370 research outputs found

    Addressing the evidence gap in the economic and social benefits of civil registration and vital statistics systems: a systematic review

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    Objectives: Considering the aspiration embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals to Leave No One Behind by 2030, civil registration and vital statistics systems have an essential role in providing reliable, up-to-date information to monitor the progress. Thus, the aim of this systematic review is to compile empirical evidence on the benefits of a functioning civil registration and vital statistics system. Methods: Selected databases were systematically searched until 2019. Key experts were also contacted for relevant literature. The review process was managed with the software EPPI-Reviewer and followed standard methods for systematic reviews. Results: A total of 18 studies were included. The findings revealed that having birth, death, and/or marriage registration, and vital statistics were associated with access to rights and protection, positive impact on economic and health outcomes, and increased access to education. Conclusion: The present review supports the idea that systemic approaches strengthen civil registration and vital statistics systems due to the cumulative effects of vital events' registration. Ensuring appropriate systems for civil registration will have an impact not only on the individuals but also on the generations to come

    Clinical and genetic analysis of 29 Brazilian patients with Huntington’s disease-like phenotype

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by chorea, behavioral disturbances and dementia, caused by a pathological expansion of the CAG trinucleotide in the HTT gene. Several patients have been recognized with the typical HD phenotype without the expected mutation. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of diseases such as Huntington’s disease-like 2 (HDL2), spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA7, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) and choreaacanthocytosis (ChAc) among 29 Brazilian patients with a HD-like phenotype. In the group analyzed, we found 3 patients with HDL2 and 2 patients with ChAc. The diagnosis was not reached in 79.3% of the patients. HDL2 was the main cause of the HD-like phenotype in the group analyzed, and is attributable to the African ancestry of this population. However, the etiology of the disease remains undetermined in the majority of the HD negative patients with HD-like phenotype. Key words: Huntington’s disease, Huntington’s disease-like, chorea-acanthocytosis, Huntington’s disease-like 2

    A global assessment of the impact of climate change on water scarcity

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    This paper presents a global scale assessment of the impact of climate change on water scarcity. Patterns of climate change from 21 Global Climate Models (GCMs) under four SRES scenarios are applied to a global hydrological model to estimate water resources across 1339 watersheds. The Water Crowding Index (WCI) and the Water Stress Index (WSI) are used to calculate exposure to increases and decreases in global water scarcity due to climate change. 1.6 (WCI) and 2.4 (WSI) billion people are estimated to be currently living within watersheds exposed to water scarcity. Using the WCI, by 2050 under the A1B scenario, 0.5 to 3.1 billion people are exposed to an increase in water scarcity due to climate change (range across 21 GCMs). This represents a higher upper-estimate than previous assessments because scenarios are constructed from a wider range of GCMs. A substantial proportion of the uncertainty in the global-scale effect of climate change on water scarcity is due to uncertainty in the estimates for South Asia and East Asia. Sensitivity to the WCI and WSI thresholds that define water scarcity can be comparable to the sensitivity to climate change pattern. More of the world will see an increase in exposure to water scarcity than a decrease due to climate change but this is not consistent across all climate change patterns. Additionally, investigation of the effects of a set of prescribed global mean temperature change scenarios show rapid increases in water scarcity due to climate change across many regions of the globe, up to 2°C, followed by stabilisation to 4°C

    Proliferation of Hydroelectric Dams in the Andean Amazon and Implications for Andes-Amazon Connectivity

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    Due to rising energy demands and abundant untapped potential, hydropower projects are rapidly increasing in the Neotropics. This is especially true in the wet and rugged Andean Amazon, where regional governments are prioritizing new hydroelectric dams as the centerpiece of long-term energy plans. However, the current planning for hydropower lacks adequate regional and basin-scale assessment of potential ecological impacts. This lack of strategic planning is particularly problematic given the intimate link between the Andes and Amazonian flood plain, together one of the most species rich zones on Earth. We examined the potential ecological impacts, in terms of river connectivity and forest loss, of the planned proliferation of hydroelectric dams across all Andean tributaries of the Amazon River. Considering data on the full portfolios of existing and planned dams, along with data on roads and transmission line systems, we developed a new conceptual framework to estimate the relative impacts of all planned dams. There are plans for 151 new dams greater than 2 MW over the next 20 years, more than a 300% increase. These dams would include five of the six major Andean tributaries of the Amazon. Our ecological impact analysis classified 47% of the potential new dams as high impact and just 19% as low impact. Sixty percent of the dams would cause the first major break in connectivity between protected Andean headwaters and the lowland Amazon. More than 80% would drive deforestation due to new roads, transmission lines, or inundation. We conclude with a discussion of three major policy implications of these findings. 1) There is a critical need for further strategic regional and basin scale evaluation of dams. 2) There is an urgent need for a strategic plan to maintain Andes-Amazon connectivity. 3) Reconsideration of hydropower as a low-impact energy source in the Neotropics

    X-chromosome tiling path array detection of copy number variants in patients with chromosome X-linked mental retardation

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    Contiene 3 ficheros adicionales con información suplementaria.-- et al.[Background] Aproximately 5–10% of cases of mental retardation in males are due to copy number variations (CNV) on the X chromosome. Novel technologies, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), may help to uncover cryptic rearrangements in X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) patients. We have constructed an X-chromosome tiling path array using bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) and validated it using samples with cytogenetically defined copy number changes. We have studied 54 patients with idiopathic mental retardation and 20 controls subjects.[Results] Known genomic aberrations were reliably detected on the array and eight novel submicroscopic imbalances, likely causative for the mental retardation (MR) phenotype, were detected. Putatively pathogenic rearrangements included three deletions and five duplications (ranging between 82 kb to one Mb), all but two affecting genes previously known to be responsible for XLMR. Additionally, we describe different CNV regions with significant different frequencies in XLMR and control subjects (44% vs. 20%).[Conclusion] This tiling path array of the human X chromosome has proven successful for the detection and characterization of known rearrangements and novel CNVs in XLMR patients.The authors thank the "Genoma España" and Genome Canada joint R+D+I projects in human health, plants and aquiculture; the former "Departament d'Universitats i Societat de la Informació" (DURSI) and the "Departament de Salut", from the Catalan Autonomous Government (2005SGR00008 - Generalitat de Catalunya); the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI041126, CIBER-ESP), the EU's Sixth Framework Programme [FP6-2005-LIFESCIHEALTH-7; ANEUPLOIDY No. 037627] and Fundación Areces (U-2006-FARECES-O).Peer reviewe

    Can ecosystem-based deep-sea fishing be sustained?

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    Can there ever be a truly sustainable deep-sea fishery and if so, where and under what conditions? Ecosystembased fisheries management requires that this question be addressed such that habitat, bycatch species, and targeted fish populations are considered together within an ecosystem context. To this end, we convened the first workshop to develop an ecosystem approach to deep-sea fisheries and to ask whether deep-sea species could be fished sustainably. The workshop participants were able to integrate bycatch information into their framework but found it more difficult to integrate other ecosystem indicators such as habitat characteristics. (First two paragraphs from the Executive Summary
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