153 research outputs found

    Feature Extraction and Classification of Thorax X-Ray Image in the Assessment of Osteoporosis

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    Previous studies showed that it was possible to have a prediction or an early detection of osteoporosis by measuring the thickness of the cortex of the clavicle of thorax x-ray image. The drawback of this system was that it was still dependent on the  operator  of  subjective  vision  applications  in  the measurement. In addition, the accuracy of the system very much relied on the x-ray image quality. Therefore, it is in urgent need of another system which can automatically classify x-ray image and another method of image processing to identify and acknowledge a certain texture of the based image using a set of classes or texture classification given. In this paper, calculation and  analysis  of  a  series  of  image  processing  algorithms  to perform x-ray image classification are done using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and feature extraction techniques Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) on small sample size data of 46. Thorax x-ray images of 44 females and 2 males with the average age of 63 years old. T-score of these images had been measured using DEXA scan before as a justification. The proposed method shows that the clavicle cortex thickness measurement using GLCM and KNN method as feature extraction and image classification has its sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 90%. Furthermore,  the  accuracy  which is  obtained from the  entire implementation capability in correctly assessing osteoporosis is 97.83%. Thus, it is evident that it is significantly correlated with predetermined  T-score  of  DEXA  in  the  assessment  of osteoporosis.

    Hubungan Kekerabatan Fenetik Pisang di Kecamatan Kabawetan, Kabupaten Kepahiang, Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Study of the genetic relationship between bananas carried out in Kabawetan Subdistrict, Kepahiang District, Bengkulu Province, from April to October 2019. Data collection on banana exploration studies is carried out in several locations of houses and community gardens in the form of wild plants and cultivation. Morphological data were compiled based on observations of morphological characters of specimens in the field, the character status was adapted from banana descriptors (IPGRI 1996). Morphological characterization results were observed and continued with character selection based on kinship in the form of a tree phenogram. Data were analyzed using the Numerical Taxonomy System (NTsys-pc) 2.02 program with the Unweight Pair Group Arithmetic Mean Method (UPGMA). The results found 6 types of banana diversity collection from 32 pseudo stands (individuals). The collection results obtained in the field are 1 collection of wild bananas and 5 cultivation collections. There are 6 banana distribution locations, namely Mekasari Village, Sumbersari Village, Babakan Village Bogor, Sumbersari Village, Tugu Rejo Village, Sido Rejo Village. Kinship of 6 types was found to have a similarity coefficient between 0.27 - 0.63. Phenograms divide into 2 large groups of 6 types of bananas, namely group A and group B, these two groups are separated by a similarity coefficient value of 0.27. Group A has a total of 5 types of bananas namely kapal, kapok , gembor, and jantan bananas

    Alat Bantu Pengajaran Interaktif Teknik Digital Berbasis Web

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    Karnaugh Map (K-map), a method to simplify the logic equations in a logic circuit, was a compulsory topic on Digital Electronics\u27 subject, yet the learning process in TE-PNJ was still done manually. Therefore, the result of this research was a web-based software which was used as an interactive tool for teaching K-map. Furthermore, the main purpose of that tool was so that the learning process becomes more attractive, easily understood, and interactive for the students. Besides that, a web-based programming was applied to build that so it was considered as an open source application. More over, It could simplify logic circuits with 2 to 4 input variables and DON\u27T CARE conditions. In addition, it could display both input and output logic equations and also number of logic gates (AND, OR and NOT) contained in each of those logic equations. Keywords: K-map, variable input , DON\u27T CARE conditions, logic gate


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    Abstract Physical Education is one of Education form to use the exercising activity as a facility and an education aim. By the physical educSation, the student can be coached to physical activity belonging to sport skills, one of physical activities is a learning of volley ball low passing match.That's why, it is necessary about the increasing of physical education learning at school, so there is necessary that the implementation about learning method which is able to solve that problem. Based on the problem, the writer classified statement of the problems what the increasing of under pass  result study in match that is done with using cooperative learning method through mini volley ball match in physical education subject at 7th grade "D" SMPN 2 Kandangan – Kediri. This research aims to know how big of the increasing in low - passing learning with using the cooperative learning method by mini volley ball match in physical education subject at 7th grade "D" student SMPN 2 Kandangan – Kediri. This research uses PTK method, where the research is divided into two ways, they are 1) First Study and 2) The development consists of two sub ways. Every sub way consists of four steps that are a planning, an action, an observation and a reflection. The research result shows the increasing in every sub way learning where the recapitulation is proofed with there are a cognitive, an attitude and a phsycomotoric to the student on the first study's about 65,06 with five students finishing it with 14% of 36 students totally. The first sub way happens to the increasing is back to become 72,50 by the students finishing it with 42% of 36 students totally.And on the second sub way has increased back to become 79,00 or happening of the increasing's about 6,50 from the first sub way is by the student finishing it with 27 students or 78% of 36 students who are 7th grade "D" SMPN 2 Kandangan Kediri. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of cooperative learning through Mini Volley Ball match can increase the result of under pass by students of 7th grade "D" at SMPN 2 Kandangan – Kediri. Keywords : learning method, cooperative, the result study and a Low - passing

