79 research outputs found

    Courtship in spiders

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    Paukovi (Araneae) su globalno rasprostranjeni red beskralježnjaka, uspijevajući naseliti sve kontinente osim Antarktike, i zauzimajući gotovo sve ekološke niše. Ne nastanjuju jedino vodu i zrak, iako se u dijelovima svog života itekako mogu njima okoristiti. Izrazito su varijabilnih prilagodbi, morfologije i strategija udvaranja. Ovaj rad pruža uvid u raznolikost snubljenja po značajnijim i najviše istraženim porodicama. Općenito, dalekovidni lovci koristit će osjetila vida i vizualne signale, kratkovidni lovci osjet dodira, a paukovi koji pletu mreže vibracije koje se prenose mrežom.Spiders (Araneae) are globally distributed order of invertebrates that managed to take over every continent except for Antarctica, and taking almost every ecological niche. They don't habituate only air and water, although in some parts of their lives, they can certainly use them to their benefit. They're very variable in adaptations, morphology and courtship strategies. This study offers insight in the diversity of courtship by more relevant and best-studied families. Generally, long-sighted hunters will use the sense of sight and visual displays, shortsighted hunters by touch, and orb-weavers vibrations transmitted through the web

    Courtship in spiders

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    Paukovi (Araneae) su globalno rasprostranjeni red beskralježnjaka, uspijevajući naseliti sve kontinente osim Antarktike, i zauzimajući gotovo sve ekološke niše. Ne nastanjuju jedino vodu i zrak, iako se u dijelovima svog života itekako mogu njima okoristiti. Izrazito su varijabilnih prilagodbi, morfologije i strategija udvaranja. Ovaj rad pruža uvid u raznolikost snubljenja po značajnijim i najviše istraženim porodicama. Općenito, dalekovidni lovci koristit će osjetila vida i vizualne signale, kratkovidni lovci osjet dodira, a paukovi koji pletu mreže vibracije koje se prenose mrežom.Spiders (Araneae) are globally distributed order of invertebrates that managed to take over every continent except for Antarctica, and taking almost every ecological niche. They don't habituate only air and water, although in some parts of their lives, they can certainly use them to their benefit. They're very variable in adaptations, morphology and courtship strategies. This study offers insight in the diversity of courtship by more relevant and best-studied families. Generally, long-sighted hunters will use the sense of sight and visual displays, shortsighted hunters by touch, and orb-weavers vibrations transmitted through the web

    Courtship in spiders

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    Paukovi (Araneae) su globalno rasprostranjeni red beskralježnjaka, uspijevajući naseliti sve kontinente osim Antarktike, i zauzimajući gotovo sve ekološke niše. Ne nastanjuju jedino vodu i zrak, iako se u dijelovima svog života itekako mogu njima okoristiti. Izrazito su varijabilnih prilagodbi, morfologije i strategija udvaranja. Ovaj rad pruža uvid u raznolikost snubljenja po značajnijim i najviše istraženim porodicama. Općenito, dalekovidni lovci koristit će osjetila vida i vizualne signale, kratkovidni lovci osjet dodira, a paukovi koji pletu mreže vibracije koje se prenose mrežom.Spiders (Araneae) are globally distributed order of invertebrates that managed to take over every continent except for Antarctica, and taking almost every ecological niche. They don't habituate only air and water, although in some parts of their lives, they can certainly use them to their benefit. They're very variable in adaptations, morphology and courtship strategies. This study offers insight in the diversity of courtship by more relevant and best-studied families. Generally, long-sighted hunters will use the sense of sight and visual displays, shortsighted hunters by touch, and orb-weavers vibrations transmitted through the web

    Charakterisierung NFATc1-abhängiger transkriptioneller Mechanismen während der inflammationsinduzierten Pankreaskarzinomentstehung

