6,928 research outputs found

    Development of instrumentation for autofluorescence spectroscopy and its application to tissue autofluorescence studies and biomedical research

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    Autofluorescence spectroscopy is a promising non-invasive label-free approach to characterise biological samples and has shown potential to report structural and biochemical changes occurring in tissue owing to pathological transformations. This thesis discusses the development of compact and portable single point fibre-optic probe-based instrumentation for time-resolved spectrofluorometry, utilising spectrally resolved time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) detection and white light reflectometry. Following characterisation and validation, two of these instruments were deployed in clinical settings and their potential to report structural and metabolic alterations in tissue associated with osteoarthritis and heart disease was investigated. Osteoarthritis is a chronic and progressive disease of the joint characterised by irreversible destruction of articular cartilage for which there is no effective treatment. Working with the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, we investigated the potential of time-resolved autofluorescence spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool for early detection and monitoring of the progression of osteoarthritis. Our studies in enzymatically degenerated porcine and murine cartilage, which serve as models for osteoarthritis, suggest that autofluorescence lifetime is sensitive to disruption of the two major extracellular matrix components, aggrecan and collagen. Preliminary autofluorescence lifetime data were also obtained from ex vivo human tissue presenting naturally occurring osteoarthritis. Overall, our studies indicate that autofluorescence lifetime may offer a non-invasive readout to monitor cartilage matrix integrity that could contribute to future diagnosis of early cartilage defects as well as monitoring the efficacy of therapeutic agents. This thesis also explored the potential of time-resolved autofluorescence spectroscopy and steady-state white-light reflectometry of tissue to report structural and metabolic changes associated with cardiac disease, both ex vivo and in vivo, in collaboration with clinical colleagues from the National Heart and Lung Institute. Using a Langendorff rat model, the autofluorescence signature of cardiac tissue was investigated following different insults to the heart. We were able to correlate and translate results obtained from ex vivo Langendorff data to an in vivo myocardial infarction model in rats, where we report structural and functional alterations in the infarcted and remote myocardium at different stages following infarction. This investigation stimulated the development of a clinically viable instrument to be used in open-chest surgical procedures in humans, of which progress to date is described. 4 The impact of time-resolved autofluorescence spectroscopy for label-free diagnosis of diseased would be significantly enhanced if the cost of the instrumentation could be reduced below what is achievable with commercial TCSPC-based technology. The last part of this thesis concerns the development of compact and portable instrumentation utilising low-cost FPGA-based circuitry that can be used with laser diodes and photon-counting photomultipliers. A comprehensive description of this instrument is presented together with data from its application to both fluorescence lifetime standards and biological tissue. The lower potential cost of this instrument could enhance the potential of autofluorescence lifetime metrology for commercial development and clinical deployment.Open Acces

