70 research outputs found

    Relation of breastfeeding with type of familiy and parents education

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    Breastfeeding is an important strategy to provide all-around care for newborns during the %rst six months of life. It has the power to prevent early mortality, malnutrition and obesity of the child and also prevent some diseases and contribute for faster recovery of the mother. Moreover it contributes decisively for the establishment of successful bound between the mother and the child. The purpose of this study was to contribute for the study of the relation of breastfeeding with parent’s type of family and education. An observational, cross-sectional, quantitative study was conducted with 364 children’s attending preschool from a metropolitan area of the norther region of Portugal and their parents. Results showed an overall breastfeeding proportion of 88.9%, regardless of the duration. Considering duration, results showed that only 38.6% of the children were breastfed for a period equal or higher to six months, that is WHO’s recommendation. Adjusted logistic regressions showed that the risk of not breastfeeding was associated with non-nuclear families (aOR = 3.19) and other types of families (aOR = 4.36). Regarding education, signi%cant associations were found concerning mothers low education (aOR = 8.39) and both parents low education (aOR = 10.98). No relation was found between breastfeed duration and education on overall, or considering the type of family.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The use of games by nurses in palliative care: a scoping review

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    Background: Nursing is at the forefront of palliative care. Games are an innovative strategy in palliative care training. Aims: This study aimed to examine the usefulness of games for nurses in palliative care. Methods: A scoping review was conducted using the following databases: CINAHL and PUBMED (which includes MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SCOPUS and SciELO). The steps outlined by the Joanna Briggs Institute were followed. Findings: Of the 685 articles initially identified, 17 were included for analysis. Games used were role-play (n=12), card games (n=1), digital games (n=1), board games (n=1), reflection games (n=1) and experimental games (n=1). Games were aimed at nurses (n=6) and nursing students (n= 1 1). Game advantages included: improved palliative care knowledge, increased communication skills, reduced negative emotions and increased multidisciplinary team skills. Conclusions: Effective and innovative pedagogical techniques are required training techniques for nurses and nursing students who provide palliative care, as they can reduce negative emotions such as fear, anguish and guilt.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ser ou não ser Metsys: o desenho subjacente do Tríptico da Vida de Cristo, de Tomar, e a sua atribuição autoral

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    A caracterização do desenho subjacente das cinco pinturas do Tríptico da Vida de Cristo, da igreja de São João Baptista, em Tomar, é feita com base nas reflectografias de infravermelho, integrais e de elevada resolução, obtidas. Considerando as hipóteses de atribuição de autoria formuladas até à data, é efetuada a comparação do relativamente extenso desenho observado com o que, de acordo com a literatura, é característico das obras de Quentin Metsys, sua oficina ou seu discípulo Eduardo, o Português. Dos três tipos de desenho detectado, eventualmente correspondente a três mãos, o principal não encontra paralelo nas obras tomadas como referência, por ser significativamente mais visível, mais rigoroso e mais detalhado. Porém, os outros dois tipos de desenho, usados de forma mais localizada, têm algumas semelhanças com o observado em obras de Metsys. Estes resultados são discutidos no contexto das práticas oficinais da época e do problema de autoria colocado pelo Tríptico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Empenhamento(s) organizacional(is): Dois laços afectivos, dois instrumentais, um normativo e um de ausência

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    Este artigo visa testar um hexa-modelo dimensional do empenhamento organizacional sugerido em pesquisas anteriores de Rego (2002b, 2003). O modelo difere do esquema tri-dimensional mais comum (afectivo, normativo e instrumental) no que concerne a três aspectos: a) a faceta afectiva é desmembrada em duas (empenhamento afectivo; futuro comum); b) a faceta instrumental é dividida nas facetas “escassez de alternativas” e “sacrifícios elevados”; c) é sugerida uma nova dimensão, designada “ausência psicológica” e que representa o “grau zero” do empenhamento. A amostra é constituída por 366 indivíduos, com actividades profissionais bastante distintas. Análises factoriais confirmatórias sugerem que o modelo de seis dimensões se ajusta satisfatoriamente aos dados, embora os modelos de quatro e cinco dimensões denotem igualmente boas qualidades psicométricas.This study aims at testing a six-factor model of organizational commitment suggested by Rego (2002b, 2003). The model differs from the more common three-factor model in what concerns three aspects: a) affective commitment is divided in two dimensions (affective commitment; future in common); b) continuance commitment is also divided (great sacrifices; scarcity of available alternatives); c) a new dimension (psychological absence) is proposed. The sample comprises 366 individuals with several occupations. Confirmatory factor analyses show that the six-factor model fits the data well, but the models with four or five factors have also good psychometric properties

    Chemical Composition, Nutritional Value, and Safety of Cooked Female Chaceon Maritae from Namibe (Angola)

