13 research outputs found

    Sintesis Biodiesel dari Minyak Jelantah dengan Katalis NaOH dengan Variasi Waktu Reaksi Transesterifikasi dan Uji Performanya dengan Mesin Diesel

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    Biodiesel telah disintesis dari minyak jelantah hasil penggorengan dari ayam goreng. Sintesis biodiesel dilakukan dengan katalis NaOH menggunakan metode reflux pada suhu 65 °C, perbandingan mol asam oleat : metanol 1:2, massa katalis 0,5% terhadap massa minyak jelantah. Variasi yang digunakan yaitu variasi waktu reaksi 30, 60 dan 90 menit. Sifat fisik dari biodiesel hasil sintesis yang dilakukan adalah densitas, viskositas, titik nyala, dan bilangan asam. Persen hasil tertinggi diperoleh pada variasi waktu 60 sebesar 93,92%. Densitas, viskositas, dan bilangan asam biodiesel mengalami penurunan saat waktu reaksi dinaikan. Hasil GC-MS biodiesel menunjukan kandungan metil ester sebesar 99,5% dengan kelimpahan paling besar adalah metil oleat sebesar 56,808%. Nilai kalor pembakaran dari solar dex, biodiesel 100%, dan biodiesel 10% dalam solar dex secara berturut-turut yaitu 10.710,89 , 9.494, dan 10.822 kal/g. Untuk uji performa pada mesin diesel pada putara 2000 rpm dan pembebanan hingga 1000 watt, nilai Brake Horse Power (BHP) dari bahan bakar solar dex, biodiesel 100%, dan biodiesel 10% dalam solar dex secara berturut-turut yaitu 1263,068, 1257,10, dan 1260, 37 watt serta nilai efisiensi dari bahan bakar solar dex, biodiesel 100%, dan biodiesel 10% dalam solar dex secara berturut-turut yaitu 17,95%, 18,94%, dan 18,14%. =================================================================Biodiesel was synthesized from chicken frying oil. Synthesis of biodiesel was performed with NaOH catalyst using reflux method at 65 ° C, 1: 2 of oleic acid: methanol ratio, and 0.5 wt% catalyst based on oil weight. The variations of time are 30, 60, and 90 minutes. Biodiesel was characterized by its physical properties including density, viscosity, flash point, acid number, and heating value. Highest yield of biodiesel at 60 minute was 93,92%,. Density, viscosity, and acid value of biodiesel decrease when reaction time was increased. The GC-MS analysis result showed that content of methyl ester was 99,5%, which the highest content is methyl oleic 56,808 %. The heating value of solar dex, biodesel 100%, and biodiesel 10% was 10.710,89 kal/g, 9.494 kal/g, 10.822 kal/g respectively. For performance tests on diesel engines at 2000 rpm and load generator until 1000 watt, the value of Brake Horse Power (BHP) from solar dex, biodiesel 100%, and biodiesel 10% was 1263,068 watt, 1257,10 watt, and 1260, 37 watt respectively and value of efficiency of diesel fuel, 100% biodiesel and 10% biodiesel was 17,95%, 18,94% and 18,14% respectively

