52 research outputs found


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    The Surabaya City Government is developing a tourism program, namely Kampung Wisata. Kampung Lawas Maspati is one of the tourism potentials to be used as leading heritage tourism in the city of Surabaya. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the decline in tourists. This study aims to describe and analyze the development carried out so that tourism can continue to run in the midst of a pandemic by using the concepts of good tourism governance principles, Bambang Sunaryo (2013). This type of research is qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The research location is in the Kampung Wisata Lawas Maspati Surabaya. The focus of the research is the application of the principles of good tourism governance in the development of Kampung Lawas Maspati. Research data sources, primary data and secondary data. The results of the study indicate that in the application of the ten principles of good tourism governance, there are two principles that have not been achieved and implemented properly, namely the principle of environmental carrying capacity and the principle of Program Monitoring and Evaluation


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    Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian mengenai bagaimana pendidikan karakter disiplin yang dibangun pada peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus (tunarungu) jenjang menengah pertama melalui pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan. Latar belakang dari adanya penelitian ini ialah bahwa setiap warga negara memiliki hak yang sama dalam memperoleh pendidikan tanpa memandang ketidaksempurnaan seseorang baik dalam hal fisik maupun mental. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan mendeskripsikan mengenai usaha membangun karakter disiplin melalui Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan pada peserta didik tunarungu jenjang menengah pertama di SLB-B Negeri Cicendo Kota Bandung. Alasan dari dilakukanya penelitian ini adalah beranjak pada keresahan peneliti mengenai sikap kurang disiplin yang kerap dilakukan oleh peserta didik di sekolah. Sehingga membuat peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana membangun karakter didiplin peserta didik melalui mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan sebagai salah satu sumber pendidikan karakter disekolah, khususnya pada peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitataif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Partisipan kunci dalam penelitian ini yaitu Wakil Kepala Sekolah bidang Kurikulum, Guru kelas VII,VIII, dan IX, serta Peserta Didik kelas VII, VIII, dan IX sebagai partisipan pendukung. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewargarnegaraan berkontribusi dalam hal membangun Nilai-nilai Pancasila sehingga menciptakan disiplin diri yang baik bagi peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus. Keberhasilan tersebut didukung dengan adanya komunikasi dan metode belajar yang tepat dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, sehingga peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus dapat menerapkan disiplin waktu, disiplin bersikap, dan disiplin tata tertib, serta disiplin dalam beribadah dengan baik. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat pada perubahan tingkah laku peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus sebagai hasil dari belajar mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan. This research is a study about how disciplinary character education is built in students with special needs (deaf) in the junior high school level through learning Civic Education. The background of this study is that every citizen has the same rights in obtaining education regardless of one's imperfection both physically and mentally. The purpose of this study is to study and describe the efforts to build the discipline character through Civic Education in junior high school students in Extraordinary School – B Cicendo Bandung City. The reason for this research is to move on to the researcher’s anxiety about the lack of discipline that is often done by students at school. So the reason make researchers interested in knowing about how to build the discipline character of students through Civic Education subjects as a source of character education in schools, especially for students with special needs. The approach used in this study is quality with descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are through observation, interviews, and documentation. The key participants in this study were Deputy Principal in the Curriculum field, Class VII, VIII, and IX Teachers, as well as Class VII, VIII, and IX students as supporting participants. The results of this study reveal that the subjects of Civic Education contribute in terms of building Pancasila Values so as to create good self-discipline for special needs students. The success is supported by the existence of communication and appropriate learning methods in the implementation of learning activities Civic Education, so that students with special needs can apply time discipline, discipline, and discipline, as well as discipline in worship properly. This can be seen in the changes in behavior of students with special needs as a result of learning Civic Education subject


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    ABSTRAK FUNGSI UNIT PELAKSANA TEKNIS DINAS (UPTD) KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KECAMATAN TAMPAN KOTA PEKANBARU DALAM UPAYA PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI KEPENDUDUKAN OLEH: REZA WAHYUNI NIM 11770523473 Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui fungsi UPT Disdukcapil Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru dan untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan dalam fungsi UPT Disdukcapil Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru tersebut, teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, dengan menggunakan metodelogi deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi kemudian di analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan fungsi UPT Disdukcapil Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru belum maksimal dalam upaya pelayanan administrasi kependudukan dilihat dengan masih banyaknya hambatan dalam menjalankannya terutama pada fungsi pelayanan. Dalam hal ini pegawai di UPT Disdukcapil Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru kurang disiplin waktu dalam memberikan pelayanan administrasi kependudukan, dan kurangnya fasilitas penunjang pengelolaan data kependudukan serta tidak adanya kegiatan khusus yang diadakan oleh UPT Disdukcapil Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru dikarenakan tidak adanya anggaran di UPTD tersebut. Kata Kunci: Fungsi, Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan, Pelaksanaa

    Analisis Kualitas Airtanah Bebas Di Kecamatan Tanggulangin Sebagai Dampak Semburan Lumpur Lapindo Sidoarjo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi airtanah bebas di KecamatanTanggulangin ditinjau dari sifak fisik (DHL, warna, rasa, bau) dan sifat kimia pH, BOD,COD, Fenol, dan H2S dan mengetahui kelayakan kualitas airtanah bebas pada KecamatanTanggulangin untuk digunakan sebagai sumber air minum. Metode pengambilan sampelyaitu stratified Sampling berdasarkan tingkatan nilai DHL dan metode systematic grid untukpenentuan lokasi sumur yang digunakan untuk penentuan arah aliran airtanah. Hasil analisismenunjukkan tingginya nilai COD, BOD, fenol dan H2S di atas baku mutu dipengaruhi olehjarak dengan kolam penampungan lumpur Lapindo terutama lokasi sampel yang berdekatankolam dan permukiman yang padat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwaairtanah didaerah penelitian tidak layak apabila digunakan sebagai air minum terutama yanglokasinya berdekatan dengan kolam penampungan lumpur Lapindo dan berada dipermukiman yang padat