    Hubungan Kekerabatan Fenetik Pisang di Kecamatan Kabawetan, Kabupaten Kepahiang, Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Study of the genetic relationship between bananas carried out in Kabawetan Subdistrict, Kepahiang District, Bengkulu Province, from April to October 2019. Data collection on banana exploration studies is carried out in several locations of houses and community gardens in the form of wild plants and cultivation. Morphological data were compiled based on observations of morphological characters of specimens in the field, the character status was adapted from banana descriptors (IPGRI 1996). Morphological characterization results were observed and continued with character selection based on kinship in the form of a tree phenogram. Data were analyzed using the Numerical Taxonomy System (NTsys-pc) 2.02 program with the Unweight Pair Group Arithmetic Mean Method (UPGMA). The results found 6 types of banana diversity collection from 32 pseudo stands (individuals). The collection results obtained in the field are 1 collection of wild bananas and 5 cultivation collections. There are 6 banana distribution locations, namely Mekasari Village, Sumbersari Village, Babakan Village Bogor, Sumbersari Village, Tugu Rejo Village, Sido Rejo Village. Kinship of 6 types was found to have a similarity coefficient between 0.27 - 0.63. Phenograms divide into 2 large groups of 6 types of bananas, namely group A and group B, these two groups are separated by a similarity coefficient value of 0.27. Group A has a total of 5 types of bananas namely kapal, kapok , gembor, and jantan bananas


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    The objective of this research is to find out whether or not using flowchart technique is effectiveto improve students’ ability in writing procedure text of grade ten students at SMA Negeri 1Parigi Tengah. The researcher used quasi-experimental research design. The samples of thisresearch were the students of Xb as the experimental group and Xa1 as the control groupselected by using purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed statistically in order tofind out the significant difference of the students’ achievement before and after the treatments.The mean score of pretest of experimental group is 39.14, while the control group was 38.31.The mean score of posttest of experimental group is 85,2 and the control group is 64.46. Basedon the result of pretest and posttest, the researcher found that t-counted value is 2.14. Byapplying degree of freedom (df) 39 (21+20-2) and 0.05 level of significance, it is found that ttablevalue is 1.696. The result showed that t-counted value 2.74) is higher than t-table value(1.696). It means that the hypothesis was accepted. In other words, using flowchart technique iseffective to improve students ability to write procedure text of tenth grade students at SMANegeri 1 Parigi Tengah.Keywords:Effectiveness; Writing ability; Flowchart, Procedure text


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    Sistem monitoring kualitas air budidaya ikan laut akan dirancang menggunakan sensor cerdas dengan menyesuaikan kondisi lingkungan teripang, yaitu kualitas air pada salinitas 30-37%, dimana air laut umumnya mempunyai salinitas antara 33-37%, di perairan pantai berkisar antara 32-35% dan kondisi perairan dengan kisaran optimum pH 7,5-8,0 serta kondisi jumlah oksigen terlarut (Dissolved Oxygen) berkisar antara 5,0-5,5 mg/L dalam perairan. Salinitas, pH, dan DO merupakan faktor utama sebuah keramba menjadi lebih sensitif terhadap budidaya teripang, apabila tidak terpantau rutin. Maka dikembangkanlah inference engine dengan logika fuzzy untuk memantau DO, pH, dan salinitas serta model algoritma pembelajaran supervise. Hasil simulasi akan dianalisis dengan algoritma pembelajaran berbasis supervisi, menghitung bobot dan bias secara iteratif. Representasi data diakuisisi dan dikembangkan kecerdasan buatan model fuzzy untuk memantau DO, pH, dan salinitas. Kemudian menggunakan software LabVIEW yang mampu memonitor dan mengakuisisi data secara cepat dan akurat serta microcontroller sebagai pengolah data dari sensor DO, pH, dan salinitas. Luaran penelitian ini akan merealisasikan prototipe system monitoring jarak jauh dengan teknologi IoT yang ditujukan untuk memonitor nilai pH 7,77-8,27, DO pada 5,0-5,5 mg/L, dan salinitas pada 27,33-30 ppt secara kontinyu dan akura