    Pelaksanaan Program Vokasional untuk Anak Autis

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan (1) pelaksanaan program vokasional anak autis di SLB Autis Laboratorium UM; (2) faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan program vokasional; (3) upaya yang dilakukan sekolah dalam menangani faktor penghambat pelaksanaan program vokasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dimulai dengan pengumpulam data, reduksi data, penyajian data, serta tahap penarikan simpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pelaksanaan program vokasional di SLB Autis Laboratorium UM sudah berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan teori. Faktor pendukung meliputi fasilitas yang cukup memadai, dukungan penuh dari orang tua siswa, serta perasaan/mood siswa ketika sedang belajar. Faktor penghambatnya adalah respon siswa ketika pembelajaran berlangsung, mood siswa, serta perhatian guru kepada siswa yang kurang, upaya sekolah menangani faktor penghambat yaitu guru memberikan perlakuan yang berbeda, sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.This study aims to describe (1) the implementation of vocational programs for autistic students at SLB Autis Laboratorium UM; (2) the supporting and inhibiting factors of the implementation of the vocational program; (3) the efforts undertaken by schools in addressing the obstacles to the implementation of vocational programs. This research used qualitative method. Data collection was done by interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis began with data collecting, data reduction, data presentation, the phases of conclusion and verification. The result showed that the implementation of vocational program in SLB Autis Laboratorium UM has been running well based on the appopriate theory. Supporting factors included adequate facilities, full support from parents, and student’s feelings/moods when they were studying. Inhibiting factors were students’ response at the time of learning, student mood, and the teacher’s less attention to the student. An effort of school to handle these obstacles is the teacher give different treatment needed by students

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Investasi Swasta Di Jawa Tengah

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    The country's economic development and growth will not be separated from the role of domestic and foreign sources of funds. This happens because almost all developing countries cannot meet the needs of domestic funds. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence private investment in Central Java. The data used in this study is secondary data time series (time series) from 1999 to 2017. The analytical tool used in this study is the Ordinary Least square (OLS) regression model. Based on the results of OLS analysis, interest rates do not have a significant influence on private investment in Central Java. Exchange rates have a positive and significant influence on private investment in Central Java. Meanwhile, it has a negative and significant influence on investment in Central Java

    Preliminary results using a P300 brain-computer interface speller: a possible interaction effect between presentation paradigm and set of stimuli

