77 research outputs found

    Somos SNS: todos pela saúde e saúde para todos: modelo para uma campanha sobre o Serviço Nacional de Saúde

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    Querem-se portugueses mais próximos do seu Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS), portugueses capazes de defender os seus direitos, portugueses mais informados e motivados em promover a sua saúde. O projeto Somos SNS – Todos pela Saúde e Saúde para Todos proposto neste trabalho desenvolve os modelos da campanha Somos SNS, do plano Life Challenge e das ações Somos SNSubway. Os três elementos de comunicação têm um período de implementação de um ano e ferramentas dedicadas à avaliação do seu desempenho, abrangência e resultados. A audiência primária são os utentes do SNS com 66 ou mais anos de idade e com menores níveis de escolaridade. Porém, prevê-se a abrangência nacional. O Somos SNS – Todos pela Saúde e Saúde para Todos visa informar os utentes sobre a organização e o funcionamento do SNS e sobre os seus direitos em saúde, aproximar a população e aumentar a sua satisfação, promover práticas preventivas e a literacia em saúde, melhorar a utilização dos recursos disponibilizados e as condições do aperfeiçoamento do serviço público com cidadãos mais informados e atentos, cultivar a coesão e inclusão social, apresentar ganhos em saúde para Portugal e diminuir as despesas em saúde. Mais iniciativas devem ser criadas no âmbito da Comunicação em Saúde assim como da Saúde Pública que procurem a mudança através de estratégias comunicacionais mais atrativas, inovadoras, focadas nas necessidades prioritárias das populações e adequadas às audiências– alvo.We want the portuguese people closer to their National Health Service (NHS/SNS), a people that is able to defend its’ rights, a people which is well informed and motivated to promote their own health. The project Somos SNS – Todos pela Saúde e Saúde para Todos (or We are NHS – All for Health and Health for All) proposed in this work develops the models of the campaign Somos SNS (We are NHS), of the Life Challenge plan and the Somos SNSubway (We are NHSubway) street actions. The three communication elements are designed to be implemented over the course of one year and they have dedicated tools to the evaluation of their performance, reach and results. The primary audience is the NHS users with 66 years of age or more and with lower levels of education. However, the reach is expected at a national level. The We are NHS – All for Health and Health for All aims to inform users about the organization and functioning of the NHS and their rights in health, to bring the population closer and increase their satisfaction, to promote preventive practices and health literacy, to improve the use of available resources and the conditions of the public service improvement through well informed and attentive citizens, to cultivate social cohesion and inclusion, to present health gains for Portugal and reduce health expenditures. More initiatives should be created within the framework of Health Communication and of Public Health seeking change through more attractive and innovative communication strategies, focused on the priority needs of the populations and appropriated to the target audiences

    Homens e mulheres na vivência psicológica da gravidez : um olhar sobre si e o outro

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    O presente estudo, exploratório, tem como objetivo explorar as questões de género na vivência psicológica da gravidez, nomeadamente as perspetivas de homens e mulheres face às suas vivências e às do outro género. A escassez de informação acerca da vivência do homem na gravidez e a inexistência acerca da perspetiva face ao outro motivou este estudo. Foram realizados três Focus Groups, junto de 12 participantes (três homens e nove mulheres), a viver uma gravidez. Dos resultados destacamos o facto da gravidez não ser descrita como circunscrita no período gestacional: é um processo contínuo, sendo valorizado não apenas o processo propriamente dito, mas também o que o antecede e sucede. Verificou-se concordância na experienciação de sentimentos ambivalentes, mas que potenciam crescimento pessoal. Diversas alterações associadas à gravidez são descritas tanto por homens como mulheres, indicando sintonia na compreensão do outro género. Os resultados sugerem implicações práticas, como a necessidade em investir e valorizar a gravidez no masculino que se traduz num impacto psicológico positivo para a mulher e para o desenvolvimento da criança. Face ao exposto, pretende-se estimular a reflexão social quanto às questões associadas à vivência da gravidez, não só para as mulheres, mas sobretudo para os homens.The following study has, as its main goal, to explore gender issues in the psychological experience of the pregnancy, particularly the own perception of the experience and perception against the other. The scarcity of information about the experience of the men in pregnancy and the inexistence of the male perspective led to the elaboration of the following study. There were done three focus groups, with 12 participants each (three men and nine women), that were under the period of pregnancy. Our research points out how pregnancy should not face as a process circumscribed to the gestational period. It must be faced as a continuous process, valuing the process itself but also what precedes it and succeeds it. There were findings that suggest that people experienced ambivalent feelings, which in return potentiated personal growth. Many changes associated with pregnancy are described by both men and women, indicating comprehension by the partner. The results imply pragmatic implications, such as the need to invest and value pregnancy in the male world, which will translate in a positive psychological impact to the pregnant women and to the development of their child. With this finding, our goal is to stimulate social reflexion, in issues related to the experience of being pregnant, not only to women but especially to the male partner