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    Tindak pidana pembunuhan merupakan salah satu tindak pidana kejahatan terhadap orang atau makar mati yang disebut moord (pembunuhan berencana), yang diatur dalam Pasal 340 KUHP . Studi kasus ini menganalisis Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Lhokseukon Nomor 224/Pid.B/2013/PN-LSK tentang pembunuhan berencana dimana terdakwa didakwa melakukan pembunuhan berencana terhadap seorang korban dengan cara mencekik leher korban. Terdakwa dijatuhkan pidana seumur hidup oleh hakim berdasarkan fakta dipersidangan. Tujuan studi kasus ini untuk menganalisis putusan pengadilan Negeri Lhokseukon. Dengan menilai kesesuaian dakwaan Jaksa Penuntut Umun yang dengan ketentuan Pasal 143 ayat (2) huruf b KUHAP dan kesesuaian Pertimbangan hakim dengan Pasal 197 ayat (1) huruf f KUHAP, serta unsur pembuktian terhadap Pasal 340 KUHP. Metode Penelitian bersifat deskriptif nomatif dengan memperoleh data sekunder melalui serangkaian kegiatan membaca, mengutip dan menelaah perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian, untuk melengkapi penelitian, peneliti juga melakukan wawancara dengan pihak yang terkait. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa Penuntut Umum telah membuat surat dakwaan yang kurang cermat, jelas dan lengkap dalam hal perbuatan berencana yang dilakukan terdakwa, sehingga tidak mengacu pada Pasal yang didakwakannya, pembuktian terhadap Pasal 340 yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim tidak terpenuhi karena tidak ada hal yang menunjukan bahwa terdakwa telah merencanakan pembunuhan, mempersiapkan alat atau barang dan tidak melakukan suatu tindakan merencanakan. Hakim dalam membuat putusan tidak mempertimbangkan hal-hal yang meringankan terdakwa, hakim hanya mempertimbangkan hal-hal yang memberatkan terdakwa, yang mana hal tersebut dapat membuat putusan batal demi hokum. Jaksa Penuntut umum diharapkan dapat lebih cermat dan lengkap dalam membuat surat dakwaan, sehingga tidak ada celah atau hal yang tertinggal untuk merumuskan tindak pidana, Hakim juga diharapkan dapat membuat putusan seadil-adilnya dan bijaksana dengan mempertimbangkan hal-hal yang diatur dalam KUHAP

    Prediction of Digital Eye Strain Due to Online Learning Based on the Number of Blinks

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    Eye strain is a big concern, especially when it comes to continuous and prolonged online learning. If this is allowed to continue, it will result in Computer Vision Syndrome, also known as Digital Eye Strain (DES), which includes headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and even neck and shoulder pain. This condition can be observed either directly based on excessive eye blinking or indirectly based on observations of the electrical activity of eye movements or electrooculography (EOG). The observed blink signal from the EOG, as a representation of eye strain, is the focus of this study. Data acquisition was obtained using the EOG sensor and was carried out on the condition that the participants were conducting online learning activities. There are four different modes of observation taken in succession: when the eye is in a viewing state but without blinking, when the eye blinks intentionally, when the eye is closed, and finally when the eye sees naturally. Observation time is 10s, 20s and 30s, where each interval is performed three times for every mode. The obtained signal is processed by the proposed method. The resulting signal is then labeled as a Blinking signal. Determination of the number of blinks or CNT_PEAK is the result of training this signal by tuning its threshold and width. If the number of blinks is less than or more than 17 then the system will provide a prediction of eye status which is stated in two categories, the first is normal eye while the last is eye strain or fatigue


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    Logic business law understood that the business world confront businesses in business activity, and the contract is an important legal instrument which establish legal relationship and secures business transactions. The rapid growth of information and technology the internet bring up transactions financing startup in financial technology of crowdlending and here contract into very important to be set .This research first, aimed at outlines crowdlending benefits for financing sector startup, second, to explain the functions of/the role of contract financings crowdlending services. Research methodology used is the method research law that is normative, with the methods approach of the concept and principle in a contract. The result of this research suggests that rule of POJK 77/2016 not explained in detail on the regulations peer to peer lending contract so the marketplace in line KUHPerdata and having its own innovations, there is the possibility of risk and risk failed to pay, the risk of failure it infrastructure, the risk of fraud by borrowers and risk reputation