    Biomarkers for classification and risk assessment of pancreatic cystic neoplasms

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    Pancreatic cystic lesions (PCLs) are increasing incidental findings due to increased ageing of the population and widespread use of imaging. The main problem in clinical practice has to do with distinguishing the high-risk premalignant and malignant cysts that require surgical treatment from the benign or low-grade dysplastic cysts, which should not be over-treated and might not even require surveillance. The goal of the present work is to perform a comprehensive analysis of biomarkers and diagnostic approaches by Endoscopic Ultrasound with Fine-needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA), in a cohort of patients harboring mostly low-risk cysts under surveillance, which are far more frequent in clinical practice. The PCF analysis performed in this cohort includes studies of genomics (DNA mutations), epigenomics (methylation analysis), metabolomics (glucose), and proteomics (CEA, chromogranin A, NSE), with putative biomarkers encompassing the diagnosis of mucinous and malignant cysts, that require surveillance and surgical resection, respectively. We performed a first meta-analysis comparing current diagnostic methods - CEA and cytology - with KRAS mutations for the diagnosis of mucinous cysts. CEA was the best test for clinically significant cysts (AUC=0.69), cytology performed better in malignant cysts (AUC=0.78), surpassing KRAS mutations (AUC=0.53 and AUC=0.56, respectively). In a second meta-analysis we compared the accuracy of molecular analysis versus micro forceps biopsy (MFB) in the diagnosis of PCLs. The two approaches were identical for diagnosing benign cysts, but molecular analysis was superior for diagnosing both low and high-risk mucinous cysts. In addition to these two meta-analyses, we performed a retrospective study evaluating the added value of KRAS and GNAS mutations in PCF of 52 frozen PCF samples. We conclude that, as compared with conventional tests, these had no added value in the differential diagnosis of PCLs. In another publication, we compared glucose level in PCF with CEA in 82 patients. For mucinous cyst diagnosis, a CEA >192 ng/ml showed an AUC of 0.84 while glucose <50 mg/dl revealed an AUC of 0.86. Besides its higher accuracy, PCF glucose evaluated “on site” with a glucometer is easy, immediate, and requires a minimal amount of PCF. In the next study we sought to determine whether a second EUS-FNA changed the diagnosis or management of pancreatic cysts. We compared the outcome of 105 patients with a single EUS-FNA with that of 23 patients who had a second EUS-FNA. EUS-FNA may be recommended, as it changed management toward surgery in approximately 20% of the patients, particularly with diagnosis of cystic NETs. Following these results, we explored the role of EUS-FNA in small PCLs (<3 cm) in 115 patients with PCLs <3 cm who underwent EUS-FNA. 19/115 were submitted to surgery with 15 malignant or premalignant lesions and the remaining 4 were benign lesions. We conclude that EUS-FNA in lesions <3 cm may improve outcome and cost-effectiveness of surveillance programs, as it confirmed malignancy in 2 out of 5 resected lesions, while it also diagnosed benign cysts who could be released from these programs. In a pilot study with 16 patients, including 4 cystic NETs we aimed at assessing the value of Chromogranin A (CroA) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) levels in PCF. CroA and NSE levels were higher in cystic NETs with an AUC of 0.94 for CroA and 1 for NSE. These are promising biomarkers to identify pancreatic cystic NETs. Finally, we studied epigenetic changes in the diagnosis of malignant cysts. Methylation changes of GNAS locus were evaluated to understand whether they may contribute to malignant progression of PCLs. Fifty-two samples of PCF were studied. We observed that GNAS locus methylation changes were significantly associated with malignancy. This is the first study to identify methylation changes in the GNAS locus improving diagnosis of malignant PCLs. We end this work proposing a revised diagnostic organogram of PCLs established by current guidelines, that incorporates the results obtained in this dissertation’s research.As lesões quísticas pancreáticas (PCL) têm incidência crescente devido ao envelhecimento da população e ao aumento da utilização dos métodos de imagem. Na prática clínica pretende-se distinguir os quistos mucinosos, de alto risco e malignos, que requerem tratamento cirúrgico, dos quistos benignos ou pré-malignos de baixo risco, que no máximo requerem vigilância. O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar de forma abrangente, biomarcadores em líquido de quisto pancreático (PCF) obtido por Ecoendoscopia com punção (EUS-FNA), numa coorte de quistos predominantemente de baixo risco sob vigilância imagiológica, que são os mais comuns na prática clínica. A análise de PCF nesta coorte inclui estudos de genómica (mutações no DNA), epigenómica (análise de metilação), metabolómica (glicose) e proteómica (CEA, cromogranina A, NSE), com avaliação de biomarcadores para diagnóstico de quistos mucinosos e quistos malignos, que beneficiam de vigilância e ressecção cirúrgica, respetivamente. Numa primeira meta-análise comparámos a metodologia diagnóstica atual - CEA e citologia - com as mutações do KRAS para diagnóstico dos quistos mucinosos. O CEA foi o melhor teste em quistos clinicamente significativos (AUC=0.69), e a citologia em quistos malignos (AUC=0.78), superando as mutações do KRAS (AUC=0.53 e AUC=0.56, respetivamente). Numa segunda meta-análise comparámos a precisão diagnóstica da análise molecular versus biópsia com micropinça (MFB) no diagnóstico de PCL. As duas abordagens foram idênticas em quistos benignos, mas a análise molecular foi superior em quistos mucinosos tanto de baixo como de alto risco. Além das duas meta-análises, realizámos um estudo retrospetivo para avaliar o valor das mutações do KRAS e do GNAS em 52 amostras de PCF congeladas. Concluímos que não têm valor adicional no diagnóstico diferencial das PCL, relativamente aos testes convencionais. Noutra publicação comparámos o nível de glicose em PCF com o CEA para diagnóstico de quistos mucinosos em 82 doentes. O CEA >192 ng/ml apresentou uma AUC de 0.84 e a glicose <50 mg/dl de 0.86. Além da maior precisão diagnóstica, a glicose avaliada in loco com um glicosímetro, é fácil, imediata e requer um volume mínimo de PCF. No estudo seguinte, avaliámos se uma segunda EUS-FNA alterou o diagnóstico ou a decisão de quistos pancreáticos. Comparámos 105 doentes com uma única EUS-FNA com 23 doentes com uma segunda EUS-FNA. Esta pode ser recomendada, pois cerca de 20% dos doentes foram referenciados para cirurgia após repetição da EUS-FNA, incluindo dois com tumores neuroendócrinos (NET) quísticos. Seguidamente, explorámos o papel da EUS-FNA em pequenas PCL (<3 cm), num estudo com 115 PCL <3 cm. 19/115 foram operadas, correspondendo a 15 lesões malignas ou pré-malignas e 4 benignas. Concluímos que a EUS-FNA em quistos com <3 cm pode melhorar o diagnóstico e o custo-efetividade, pois confirmou malignidade em lesões ressecadas, e diagnosticou quistos benignos que podem ser libertados de vigilância. Num estudo piloto com 16 doentes, incluindo 4 com NET quísticos, avaliámos o valor diagnóstico da cromogranina A (CroA) e da enolase específica neuronal (NSE) em PCF. Os níveis de CroA e NSE foram mais elevados nos NET quísticos, com uma AUC de 0.94 para a CroA e 1 para a NSE. Estes revelaram-se biomarcadores promissores Por fim, estudámos alterações epigenéticas no diagnóstico de quistos malignos. Analisámos a metilação do locus GNAS em PCF para perceber se se associa à progressão maligna de PCL. Estudámos 52 amostras e observámos que a alteração da metilação se associou significativamente a malignidade. Trata-se do primeiro trabalho a avaliar alterações de metilação no locus GNAS no diagnóstico de PCL. Terminamos este trabalho com uma proposta de revisão do organograma de diagnóstico das PCL baseado nas guidelines atuais, que incorpora os resultados desta tese