    Evaluasi Kualitas Website Digital Library UMM Menggunakan Metode Webqual 4.0 Dan Importance Performance Analysis

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    Digital Library is a library that manages all or part of the substance of its collections in the form of computerization as an alternative form, supplement or complement to conventional molds in the form of micro-material which is currently dominated by library collections. However, from the beginning until now there has never been an evaluation of the Digital Library that was reviewed in terms of quality. Evaluation is do to answer the problem of how the user thinks about the quality of the Digital Library that has been implemented by Malang Muhammadiyah University. Based on the results of the study found that the usability variable with a value of 0.67, information quality 0.86, service interaction 0.71 and for the average of the overall variable 0.74. From the results of the gap analysis it was found that all variables were positive or Qi GAP > 0 which meant that the performance was as expected by the user. the conclusions obtained are 15 attributes that enter into quadrants 1 and 3. The advice given is a mockup recommendation to improve the quality of quadrants 1 and 3 IPA. The conclusion from the study that the quality of the Digital Library website is still lacking because there are still many attributes that need to be improved in quality

    Light Control Using Human Body Temperature Based on Arduino Uno and PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) Sensor

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    This study aims to implement the PIR sensor, Arduino UNO and 2 channel relay Module to automatically turn on the lights in the classroom at the STMIK Hang Tuah Pekanbaru campus, where the classes at the Hang Tuah Pekanbaru STMIK campus still use manual switches as controllers lights on. Therefore, a device is designed that can control the lights by using movements detected by the PIR sensor and processed using a computer.This system functions to turn on the lights automatically when someone enters the classroom and turn off the lights automatically when no one is in the class. The hardware used is Arduino Uno microcontroller, PIR motion sensor, 2 channel relay module, and 1.5 volt flashlight. The software for making programs is Arduino IDE where the programming language used is the C programming language. The test results show that the PIR sensor can detect the movement of people entering or leaving a room


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    Objective: The aim of this study to investigate pharmacokinetic profile of tetraprenyltoluquinone (TPTQ) in male mice’s blood plasma. Methods: A single dose of 800 mg/kg carried by Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) was given orally where VCO only also administered as a control. Bloods were collected from vena jugularis after 0, ½, ¾, 1, 1½, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 h. The TPTQ levels in plasma were analyzed using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) following pre-treatment to induce protein precipitation. Results: The formed pharmacokinetic profile follows the two-compartment model where TPTQ levels increase during the absorption phase and form a biphasic pattern after it decrease. The results showed the pharmacokinetic parameters had Cmax value of 154.92±19.55 µg/ml at tmax of 1.117 h with AUC0-∞ of 1067.59 µg. h/ml. Other parameters were also obtained such as ka = 1.448±0.17 h-1, α = 0.511±0.07 h-1, ke = 0.057±0.02 h-1, t½ absorption = 0.483±0.05 h, t½ elimination = 12.131±0.55 h, Vd/F = 5284.79±629.49 ml, dan Cl/F = 751.84±53.85 ml/h. Conclusion: The pharmacokinetic profile of TPTQ administered orally show that TPTQ absorbed rapidly, eliminated slowly, and also distributed to peripheral tissues


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi airtanah bebas di KecamatanTanggulangin ditinjau dari sifak fisik (DHL, warna, rasa, bau) dan sifat kimia pH, BOD,COD, Fenol, dan H2S dan mengetahui kelayakan kualitas airtanah bebas pada KecamatanTanggulangin untuk digunakan sebagai sumber air minum. Metode pengambilan sampelyaitu stratified Sampling berdasarkan tingkatan nilai DHL dan metode systematic grid untukpenentuan lokasi sumur yang digunakan untuk penentuan arah aliran airtanah. Hasil analisismenunjukkan tingginya nilai COD, BOD, fenol dan H2S di atas baku mutu dipengaruhi olehjarak dengan kolam penampungan lumpur Lapindo terutama lokasi sampel yang berdekatankolam dan permukiman yang padat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwaairtanah didaerah penelitian tidak layak apabila digunakan sebagai air minum terutama yanglokasinya berdekatan dengan kolam penampungan lumpur Lapindo dan berada dipermukiman yang padat.Kata Kunci: airtanah bebas, kualitas airtanah, kolam penampungan lumpur Lapind

    Pola Penggunaan Lahan Berdasarkan Kelas Kemampuan Lahan di Sub-sub DAS Kunisi Hulu DAS Jeneberang Kabupaten Gowa

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    The research aims to determine the extent of land use suitability with land capability in Kunisi subs watershed of Jeneberang’s upstream watershed. This research is expected to provide guidelines and consideration for related institution in conducting socialitation and enlightment in the field of soil conservation for farmers at Manimbahoi and Bilanrengi Village of Gowa regency. The method used in this study was image analysis by using software GIS and field observations conducted in Kunisi subs watershed of Jeneberang’s upstream watershed. The research was carried from December 2014 to January 2015. The results showed that the uses of land in the subs watershed of Kunisi were for forest, gardens, rice fields, and shrubs with various level of land capability qualification IIIE, IIIb, IIIk, IVe, IVl, Vp, VIl, and VIIl. In the land unit found in the field there was mismatch land capability and land use. Such discrepancy can be resolved by restoring the function of land use based on its relevance and implement appropriate soil conservation techniques based on land capability classe
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