    'Space to talk': a Portuguese focus group study of parents' experiences, needs and preferences in parenting support during prenatal and well-child care

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the experiences, needs and preferences of a group of parents regarding the parenting support received during prenatal and well-child care in the Portuguese National Health Service. DESIGN AND SETTING: We undertook descriptive-interpretive qualitative research running multiple focus groups in Porto, Northern Portugal. PARTICIPANTS, DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Purposive sampling was used between April and November 2018. Focus groups were conducted with 11 parents of a 0-3 years old with well-child visits done in primary care units. Thematic analysis was performed in a broadly inductive coding strategy and findings are reported in accordance with Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research guidelines. RESULTS: Three main themes were identified to describe parents' experience when participating in their children's healthcare: (1) logistics/delivery matter, including accessibility, organisation and provision of healthcare activities, unit setting and available equipment; (2) prenatal and well-child care: a relational place to communicate, with parents valuing a tripartite space for the baby, the family and the parent himself, where an available and caring health provider plays a major role and (3) parenting is challenging and looks for support, based on key points for providers to watch for and ask about, carefully explained and consensual among health providers. CONCLUSION: This study provides insight into parents' needs and healthcare practices that affect the parenting experience. To meet parents' preferences, sensitive health providers should guarantee a relational place to communicate and person-centredness, accounting for the whole family system to support healthy parenting collaboratively. Future studies are warranted to further strengthen the knowledge in the field of a population-based approach for parenting support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burkholderia pseudomallei: infecção humana no Ceará, Brasil

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei has rarely been isolated from environmental and clinical specimens in South America, particularly, in Brazil. This report describes a case of melioidosis with fulminant sepsis in a 10 year old boy, from rural area, in Tejuçuoca, State of Ceará, Brazil. Blood samples were positive and, through the analysis of results from biochemical tests and of drugs susceptibility profile, identified this gram-negative bacillus as B. pseudomallei. The contamination source remains obscure in this case, as soil and water tanks samples submitted to microbiological analyses did not indicate the presence of B. pseudomallei.O isolamento de Burkholderia pseudomallei, de meio ambiente e de espécimes clínicos, foi raramente registrado na América do Sul, particularmente no Brasil. Este relato descreve o caso de melioidose em um paciente de 10 anos de idade, de área rural do estado do Ceará (Tejuçuoca). As hemoculturas foram positivas e as análises dos testes bioquímicos e de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos do isolado foram indicativos para a identificação de B. pseudomallei. A fonte de contaminação foi obscura, uma vez que as análises microbiológicas de solo e água no tanque foram negativas

    Fresh or minimally processed vegetables in foodservices: what aspects should be considered when purchasing them?