    Education sciences: Towards a theoretical rebirth beyond reductionisms

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    In order to clarify the directions that Education Sciences may take in the near future we start by discussing the current epistemological predicament of Education, and then articulate this discussion with an assessment of the impact of some major determinant external factors. We proceed by presenting the thread of Modernity in the configurations of educational reason and the impact of the inner fracture of reason fostered by Postmodernity, which leads us to conclude with the epistemic and normative requirements for theorizing Education. To avoid reductionism, we propose a triangular metatheory that should be able to account for the irreducible complexity of education. It presents a three-dimensional field where Education Sciences comprise, firstly, a hermeneutic and speculative dimension, cultivated by philosophy and oriented towards the setting of values and goals for the action, secondly, a descriptive and explanatory dimension, common to other Social Sciences, and thirdly an operational and technological dimension which surpasses the mere technical rationality confined to the selection of means and operationalization of goals, and therefore is in search of an intersubjective agreement that builds a consensus on the deontological normativity that regulates the activity of the professional educator, in its role of free agent and as a resource for action and change

    Instrumentation and Automated Photometric Titration Procedure for Total Acidity Determination in Red Wine Employing a Multicommuted Flow System

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    An automated procedure for photometric titration of red wine and associated instrumentation is described. The procedure was based on the flow-batch approach implemented employing multicommutation. The photometric detection was carried out using a homemade LED-based photometer. The mixing device, LED, and photodetector were attached to the titration chamber in order to form a compact and small-sized unit. The flow system comprised an automatic injector and three-way solenoid valves, which were controlled by a microcomputer through an electronic interface card. The software, written in Quick BASIC 4.5, was designed with abilities to accomplish all steps of the titration procedure including data acquisition and real-time processing to decide about the course of titration in the following step and so forth, until the titration endpoint was reached. The usefulness of the proposed titration system was demonstrated by analyzing red wine samples. When results were compared with those obtained using the AOAC reference method, no significant difference was observed at the [Formula: see text] confidence level. A relative standard deviation of ca [Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text]) was obtained when processing a typical red wine sample containing 7.3 [Formula: see text] total acidity expressed as tartaric acid

    Os fundamentos da interdisciplinaridade no Campo da Comunicação : uma análise a partir dos artigos da Compós e da Intercom

