65 research outputs found

    Empreendedorismo social e suas implicações : o caso da Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas Populares

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    Expõe os principais conceitos que norteiam a literatura sobre empreendedorismo social e o ambiente institucional no qual está inserido em comparação com o que expunha a corrente clássica. Primeiramente, é abordada a teoria clássica sobre instituições com base, principalmente, na obra de North (1990). Posteriormente, faz-se uma análise sustentada na literatura mais atual sobre empreendedorismo social, com objetivo de rechaçar a ideia que um institutional void representaria uma barreira para o surgimento de empreendimentos. Por fim, é feita a análise de um empreendimento social para corroborar a ideia apresentada na seção anterior. Os resultados encontrados são relacionados com os conceitos sobre empreendedorismo social para comprovar empiricamente a hipótese exposta anteriormente

    Effects of daily administration of a stavudine/nelfinavir association on the fetuses and placentas of female albino rats

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito da administração da associação estavudina/nelfinavir durante toda a prenhez da rata, avaliando seu peso e dos conceptos, bem como o número de implantações, fetos, placentas, reabsorções e mortalidades materna e fetal. MÉTODOS: quarenta ratas albinas EPM-1 Wistar, prenhes, foram aleatoriamente divididas em quatro grupos: GCtrl (controle do veículo) e três experimentais, ExpI, ExpII e ExpIII, que receberam, respectivamente, 1/40, 3/120 e 9/360 mg/kg por dia de estavudina/nelfinavir por via oral. As drogas e o veículo (água destilada) foram administrados por gavagem em duas tomadas diárias (12/12 horas), desde o dia 0 até o 20º dia da prenhez. No último dia do experimento, todos os animais foram anestesiados e eutanasiados. Foram avaliados a evolução do peso materno no 7º, 14º e 20º dias, número de fetos, placentas, implantações, reabsorções, óbitos intrauterinos, malformações maiores e o peso dos fetos e das placentas. A análise estatística foi realizada por análise de variância (ANOVA), complementada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: em relação ao peso corporal das ratas, houve ganho gradual e progressivo durante o decorrer da prenhez em todos os grupos, sendo este ganho mais evidente no período final; porém não foram constatadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre eles. O número de fetos, placentas, implantações, assim como os pesos fetais e placentários também não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos analisados. Não foram observadas, também nos grupos experimentais, reabsorções e malformações fetais maiores externas, no entanto, observamos entre o 8º e o 14º dias de gestação um caso de morte materna em cada grupo experimental. CONCLUSÕES: a administração da associação estavudina/nelfinavir não mostrou efeitos deletérios sobre os conceptos.PURPOSE: to evaluate the effect of administration of a stavudine/nelfinavir combination on the rat pregnancy by assessing maternal and concepts weights, as well as the number of implantations, fetuses, placentas, resorptions and maternal and fetal mortality. METHODS: forty adult pregnant Wistar rats of the EPM-1 strain were randomly divided into four groups: control (GCtrl - drug vehicle control, n=10), and three experimental groups, which were treated with an oral solution of stavudine/nelfinavir (ExpI - 1/40 mg/kg b.w., n=10; ExpII - 3/120 mg/kg b.w., n=10; ExpIII - 9/360 mg/kg b.w., n=10) from day 0 to the 20th day of pregnancy. Maternal body weights were determined at the start of the experiment and on the 7th, 14th and the 20th day thereafter. At term (20th day) the rats were anesthetized and, upon laparotomy and hysterotomy, the number of implantations, resorptions, living fetuses, placentae and intrauterine deaths were recorded. The collected fetuses and placentae were weighed and the concepts were examined under a stereomicroscope for possible external malformations. Statistical analysis was performed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) complemented by the Kruskal-Wallis test (p<0.05). RESULTS: there was a progressive and gradual increase in body weight during the course of pregnancy in all groups, which was more evident in the final period, but with no significant difference between groups. The mean number of fetuses, placentas, implantations, and fetal and placental weights showed no significant differences between groups. Also, no resorptions or external malformations were found in the experimental groups. However, between the 8th and 14th days of gestation, there was one case of maternal mortality in each experimental group. CONCLUSIONS: the administration of a stavudine/nelfinavir combination had no deleterious effects on the concepts

