719 research outputs found

    Un verde motivo en el paisaje de Tandilia

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    La transiformación del paisaje pampeano expresa el pasado y el presente de la historia productiva regional. Aún hoy, los espacios serranos albergan parte de la diversidad de la vegetación original. Conocer y preservar este patrimonio natural es el motivo de este trabajo.Fundación Museo La Plat

    Un verde motivo en el paisaje de Tandilia

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    La transiformación del paisaje pampeano expresa el pasado y el presente de la historia productiva regional. Aún hoy, los espacios serranos albergan parte de la diversidad de la vegetación original. Conocer y preservar este patrimonio natural es el motivo de este trabajo.Fundación Museo La Plat

    Un verde motivo en el paisaje de Tandilia

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    La transiformación del paisaje pampeano expresa el pasado y el presente de la historia productiva regional. Aún hoy, los espacios serranos albergan parte de la diversidad de la vegetación original. Conocer y preservar este patrimonio natural es el motivo de este trabajo.Fundación Museo La Plat

    La vegetación de los pastizales en el área de la reserva natural integral de Punta Lara, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Fil: Reynals, Luciana. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Nacional del Cenrtro. Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Ricci, Susana Esther. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Ambientales (CINEA). Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Nacional del Cenrtro. Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Pérez, Carolina. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Miranda del Fresno, María Carolina. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Ambientales (CINEA). Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Nacional del Cenrtro. Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Iharlegui, Laura. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Wysiecki, María Laura de. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Evidências neuroquímicas e comportamentais do efeito ansiogênico da deltametrina em ratos

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    Pyrethroid insecticides are extensively used for pest control around the house, flea prevention for pets, and plant sprays for the home and in agriculture. Deltamethrin (DTM) is a Type II pyrethroid insecticide used to control a variety of insects in agriculture and domestic environments. The present study investigated the possible anxiogenic effects of DTM (1, 3, and 10 mg/kg) in rats using behavioral and neurochemical methods. We assessed general locomotor activity and behavior in the elevated plus maze and open field test. Striatal and hippocampal neurotransmitter and metabolite levels were also measured. DTM (i) reduced locomotion and rearing frequency, (ii) slightly increased the duration of immobility, (iii) reduced the time engaged in social interaction, (iv) reduced the percentage of entries into and time spent on the open arms of the elevated plus maze, (v) reduced the number of center crossings in the elevated plus maze, (vi) Striatal and hippocampal neurotransmitter and metabolite levels were also measured. DTM (i) reduced locomotion and rearing frequency, (ii) slightly increased the duration of immobility, (iii) reduced the time engaged in social interaction, (iv) reduced the percentage of entries into and time spent on the open arms of the elevated plus maze, (v) reduced the number of center crossings in the elevated plus maze, (vi) increased striatal serotonin neurotransmitter and its metabolite, and (vii) did not alter motor coordination on the rotarod, grooming duration in the open field test, rectal temperature, or hippocampal neurotransmitter levels. These data suggest that DTM at the present doses and under these experimental conditions presented a similar profile to that of anxiogenic drugs, unrelated with the increased serotonin neurotransmission.Inseticidas piretróides são amplamente utilizados para controle de pragas, como na prevenção de pulgas em animais de estimação e sprays de plantas para a casa e na agricultura. Deltametrina (DTM) é um inseticida piretróide tipo II usado para controlar uma variedade de insetos na agricultura e ambientes domésticos. O presente estudo investigou os possíveis efeitos ansiogênicos de DTM (1, 3 e 10 mg/kg) em ratos, utilizando métodos comportamentais e neuroquímicos. Foi avaliada a atividade locomotora geral e comportamento no labirinto em cruz elevado e teste de campo aberto. Os níveis de neurotransmissores e metabólitos no estriado e hipocampo também foram mensurados. DTM (i) reduziu a locomoção e a frequência de levantar, (ii) aumentou da duração da imobilidade, (iii) reduziu o tempo de interação social, (iv) reduziu a percentagem de entradas e tempo gasto nos braços abertos do elevado labirinto em cruz, (v) reduziu o número de cruzamentos no centro do labirinto em cruz elevado, (vi) aumentou neurotransmissor serotonina e de seu metabólito estriatal, e (vii) não alterou a coordenação motora no rotarod, duração do grooming no teste de campo aberto, temperatura retal, ou níveis de neurotransmissores do hipocampo. Estes dados sugerem que DTM nas presentes doses e sob estas condições experimentais apresentaram um perfil semelhante ao de drogas ansiogénicas, não relacionados ao aumento da serotonina estriatal

