562 research outputs found

    Aliénation, travail et culture technique chez Simondon

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    L’article cherche Ă  problĂ©matiser l’articulation du travail, de l’aliĂ©nation et de la culture technique dans la philosophie de Gilbert Simondon et ce Ă  partir de l’enjeu contemporain du machine learning et Ă  travers une confrontation avec Marx

    Germany's contribution to Lebanese sovereignty: the Maritime Task Force, Coastal Radar System and Border Pilot Project

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    "Seit dem Ende des Israel-Libanon-Krieges im Sommer 2006 leistet Deutschland nicht nur als FĂŒhrungsnation des maritimen Einsatzverbandes der UNIFIL-II-Schutztruppe der Vereinten Nationen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Konsolidierung des Libanon. Im Rahmen der bilateralen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit baut die Bundesrepublik auch das KĂŒstenradar der libanesischen Marine wieder auf, im Norden des Landes entlang der Grenze zu Syrien werden libanesische Soldaten, Polizisten, Zoll- und Grenzbeamte in einem Pilotprojekt an Verfahren des integrierten Grenzmanagements herangefĂŒhrt und ausgebildet. Auch wenn – oder gerade weil – diese AktivitĂ€ten weniger im öffentlichen Rampenlicht zu stehen scheinen, sind sie umso mehr geeignet, den Libanesen die SouverĂ€nitĂ€t ĂŒber ihr eigenes Land und dessen Grenzen zurĂŒckzugeben, und sollten daher in bewĂ€hrter, zurĂŒckhaltender Weise fortgefĂŒhrt werden. Die in BrĂŒssel diskutierte ÜberfĂŒhrung erfolgreicher Pilotprojekte in eine EU-Mission könnte dagegen kontraproduktiv wirken." (Autorenreferat

    Men at risk The Physical, Mental and Social Health of Men in Massachusetts

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    In 2009, Clark University was accepted as the university to represent Massachusetts in the National Policy Institute for Family Impact Seminars at the University of Wisconsin – Madison (http://familyimpactseminars.org). Family Impact Seminars are a series of annual seminars, briefing reports, and discussion sessions that provide up-to-date, solution-oriented research on current issues for state legislators, their aides, and legislative support bureau personnel. The seminars provide objective, nonpartisan research on current issues and do not lobby for particular policies. Seminar participants discuss policy options and identify common ground where it exists

    Formative research on sequencing instruction with the elaboration theory

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    The elaboration theory of instruction offers guidelines for several patterns of simple-tocomple

    The impact of a digitally enhanced peer learning program on peer teacher students’ academic performance: a study developed under Educational Design Research

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    21st century educational systems are expected to provide effective solutions to ever-lasting Education challenges, such as how to facilitate the way learners learn as well as to current issues of an ever-changing world permeated both by technological development and an urge of human attributes stemming from affective and social skills. Under the principles of social constructivism, peer learning seems to be a flexible solution for educational challenges, for encouraging learners’ autonomy, engagement and collaboration skills as well as for welcoming the incorporation of innovating strategies and digital technologies. According to literature review, extensive benefits of peer learning have been found under the affective, social, and cognitive dimensions, although more scientific evidence is needed to assess its impact on learners’ academic performance. This PhD project tries to provide a valid contribution to the scientific and educational communities, based on finding that the recognized potential of peer learning can be more systematically explored within the realm of teaching and learning practice in basic and secondary education. Under the methodological framework of Educational Design Research, this study aims to develop a digitally enhanced prototype of a peer learning program in the scope of English as a Foreign Language curricula for basic and secondary education and assess the impact of peer teacher students’ (PTS) voluntary participation under the cognitive (as for metacognitive skills), affective (regarding motivation), and social dimensions (considering collaborative and communicative skills). Results are expected to find evidence of peer learning positive impact on PTSs’ academic performance and facilitate its dissemination.publishe

    Maximising Social Interactions and Effectiveness within Distance Learning Courses: Cases from Construction

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    Advanced Internet technologies have revolutionised the delivery of distance learning education. As a result, the physical proximity between learners and the learning providers has become less important. However, whilst the pervasiveness of these technological developments has reached unprecedented levels, critics argue that the student learning experience is still not as effective as conventional face-to-face delivery. In this regard, surveys of distance learning courses reveal that there is often a lack of social interaction attributed to this method of delivery, which tends to leave learners feeling isolated due to a lack of engagement, direction, guidance and support by the tutor. This paper defines and conceptualises this phenomenon by investigating the extent to which distance-learning programmes provide the social interactions of an equivalent traditional classroom setting. In this respect, two distance learning case studies were investigated, covering the UK and Slovenian markets respectively. Research findings identified that delivery success is strongly dependent on the particular context to which the specific distance learning course is designed, structured and augmented. It is therefore recommended that designers of distance learning courses should balance the tensions and nuances associated with commercial viability and pedagogic effectiveness