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    São recorrentes as pesquisas com temática interdisciplinar no Campo da Comunicação, porém pouco se conhece os aportes teóricos utilizados para a sua fundamentação. Com base nos artigos publicados nos anais da Compós e da Intercom, entre os anos de 2005 e 2015, e recorrendo-se ao método bibliométrico de análise de citações, a presente pesquisa objetivou identificar os pilares teóricos da interdisciplinaridade no Campo da Comunicação brasileira. Dentre os principais resultados destaca-se, a partir dos autores citados, que os fundamentos teóricos sobre a interdisciplinaridade do Campo da Comunicação são restritos, principalmente nos textos da Compós. Constatou-se que a autoria dos textos que fundamentam o discurso da interdisciplinaridade nos artigos da Compós é predominantemente restrita a autores vinculados a uma única universidade brasileira e a textos de autores do próprio Campo da Comunicação. Não foram encontradas fortes influências, medidas pelas citações, para textos clássicos do campo da filosofia, educação, sociologia, etc. Nos artigos da Intercom, diferentemente, identificou-se fundamentação sobre interdisciplinaridade de outros campos e outros autores nacionais e internacionais, no entanto, ainda de maneira restrita. Ressalta-se a importância de maior mobilização de autores para melhor fundamentação teórica nos estudos da Comunicação, quer sejam na temática interdisciplinar ou contra interdisciplinar, pois constatou-se que em ambos os casos a fundamentação dos discursos aponta fragilidades e pouca amplitude de teorias

    Sciences de l’éducation: Vers une renaissance théorique au-delà du réductionisme

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    In order to clarify the directions that Education Sciences may take in the near future we start by discussing the current epistemological predicament of Education, and then articulate this discussion with an assessment of the impact of some major determinant external factors. We proceed by presenting the thread of Modernity in the configurations of educational reason and the impact of the inner fracture of reason fostered by Postmodernity, which leads us to conclude with the epistemic and normative requirements for theorizing Education. To avoid reductionism, we propose a triangular metatheory that should be able to account for the irreducible complexity of education. It presents a three-dimensional field where Education Sciences comprise, firstly, a hermeneutic and speculative dimension, cultivated by philosophy and oriented towards the setting of values and goals for the action, secondly, a descriptive and explanatory dimension, common to other Social Sciences, and thirdly an operational and technological dimension which surpasses the mere technical rationality confined to the selection of means and operationalization of goals, and therefore is in search of an intersubjective agreement that builds a consensus on the deontological normativity that regulates the activity of the professional educator, in its role of free agent and as a resource for action and change.Con el fin de clarificar la dirección que las Ciencias de la Educación puedentener en un futuro próximo iniciamos el artículo discutiendo la situación epistemológica de la educación, y articulamos esta discusión con la evaluación del impacto de algunos de los factores externos determinantes. Seguidamente se presenta la línea que siguió la Modernidad en las configuraciones de la educación racional de la razón y el impacto de la fractura interna de la razón forjada por la Posmodernidad, lo que nos lleva a concluir con los subsecuentes requerimientos epistémicos y normativos para la teorización de la Educación. Con la intención de evitar el reduccionismo, proponemos una metateoría triangular que sea capaz de dar cuenta de la compleja irreductibilidad de la educación. Lo que configura un campo integrado por tres dimensiones en donde las Ciencias de la Educación comprenden, primero, las dimensiones hermenéutica y especulativa, cultivadas por la filosofía y orientadas hacia el establecimiento de valores y metas para la acción; segundo, una dimensión descriptiva y explicativa, común a las ciencias sociales; y, tercero, una dimensión de carácter operacional y tecnológico, que trasciende la mera racionalidad técnica confinada a la selección de medios y la operacionalización de metas, de donde se infiere una búsqueda del acuerdo subjetivo que pueda crear consenso en la normatividad deontológica reguladora de la actividad profesional del educador, su papel como agente libre y como recurso para la acción y el cambio.Afin de clarifier les directions que les Sciences de l’éducation peuvent suivre dans le futur proche, nous commençons par discuter le statut épistémologique actuel de l’Éducation pour articuler, ensuite, cette discussion avec l’évaluation de l’impact des principaux facteurs déterminants externes. Nous procédons encore à l’identification du fil rouge de la Modernité à travers les diverses configurations de la rationalité éducative, et analysons l’effet de la fracture interne de la Raison produite par la Postmodernité et qui nous invite à conclure avec les exigences épistémiques et normatives pour théoriser l’Éducation. Pour éviter tout réductionnisme nous proposons une métathéorie triangulaire qui devrait être capable d’accueillir l’irréductible complexité de l’éducation. Cette métathéorie présente un espace tridimensionnel où les Sciences de l’éducation englobent, tout d’abord, une dimension herméneutique et spéculative, cultivée par la philosophie et orientée vers la définition de valeurs et de fins pour l’action éducative; deuxièmement, une dimension descriptive et explicative, commune à d’autres Sciences sociales; et, finalement, une dimension opérationnelle et technologique qui dépasse la simple rationalité technique, confinée dans la sélection de moyens et l’opérationnalisation de buts, et de ce fait même vise la constitution d’un accord intersubjectif qui puisse fonder un consensus sur la normativité déontologique qui régule l’activité de l’éducateur professionnel dans son rôle d’agent libre et en tant que ressource pour l’action et pour le changement