    Antidepressant-like effects of an apolar extract and chow enriched with Nepeta cataria (catnip) in mice

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    Nepeta cataria (catnip) is a plant used in pet toys and to treat human diseases. Catnip has also been used in the treatment of some depressive disorders. In this paper, we studied the antidepressant, anxiogenic, and motor activity effects of acute and repeated feeding of chow enriched with 10% N. cataria leaves and the acute and repeated administration of apolar and polar extracts of N. cataria leaves in male mice. The results showed that repeated feeding and acute and repeated administration with the apolar extract reduced immobility in the behavioral despair test but did not alter elevated plus maze and open-field parameters. Acute feeding and the acute and repeated administration of the polar extracts of N. cataria leaves did not alter the behavior of mice. These data suggest that N. cataria has antidepressant properties. Moreover, this antidepressant activity was present in the apolar extract.CNP

    Effects of exposure to glyphosate in male and female mice behavior in pubertal period

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    The present study aims to investigate the effects of pre-pubertal exposure of male and female mice to a commercial formulation of glyphosate on sexual dimorphism observed in animal models of emotionality, anxiety and depression. For this, mice were exposed from 23 days of age (PND) until PND 45 to glyphosate (50 mg/kg, per os) or saline solution, and, ten days after the end of treatments, male and female mice were observed in the open field (OF), elevated plus maze (EPM) or forced swimming test (FWT). Results showed that exposure to glyphosate: 1) reduced the locomotion frequency of male mice similarly to female mice in the OF and female mice had an increase in rearing behavior and in the immobility time; 2) reduced in male mice the motor activity both in the OF and EPM, while no effects were observed in female mice; 3) in the SWT male mice had a decreased time of float similarly female mice. We concluded that pre-pubertal exposure to glyphosate reduced in male mice the capacity of exploration in the OF and EPM tests suggesting that the herbicide interfered with the central mechanism related to brain masculinization of exploratory and anxiety behavioral models. In the FWT it was observed a decreased depressive response in male mice while in female an increased response was detected.O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar em camundongos machos e fêmeas o efeito da exposição a uma formulação comercial de glifosato durante o período de pré-pubere em modelos comportamentais de emocionalidade, ansiedade e depressão. Para isto, camundongos foram expostos a partir de 23 dias de idade (dia pós-natal- PND) até o PND 45 ao glifosato (50 mg/kg, oral route) ou solução salina. Dez dias após o término do tratamento, os animais, machos e fêmeas, foram observados no campo aberto (OF), labirinto em cruz elevado (EPM) ou teste de natação forçada (FWT). Os resultados mostraram que a exposição ao glifosato: 1) reduziu de forma similar a frequência de locomoção dos camundongos em ambos os sexos; 2) reduziu a atividade motora tanto no OF como no PM em camundongos machos, sem alterações observadas em fêmeas; 3) no SWT os camundongos machos apresentaram redução no tempo de flutuação similar ao das fêmeas. Concluiu-se que a exposição pré-pubere ao glifosato reduziu em machos a capacidade de exploração no OF e EPM e no tempo de flutuação no FWT sugerindo que o herbicida interferiu com mecanismos centrais relacionados com masculinização do cérebro ligados a exploração e ansiedade. No FWT observou-se menor depressão em machos e exacerbação da resposta em fêmeas

