652 research outputs found

    Red wine polyphenols prevent cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity at the level of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway

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    Flavonoids, polyphenol derivatives of plant origin, possess a broad range of pharmacological properties. A number of studies have found both pro/anti-apoptotic effects for many of these compounds. For these reasons we investigated whether Provinols flavonoids obtained from red wine, have anti-apoptotic properties. The investigations have been carried out in rats treated with Cyclosporine A (CsA). In particular, four groups of rats have been treated for 21 days with either olive oil (control group), with CsA, with Provinols, or with CsA and Provinols simultaneously. Oxidative stress, systolic blood pressure, body weight, biochemical parameters and different markers of pro/anti-apoptotic pathway were measured. CsA produced an increase of systolic blood pressure, a decrease in body weight, serum creatinine levels, urinary total protein concentration and creatinine clearance. Moreover, CsA induced renal alterations and the translocation of Bax and cytochrome c from cytoplasm to mitochondria and vice versa. These changes activated the caspase cascade pathway, that leads to morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis. Provinols restored morphological and biochemical alterations and prevented nephrotoxicity. In conclusion, this study may augment our current understanding of the controversial pro-/anti-apoptotic properties of flavonoids and their molecular mechanisms

    Assessment of climate change vulnerability of farm households in Pyapon District, a delta region in Myanmar

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    Sea level rise causes saltwater intrusion and flooding of agricultural land and ultimately threatens the livelihoods of farm households in the delta region of Myanmar. Empirical research on the effects of climate change on the delta's agriculture and an assessment of the vulnerability are becoming necessary. This study explores the vulnerability of farm households to sea level rise using two methods: the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI), which is comprised of 37 indicators, and the Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index (SeVI), which contains 35 indicators. Interviews with 178 farmers were conducted in Bogale, Pyapon and Dedaye Townships in Pyapon District. In addition, 7 focus group discussions were performed, with at least 2 discussions in each Township. Both methods identify Bogale to be the most vulnerable Township, followed by Dedaye and Pyapon Townships. Following the LVI approach, Bogale Township has the highest sensitivity to climate effects and the highest exposure to natural hazards, but also a higher adaptive capacity than the other townships. In contrast using the SeVI approach, Bogale was found to have the highest sensitivity and exposure to natural hazards but the lowest adaptive capacity score. The study found that the climate change adaptation measures taken by the farmers are important to limit vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change and thus promotion of the adaptive capacity of farmers is important for the delta region of Myanmar

    High fat diet enhances cardiac abnormalities in SHR rats: Protective role of heme oxygenase-adiponectin axis

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    Background High dietary fat intake is a major risk factor for development of cardiovascular and metabolic dysfunction including obesity, cardiomyopathy and hypertension. Methods The present study was designed to examine effect of high fat (HF) diet on cardio-vascular structure and function in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), fed HF diet for 15 weeks, a phenotype designed to mimic metabolic syndrome. Results Development of metabolic syndrome like phenotype was confirmed using parameters, including body weight, total cholesterol and blood pressure levels. High fat diet impaired vascular relaxation by acetylcholine and exacerbated cardiac dysfunction in SHRs as evidenced by lower left ventricular function, and higher coronary resistance (CR) as compared to controls (p \u3c 0.05). The histological examination revealed significant myocardial and peri-vascular fibrosis in hearts from SHRs on HF diet. This cardiac dysfunction was associated with increased levels of inflammatory cytokines, COX-2, NOX-2, TxB2 expression and increase in superoxide (O2-) levels in SHR fed a HF diet (p \u3c 0.05). HO-1 induction via cobalt-protoporphyrin (CoPP,3 mg/kg), in HF fed rats, not only improved cardiac performance parameters, but also prevented myocardial and perivascular fibrosis. These effects of CoPP were accompanied by enhanced levels of cardiac adiponectin levels, pAMPK, peNOS and iNOS expression; otherwise significantly attenuated (p \u3c 0.05) in HF fed SHRs. Prevention of such beneficial effects of CoPP by the concurrent administration of the HO inhibitor stannic mesoporphyrin (SnMP) corroborates the role of HO system in mediating such effects. Conclusion In conclusion, this novel study demonstrates that up-regulation of HO-1 improves cardiac and vascular dysfunction by blunting oxidative stress, COX-2 levels and increasing adiponectin levels in hypertensive rats on HF diet

    Symmetrical anatomical variant of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle: clinical implicat

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    The digastric muscle is an important surgical landmark. Several anatomical variants of the digastric muscle are reported in literature and, in particular, the presence of accessory anterior bellies of the muscle is not uncommon. Here, an unreported symmetrical variant of the digastric muscle was found during a dissection of the suprahyoid region. The dissection showed digastric muscles with an accessory anterior belly, which originated from the anterior belly of muscles in proximity and anteriorly to the intermediate tendon. The accessory bellies were fused together on the midline and were attached with a unique tendon to the inner surface of the mental symphysis. These muscles completely filled the submental triangle. This unreported anatomical variant could be considered an additional contribution to description of the anatomical variants of the digastric muscle, with several implications in head and neck pathology, diagnosis and surgery.

    The myloglossus in a human cadaver study: common or uncommon anatomical structure?

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    Background: Additional extrinsic muscles of the tongue are reported in literature and one of them is the myloglossus muscle (MGM). Since MGM is nowadays considered as anatomical variant, the aim of this study is to clarify some open questions by evaluating and describing the myloglossal anatomy (including both MGM and its ligamentous counterpart) during human cadaver dissections. Materials and methods: Twenty-one regions (including masticator space, sublingual space and adjacent areas) were dissected and the presence and appearance of myloglossus were considered, together with its proximal and distal insertions, vascularisation and innervation. Results: The myloglossus was present in 61.9% of cases with muscular, ligamentous or mixed appearance and either bony or muscular insertion. Facial artery provided myloglossal vascularisation in the 84.62% and lingual artery in the 15.38%; innervation was granted by the trigeminal system (buccal nerve and mylohyoid nerve), sometimes (46.15%) with hypoglossal component. Conclusions: These data suggest us to not consider myloglossus as a rare anatomical variant.

    Role of heme oxygenase in modulating endothelial function in mesenteric small resistance arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats.

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    It has been proposed that endothelial dysfunction is due to the excessive degradation of nitric oxide (NO) by oxidative stress. The enzyme heme-oxygenase (HO) seems to exert a protective effect on oxidative stress in the vasculature, both in animal models and in humans. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of inhibition or activation of HO on endothelial function in mesenteric small resistance arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Six SHR were treated with cobalt protoporphyrin IX 50 mg/Kg (CoPP), an activator of HO; six SHR with stannous mesoporphyrin 30 mg/Kg (SnMP), an inhibitor of HO, and six SHR with saline. As controls, six Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) were treated with CoPP, six WKY with SnMP, and six WKY with saline. Drugs were injected in the peritoneum once a week for 2 weeks. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured (tail cuff method) before and after treatment. Mesenteric small resistance arteries were mounted on a micromyograph. Endothelial function was evaluated as a cumulative concentration-response curve to acetylcholine (ACH), before and after pre-incubation with N(G)-methyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA, inhibitor of NO synthase), and to bradykinin (BK). In SHR treatment with CoPP, improved ACH-and BK-induced vasodilatation (ANOVA p < 0.001) and this improvement was abolished by L-NMMA (ANOVA p < 0.001). SnMP was devoid of effects on endothelial function. In WKY, both activation and inhibition of HO did not substantially affect endothelium-mediated vasodilatation. The stimulation of HO seems to induce an improvement of endothelial dysfunction in SHR by possibly reducing oxidative stress and increasing NO availability

    Peripheral Purinergic Modulation in Pediatric Orofacial Inflammatory Pain Affects Brainstem Nitroxidergic System: A Translational Research

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    Physiology of orofacial pain pathways embraces primary afferent neurons, pathologic changes in the trigeminal ganglion, brainstem nociceptive neurons, and higher brain function regulating orofacial nociception. The goal of this study was to investigate the nitroxidergic system alteration at brainstem level (spinal trigeminal nucleus), and the role of peripheral P2 purinergic receptors in an experimental mouse model of pediatric inflammatory orofacial pain, to increase knowledge and supply information concerning orofacial pain in children and adolescents, like pediatric dentists and pathologists, as well as oro-maxillo-facial surgeons, may be asked to participate in the treatment of these patients. The experimental animals were treated subcutaneously in the perioral region with pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2â€Č,4â€Č-disulphonic acid (PPADS), a P2 receptor antagonist, 30 minutes before formalin injection. The pain-related behavior and the nitroxidergic system alterations in the spinal trigeminal nucleus using immunohistochemistry and western blotting analysis have been evaluated. The local administration of PPADS decreased the face-rubbing activity and the expression of both neuronal and inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase isoforms in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. These results underline a relationship between orofacial inflammatory pain and nitroxidergic system in the spinal trigeminal nucleus and suggest a role of peripheral P2 receptors in trigeminal pain transmission influencing NO production at central level. In this way, orofacial pain physiology should be elucidated and applied to clinical practice in the future

    A randomized, double-blind, placebo-and active-controlled, half-head study to evaluate the effects of platelet-rich plasma on alopecia areata

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    Summary Background Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune condition, causing inflammation-induced hair loss. This disease has very limited treatment possibilities, and no treatment is either curative or preventive. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has emerged as a new treatment modality in dermatology, and preliminary evidence has suggested that it might have a beneficial role in hair growth. Objectives To evaluate the efficacy and safety of PRP for the treatment of AA in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-and active-controlled, half-head, parallelgroup study. Methods Forty-five patients with AA were randomized to receive intralesional injections of PRP, triamcinolone acetonide (TrA) or placebo on one half of their scalp. The other half was not treated. Three treatments were given for each patient, with intervals of 1 month. The endpoints were hair regrowth, hair dystrophy as measured by dermoscopy, burning or itching sensation, and cell proliferation as measured by Ki-67 evaluation. Patients were followed for 1 year. Results PRP was found to increase hair regrowth significantly and to decrease hair dystrophy and burning or itching sensation compared with TrA or placebo. Ki-67 levels, which served as markers for cell proliferation, were significantly higher with PRP. No side-effects were noted during treatment. Conclusions This pilot study, which is the first to investigate the effects of PRP on AA, suggests that PRP may serve as a safe and effective treatment option in AA, and calls for more extensive controlled studies with this method