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    Objetivo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as perdas ocorridas no processamento de hortaliças in natura, comparar o custo da aquisição de hortaliças in natura e das minimamente processadas e discutir as vantagens e desvantagens da utilização destas últimas. Métodos Foram calculados fatores de correção de sete hortaliças por meio da determinação do peso bruto e do peso líquido em triplicata e o peso aferido por balança digital. Foram calculados média, desvio-padrão e coeficiente de variação. Os custos do peso bruto, considerando a correção pelo seu rendimento líquido, foram comparados aos custos das hortaliças minimamente processadas fornecidos pelo fabricante em dois períodos. Resultados Os valores da abobrinha, cenoura, chuchu e mandioquinha minimamente processados foram, respectivamente, 8,6%, 14,1%, 4,6% e 13,5% menores em relação ao custo do alimento bruto no tempo 1, mas isso não se repetiu no tempo 2, quando os alimentos in natura apresentavam menor custo. Conclusão Conclui-se que inúmeros fatores inerentes ou externos aos alimentos influenciam diretamente na magnitude das perdas durante o processamento. Os métodos de trabalho e objetivos finais de cada unidade produtora é que devem definir qual produto é o mais vantajoso, considerando que os custos são variáveis, uma vez que a produção pode ser comprometida pela sazonalidade e pela oferta e procura dos alimentos, com repercussão na gestão de qualidade da unidade.Objective The objective of the present study was to assess the losses that occur when fresh vegetables are processed, to compare the cost of purchasing fresh and minimally processed vegetables, and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using minimally processed food items. Methods Correction factors for seven food items were calculated by determining their gross and net weights in triplicate with a digital scale. Mean, standard deviation and variation coefficient were calculated. The costs of gross weight considering the correction for net yield were compared with the costs of minimally processed vegetables supplied by the manufacturer during two different periods. Results The costs of minimally processed zucchini, carrot, chayote and arracacha were 8.6%, 14.1%, 4.6% and 13.5% lower than their respective fresh counterparts at time 1, a fact that did not repeat itself at time 2, when these vegetables were less expensive when bought fresh. Conclusion In conclusion, numerous factors associated or not with the food directly influence the magnitude of the losses that occur during processing. The working methods and final objectives of each foodservice should define which product is more advantageous since costs vary and production can be affected by seasonality and the supply and demand of the food item, with repercussions on the quality management of the foodservice

    Complexity and relevance for health and behavior

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    Acknowledgments: Gina Tomé is a postdoctorate funded by the Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) SFRH/BPD/108637/2015.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate sleep and awakening quality (SQ and AQ) during COVID-19 in a large and diversified population in order to identify significant associations and risks in terms of demography, health and health-related behaviors, sleep variables, mental health, and attitudes. Methods/Results:Online surveys were used for data collection, received from 5479 individuals from the general population, sleep disorder patients, and COVID-involved (medical doctors (MDs) and nurses) and COVID-affected professionals (teachers, psychologists, and dentists). SQ and AQ were worse in adults, females, and high-education subjects. Feeling worse, having economic problems, depression, anxiety, irritability, and a high Calamity Experience Check List (CECL) score during COVID were significantly associated with poor SQ and AQ. Shorter sleep duration, increased latency, poor nutrition, low physical activity, increased mobile and social network use, more negative and less positive attitudes and behaviors were associated with poor AQ. Conclusions: The SQ logistic regression showed gender, morbidities, CECL, and awakenings as relevant, whereas, for AQ, relevant variables further included age and physical activity. Aiming to have a high stress compliance, each individual should sleep well, have important control of their mood, practice positive behaviors while dismissing negative behaviors and attitudes, practice exercise, have adequate nutrition, and beware of technologies and dependences.publishersversionpublishe

    Early Clinical Manifestations Associated with Death from Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    The visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a disease potentially fatal if not diagnosed and treated opportunely. This article presents the results of the study on the manifestations identified at the time of the clinical suspicion of the VL cases. This study was conducted in Belo Horizonte, the capital of the State of Minas Gerais, located in southeastern Brazil. This study is both timely and substantive because the Belo Horizonte is an area of transmission of VL, with one of the highest VL-death proportions of Brazil. The patients with higher risk of death had at least one of the following characteristics: ≥60 years, weakness, HIV co-infection, bleeding, jaundice and other associated infections. During the period 2002–2009, 8% to 22% of the patients with VL progressed to death in Belo Horizonte, whilst the proportion in the country was much lower and varied between 5% and 9%. This study has identified vulnerable patients who are at higher risk of death from VL and who would benefit from early predictive evaluation of the prognostic. Hence, the knowledge regarding the factors associated with death may contribute for clinical management and for reduction of deaths from VL
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