490 research outputs found

    Intervalo de ouro – os primeiros mil dias de vida e as contribuições do fisioterapeuta

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    The theme of this chapter is Golden Interval - The First Thousand Days of Life and the Contributions of the Physical Therapist. The following problem was investigated: How physiotherapy through its interventions can influence, in the short and long term, the development of the child in the golden interval, a period that comprises gestation up to two years of age. The following hypothesis was considered: The physiotherapeutic follow-up can potentiate the development and neuropsychomotor acquisitions of the child in its first thousand days of life evidencing long-lasting advantages. The overall goal is to understand how physical therapy can contribute in view of child development, referring to the golden interval, stimulating the attainment of neuropsychomotor skills of paramount importance for the achievement substantial health and quality of life. The specific goals are to conceive what the golden range is and why it represents a significant phase; understand the stages of child development present up to two years of age; Assimilate how physiotherapy can use its tools to provide a more adequate neuropsychomotor development. This work is relevant for the health professional, because it expands the knowledge of interventions in potential for child development up to two years old; for science evidences the prerogatives of the neuropsychomotor gaze and its influence on early stimulation, as well as, conceives basis for future research; For society it is essential because it demonstrates a broad perspective of children's acquisitions that reverberate in the quality of life of individuals until adulthood. This is an integrative review of the literature in the databases Portal de Periódicos da PubMed, Scielo (Brazil Scientific Electronic Library Online), Google Scholar during the period from August to October 2023.O tema deste capítulo é Intervalo de Ouro - Os Primeiros Mil Dias de Vida e as Contribuições do Fisioterapeuta. Investigou-se o seguinte problema: Como a fisioterapia através das suas intervenções pode influenciar, a curto e longo prazo, o desenvolvimento da criança no intervalo de ouro, período que compreende a gestação até os dois anos de idade. Cogitou-se a seguinte hipótese: O acompanhamento fisioterapêutico pode potencializar o desenvolvimento e as aquisições neuropsicomotoras da criança em seus primeiros mil dias de vida evidenciando vantagens longevas. O objetivo geral é compreender como a fisioterapia pode contribuir diante do desenvolvimento infantil, referente ao intervalo de ouro, estimulando a obtenção de habilidades neuropsicomotoras de suma importância para o alcance substancial da saúde e da qualidade de vida. Os objetivos específicos são conceber o que é o intervalo de ouro e porquê ele representa uma fase significativa; entender as fases do desenvolvimento infantil presentes até os dois anos de idade; assimilar como a fisioterapia pode utilizar das suas ferramentas para proporcionar um desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor mais adequado. Esse trabalho é relevante para o profissional de saúde, pois amplia o conhecimento das intervenções em potenciais para o desenvolvimento infantil até os dois anos; para a ciência evidencia as prerrogativas do olhar neuropsicomotor e sua influência na estimulação precoce, bem como, concebe embasamento para futuras pesquisas; para a sociedade é imprescindível pois demonstra uma ampla perspectiva das aquisições infantis que reverberam na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos até a vida adulta. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados Portal de Periódicos da PubMed, Scielo (Brasil Scientific Electronic Library Online), Google acadêmico durante o período agosto a outubro de 202

    Impact of defatting and drying methods on the overall liking and sensory profile of a cereal bar incorporating edible insect species

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    It is necessary to develop products with desirable sensory properties in order to increase the acceptance of insect-based products by Western consumers. In this work, the impact of defatting on the sensory properties of cereal bars with yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae, in addition to the impact of different drying methods and different species (T. molitor and house cricket Acheta domesticus) were assessed. A model cereal bar incorporating oats, dried and dehydrated fruits was developed as well as four additional formulations with insect flour: defatted (Soxhlet method with ethanol) mealworm (TM_D), microwave (TM_MW) or oven dried (TM_O) mealworm and oven dried cricket (AD_O). A panel of 99 consumers rated overall liking and willingness to buy (9-point scale), and profiled the bars using a Check-All-That-Apply ballot. The bars with defatted or microwaved mealworm had similar liking and willingness to eat scores in comparison with the control bar. Conversely, bars with oven-dried insects had worse evaluations and were associated with negative attributes related to odor and flavor, which were hampered by defatting or microwave-drying. This study highlights how different processing methods can be applied in order to increase the sensory liking of insect-based products and also provides information on their sensory characterization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biomechanical analysis of PDMS channels using different hyperelastic constitutive models