    Predicting the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on cetacean populations through impacts on immunity and calf survival

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    This work was supported by funding from the International Whaling Commission's Pollution 2000+Program, the U.S. NOAA/NFMS Health and Stranding Response Program and the UK's Natural Environment Research Council (Grant Code SMRU 10001).The potential impact of exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on the health and survival of cetaceans continues to be an issue for conservation and management, yet few quantitative approaches for estimating population level effects have been developed. An individual based model (IBM) for assessing effects on both calf survival and immunity was developed and tested. Three case study species (bottlenose dolphin, humpback whale and killer whale) in four populations were taken as examples and the impact of varying levels of PCB uptake on achievable population growth was assessed. The unique aspect of the model is its ability to evaluate likely effects of immunosuppression in addition to calf survival, enabling consequences of PCB exposure on immune function on all age-classes to be explored. By incorporating quantitative tissue concentration-response functions from laboratory animal model species into an IBM framework, population trajectories were generated. Model outputs included estimated concentrations of PCBs in the blubber of females by age, which were then compared to published empirical data. Achievable population growth rates were more affected by the inclusion of effects of PCBs on immunity than on calf survival, but the magnitude depended on the virulence of any subsequent encounter with a pathogen and the proportion of the population exposed. Since the starting population parameters were from historic studies, which may already be impacted by PCBs, the results should be interpreted on a relative rather than an absolute basis. The framework will assist in providing quantitative risk assessments for populations of concern.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    Creating My Own Competency Framework For Facilitated Dialogue

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    Public Health Implications of Substandard Correctional Health Care

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    US citizens face a growing threat of contracting communicable diseases owing to the high recidivism rate in state and federal prisons, poor screening and treatment of prisoners, and inferior follow-up health care upon their release. Insufficient education about communicable diseases—for prisoners and citizens alike—and other problems, such as prejudice against prisoners, escalating costs, and an unreliable correctional health care delivery system for inmates, all contribute to a public health problem that requires careful examination and correction for the protection of everyone involved

    A tomada de decisão apoiada e o estatuto da pessoa com deficiência: maior autonomia à pessoa com deficiência

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    O presente trabalho monográfico objetiva abordar as inovações trazidas pelo Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência nos campos da Interdição e Curatela, destacando-se o novo instituto da Tomada de Decisão Apoiada. Para tanto, analisar-se-á a evolução do tratamento dado às pessoas com deficiência no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Em primeiro momento, será estudada a Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência, tratado internacional sobre direitos humanos que foi ratificado no Brasil em 2008, possuindo status de emenda constitucional e que alterou o conceito de “deficiência”. A partir da análise dos princípios norteadores do documento internacional, será visto como se deu a sua regulamentação no Brasil, pela Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (lei n. 13.146/15), que inaugurou o Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência. Com isso, serão abordadas as inovações trazidas pelo Estatuto no âmbito da capacidade das pessoas com deficiência. Uma vez alterado o conceito de capacidade, faz-se necessário analisar como isso afetou a legislação civil brasileira, principalmente nos institutos já existentes da Interdição e Curatela, dando destaque às particularidades do novo instituto criado, chamado de Tomada de Decisão Apoiada.This monograph aims to approach the Statute on Persons with Disabilities’ innovations on subjects such as Judicial Interdiction and Guardianship, highlighting the new institute of Supported Decision-Making. For that, it will be analyzed the evolution of treatment given to the group of disabled people on the Brazilian legal order. At first, it will be studied the Convention on The Rights of Persons with Disabilities, international treaty on human rights that was ratified in Brazil in 2008, with constitutional amendment status that altered the concept of “disability”. From the analysis of the international document principles, it will be studied how it was regulated in Brazil through the Brazilian Law on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (law n. 13.146/15), which inaugurated the Statute on Persons with Disabilities. Thereby, it will be approached the innovations brought by the Statute within the scope of capacity of the disabled people. Once the concept of capacity was modified, it is necessary to also analyze how this change impacted the Brazilian legislation, especially in institutes that already existed, such as Judicial Interdiction and Guardianship, focusing mainly on the particularities of the new institute created, named Supported Decision-Making.54 f