    Perinatal exposure to an aromatase inhibitor glyphosate-base herbicide reduced male and female social behavior in juvenile age and the sexual behavior at adult female rat

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    Objetivos: O glifosato é um herbicida não seletivo, usado em muitas culturas alimentares e não alimentares e em áreas não agrícolas, sendo que os produtos a base de glifosato atuam como moduladores das funções endócrinas por meio da inibição da atividade da aromatase e da ativação de receptores de estrógeno. O presente estudo avaliou os efeitos do herbicida Roundup® (GLY-BH) à base de glifosato, em comportamentos sexualmente dimórficos de ratos após exposição perinatal a doses baixas e altas de GLY-BH no período perinatal. Métodos: Ratas prenhas foram tratadas com 50 ou 150 mg/kg de GLY-BH do 15º dia de gestação (GD15) ao 7º dia de lactação (LD7). O comportamento de luta/brincar foi observado na fase juvenil e os comportamentos social e sexual na idade adulta. Resultados: a exposição perinatal a GLY-BH reduziu o peso corporal de machos e fêmeas aos 28, 75 e 90 dias de idade. O comportamento de luta/brincar diminuiu em ambos os sexos, sendo as ratas foram as mais afetadas. O comportamento sexual foi reduzido apenas nas fêmeas. Conclusões: A exposição perinatal a ambas as doses do GLY- BH promoveu tanto na idade juvenil como na idade adulta, efeitos sexualmente dimórficos. Esses efeitos foram atribuídos à inibição da atividade da aromatase induzida exposição perinatal ao GLY-BH.Objectives: The herbicide glyphosate, a pesticide used in agriculture to control weeds, both in food crops and in other agricultural areas, has been identified as an endocrine modulator through the inhibition of aromatase activity and the activation of estrogen receptors. The present study examined the effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide (Roundup® (GLY-BH) on sexual dimorphism of rats after perinatal exposure to low and high GLY-BH in males and females offspring. Methods: Two groups of pregnant rats were treated with two doses of GLY-BH (50 or 150 mg/kg) from day 15 of gestation (GD15) to postnatal day 7 (PND7). Play fighting behavior was observed at the juvenile stage and during social and sexual behaviors in adulthood. Results: Perinatal GLY BH exposure reduced male and female body weight at 28, 75, and 90 days of age. The play fighting behavior was decreased in both sexes, but female rats were more affected. The sexual behaviors were reduced only in females. Conclusions: Perinatal exposure to both doses of GLY-BH promoted sexually dimorphic effects in both juvenile and adulthood stages. These effects were attributed to the inhibition of aromatase activity induced by exposure to GLY-BH in the perinatal period.

    Analysis of a modern hybrid and an ancient sugarcane implicates a complex interplay of factors in affecting recalcitrance to cellulosic ethanol production

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    Abundant evidence exists to support a role for lignin as an important element in biomass recalcitrance. However, several independent studies have also shown that factors apart from lignin are also relevant and overall, the relative importance of different recalcitrance traits remains in dispute. In this study we used two genetically distant sugarcane genotypes, and performed a correlational study with the variation in anatomical parameters, cell wall composition, and recalcitrance factors between these genotypes. In addition we also tracked alterations in these characteristics in internodes at different stages of development. Significant differences in the development of the culm between the genotypes were associated with clear differential distributions of lignin content and composition that were not correlated with saccharification and fermentation yield. Given the strong influence of the environment on lignin content and composition, we hypothesized that sampling within a single plant could allow us to more easily interpret recalcitrance and changes in lignin biosynthesis than analysing variations between different genotypes with extensive changes in plant morphology and culm anatomy. The syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratio was higher in the oldest internode of the modern genotype, but S/G ratio was not correlated with enzymatic hydrolysis yield nor fermentation efficiency. Curiously we observed a strong positive correlation between ferulate ester level and cellulose conversion efficiency. Together, these data support the hypothesis that biomass enzymatic hydrolysis recalcitrance is governed by a quantitative heritage rather than a single trait