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    Brain aneurysms are pathological dilatations of cerebral arteries and are known as one of the most common and serious cerebrovascular events. Most cerebral aneurysms do not cause symptoms until they become large, beginning to break up. This study's main objective is the numerical characterization of biomechanical behavior of aneurysms, taking into ac-count different geometric and physiological parameters, in order to analyze the blood vessel wall behavior during the formation of an aneurysm in order to understand what leads to its formation and where are most conducive to its rupture zones. Simulation of the Newtonian fluid flow (glycerin, with well-known properties and sufficient viscosity to measure the pressure drops) was performed using the commercial finite method package Ansys® - Fluent, and pressure along the channel was determined. These pressures were imported into the channel, in the Ansys®- Static Structural, in order to be able to evaluate and analyse the deformations and stresses in the channel wall, caused by internal pressure induced by the fluid flow. To do this, the most known hyper-elastic constitutive models were used. and it was concluded that any constitutive model can be applied to this kind of studies, allowing to visualize where pressure achieve maximums and consequently, the most favorable areas to the rupture

    Fluid flow and structural numerical analysis of a cerebral aneurysm model

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    Intracranial aneurysms (IA) are dilations of the cerebral arteries and, in most cases, have no symptoms. However, it is a very serious pathology, with a high mortality rate after rupture. Several studies have been focused only on the hemodynamics of the flow within the IA. However, besides the effect of the flow, the development and rupture of the IA are also associated with a combination of other factors such as the wall mechanical behavior. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze, in addition to the flow behavior, the biomechanical behavior of the aneurysm wall. For this, CFD simulations were performed for different Reynolds numbers (1, 100, 500 and 1000) and for two different rheological models (Newtonian and Carreau). Subsequently, the pressure values of the fluid simulations were exported to the structural simulations in order to qualitatively observe the deformations, strains, normal stresses and shear stress generated in the channel wall. For the structural simulations, a hyperelastic constitutive model (5-parameter Mooney–Rivlin) was used. The results show that with the increase in the Reynolds number (Re), the recirculation phenomenon is more pronounced, which is not seen for Re = 1. The higher the Re, the higher the strain, displacement, normal and shear stresses values.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the project EXPL/EME-EME/0732/2021, funded by the NORTE 2020 Portugal Regional Operational Programme, under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). This work was also supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under the strategic grants UIDB/04077/2020, UIDB/04436/2020, UIDB/00319/2020 and UIDB/00532/2020. Andrews Souza and Violeta Carvalho also acknowledge the financial support by FCT through the individual research grants 2021.07961.BD and UI/BD/151028/2021, respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A síndrome respiratória aguda grave e a importância da imunização contra h1n1/ Serious acute respiratory syndrome and the importance of h1n1 immunization

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    As doenças respiratórias agudas são responsáveis por grande parte das internações nos países de alta renda, sendo a maioria das infecções (80%) de etiologia viral. A influenza é uma infecção respiratória aguda, causada pelos vírus A, B, C e D. O  vírus A está associado a epidemias e pandemias. É um vírus de comportamento sazonal e tem aumento no número de casos entre as estações climáticas mais frias, podendo haver anos com menor ou maior circulação do vírus. Análise crítica, composta de 3 artigos, advindos da base de dados LILACS, de 2015 a 2019, sem restrição de faixa etária, com foco nos grupos prioritários. Foi evidenciado que a influenza A (H1N1) está diretamente relacionado à hospitalização por infecções do trato respiratório. Torna-se evidente a necessidade da atenção à saúde dos grupos prioritários para a imunização, visando promover a sensibilização dos indivíduos e familiares para a adesão à campanha de imunização

    chickpea and lupin beverages with improved digestibility and potential bioactivities for human health

