655 research outputs found

    Particle precipitaion into the thermosphere (invited review)

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    A review of research on particle precipitation into the thermosphere is presented. Particle precipitation plays an important role in thermospheric dynamics, often being both the most important ionization source and the most important heat source, comparable to Joule heating rates in the auroral zones and typically exceeding solar ultraviolet as an ionization mechanism in the nightside auroral zones and winter polar caps. Rees (1963) has shown that, roughly speaking, one electron-ion pair is produced by each 35 eV of incident electron energy flux; thus, over half of the incident electron energy flux goes into heating rather than into ionization. Precipitating ions also can produce ionization, also requiring roughly 35 eV per pair; however, since ion energy fluxes are typically much weaker than electron fluxes, they have often been neglected. The particle precipitation into the thermosphere is both an important ionization source and an important heat source; since the globally integrated value can vary over more than a factor of ten, and the instantaneous local rate can vary over nearly three orders of magnitude global, maps of precipitation rates are extremely important for predicting thermospheric weather

    Reasons and evolution of non-thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke.

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    Despite increasing evidence of its efficacy in advanced age or in mild or severe strokes, intravenous thrombolysis remains underused for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS). Our aim was to obtain an updated view of reasons for non-thrombolysis and to identify its changing patterns over time. This is a retrospective study of prospectively collected data from the Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne (ASTRAL) from the years 2003-2011. Patients admitted with acute stroke in the past 24 hours who had not had thrombolysis were identified; reasons for non-thrombolysis documented in the prospectively entered data were tabulated and analysed for the group as a whole. Data were analysed for the years 2003-2006 and 2007 forward because of changes in contraindications. A subgroup of patients who arrived within the treatment window ≤180 min was separately analysed for reasons for non-thrombolysis. Predictors of non-thrombolysis were investigated via multivariate regression analyses. In the 2019 non-thrombolysed patients the most frequent reasons for non-thrombolysis were admission delays (66.3%), stroke severity (mostly mild) (47.9%) and advanced age (14.1%); 55.9% had more than one exclusion criterion. Among patients arriving ≤180 min after onset, the main reasons were stroke severity and advanced age. After 2006, significantly fewer patients were excluded because of age (OR 2.65, p<0.001) or (mostly mild) stroke severity (OR 10.56, p=0.029). Retrospectively, 18.7% of all non-thrombolysed patients could have been treated because they only had relative contraindications. Onset-to-admission delays remain the main exclusion criterion for thrombolysis. Among early arrivals, relative contraindications such as minor stroke severity and advanced age were frequent. Thrombolysis rate increased with the reduction of thrombolysis restrictions (eg, age and stroke severity)

    Electrostatic protection of the Solar Power Satellite and rectenna

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    Several features of the interactions of the solar power satellite (SPS) with its space environment were examined theoretically. The voltages produced at various surfaces due to space plasmas and the plasma leakage currents through the kapton and sapphire solar cell blankets were calculated. At geosynchronous orbit, this parasitic power loss is only 0.7%, and is easily compensated by oversizing. At low-Earth orbit, the power loss is potentially much larger (3%), and anomalous arcing is expected for the EOTV high voltage negative surfaces. Preliminary results of a three dimensional self-consistent plasma and electric field computer program are presented, confirming the validity of the predictions made from the one dimensional models. Magnetic shielding of the satellite, to reduce the power drain and to protect the solar cells from energetic electron and plasma ion bombardment is considered. It is concluded that minor modifications can allow the SPS to operate safely and efficiently in its space environment. The SPS design employed in this study is the 1978 MSFC baseline design utilizing GaAs solar cells at CR-2 and an aluminum structure

    MeV magnetosheath ions energized at the bow shock

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    A causal relationship between midlatitude magnetosheath energetic ions and bow shock magnetic geometry was previously established for ion energy up to 200 keV e−1 for the May 4, 1998, storm event. This study demonstrates that magnetosheath ions with energies above 200 keV up to 1 MeV simply extend the ion spectrum to form a power law tail. Results of cross-correlation analysis suggest that these ions also come directly from the quasi-parallel bow shock, not the magnetosphere. This is confirmed by a comparison of energetic ion fluxes simultaneously measured in the magnetosheath and at the quasi-parallel bow shock when both regions are likely connected by the magnetic field lines. We suggest that ions are accelerated at the quasi-parallel bow shock to energies as high as 1 MeV and subsequently transported into the magnetosheath during this event

    Part Variation Modeling to Avoid Scrap Parts in Multi-stage Production Systems

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    Manufacturing systems for today's products are complex systems requiring a variety of different processes in order to be able to manufacture all necessary part features. This also applies to the production of rotating components, which have experienced increasing demand at the latest due to the growth in mobility. As in almost every manufacturing process, quality-reducing defects can occur due to deviations for example tool wear, which cannot always be avoided. Those, that have accumulated from previous process steps can cause the occurrence of superimposed defects. This leads to complex relationships between quality defects in the end product and the numerous parameters of the manufacturing processes. To remain competitive, production must be optimized in order to identify defects as early as possible, as well as their dependencies and variation patterns. The paper presents an approach to identify and model part variations within multi-stage production systems. Subsequently, based on a detected deviation, a downstream compensation strategy can be proposed at an early stage of the manufacturing process, which uses the capability of the overall system to fundamentally eliminate rejects

    Towards Activity Context using Software Sensors

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    Service-Oriented Computing delivers the promise of configuring and reconfiguring software systems to address user's needs in a dynamic way. Context-aware computing promises to capture the user's needs and hence the requirements they have on systems. The marriage of both can deliver ad-hoc software solutions relevant to the user in the most current fashion. However, here it is a key to gather information on the users' activity (that is what they are doing). Traditionally any context sensing was conducted with hardware sensors. However, software can also play the same role and in some situations will be more useful to sense the activity of the user. Furthermore they can make use of the fact that Service-oriented systems exchange information through standard protocols. In this paper we discuss our proposed approach to sense the activity of the user making use of software

