57 research outputs found

    Bedrock and Surficial Geologic Map of the Red Rock 7.5’ Quadrangle, Beaverhead County, Southwestern Montana

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    The Red Rock 7.5 minute quadrangle, located in Beaverhead County, southwestern Montana, spans the Red Rock River Valley, an extensional graben formed between the Tendoy mountain front and the western flank of the Blacktail-Snowcrest uplift (Fig. 1). Notable landmarks within the quadrangle include the Clark Canyon Reservoir (Bureau of Reclamation dam number MT00569) located in the northwest area of the quadrangle and Interstate 15 which runs northwest-southeast through the quadrangle. The highest elevations in the map area are located within the Tendoy Mountains and the Red Rock Hills and are underlain by Paleozoic and Cenozoic bedrock. From these points, broad alluvial fans grade down to the Red Rock River Valley. The quadrangle contains about 3,000 ft of relief. Mapping of the Red Rock quadrangle was done at a scale of 1:12,000 and was compiled at a scale of 1:24,000. Field work was completed in the summer of 2005 in collaboration with the mapping of the adjacent Briggs Ranch and Kidd quadrangles (Figs. 1 and 2). This strategy allowed for the comparison of structure and stratigraphy across quadrangle boundaries and provided a regional context for the mapping of each quadrangle. This new mapping complements previous mapping of the Monument Hill quadrangle (Newton and others, 2005), Dixon Mountain quadrangle (Harkins and others, 2004b), Caboose Canyon quadrangle (Harkins and others, 2004a), and Dell quadrangle (Aschoff and Schmitt, 2005) and collectively provides new detailed mapping and analysis of a portion of the Red Rock River Valley from Lima to the Clark Canyon Dam (Figs. 1 and 2). This report includes a map and cross section for the Red Rock quadrangle as well as a discussion of the stratigraphy and structure of the map area

    Climate change resilience of a globally important sea turtle nesting population

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordFew studies have looked into climate change resilience of populations of wild animals. We use a model higher vertebrate, the green sea turtle, as its life history is fundamentally affected by climatic conditions, including temperature-dependent sex determination and obligate use of beaches subject to sea level rise (SLR). We use empirical data from a globally important population in West Africa to assess resistance to climate change within a quantitative framework. We project 200 years of primary sex ratios (1900–2100) and create a digital elevation model of the nesting beach to estimate impacts of projected SLR. Primary sex ratio is currently almost balanced, with 52% of hatchlings produced being female. Under IPCC models, we predict: (a) an increase in the proportion of females by 2100 to 76%–93%, but cooler temperatures, both at the end of the nesting season and in shaded areas, will guarantee male hatchling production; (b) IPCC SLR scenarios will lead to 33.4%–43.0% loss of the current nesting area; (c) climate change will contribute to population growth through population feminization, with 32%–64% more nesting females expected by 2120; (d) as incubation temperatures approach lethal levels, however, the population will cease growing and start to decline. Taken together with other factors (degree of foraging plasticity, rookery size and trajectory, and prevailing threats), this nesting population should resist climate change until 2100, and the availability of spatial and temporal microrefugia indicates potential for resilience to predicted impacts, through the evolution of nest site selection or changes in nesting phenology. This represents the most comprehensive assessment to date of climate change resilience of a marine reptile using the most up-to-date IPCC models, appraising the impacts of temperature and SLR, integrated with additional ecological and demographic parameters. We suggest this as a framework for other populations, species and taxa.Portuguese Foundation for Science and TechnologyMAVA FoundationRufford Foundatio

    Red, Gold and Green: Microbial Contribution of Rhodophyta and Other Algae to Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Gut Microbiome

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    The fitness of the endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) may be strongly affected by its gut microbiome, as microbes play important roles in host nutrition and health. This study aimed at establishing environmental microbial baselines that can be used to assess turtle health under altered future conditions. We characterized the microbiome associated with the gastrointestinal tract of green turtles from Guinea Bissau in different life stages and associated with their food items, using 16S rRNA metabarcoding. We found that the most abundant (% relative abundance) bacterial phyla across the gastrointestinal sections were Proteobacteria (68.1 ± 13.9% “amplicon sequence variants”, ASVs), Bacteroidetes (15.1 ± 10.1%) and Firmicutes (14.7 ± 21.7%). Additionally, we found the presence of two red algae bacterial indicator ASVs (the Alphaproteobacteria Brucella pinnipedialis with 75 ± 0% and a Gammaproteobacteria identified as methanotrophic endosymbiont of Bathymodiolus, with <1%) in cloacal compartments, along with six bacterial ASVs shared only between cloacal and local environmental red algae samples. We corroborate previous results demonstrating that green turtles fed on red algae (but, to a lower extent, also seagrass and brown algae), thus, acquiring microbial components that potentially aid them digest these food items. This study is a foundation for better understanding the microbial composition of sea turtle digestive tracts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Green turtles highlight connectivity across a regional marine protected area network in west Africa

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    Networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) are invaluable for the protection of species with high dispersal capacity, yet connectivity within networks is poorly understood. We demonstrate the connectivity within the regional MPA network in West Africa (RAMPAO), mediated by the largest green turtle population in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. We equipped with satellite tags 45 female green turtles nesting in the Bijagó s Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau, and tracked them during internesting, migration, and foraging to quantify the degree of coverage the RAMPAO network provides during each of these critical periods. During the internesting period, turtles were largely concentrated around the nesting islands, with a mean of 94.8% (SD 0.1%, range: 46% - 100%, n = 40 turtles) of tracking positions falling within MPA limits. Among the 35 turtles successfully tracked into the foraging period, we identified variable migratory strategies, with 12 turtles remaining near-resident at distances of 40-90 km from breeding sites, 10 turtles migrating 300-400 km to The Gambia and Senegal, and 13 turtles traveling >1000 km to northern Mauritania. Of the 35 foraging turtles, 26 used MPAs, with a mean of 78.0% (SD 34.8%, range: 3.7% - 100%) of their tracking positions falling within the limits of RAMPAO MPAs, across Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Mauritania. Migration corridors with high concentrations of passing turtles were mostly located nearshore, and 21% of these high passage areas fell within the MPA network. Overall, we found that this population connects five RAMPAO MPAs, yet some foraging sites (e.g., in the Bijagó s) and important migration areas (e.g., Cap-Vert peninsula) described here are currently unprotected. These results are relevant to any considerations of MPA extension or establishment within the regional network, which would contribute towards meeting the Convention on Biological Diversity targets for national marine protected area estate coverage. By documenting biological connectivity across RAMPAO, this study represents an important example of the relevance of international protected area networks for green turtle conservation and for wider conservation action at a regional scale.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satellite tracking and field assessment highlight major foraging site for green turtles in the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania

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    There is a remarkable paucity of estimates of the numeric importance of sea turtles at foraging grounds. The Banc d'Arguin (BA) is a vast shallow marine area off the coast of Mauritania, known as a site of world importance for coastal migratory birds and other biodiversity, including extensive seagrass beds. We sampled foraging green turtles on the BA, and extensively tracked adult female green turtles from the Bijagós archipelago, the only significant nesting aggregation within 3000 km of the BA, to estimate the abundance of this foraging aggregation. Additionally, we used a demographic simulation to support our findings. Based on satellite tracking of adult females (n = 46), we estimate that 50 % of the nesting population from the Bijagós migrate to the BA post-nesting. We combine data on numbers nesting in the Bijagós with information on proportion migrating to the BA in the same years to conservatively estimate that 8285 adult female green turtles forage at this site. We also estimate that adult females represent only 5.6 % of the green turtles in the BA, implying that the number of turtles there is of the order of 150,000 individuals. Most of the BA enjoys effective protection as part of the Parc National du Banc d'Arguin where significant fisheries regulations are well enforced by a marine surveillance program. We show that the BA is one of the major foraging sites for green turtles nesting in the Bijagós and a site of critical importance for immature and adult green turtles in a global context.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seagrass connectivity on the west coast of Africa supports the hypothesis of grazer-mediated seed dispersal

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    Population connectivity influences the distribution of genetic diversity and divergence along a species range, as the likelihood of extinction or differentiation increases in isolated populations. However, there is still poor understanding of the processes mediating interpopulation dispersal in marine species that are sessile and lack planktonic life stages. One such case is the seagrass species Halodule wrightii, which produces basal seeds, although detached plants can drift. Along the tropical western coast of Africa, this species occurs in distant discontinuous habitats, raising the question of how interpopulation dispersal is mediated. The species is a key source of ecosystem functions including feeding large migratory grazers. This study aims to infer whether genetic differentiation of the seagrass H. wrightii along the western coast of Africa supports a hypothesis of predominant transportation of rafting seagrass by ocean currents, versus the hypothesis of biotic vectors of dispersal. Additional hypotheses were addressed concerning range-wide clonality and genetic diversity, assessed with microsatellite markers on populations of the west coast of Africa from Mauritania to Angola. Population genetic diversity and structure were compared with predictions from biophysical models of dispersal by oceanographic currents. The genetic data revealed low divergence among most populations, in strong contrast with predictions of very low probability of connectivity mediated by currents along the western African coastline. Moderate to high genotypic diversity showed important seed recruitment, but genetic and genotypic diversities were lower at range edges. Populations north and south of the equator were differentiated, and remarkably, so were neighboring equatorial populations despite their proximity. These results reveal independent sources of colonization of meadows in these islands, which are major habitat for migratory grazing green turtles, also supporting the hypothesis of biotically mediated seed transport. The importance of seagrass for conservation of endangered macrofauna has been widely reported; here we report evidence supporting the reciprocal role, that macrofauna protection can also plays a role in long-term survival and reproductive success of seagrass.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avian haemosporidians in the cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) from central-western and southern Africa: high diversity and prevalence

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    We described the geographic distribution of 82 haemosporidian lineages (Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, and Leucocytozoon) in the cattle egret sampled in five countries in central-western and southern Africa. Seventy-three lineages have not previously been reported. We determined the prevalence of three haemosporidians in the samples. We investigated the influence of the internal environment of the host and environmental variables on the Plasmodium diversity and whether environmental variables may explain spatial variations in the prevalence of Plasmodium. We screened DNA from 509 blood samples from nestlings in 15 African colonies for infection by sequencing the cytochrome b gene of parasites. The molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed using Bayesian methods and including sequences from the MalAvi and GeneBank databases. We found 62 new Plasmodium lineages in a clade with MYCAME02, which is a lineage described in waterbirds and recently identified in birds of prey as Plasmodium paranucleophilum. Two Haemoproteus lineages identified in cattle egret formed a distinct group with Haemoproteus catharti and MYCAMH1 (Haemoproteus spp.). Seven Leucocytozoon lineages found in the cattle egret clustered with Leucocytozoon californicus. We found different Plasmodium diversities among the colonies sampled, demonstrating that the internal environment of the host is not the primary determinant of diversity. A linear mixed-effects multivariate model showed that precipitation was positively associated with Plasmodium diversity when controlling for the effects of temperature, colony composition (mixed and non-mixed species) and country. Moreover, a generalized mixed model showed that temperature was positively associated with the prevalence of Plasmodium when controlling for precipitation, elevation and country. We conclude that the cattle egret is a good model for future haemosporidian studies, as we found a significant number of new lineages in this host, which occupies regions with different climate characteristics where environmental variables exert an influence on the diversity and prevalence of Plasmodium

    Developing an Evidence-Based Coexistence Strategy to Promote Human and Wildlife Health in a Biodiverse Agroforest Landscape

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    UIDB/04038/2020 UIDP/04038/2020Agroforest mosaics represent one of the most extensive human-impacted terrestrial systems worldwide and play an increasingly critical role in wildlife conservation. In such dynamic shared landscapes, coexistence can be compromised if people view wildlife as a source of infectious disease. A cross-disciplinary One Health knowledge base can help to identify evolving proponents and threats to sustainable coexistence and establish long-term project goals. Building on an existing knowledge base of human–wildlife interactions at Cantanhez National Park (NP), Guinea-Bissau, we developed a causal pathway Theory-of-Change approach in response to a newly identified disease threat of leprosy in the Critically Endangered western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus). The goals of our project are to improve knowledge and surveillance of leprosy in humans and wildlife and increase capacity to manage human–wildlife interactions. We describe the core project activities that aim to (1) quantify space use by chimpanzees across Cantanhez NP and determine the distribution of leprosy in chimpanzees; (2) understand the health system and local perceptions of disease; and (3) identify fine-scale risk sites through participatory mapping of resources shared by humans and chimpanzees across target villages. We discuss the development of a biodiversity and health monitoring programme, an evidence-based One Health campaign, and a One Health environmental management plan that incorporates the sharing of space and resources, and the disease implications of human–non-human great ape interactions. We demonstrate the importance of multi-stakeholder engagement, and the development of strategy that fully considers interactions between people, wildlife, and the environment.publishersversionpublishe

    IODP workshop: Core-Log Seismic Investigation at Sea – Integrating legacy data to address outstanding research questions in the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment

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    The first International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Core-Log-Seismic Integration at Sea (CLSI@Sea) workshop, held in January–February 2018, brought together an international, multidisciplinary team of 14 early-career scientists and a group of scientific mentors specialized in subduction zone processes at the Nankai Trough, one of the Earth's most active plate-subduction zones located off the southwestern coast of Japan. The goal of the workshop was to leverage existing core, log, and seismic data previously acquired during the IODP's Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE), to address the role of the deformation front of the Nankai accretionary prism in tsunamigenic earthquakes and slow slip in the shallow portion of the subduction interface. The CLSI@Sea workshop was organized onboard the D/V Chikyu concurrently with IODP Expedition 380, allowing workshop participants to interact with expedition scientists installing a long-term borehole monitoring system (LTBMS) at a site where the workshop's research was focused. Sedimentary cores from across the deformation front were brought onboard Chikyu, where they were made available for new description, sampling, and analysis. Logging data, drilling parameters, and seismic data were also available for investigation by workshop participants, who were granted access to Chikyu laboratory facilities and software to perform analyses at sea.Multi-thematic presentations facilitated knowledge transfer between the participants across field areas, and highlighted the value of multi-disciplinary collaboration that integrates processes across different spatiotemporal scales. The workshop resulted in the synthesis of existing geophysical, geologic, and geochemical data spanning IODP Sites C0006, C0007, C0011 and C0012 in the NanTroSEIZE area, the identification of key outstanding research questions in the field of shallow subduction zone seismogenesis, and fostered collaborative and individual research plans integrating new data analysis techniques and multidisciplinary approaches.</p