494 research outputs found

    Does resuscitation status affect decision making in a deteriorating patient? Results from a randomised vignette study

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    Aims and objectives: The aim of this paper is to determine the influence of do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) orders and the Universal Form of Treatment Options (‘UFTO’: an alternative approach that contextualizes the resuscitation decision within an overall treatment plan) on nurses' decision making about a deteriorating patient. Methods: An online survey with a developing case scenario across three timeframes was used on 231 nurses from 10 National Health Service Trusts. Nurses were randomised into three groups: DNACPR, the UFTO and no-form. Statements were pooled into four subcategories: Increasing Monitoring, Escalating Concern, Initiating Treatments and Comfort Measures. Results: Reported decisions were different across the three groups. Nurses in the DNACPR group agreed or strongly agreed to initiate fewer intense nursing interventions than the UFTO and no-form groups (P < 0.001) overall and across subcategories of Increase Monitoring, Escalate Concern and Initiate Treatments (all P < 0.001). There was no difference between the UFTO and no-form groups overall (P = 0.795) or in the subcategories. No difference in Comfort Measures were observed (P = 0.201) between the three groups. Conclusion: The presence of a DNACPR order appears to influence nurse decision making in a deteriorating patient vignette. Differences were not observed in the UFTO and no-form group. The UFTO may improve the way nurses modulate their behaviours towards critically ill patients with DNACPR status. More hospitals should consider adopting an approach where the resuscitation decisions are contextualised within overall goals of care

    Exploring the use of high-fidelity simulation training to enhance clinical skills

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    The use of interprofessional simulation training to enhance nursing students' performance of technical and non-technical clinical skills is becoming increasingly common. Simulation training can involve the use of role play, virtual reality or patient simulator manikins to replicate clinical scenarios and assess the nursing student's ability to, for example, undertake clinical observations or work as part of a team. Simulation training enables nursing students to practise clinical skills in a safe environment. Effective simulation training requires extensive preparation, and debriefing is necessary following a simulated training session to review any positive or negative aspects of the learning experience. This article discusses a high-fidelity simulated training session that was used to assess a group of third-year nursing students and foundation level 1 medical students. This involved the use of a patient simulator manikin in a scenario that required the collaborative management of a deteriorating patient. [Abstract copyright: ©2018 RCN Publishing Company Ltd. All rights reserved. Not to be copied, transmitted or recorded in any way, in whole or part, without prior permission of the publishers.

    Explaining adherence to self-care behaviours amongst adolescents with food allergy: a comparison of the health belief model and the common sense self-regulation model

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify explanations for adherence to self-care behaviours amongst adolescents with food allergy-induced anaphylaxis using two social cognition models: the health belief model (HBM) and the common sense self-regulation model (CS-SRM). DESIGN: Cross-sectional self-completion questionnaire study to gain initial evidence of the two models' feasibility/effectiveness in explaining adherence in an adolescent food-allergic population. METHODS: Participants aged 13-19 years with a diagnosis of severe food allergy and a prescription of an adrenaline auto-injector were recruited from hospital outpatients. Adherence to self-care behaviours was measured in addition to constructs from the HBM and CS-SRM. RESULTS: One hundred and eighty-eight food-allergic adolescents completed the questionnaire. The HBM, specifically the constructs perceived severity and barriers, accounted for 21% of the explained variance in adherence behaviours. CS-SRM constructs, illness identity, timeline cyclical beliefs and emotional representations explained 25% of the variance. CONCLUSIONS: Both models performed similarly in explaining adherence to self-care behaviours in adolescents with food allergy. Interventions designed to elicit personal barriers to adherence and to address perceptions of severity and the unpredictable nature of symptoms may be more effective in improving adherence to self-care behaviours than current interventions. STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTION: What is already known on this subject? Patients' poor management of food allergy induced anaphylaxis is commonly attributed to lack of knowledge and ability in using the adrenaline auto-injector. Adherence to recommended preventive self-care behaviours, like allergen avoidance and carrying emergency medication, are rarely assessed. Social Cognition Models (SCMs) have been successfully applied to a number of adherence-related studies in disease conditions such as asthma and diabetes, but have not yet been applied to food allergy induced anaphylaxis. What does this study add? This is the first large-scale quantitative study of adherence behaviours in adolescents with food allergy. This is the first study to apply theoretical models to explain adherence in the adolescent food allergic population. This is the first application of both models to food allergy, and the first to compare the two models' measurement instruments

    Practical examination of bystanders performing Basic Life Support in Germany: a prospective manikin study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In an out-of-hospital emergency situation bystander intervention is essential for a sufficient functioning of the chain of rescue. The basic measures of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Basic Life Support – BLS) by lay people are therefore definitely part of an effective emergency service of a patient needing resuscitation. Relevant knowledge is provided to the public by various course conceptions. The learning success concerning a one day first aid course ("LSM" course in Germany) has not been much investigated in the past. We investigated to what extent lay people could perform BLS correctly in a standardised manikin scenario. An aim of this study was to show how course repetitions affected success in performing BLS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The "LSM course" was carried out in a standardised manner. We tested prospectively 100 participants in two groups (<b>Group 1: </b>Participants with previous attendance of a BLS course; <b>Group 2: </b>Participants with no previous attendance of a BLS course) in their practical abilities in BLS after the course. Success parameter was the correct performance of BLS in accordance with the current ERC guidelines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-two (22%) of the 100 investigated participants obtained satisfactory results in the practical performance of BLS. Participants with repeated participation in BLS obtained significantly better results (<b>Group 1: </b>32.7% vs. <b>Group 2: </b>10.4%; p < 0.01) than course participants with no relevant previous knowledge.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Only 22% of the investigated participants at the end of a "LSM course" were able to perform BLS satisfactorily according to the ERC guidelines. Participants who had previously attended comparable courses obtained significantly better results in the practical test. Through regular repetitions it seems to be possible to achieve, at least on the manikin, an improvement of the results in bystander resuscitation and, consequently, a better patient outcome. To validate this hypothesis further investigations are recommended by specialised societies.</p