1,735 research outputs found

    La reforma electoral...un fraude

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    Después de diez arduos meses de debate y de intentos de alianza entre los partidos, se aprueba la reforma electoral, en donde los puntos debatidos fueron: el sistema electoral, la conformación de la Cámara de Diputados y la Asamblea de Representantes del Distrito Federal

    La crisis de la deuda

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    El trabajo reseña la evolución del endeudamiento externo mexicano durante el periodo de 1970 a 1988, centrándose en las negociaciones efectuadas por el gobierno durante la década de la llamada "crisis de la deuda". En 1970 la deuda total a largo plazo, pública y privada, ascendía a 5.9 mdd, para 1975 ésta sumaba 18.4 mdd y para 1988 la deuda externa llegaba a rebasar los 100.0 mdd correspondiente a más de 80.0 mdd al sector publico y 7.0 mdd al sector privado

    Impacto de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el aprendizaje y motivación en un grupo de estudiantes de segundo básico

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)El siguiente seminario de grado fue realizado para determinar el impacto que puede ejercer el uso de tecnologías de información y comunicación en el aprendizaje y motivación en un grupo de estudiantes de segundo en la asignatura de historia. A lo largo de este artículo realizaremos un análisis sobre las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) entendidas éstas como: un conjunto de técnicas, desarrollos y dispositivos avanzados derivados de las nuevas herramientas (software y hardware), soportes de la información y canales de comunicación que integran funcionalidades de almacenamiento, procesamiento y transmisión digitalizados de la información. La incorporación de las TIC en la sociedad y en especial en el ámbito de la educación ha ido adquiriendo una creciente importancia y ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de estos últimos años, de tal manera que la utilización de estas tecnologías en el aula pasará de ser una posibilidad a erigirse como una necesidad. La aparición de las nuevas tecnologías ha supuesto un cambio profundo en una sociedad que no en vano ha pasado a recibir el nombre de sociedad de la información. En nuestro actual entorno y gracias a herramientas como Internet, la información está disponible en cantidades ingentes al alcance de todos. Tras la recolección de datos, estos fueron tabulados y analizados, estableciendo como resultado la existencia notoria entre la motivación y buenos resultados de los estudiantes con el mayor uso de TIC.The following degree was conduct to determine the impact that the use of information and communication technologies can have on learning and motivation in a group of second-grade students in the history subject. Throughout this article, we will carry out an analysis on information and communication technologies (ICT) understood like, "The set of technologies developed to manage information and send it from one place to another." They cover a wide range of solutions. They include technologies to store information and retrieve it later, send and receive information from one site to another, or process information to calculate results and prepare reports "(ICT Services, 2006). The incorporation of ICT in society and especially in the field of education has become increasingly important and has evolved over recent years, so that the use of these technologies in the classroom will go from being a possibility to establish itself as a necessity and as a basic work tool for teachers and students. The emergence of new technologies has meant a profound change in a society that has in not in vain has known as the information society. In our current environment and thanks to tools such as the Internet, information is available in huge amounts available to everyone. After the data collection, these were tabulate and analyze, establishing as a result the notable existence between the motivation and good results of the students with the greater use of ICT

    Online review courses as preparation for first term remedial exams

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    [EN] At Universidad Carlos III de Madrid we have developed a review course (R-Course) with a SPOC structure intended for students who failed the first term regular exams. The purpose of the course is to help students prepare for the remedial exams at the same time they study the second term courses. The R-Course is implemented in an Open-EDX platform that holds digital documents, both theory and solved exercise videos, platform integrated exercises, and forums. The content of the course is divided in videos of less than 10 minutes in length, allowing students to include the R-Course in any schedule and making it compatible with the second term courses. Interactive platform integrated exercises have been devised under different types of methodologies to increase the motivation of the students, and the platform forums give students and tutors a space to discuss and interact for a well-rounded academic experience.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial and structural support from Universidad Carlos III the Madrid, in particular from the UTEID (Unidad de Tecnología Educativa e Innovación Docente) and the encouragement from professors Carlos Delgado-Kloos and Luis Raúl Sánchez Fernández.Domínguez-Reyes, R.; Meléndez, J.; Hernández-Pérez, A. (2015). Online review courses as preparation for first term remedial exams. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 2(2):139-152. doi:10.4995/muse.2015.3687.SWORD1391522

    Anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects of an aqueous extract of Tanacetum parthenium L. Schultz-Bip (Asteraceae) in mice

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    En la medicina tradicional Danesa y del sur de África, Tanacetum parthenium se utiliza para el tratamiento de la epilepsia y convulsiones (Risa et al., 2004; Jäger et al., 2006). Sin embargo, aún no se sabe con certeza los componentes responsables de la actividad biológica, ni el mecanismo a través del cual actúan. En el presente trabajo se evaluó la capacidad ansiolítica y antidepresiva del extracto acuoso comparándolo con fármacos de referencia para estas enfermedades mediante pruebas de comportamiento ansiolítico como BBT y PMT, mientras que para el efecto antidepresivo se evaluaron con FST y la actividad ambulatoria por OFT. Se realizó la caracterización química del extracto acuoso de T. parthenium L. Schultz-Bip, en donde se identificaron los compuestos mayoritarios por análisis de HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS. De la caracterización química del extracto se aislaron dos compuestos mayoritarios: santina y santamarina. De acuerdo a los resultados, se pudo identificar los dos principales compuestos activos que pudieran ser los responsables de la actividad ansiolitíca y antidepresiva.Tanacetum parthenium L. Schultz-Bip (Asteraceae) is widely used worldwide in traditional medicine for the treatment of convulsions and culture-bound syndromes as susto (fear). The aim of this work was to evaluate the anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects of an aqueous extract of T. parthenium in behavioral paradigms in mice. The effects of T. parthenium were compared with those produced by anxyolitic- and antidepressant drugs. We carried out the chemical characterization of the main constituents of T. parthenium. The involvement with the GABAergic and serotoninergic neurotransmitter systems were explored be means of synergic and antagonist experiments. Material and Methods: The anxiolytic-like effect was evaluated using the Burying Behavior Test (BBT) and the Elevated Plus-Maze Test (PMT). The antidepressant-like effect was evaluated in the Forced Swimming Test (FST), and ambulatory activity was assessed in the Open Field Test (OFT). Employing the behavioral tests, synergism and antagonism experiments with alprazolam, Muscimol, and Picrotoxin were carried out in the PMT. In a series independent experiments, concomitant administration of T. parthenium and Alprazolam, Fluoxetine, or p-chlorophenylalanine were conducted in the FST. For the chemical characterization, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electro Spray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) analysis was performance. Results: T. parthenium exerts clears anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects in mice, without affectting the ambulatory activity of the experimental subjects. Conclusions: Anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like T. parthenium effects result, at least in part of the involvement of the GABAergic system. Our results support the use of Tanacetum parthenium in traditional medicine and suggest its therapeutic potential in the comorbid anxiety and depression

    Titanium-doped PET nanoplastics of environmental origin as a true-to-life model of nanoplastic

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe increased presence of secondary micro/nanoplastics (MNPLs) in the environment requires urgent studies on their potentially hazardous effects on exposed organisms, including humans. In this context, it is essential to obtain representative MNPL samples for such purposes. In our study, we have obtained true-to-life NPLs resulting from the degradation, via sanding, of opaque PET bottles. Since these bottles contain titanium (TiONPs), the resulting MNPLs also contain embedded metal. The obtained PET(Ti)NPLs were extensively characterized from a physicochemical point of view, confirming their nanosized range and their hybrid composition. This is the first time these types of NPLs are obtained and characterized. The preliminary hazard studies show their easy internalization in different cell lines, without apparent general toxicity. The demonstration by confocal microscopy that the obtained NPLs contain Ti samples offers this material multiple advantages. Thus, they can be used in in vivo approaches to determine the fate of NPLs after exposure, escaping from the existing difficulties to follow up MNPLs in biological samples

    Regulación neuroendocrina del sistema inmune

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    El sistema inmune recibe señales del sistema nervioso central (cerebro) vía el sistema nervioso autónomo y el sistema endocrino. El sistema inmune, a su vez, envía información al cerebro vía citocinas. Este sistema de retroalimentación es vital para el funcionamiento adecuado del organismo en situaciones normales, y en aquellas en las que la homeostasis se ve perturbada, como en casos de estrés, consumo de drogas (terapéuticas o de abuso), enfermedades infecciosas y cáncer