    NuGO contributions to GenePattern

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    NuGO, the European Nutrigenomics Organization, utilizes 31 powerful computers for, e.g., data storage and analysis. These so-called black boxes (NBXses) are located at the sites of different partners. NuGO decided to use GenePattern as the preferred genomic analysis tool on each NBX. To handle the custom made Affymetrix NuGO arrays, new NuGO modules are added to GenePattern. These NuGO modules execute the latest Bioconductor version ensuring up-to-date annotations and access to the latest scientific developments. The following GenePattern modules are provided by NuGO: NuGOArrayQualityAnalysis for comprehensive quality control, NuGOExpressionFileCreator for import and normalization of data, LimmaAnalysis for identification of differentially expressed genes, TopGoAnalysis for calculation of GO enrichment, and GetResultForGo for retrieval of information on genes associated with specific GO terms. All together, these NuGO modules allow comprehensive, up-to-date, and user friendly analysis of Affymetrix data. A special feature of the NuGO modules is that for analysis they allow the use of either the standard Affymetrix or the MBNI custom CDF-files, which remap probes based on current knowledge. In both cases a .chip-file is created to enable GSEA analysis. The NuGO GenePattern installations are distributed as binary Ubuntu (.deb) packages via the NuGO repository

    Local management and landscape composition affect predatory mites in European wine-growing regions

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    Sustainable land use in agricultural landscapes is essential to counteract the global decline of biodiversity, as well to ensure ecosystem services like natural pest control. Phytoseiid mites are key natural enemies of pest mites in vineyards but how local management and landscape context affect phytoseiid mites remains poorly known. In this study, we examined the effects of farming systems, inter-row management and landscape composition on phytoseiid mite communities in 156 vineyards across five European wine-growing regions. Our results showed that phytoseiid communities were mainly dominated by one or two phytoseiid species across Europe and that local management was a major factor affecting population densities. According to the wine-growing regions, phytoseiid mite densities benefited from integrated pest management or conventional farming compared to organic farming and from spontaneous vegetation cover compared to seeded cover crops. Moreover, mite densities benefited from increasing proportions of vineyards at the landscape scale. The farming systems effects were most likely related to the positive impact of the lower pesticide use in integrated and conventional vineyards. The positive effect of spontaneous vegetation cover could be related to a better supply of nutritive pollen as food resource compared to seeded cover crops, which depends on the plant species in the inter-row. Our findings indicated accordingly that a reduced pesticide use, and inter-row management are crucial factors for promoting pest control by predatory mites in European vineyards. Moreover, the proportion of viticultural area in the landscape is a considerable factor to retain stable phytoseiid mite populations.This research was funded by the research project SECBIVIT, which was funded through the 2017-2018 Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA joint call for research proposals, under the BiodivScen ERA-Net COFUND program, with the funding organizations: Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de ciencia e innovación/ES/Grant #10.13039/501100011033), Austrian Science Fund (AT/Grant #I 4025-B32), Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Projektträger VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (DE), French National Research Agency (FR), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NL), National Science Foundation (US/Grant #1850943) and Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (RO)

    Optimizing Feature Interaction Detection

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    © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG. The feature interaction problem has been recognized as a general problem of software engineering. The problem appears when a combination of features interacts generating a conflict, exhibiting a behaviour that is unexpected for the features considered in isolation, possibly resulting in some critical safety violation. Verification of absence of critical feature interactions has been the subject of several studies. In this paper, we focus on functional interactions and we address the problem of the 3-way feature interactions, i.e. interactions that occur only when three features are all included in the system, but not when only two of them are. In this setting, we define a widely applicable definition framework, within which we show that a 3 (or greater)-way interaction is always caused by a 2-way interaction, i.e. that pairwise sampling is complete, hence reducing to quadratic the complexity of automatic detection of incorrect interaction

    Endovascular Treatment for Acute Isolated Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion : A Propensity Score Matched Multicenter Study.

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    The benefit of endovascular treatment (EVT) in patients with acute symptomatic isolated occlusion of the internal carotid artery (ICA) without involvement of the middle and anterior cerebral arteries is unclear. We aimed to compare clinical and safety outcomes of best medical treatment (BMT) versus EVT + BMT in patients with stroke due to isolated ICA occlusion. We conducted a retrospective multicenter study involving patients with isolated ICA occlusion between January 2016 and December 2020. We stratified patients by BMT versus EVT and matched the groups using propensity score matching (PSM). We assessed the effect of treatment strategy on favorable outcome (modified Rankin scale ≤ 2) 90 days after treatment and compared reduction in NIHSS score at discharge, rates of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) and 3‑month mortality. In total, we included 149 patients with isolated ICA occlusion. To address imbalances, we matched 45 patients from each group using PSM. The rate of favorable outcomes at 90 days was 56% for EVT and 38% for BMT (odds ratio, OR 1.89, 95% confidence interval, CI 0.84-4.24; p = 0.12). Patients treated with EVT showed a median reduction in NIHSS score at discharge of 6 points compared to 1 point for BMT patients (p = 0.02). Rates of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (7% vs. 4%; p = 0.66) and 3‑month mortality (11% vs. 13%; p = 0.74) did not differ between treatment groups. Periprocedural complications of EVT with early neurological deterioration occurred in 7% of cases. Although the benefit on functional outcome did not reach statistical significance, the results for NIHSS score improvement, and safety support the use of EVT in patients with stroke due to isolated ICA occlusion