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    Fernåndez-Rodríguez Á., Medina-Juliå M.T., Velasco-Álvarez F., Ron-Angevin R. (2019) Preliminary Results Using a P300 Brain-Computer Interface Speller: A Possible Interaction Effect Between Presentation Paradigm and Set of Stimuli. In: Rojas I., Joya G., Catala A. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence. IWANN 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11506. Springer, ChamSeveral proposals to improve the performance controlling a P300-based BCI speller have been studied using the standard row-column presentation (RCP) par-adigm. However, this paradigm could not be suitable for those patients with lack of gaze control. To solve that, the rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) para-digm, which presents the stimuli located in the same position, has been proposed in previous studies. Thus, the aim of the present work is to assess if a stimuli set of pictures that improves the performance in RCP, could also improve the per-formance in a RSVP paradigm. Six participants have controlled four conditions in a calibration task: letters in RCP, pictures in RCP, letters in RSVP and pictures in RSVP. The results showed that pictures in RCP obtained the best accuracy and information transfer rate. The improvement effect given by pictures was greater in the RCP paradigm than in RSVP. Therefore, the improvements reached under RCP may not be directly transferred to the RSVP.Universidad de Målaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    ABSTRAK   Rezeika, Anis Chayrica. 2017. Pelaksanaan Program Vokasional untuk Anak Autis di SLB Autis Laboratorium Universitas Negeri Malang. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Drs. Ir. Endro Wahyuno, M.Si., (II) Drs. H. Ahmad Samawi, M.Hum.   Kata Kunci: program vokasional, autis.   Penguasaan keterampilan vokasional merupakan salah satu tujuan pendidikan bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus. Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan, diharapkan siswa memiliki kemampuan mencari nafkah sendiri ataupun melakukan pekerjaan dalam lingkungannya, dengan demikian mereka dapat memenuhi sebagian kebutuhan hidup mereka. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di SLB Autis Laboratorium UM pada 15 November 2016, diketahui ada indikasi program vokasional bagi siswa autis yang dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan program vokasional untuk anak autis di SLB Autis Laboratorium UM; (2) mendeskripsikan faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan program vokasional; (3) mendeskripsikan upaya yang dilakukan sekolah dalam menangani faktor penghambat pelaksanaan program vokasional. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Kegiatan analaisis data dimulai dengan tahap pengumpulam data, tahap reduksi data, tahap penyajian data, serta tahap penarikan simpulan dan verifikasi. Pengecekan keabsahan temuan menggunakan triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik, dan member check. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Proses pelaksanaan program vokasional meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Perangkat mengajar yang dibuat oleh guru berupa langkah kerja membuat mie dan telur asin. Penyampaian materi dimulai dari yang paling sederhana dengan metode ceramah, tanya jawab dan demonstrasi. Media yang digunakan: benda asli dan kartu gambar.  Evaluasi program dengan rapat terjadwal bersama guru, kepala sekolah dan diketahui oleh wali murid; (2) Faktor pendukung keberhasilan adalah fasilitas yang cukup memadai, dukungan penuh dari orang tua siswa, kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas besar, mampu bekerja sama antar guru, serta perasaan/ mood siswa ketika sedang belajar. Faktor penghambatnya adalah respon siswa pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung, mood siswa, jika terjadi kerusakan pada penggiling mie dan mixer, serta perhatian guru ke siswa yang kurang; (3) Upaya sekolah menangani faktor penghambat pelaksanaan program vokasional untuk anak autis di SLB Autis Laboratorium UM yaitu guru memberikan perlakuan yang berbeda, sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan siswa, jika penggiling mie dan mixer rusak guru mengajukan ke bagian sarana-prasarana sekolah agar segera diperbaiki. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian dan analisis data yang dilakukan, pelaksanaan program vokasional untuk anak autis di SLB Autis Laboratorium UM sudah berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai. Saran yang diberikan antara lain (1) Guru perlu mencatat lebih rinci kebutuhan khusus anak autis terkait program vokasional dan evaluasi program vokasional dalam bentuk deskriptif, membuat kegiatan pembelajaran program vokasional menjadi lebih menarik lagi dengan konsep belajar sambil bermain, seperti mencocokkan gambar alat/bahan yang ada di meja dengan yang ada di papan flannel; (2) Kepala sekolah perlu mengusahakan memperluas kerjasama dan networking, dari yang terdekat misalnya bekerjasama dengan kantin sekolah di satu kelembagaan (TK, SD, SMP, SMA Laboratorium UM). Mengajak siswa yang mengikuti program vokasional berkunjung ke pabrik pembuat mie, diharapkan dengan begitu menambah pengalaman belajar anak.

    Five Shades of Grey: Exploring Quintary m-Sequences for More User-Friendly c-VEP-Based BCIs

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    Responsive EEG-based communication systems have been implemented with brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) based on code-modulated visual evoked potentials (c-VEPs). The BCI targets are typically encoded with binary m-sequences because of their autocorrelation property; the digits one and zero correspond to different target colours (usually black and white), which are updated every frame according to the code. While binary flickering patterns enable high communication speeds, they are perceived as annoying by many users. Quintary (base 5) m-sequences, where the five digits correspond to different shades of grey, may yield a more subtle visual stimulation. This study explores two approaches to reduce the flickering sensation: (1) adjusting the flickering speed via refresh rates and (2) applying quintary codes. In this respect, six flickering modalities are tested using an eight-target spelling application: binary patterns and quintary patterns generated with 60, 120, and 240 Hz refresh rates. This study was conducted with 18 nondisabled participants. For all six flickering modalities, a copy-spelling task was conducted. According to questionnaire results, most users favoured the proposed quintary over the binary pattern while achieving similar performance to it (no statistical differences between the patterns were found). Mean accuracies across participants were above 95%, and information transfer rates were above 55 bits/min for all patterns and flickering speeds

    Sintesis Biodiesel dari Minyak Jelantah dengan Katalis NaOH dengan Variasi Waktu Reaksi Transesterifikasi dan Uji Performanya dengan Mesin Diesel

