growth rates is amplified during pandemic periods versus non-pandemic periods. Our main findings hold after a range of robustness tests

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Penerimaan Beasiswa Bidikmisi Menggunakan Metode Topsis dan Metode SAW

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    Education is an important thing for every child to get knowledge and formal education in school. Background of children who are from underprivileged families, not the least cause the children drop out of school. The government provides solutions through Kemenristek Dikti institution to hold a scholarship program BIDIKMISI for underprivileged and achieving children for education, especially from SMA / SMK or equivalent to university. In this research, a decision support system was developed using TOPSIS method (Technique for Order Performance by Equal with Ideal Solution) and SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method for BIDIKMISI scholarship recipient. The policies used in determining scholarship recipients are generation, value, number of siblings, father education, and mother education. The results obtained by using 79 data of prospective recipients obtained by using the name of Nensy, 0.7394 of TOPSIS calculation and 81.7 from the calculation of SAW. Highest value parsing system according to priority


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    The objective of this study is to illustrate the effect of two types of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of C102 copper alloy. Annealing and quenching were conducted to study the effect of cooling rate on material. Specimens were heated at 350, 400 and 500C and were cooled by using two types of cooling medium; furnace cooling and water quench. Tensile strength of 254.6 MPa was obtained for the as received specimen. It was shown that an increase in cooling rate contributed to a higher strength due to local strain effect. Rapid cooling in quenched specimen had successfully increase the hardness by 41% and recorded the highest tensile strength of 359 MPa while slow cooling rate which experienced by an annealed specimen resulted in the lowest tensile strength of 136 MPa. Microstructure investigation shows annealed specimen produced coarse austenitic structure with larger grain size. Meanwhile, quenched specimen produced finer austenitic structure with smaller grain size. It was observed that the grain size of annealed specimen was increased with soaking temperature, however, quenched specimen shows the other way around

    Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis

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    In this crowdsourced initiative, independent analysts used the same dataset to test two hypotheses regarding the effects of scientists’ gender and professional status on verbosity during group meetings. Not only the analytic approach but also the operationalizations of key variables were left unconstrained and up to individual analysts. For instance, analysts could choose to operationalize status as job title, institutional ranking, citation counts, or some combination. To maximize transparency regarding the process by which analytic choices are made, the analysts used a platform we developed called DataExplained to justify both preferred and rejected analytic paths in real time. Analyses lacking sufficient detail, reproducible code, or with statistical errors were excluded, resulting in 29 analyses in the final sample. Researchers reported radically different analyses and dispersed empirical outcomes, in a number of cases obtaining significant effects in opposite directions for the same research question. A Boba multiverse analysis demonstrates that decisions about how to operationalize variables explain variability in outcomes above and beyond statistical choices (e.g., covariates). Subjective researcher decisions play a critical role in driving the reported empirical results, underscoring the need for open data, systematic robustness checks, and transparency regarding both analytic paths taken and not taken. Implications for organizations and leaders, whose decision making relies in part on scientific findings, consulting reports, and internal analyses by data scientists, are discussed

    Figs 48–53. Pholcus ledang Huber, 2011 in New leaf- and litter-dwelling species of the genus Pholcus from Southeast Asia (Araneae, Pholcidae)

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    Figs 48–53. Pholcus ledang Huber, 2011, SEM micrographs (ZFMK, Ar 15704–05). 48–49. Male and female prosomata, frontal views. 50. Comb hairs on male tarsus 4. 51–52. Right appendix and embolus, prolateral and distal views. 53. Female ALS. Scale bars: 48 = 300 µm; 49 = 200 µm; 50 = 10 µm; 51–52 = 100 µm; 53 = 20 µm

    Figs 39–47. Pholcus gombak Huber, 2011 in New leaf- and litter-dwelling species of the genus Pholcus from Southeast Asia (Araneae, Pholcidae)

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    Figs 39–47. Pholcus gombak Huber, 2011, SEM micrographs (ZFMK, Ar 15701–02). 39–40. Male and female prosomata, frontal views. 41. Left procursus; asterisk marks large prolatero-dorsal process. 42– 43. Right appendix and embolus, prolateral and prolatero-distal views. 44. Female ALS. 45. Cuticular processes on whitish retrolateral area of left procursus. 46. Male gonopore. 47. Epigynum, ventral view. Scale bars: 39–40 = 300 µm; 41, 47 = 200 µm; 42, 43 = 100 µm; 44 = 20 µm; 45 = 10 µm; 46 = 30 µm

    Figs 32–38. Live specimens. 32–35. Pholcus gombak Huber, 2011 in New leaf- and litter-dwelling species of the genus Pholcus from Southeast Asia (Araneae, Pholcidae)

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    Figs 32–38. Live specimens. 32–35. Pholcus gombak Huber, 2011, Kemensah (32) and Gunung Liang (33–35), ♂, ♀ with parasitized egg-sac seven days before eclosion of wasps (33), one day before eclosion (34), and at eclosion (35). 36–38. P. ledang Huber, 2011, Gunung Ledang, ♂ and ♀ with egg-sac

    The Implementation of Local Values in Aceh Education Curriculum

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    This study aimed at finding the values ​​of local wisdom as well as strategies for transformation and internalization of these values ​​in the curriculum for students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah. This was qualitative research, and the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interview techniques, documentation, and strengthened by focus group discussions (consisting of 5 experts). The validity of the data was confirmed by the triangulation technique. The data were analyzed using inductive techniques to reveal the implicit/explicit meaning of the information in the field. The results of the study indicated that the value of learning needed to be adjusted to the character of the community. Characteristics of the Acehnese people who have a strong, reactive, and exocentric character, are more effective in learning through the use of symbols of local values. One of these local values ​​is peumalèe. Peumalèe can be explicitly implemented in the curriculum and implicitly embedded in the school curriculum. The value of peumalèe not only has a strong foundation in student learning because it is related to their daily beliefs and worship but also has social and religious sanctions for those who violate it