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    Die onkogene aktivierende Mutation von Kras stellt ein Schlüsselereignis in der Entstehung eines Pankreaskarzinoms (PDAC) dar und findet sich bereits in metaplastischen exokrinen Arealen des Organs. Allerdings ist die isolierte onkogene Aktivierung von Kras nicht suffizient, um die Pankreaskarzinogenese über die Stadien der Präinvasivität hinaus zu akzelerieren, sondern setzt die funktionelle Kooperation mit inflammatorischen Signalwegen voraus, die z.B. im Kontext einer chronischen Pankreatitis induziert werden. Zu den zentralen inflammationsresponsiven Ereignissen in der Karzinogenese des Pankreas zählt die Aktivierung EGFR-abhängiger Signalwege. Trotz zahlreicher Arbeiten, die die Relevanz der EGFR-Signaltransduktion in der Entstehung und Progression des Pankreaskarzinoms untersuchten, blieb der Mechanismus der EGFR-abhängigen azinär-duktalen Transdifferenzierung bisher ungeklärt. In Vorarbeiten charakterisierte die Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Ellenrieder den inflammatorischen Transkriptionsfaktor Nuclear Activated Factor of T-cells c1 (NFATc1) als essentielles onkogenes Protein in der Genese und Progression des Pankreaskarzinoms. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Funktion von NFATc1 innerhalb der inflammationsgetriggerten, EGFR-abhängigen Pankreaskarzinomentstehung untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen eine robuste EGFR-abhängige Induktion der NFATc1-Expression in metaplastischen Pankreasarealen. Mechanistisch begünstigt die Aktivierung des EGFR-Signalwegs die Bildung eines NFATc1;c-Jun-Partnerkomplexes, der durch direkte Promotorbindung die transkriptionelle Aktivierung des epithelialen Transkriptionsfaktors Sox9 kontrolliert und somit azinär-duktale Transdifferenzierungsvorgänge initiiert. Die pharmakologische und genetische NFATc1-Inhibition hingegen führt sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo zu einer Reduktion der EGFR-vermittelten azinär-duktalen Transdifferenzierung und Pankreasmetaplasie. Diese Arbeit beschreibt NFATc1 als zentralen Mediator duktaler Transdifferenzierungsprozesse in der EGFR-vermittelten Pankreaskarzinomentstehung und charakterisiert den Transkriptionsfaktor als vielversprechendes Zielprotein für pharmakologische Ansätze der Pankreaskarzinomprophylaxe bei Patienten mit chronischer Pankreatitis

    Socijalna kohezija u novoizgrađenim planskim naseljima: studija slučaja naselja Novi Jelkovec u Zagrebu

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    Ovaj diplomski rad se bavi istraživanjem socijalne kohezije među stanovnicima novog zagrebačkog stambenog naselja Novi Jelkovec. U teorijskom dijelu rada objašnjeni su razlozi zbog kojih je ova tema sociološki relevantna, zatim temeljni pojmovi: urbano planiranje, socijalna kohezija, stanovanje te socioekonomski status stanara. Empirijski dio rada bavi se razmatranjem postoji li unutar naselja neki oblik podjele stanovništva te utječu li socioekonomski status i neposredno mjesto stanovanja unutar naselja na socijalnu koheziju među stanovnicima naselja

    Fabrication of quantum point contacts by engraving GaAs/AlGaAs-heterostructures with a diamond tip

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    We use the all-diamond tip of an atomic force microscope for the direct engraving of high quality quantum point contacts in GaAs/AlGaAs-heterostructures. The processing time is shortened by two orders of magnitude compared to standard silicon tips. Together with a reduction of the line width to below 90 nm the depletion length of insulating lines is reduced by a factor of two with the diamond probes. The such fabricated defect free ballistic constrictions show well resolved conductance plateaus and the 0.7 anomaly in electronic transport measurements.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Nanolithography and manipulation of graphene using an atomic force microscope

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    We use an atomic force microscope (AFM) to manipulate graphene films on a nanoscopic length scale. By means of local anodic oxidation with an AFM we are able to structure isolating trenches into single-layer and few-layer graphene flakes, opening the possibility of tabletop graphene based device fabrication. Trench sizes of less than 30 nm in width are attainable with this technique. Besides oxidation we also show the influence of mechanical peeling and scratching with an AFM of few layer graphene sheets placed on different substrates.Comment: 11 pages text, 5 figure

    Endometrial receptive status in patients of reproductive age with diffuse and focal adenomyosis

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    Purpose of the study was to reveal morpho-functional state of receptivity and nidation ability of endometrium in patients of reproductive age with diffuse and nodal forms of adenomyosis.Цель – выявить морфо-функциональные нарушения рецептивности и нидационной состоятельности (имплантационной способности) эндометрия у пациенток репродуктивного возраста с диффузной и узловой формами аденомиоза