    Relação da polifarmácia e polipatologia com a queda de idosos institucionalizados

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    Objetivo: identificar relações de associação entre o risco de queda em idosos intitucionalizados com a polifarmácia e a polipatologia, bem como traçar o perfil epidemiológico desta casuística. Método: estudo prospectivo, observacional realizado com 271 idosos moradores de instituições de longa permanência do Distrito Federal. Os dados foram atualizados por estatística inferencial. Resultados: o acompanhamento dos idosos confirmou a associação entre a polipatologia e a queda (p: 0,0028), porém não seguiu a tendência de outros estudos em identificar a polifarmácia como fator de risco de queda (p: 0,141). Entre as comorbidades mais prevalentes destacou-se alteração dos níveis tensionais (77,4%), seguida de Diabetes Mellitus (27,37%), depressão (17,7%) e demência (46,8%). Já os medicamentos mais identificados foram os anti-hipertensivos (73,8%), indutores do sono (61,2%), diuréticos (50,1%) e antidepressivos (34,3%). Conclusão: que múltiplas incapacidades associado a doenças crônico-degenerativas e o uso crônico de medicamentos, podem interferir na incidência de queda, ratificando os fatores relacionados ao diagnóstico risco de queda presente na Taxonomia I da NANDA-I. Essa contribuição ao raciocínio diagnóstico do enfermeiro garante melhor avaliação do idoso, garantindo um plano de cuidados voltado a prevenção e detecção de condições de risco.Objective: identify relationships of association between the risk of falls in institutionalized elderly people with polypharmacy and polypathy, as well as to outline the epidemiological profile of its casuistry. Method: a prospective obseracional study with 271 elderly residents in long-stay institutions in the Federal District (Brazil). The date were a actualized by inferencial statistics. Results: a monitoring of elderly confirmed the association between polypathology and falls (p: 0.0028), however, it did not follow the trend of other studies in identifying polypharmacy as a risk factor for falls (p: 0.141). Among the most prevalent comorbidities, changes in blood pressure levels (77.4%), followed by Diabetes Mellitus (27.37%), depression (17.7%) and dementia (46.8%) may be highlighted. The most identified drugs were antihypertensives (73.8%), sleep inducers (61.2%), diuretics (50.1%) and antidepressants (34.3%). Conclusion: multiple disabilities associated with chronic-degenerative diseases and the chronic use of medications may interfere with the incidence of falls, ratifying factors related to the diagnosis of risk for falls presented in the NANDA-I Taxonomy I. This contribution to the nurses’ diagnostic rationale ensures better evaluation of the elderly, ensuring a care plan focused on prevention and detection of risk conditions.Objetivo: identificar relaciones de asociación entre riesgo de caída en adultos mayores institucionalizados con la polifarmacia y la polipatología, asi como trazar un perfil epidemiológico de esta casuística. Método: estudio prospectivo, observacional realizado con 271 ancianos residentes de instituciones a largo plazo del Distrito Federal. Los datos han sido actualizados por inferencial. Resultados: el acompañamiento de adultos mayores confirmó la asociación entre la polipatología y la caída (p: 0,0028), sin embargo no siguió la tendencia de otros estudios en identificar la polifarmacia como factor de riesgo de caída (p: 0,141). Entre las comorbidades más prevalentes se destacaron la alteración de los niveles tensionales (77,4%), seguida de la Diabetes Mellitus (23, 37%), depresión (17,7%) y demencia (46,8%). Los medicamentos más identificados fueron los anti-hipertensivos (73,8%), inductores del sueño (61,2%), diuréticos (50,1%) y antidepresivos (34,3%). Conclusión: que multiples incapacidades asociado a enfermedades crónico degenerativas y el uso crónico de medicamentos pueden interferir en la incidencia de caída, ratificando los factores relacionados al diagnóstico de Riesgo de Caída presente en la Taxonomia I de la NANDA-I. Esta contribución al raciocinio diagnostico del enfermero garantiza mejor evaluación del adulto mayor, garantizando un plano de cuidados vinculado a la prevención y detección de condiciones de riesgo