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by the FCT Project PTDC/BAA-AGR/28370/2017: “Bebida de proteína vegetal a partir de leguminosas europeias com potencial bioativo” and also through the research unit UID/AGR/04129/2020 – LEAF. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Duarte, Mota, Assunção, Martins, Ribeiro, Lima, Raymundo, Nunes, Ferreira and Sousa.There is a strong demand for plant-based milk substitutes, often low in protein content (<1.5% w/v). Protein-rich pulse seeds and the right processing technologies make it possible to make relevant choices. The major objective of this study was to assess the impact of processing on the nutritional characteristics of beverages with a high impact on health, in particular on digestibility and specific bioactivities. The results suggest that pulse beverages are as high in protein content (3.24% w/v for chickpea and 4.05% w/v for lupin) as cow’s milk. The anti-nutrient level characteristics of pulses have been considerably reduced by strategic processing. However, when present in small quantities, some of these anti-nutritional factors may have health benefits. Controlling processing conditions play a crucial role in this fine balance as a tool to take advantage of their health benefits. There is evidence of protein hydrolysis by in vitro digestion and limited bioaccessibility of minerals. In addition to being highly digestible, lupin and chickpea beverages have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic potential evaluated through the inhibition of metalloproteinase MMP-9.publishersversionpublishe

    New Alternatives to Milk From Pulses: Chickpea and Lupin Beverages With Improved Digestibility and Potential Bioactivities for Human Health

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    There is a strong demand for plant-based milk substitutes, often low in protein content (<1.5% w/v). Protein-rich pulse seeds and the right processing technologies make it possible to make relevant choices. The major objective of this study was to assess the impact of processing on the nutritional characteristics of beverages with a high impact on health, in particular on digestibility and specific bioactivities. The results suggest that pulse beverages are as high in protein content (3.24% w/v for chickpea and 4.05% w/v for lupin) as cow's milk. The anti-nutrient level characteristics of pulses have been considerably reduced by strategic processing. However, when present in small quantities, some of these anti-nutritional factors may have health benefits. Controlling processing conditions play a crucial role in this fine balance as a tool to take advantage of their health benefits. There is evidence of protein hydrolysis by in vitro digestion and limited bioaccessibility of minerals. In addition to being highly digestible, lupin and chickpea beverages have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic potential evaluated through the inhibition of metalloproteinase MMP-9.This research was funded by the FCT Project PTDC/BAA-AGR/28370/2017: “Bebida de proteína vegetal a partir de leguminosas europeias com potencial bioativo” and also through the research unit UID/AGR/04129/2020 – LEAFinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The emergence of musical aesthetic reaction in children

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    Com base na psicologia histórico-cultural, o presente projeto teve por objetivo estudar a emergência da reação estética na criança. Para tanto, foram realizadas sessões de audição musical dialogada com crianças na faixa etária dos sete aos doze anos de idade. Elas ouviam alguns trechos de composições musicais previamente escolhidos pelos pesquisadores e, em seguida, seu diálogo com eles foi gravado por meio de vídeos. Foram observadas suas reações (gestos, expressões e comentários), no decorrer da audição e, após, indagou-se se sentiram ou não alguma emoção e, em caso positivo, se conseguiam identificar quais foram as reações emocionais sentidas. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com vistas à descrição de suas reações e com base nos estudos da teoria histórico-cultural. Verificou-se, ao longo da análise dos resultados, que as sessões de audição musical dialogada mostram-se uma atividade adequada para o estudo da emergência da reação estético-musical na criança a partir de sete anos de idade.Based on cultural-historical psychology, this project aimed to study the emergence of aesthetic response in children. Thus, we carried out music listening sessions with children aged seven to twelve. They heard snippets of musical compositions previously chosen by the researchers, and then, their dialogue with them was recorded on camera. Their reactions were observed (gestures, expressions and comments) in the course of the session. After that, they were asked whether or not they felt some emotion and, if so, whether they could identify which were the emotional reactions experienced. The data were analyzed in order to describe their reactions, based on the cultural-historical psychology. Analysing these results, it was found that music listening sessions carried out along with conversation are suitable for the study of the emergency of aesthetic response in children aged seven or more