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    Biodiesel telah berhasil disintesis dari minyak jelantah hasil penggorengan dari ayam goreng. Sintesis biodiesel dilakukan dengan katalis NaOH menggunakan metode reflux pada suhu 65 °C, perbandingan mol asam oleat : metanol 1:2, massa katalis 0,5% terhadap massa minyak jelantah. Variasi yang digunakan yaitu variasi waktu reaksi 30, 60 dan 90 menit. Densitas, viskositas, titik nyala, bilangan asam biodiesel hasil penelitian telah sesuai dengan SNI 04-7128-2015. Hasil GC-MS biodiesel menunjukan kandungan metil ester sebesar 99,5% dengan kelimpahan paling besar adalah metil oleat sebesar 56,808%. Nilai kalor pembakaran dari solar dex, biodiesel 100%, dan biodiesel 10%  secara berturut-turut yaitu 10.710,89 , 9.494, dan 10.822 kal/g. Untuk uji performa pada mesin diesel, nilai Brake Horse Power (BHP) dari bahan bakar solar dex, biodiesel 100%, dan biodiesel 10% pada putaran 2000 rpm dan beban generator 1000 watt secara berturut-turut yaitu 1263,068, 1257,10, dan 1260, 37 watt ; nilai efisiensi thermis dari bahan bakar solar dex, biodiesel 100%, dan biodiesel 10% pada putaran 2000 rpm dan beban generator 1000 watt secara berturut-turut yaitu 17,95%, 18,94%, dan 18,14

    A Novel Hybrid Mental Spelling Application Based on Eye Tracking and SSVEP-Based BCI

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    Steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs)-based Brain-Computer interfaces (BCIs), as well as eyetracking devices, provide a pathway for re-establishing communication for people with severe disabilities. We fused these control techniques into a novel eyetracking/SSVEP hybrid system, which utilizes eye tracking for initial rough selection and the SSVEP technology for fine target activation. Based on our previous studies, only four stimuli were used for the SSVEP aspect, granting sufficient control for most BCI users. As Eye tracking data is not used for activation of letters, false positives due to inappropriate dwell times are avoided. This novel approach combines the high speed of eye tracking systems and the high classification accuracies of low target SSVEP-based BCIs, leading to an optimal combination of both methods. We evaluated accuracy and speed of the proposed hybrid system with a 30-target spelling application implementing all three control approaches (pure eye tracking, SSVEP and the hybrid system) with 32 participants. Although the highest information transfer rates (ITRs) were achieved with pure eye tracking, a considerable amount of subjects was not able to gain sufficient control over the stand-alone eye-tracking device or the pure SSVEP system (78.13% and 75% of the participants reached reliable control, respectively). In this respect, the proposed hybrid was most universal (over 90% of users achieved reliable control), and outperformed the pure SSVEP system in terms of speed and user friendliness. The presented hybrid system might offer communication to a wider range of users in comparison to the standard techniques

    Brain–Computer Interface Spellers: A Review

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    A Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) provides a novel non-muscular communication method via brain signals. A BCI-speller can be considered as one of the first published BCI applications and has opened the gate for many advances in the field. Although many BCI-spellers have been developed during the last few decades, to our knowledge, no reviews have described the different spellers proposed and studied in this vital field. The presented speller systems are categorized according to major BCI paradigms: P300, steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), and motor imagery (MI). Different BCI paradigms require specific electroencephalogram (EEG) signal features and lead to the development of appropriate Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). The purpose of this review is to consolidate the most successful BCI-spellers published since 2010, while mentioning some other older systems which were built explicitly for spelling purposes. We aim to assist researchers and concerned individuals in the field by illustrating the highlights of different spellers and presenting them in one review. It is almost impossible to carry out an objective comparison between different spellers, as each has its variables, parameters, and conditions. However, the gathered information and the provided taxonomy about different BCI-spellers can be helpful, as it could identify suitable systems for first-hand users, as well as opportunities of development and learning from previous studies for BCI researchers