    Qualidade Físico-química E Sensorial De Genótipos De Banana

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    Despite the diversity of banana varieties in Brazil, only a few cultivars have the proper agronomic traits and fruit quality for commercial exploitation. This study aimed at evaluating the physicochemical traits and sensorial acceptance of banana genotypes, in order to identify those with potential for commercial growing. Six improved banana genotypes were assessed (BRS Maravilha, PC 0101, FHIA 18, TM 2803, YB 4203 and BRS Caipira), as well as three commercial cultivars (Grand Naine, Pacovan and Prata Anã). Analyses of peel and pulp color, peel thickness, pulp yield, moisture, pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity, total carotenoids and sensorial acceptance were performed. The BRS Maravilha, FHIA 18, YB 4203 and BRS Caipira genotypes presented physicochemical traits similar to the Grand Naine, Pacovan and Prata Anã commercial cultivars. The BRS Maravilha and TM 2803 genotypes had sensorial acceptance similar to the Prata Anã and Grand Naine cultivars, and are therefore promising for commercial growing, with the advantage of being resistant to the black Sigatoka and Panama disease. © 2016, Universidade Federal De Goias (UFG). All Rights Reserved.461899

    Manutenção centrada na fiabilidade aplicada a ativos físicos industriais

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialDiante da necessidade cada vez mais rigorosa em se obter produtos e serviços cada vez melhores, processos produtivos otimizados e equipamentos disponíveis, as empresas têm buscado implementar em toda sua cadeia produtiva melhorias para deixar a sua entrega final mais competitiva. Para obter estes resultados as Organizações necessitam ter ativos disponíveis e para que isso ocorra, mantê-los da forma mais adequada e economicamente viável irá ajudar aos gestores e engenheiros na tomada de decisão. Uma das estratégias utilizadas na conservação de ativos físicos industriais é a Manutenção Centrada na Fiabilidade (RCM) que há muito tempo é aplicada nas indústrias em geral, seja na aviação, mineração, em equipamentos biomédicos e mais recentemente, com uma nova revolução industrial – a Indústria 4.0, em veículos de transporte de passageiros autónomos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar quais os modos de falha que têm maior impacto na disponibilidade do ativo, através da aplicação da metodologia RCM para determinar quais modos de falha devem ser priorizados e determinar a estratégia de manutenção mais adequada para cada um. Para suportar este estudo, foi aplicada a metodologia de análise e hierarquização de processos (AHP) a fim de organizar numa escala de valor os modos de falha.O caso de estudo foi realizado em uma máquina que embala produtos de tabaco, utilizando-se dados reais de falha com os tempos de duração de cada paragem. Pretende-se ainda com este trabalho implementar um processo capaz de ser replicado a qualquer ativo físico industrial que possua dados de falha. Os resultados obtidos levaram a conclusão de que os modos de falha mais frequentes não foram os que geraram maior tempo de paragem. Ou seja, de acordo com a característica do ativo, existem modos de falhas com diferentes tempos de resolução e que a criação de um modelo aplicável a todos os ativos semelhantes existentes na Organização deverá passar por uma pré-análise dos modos de falha que são gerados, para melhor enquadrar o estudo às características específicas do ativo.Facing the increasingly and rigorous need to obtain better products and services, optimized production processes and available equipment, companies have sought to implement improvements throughout their production chain to make their final delivery more competitive. To achieve these results, organizations need to have assets available and for this to occur, maintaining them in the most appropriate and economically viable way will help managers and engineers in decision making. One of the strategies used in the conservation of industrial physical assets is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) that has been applied in industries in general, whether in aviation, mining, biomedical equipment and more recently, with a new industrial revolution – Industry 4.0, in autonomous passenger transport vehicles. The present work aims to identify which failure modes have the greatest impact on asset availability, through the application of the RCM methodology to determine which failure modes should be prioritized and determine the most appropriate maintenance strategy for each. To support this study, was also applied the methodology Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to organize the failure modes on a value scale. The case study was carried out in a machine that packs tobacco products, using real failure data with the duration times of each downtime. It is also intended with this work to implement a process capable of being replicated to any industrial physical asset that has failure data. The results obtained led to the conclusion that the most frequent failure modes were not the ones that generated the longest downtimes. That is, according to the characteristic of the asset, there are failure modes with different resolution times and that the creation of a model applicable to all similar assets existing in the Organization should undergo a pre-analysis of the failure modes that are generated, to better frame the study to the specific characteristics of the asset.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio