174 research outputs found

    The radial metallicity gradients in the Milky Way thick disk as fossil signatures of a primordial chemical distribution

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    In this letter we examine the evolution of the radial metallicity gradient induced by secular processes, in the disk of an NN-body Milky Way-like galaxy. We assign a [Fe/H] value to each particle of the simulation according to an initial, cosmologically motivated, radial chemical distribution and let the disk dynamically evolve for 6 Gyr. This direct approach allows us to take into account only the effects of dynamical evolution and to gauge how and to what extent they affect the initial chemical conditions. The initial [Fe/H] distribution increases with R in the inner disk up to R ~ 10 kpc and decreases for larger R. We find that the initial chemical profile does not undergo major transformations after 6 Gyr of dynamical evolution. The final radial chemical gradients predicted by the model in the solar neighborhood are positive and of the same order of those recently observed in the Milky Way thick disk. We conclude that: 1) the spatial chemical imprint at the time of disk formation is not washed out by secular dynamical processes, and 2) the observed radial gradient may be the dynamical relic of a thick disk originated from a stellar population showing a positive chemical radial gradient in the inner regions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication on Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Kinematic Survey of Halo Stars from SDSS-DR2 with GSC2

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    The Overdensity in Virgo, Sagittarius Debris, and the Asymmetric Spheroid

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    We investigate the relationship between several previously identified Galactic halo stellar structures in the direction of Virgo using imaging and spectroscopic observations of F turnoff stars and blue horizontal branch stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE). We show that the Sagittarius dwarf leading tidal tail does not pass through the solar neighborhood; it misses the Sun by more than 15 kpc, passing through the Galactic plane outside the Solar Circle. It also is not spatially coincident with the large stellar overdensity S297+63-20.5 in the Virgo constellation. S297+63-20.5 has a distinct turnoff color and kinematics. Faint (g ~ 20.3) turnoff stars in S297+63-20.5 have line-of-sight, Galactic standard of rest velocities V(GSR)= 130 +/- 10 km/s, opposite in sign to infalling Sgr tail stars. The path of the Sgr leading tidal tail is also inconsistent with the positions of some of the nearer stars with which it has been associated, and whose velocities have favored models with prolate Milky Way potentials. We additionally show that the number densities of brighter (g ~ 19.8) F turnoff stars are not symmetric about the Galactic center, and that this discrepancy is not primarily due to the S297+63-20.5 moving group. Either the spheroid is asymmetric about the Galactic center, or there are additional substructures that conspire to be on the same side of the Galaxy as S297+63-20.5. The S297+63-20.5 overdensity in Virgo is likely associated with two other previously identified Virgo substructures: the Virgo Stellar Stream (VSS) and the Virgo Overdensity (VOD). However, the velocity difference between the VSS and S297+63-20.5 and the difference in distance estimates between the VOD and S297+63-20.5 must be reconciled.Comment: 10 figures, ApJ in pres

    The chemical signature of the Galactic spiral arms revealed by Gaia DR3

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    Taking advantage of the recent Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3), we map chemical inhomogeneities in the Milky Way's disc out to a distance of ∼\sim 4 kpc from the Sun, using different samples of bright giant stars. The samples are selected using effective temperatures and surface gravities from the GSP-Spec module, and are expected to trace stellar populations of different typical age. The cool (old) giants exhibit a relatively smooth radial metallicity gradient with an azimuthal dependence. Binning in Galactic azimuth ϕ\phi, the slope gradually varies from dd[M/H]/dR∼−0.054/dR \sim -0.054 dex kpc−1^{-1} at ϕ∼−20∘\phi \sim -20^{\circ} to ∼−0.035\sim -0.035 dex kpc−1^{-1} at ϕ∼20∘\phi \sim 20^{\circ}. On the other hand, the relatively hotter (and younger) stars present remarkable inhomogeneities, apparent as three (possibly four) metal-rich elongated features in correspondence of the spiral arms' locations in the Galactic disc. When projected onto Galactic radius, those features manifest themselves as statistically significant bumps on top of the observed radial metallicity gradients with amplitudes up to ∼0.05−0.1 \sim 0.05-0.1 dex, making the assumption of a linear radial decrease not applicable to this sample. The strong correlation between the spiral structure of the Galaxy and the observed chemical pattern in the young sample indicates that the spiral arms might be at the origin for the detected chemical inhomogeneities. In this scenario, the spiral arms would leave in the younger stars a strong signature, which progressively disappears when cooler (and older) giants are considered.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Stellar atmosphere parameters with MAx, a MAssive compression of x^2 for spectral fitting

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    MAx is a new tool to estimate parameters from stellar spectra. It is based on the maximum likelihood method, with the likelihood compressed in a way that the information stored in the spectral fluxes is conserved. The compressed data are given by the size of the number of parameters, rather than by the number of flux points. The optimum speed-up reached by the compression is the ratio of the data set to the number of parameters. The method has been tested on a sample of low-resolution spectra from the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE) survey for the estimate of metallicity, effective temperature and surface gravity, with accuracies of 0.24 dex, 130K and 0.5 dex, respectively. Our stellar parameters and those recovered by the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline agree reasonably well. A small sample of high-resolution VLT-UVES spectra were also used to test the method and the results have been compared to a more classical approach. The speed and multi-resolution capability of MAx combined with its performance compared with other methods indicates that it will be a useful tool for the analysis of upcoming spectral surveys.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, minor changes after the chief language editor. A&A, in pres

    The thick disk rotation-metallicity correlation as a fossil of an "inverse chemical gradient" in the early Galaxy

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    The thick disk rotation--metallicity correlation, \partial V_\phi/\partial[Fe/H] =40\div 50 km s^{-1}dex^{-1} represents an important signature of the formation processes of the galactic disk. We use nondissipative numerical simulations to follow the evolution of a Milky Way (MW)-like disk to verify if secular dynamical processes can account for this correlation in the old thick disk stellar population. We followed the evolution of an ancient disk population represented by 10 million particles whose chemical abundances were assigned by assuming a cosmologically plausible radial metallicity gradient with lower metallicity in the inner regions, as expected for the 10-Gyr-old MW. Essentially, inner disk stars move towards the outer regions and populate layers located at higher |z|. A rotation--metallicity correlation appears, which well resembles the behaviour observed in our Galaxy at a galactocentric distance between 8 kpc and 10 kpc. In particular,we measure a correlation of \partial V_\phi/\partial[Fe/H]\simeq 60 km s^{-1}dex^{-1} for particles at 1.5 kpc < |z| < 2.0 kpc that persists up to 6 Gyr. Our pure N-body models can account for the V_\phi vs. [Fe/H] correlation observed in the thick disk of our Galaxy, suggesting that processes internal to the disk such as heating and radial migration play a role in the formation of this old stellar component. In this scenario, the positive rotation-metallicity correlation of the old thick disk population would represent the relic signature of an ancient "inverse" chemical (radial) gradient in the inner Galaxy, which resulted from accretion of primordial gas.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The expected performance of stellar parametrization with Gaia spectrophotometry

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    Gaia will obtain astrometry and spectrophotometry for essentially all sources in the sky down to a broad band magnitude limit of G=20, an expected yield of 10^9 stars. Its main scientific objective is to reveal the formation and evolution of our Galaxy through chemo-dynamical analysis. In addition to inferring positions, parallaxes and proper motions from the astrometry, we must also infer the astrophysical parameters of the stars from the spectrophotometry, the BP/RP spectrum. Here we investigate the performance of three different algorithms (SVM, ILIUM, Aeneas) for estimating the effective temperature, line-of-sight interstellar extinction, metallicity and surface gravity of A-M stars over a wide range of these parameters and over the full magnitude range Gaia will observe (G=6-20mag). One of the algorithms, Aeneas, infers the posterior probability density function over all parameters, and can optionally take into account the parallax and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram to improve the estimates. For all algorithms the accuracy of estimation depends on G and on the value of the parameters themselves, so a broad summary of performance is only approximate. For stars at G=15 with less than two magnitudes extinction, we expect to be able to estimate Teff to within 1%, logg to 0.1-0.2dex, and [Fe/H] (for FGKM stars) to 0.1-0.2dex, just using the BP/RP spectrum (mean absolute error statistics are quoted). Performance degrades at larger extinctions, but not always by a large amount. Extinction can be estimated to an accuracy of 0.05-0.2mag for stars across the full parameter range with a priori unknown extinction between 0 and 10mag. Performance degrades at fainter magnitudes, but even at G=19 we can estimate logg to better than 0.2dex for all spectral types, and [Fe/H] to within 0.35dex for FGKM stars, for extinctions below 1mag.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Minor corrections made in v
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