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    The authors acknowledge SICOPAL-Namibe for donating Chaceon maritae specimens.Despite being highly appreciated and consumed, the nutritional value of Chaceon maritae from Namibe (Angola) had never been studied. In the present work, edible tissues (muscle, ovaries, and hepatopancreas) of boiled female C. maritae caught o Namibe coast in two distinct seasons were analyzed in terms of proximate chemical composition (fat, ash, protein, and moisture), fatty acid and amino acid profiles, cholesterol, essential minerals (macro and trace) and toxic elements. Results showed that, in both seasons, C. maritae muscle was a valuable source of protein, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and essential elements, especially zinc, selenium, iodine, and copper. Ovaries and hepatopancreas are also good sources of protein, but were richer in fat, particularly when caught in October. Ovarian fat is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and that of hepatopancreas has higher values of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Hepatopancreas and ovaries are also good sources of copper and, especially ovaries, of zinc. Moreover, in both seasons, all the edible tissues of C. maritae analyzed presented very low contents of heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic).This work was funded by FCT/MCTES as the funding entity of the MEtRiCs unit under the project UID/EMS/04077/2019, and by the post-doctoral grant: Ref.: SFRH/BPD/91498/2012 (FCT/MCTES) for the author J.R.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Incidência de malária entre indígenas associada à presença de garimpos

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    Objetivo: Analisar a incidência da malária entre indígenas associada à presença de garimpos no estado do Pará.Método: Estudo analítico, transversal, realizado com 20.774 casos de malária em indígenas do estado do Pará (2011 a 2020). Os dados foram oriundos do Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Malária, obtidos na Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública do Pará. Na análise, utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, com significância de 5% (p < 0,05).Resultados: As taxas de incidência se mostraram elevadas, com destaque ao Distrito Sanitário Especial Indígena Rio Tapajós (372,2/1.000 habitantes). Houve associação entre incidência da malária e a presença dos indígenas nos garimpos no Rio Tapajós (p=0,0008).Conclusão: A ocorrência da malária é desigual entre Distritos Sanitários Especiais Indígenas, sendo mais incidente naqueles de maior atividade garimpeira, configurando exposição à doença. Faz-se necessária a adoção de medidas intersetoriais, sobretudo em áreas de vulnerabilidade ao adoecimento.Palavras-chave: Malária. Incidência. Povos indígenas. Mineração

    Standardised inventories of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Macaronesia I : The native forests of the Azores (Pico and Terceira islands)

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    Background The data presented here come from samples collected as part of two recent research projects (NETBIOME - ISLANDBIODIV and FCT - MACDIV) which aimed at understanding the drivers of community assembly in Macaronesian islands. We applied the sampling protocol COBRA (Conservation Oriented Biodiversity Rapid Assessment, Cardoso 2009) in sixteen 50 m x 50 m native forest plots in the Azorean Islands of Pico (6 plots) and Terceira (10 plots) to assess spider diversity. Through this publication, we contribute to the knowledge of the arachnofauna of the Azores and, more specifically, to that of the islands of Pico and Terceira. New information The collected samples yielded 8,789 specimens, of which 45% were adults (3,970) belonging to 13 families, 36 species and three morphospecies that have yet to be described. Species of the family Linyphiidae dominated the samples, with 17 species and two morphospecies that have yet to be described (48% of the taxa). Out of the identified (morpho) species, 16 were introduced, 13 Azorean endemic (three of which were undescribed) and seven native (five of them Macaronesian endemics). We report the first record of the introduced species Haplodrassus signifer and Agyneta decora in Pico Island.Peer reviewe

    Emotions and work: study about the influences of status and sex in the attribution of affects

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    O estudo explorou as atribuições de emoções a supervisores e empregados em interação de trabalho em três países distintos. A fundamentação teórica apoiou-se na abordagem interacional social das emoções de Kemper e nos estudos de Algoe, Buswell e Delamater. Participaram 238 pessoas: 100 da Espanha, 38 da Inglaterra e 100 do Brasil, sendo 73 homens e 158 mulheres (7 não identificaram o sexo). O objetivo foi investigar se informações de status (supervisor ou empregado) e sexo (homem ou mulher) dos atores influenciavam nas atribuições de emoções a supervisores e empregados e se variavam conforme país e experiência de trabalho. Foram utilizadas 4 condições experimentais, variando sexo e status. Estudos anteriores concluíram que o status exerce maior influência que o sexo nas atribuições de emoções em interações de trabalho. Os resultados do presente estudo sinalizam que a interação no trabalho é percebida nos três países como harmoniosa, embora as atribuições de emoções positivas aos supervisores tenham sido mais frequentes, o que revela a importância do status profissional. Mulheres atribuíram mais afetos negativos à interação no trabalho do que os homens. A expressão facial de tristeza foi a mais relacionada a supervisores e empregados, embora para supervisores estivesse associada à seriedade e ao distanciamento emocional.This study investigated the emotions attributed to supervisors and employees involved in a work interaction in three different countries This research is based on Kemper's social interactional theory of emotions and the Algoe, Buswell and DeLamaters' studies. 238 people participated in this study: 100 were from Spain, 38 from England and 100 were from Brazil. From the total, 73 were male and 158 female (7 did not respond). The goal was to investigate whether the emotions attributed to supervisors and employees are influenced by information of professional status (employee or supervisor) and actor's sex (male or female). Also, whether the emotions attributed varied according to country and work experience. Four experimental conditions were created, they varied in sex and professional status. Previous studies concluded that professional status has more impact than sex on the attribution of emotions in the work place. The results of this study indicate that interaction at work is perceived as harmonious by participants from all three countries. However, positive emotions were attributed to supervisors more frequently - that shows the importance of professional status. Women attributed more negative emotions than men. The facial expression of sadness was the most chosen for employees and supervisors, although in this last case it was interpreted as expression of seriousness and emotional detachment