56 research outputs found

    Lateralization of Simulated Sources and Echoes Differing in Frequency Based on Interaural Temporal Differences

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    This study examined listeners’ ability to process interaural temporal differences (ITDs) in one of two sequential sounds when the two differed in spectral content. A correlational analysis assessed weights given to ITDs of simulated source and echo pulses for echo delays of 8–128ms for conditions in which responses were based on the source or echo, a 3000-Hz Gaussian (target) pulse. The other (distractor) pulse was spectrally centered at 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 Hz. Also measured were proportion correct and proportion of responses predicted from the weights. Regardless of whether the echo or source pulse served as the target, target weight, and proportion correct increased with increasing distractor frequency, consistent with low-frequency dominance [Divenyi, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 1078–1084 (1992)]. Effects of distractor frequency were observed at echo delays out to 128 ms when the source served as the target, but only out to 64 ms when the echo served as the target. At echo delays beyond 8 ms, recency effects were exhibited with higher proportions correct obtained for judgments based on the echo pulse than the source pulse

    Lateralization of Simulated Sources and Echoes on the Basis of Interaural Differences of Level

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    This experiment assessed the relative weights given to source and echo pulses lateralized on the basis of interaural differences of level (IDLs). Separate conditions were run in which the to-be-judged target was the first (source) or second (echo) pulse. Each trial consisted of two intervals; the first presented a 3000-Hz diotic pulse that marked the intracranial midline and the pitch of the target frequency. The second presented the sequence of a source followed by an echo. Target frequency was always 3000 Hz, while the non-target pulse was presented at 1500, 3000, or 5000 Hz. Delays between the source and echo were varied from 8 to 128 ms. IDL’s were chosen for both pulses from Gaussian distributions with ÎŒ = 0 dB and σ = 4 dB. Dependent variables included normalized target weight, proportion correct, and the proportion of responses predicted from the weights. Although target weight and proportion correct generally increased with increasing non-target frequency and echo delay for both target conditions, the effects were always larger when the echo served as the target. The superiority of performance when judging echoes vs sources will be discussed in terms of recency effects in binaural hearing

    BLAST: the Redshift Survey

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    The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) has recently surveyed ~8.7 deg^2 centered on GOODS-South at 250, 350, and 500 microns. In Dye et al. (2009) we presented the catalogue of sources detected at 5-sigma in at least one band in this field and the probable counterparts to these sources in other wavebands. In this paper, we present the results of a redshift survey in which we succeeded in measuring redshifts for 82 of these counterparts. The spectra show that the BLAST counterparts are mostly star-forming galaxies but not extreme ones when compared to those found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Roughly one quarter of the BLAST counterparts contain an active nucleus. We have used the spectroscopic redshifts to carry out a test of the ability of photometric redshift methods to estimate the redshifts of dusty galaxies, showing that the standard methods work well even when a galaxy contains a large amount of dust. We have also investigated the cases where there are two possible counterparts to the BLAST source, finding that in at least half of these there is evidence that the two galaxies are physically associated, either because they are interacting or because they are in the same large-scale structure. Finally, we have made the first direct measurements of the luminosity function in the three BLAST bands. We find strong evolution out to z=1, in the sense that there is a large increase in the space-density of the most luminous galaxies. We have also investigated the evolution of the dust-mass function, finding similar strong evolution in the space-density of the galaxies with the largest dust masses, showing that the luminosity evolution seen in many wavebands is associated with an increase in the reservoir of interstellar matter in galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Maps and associated results are available at http://blastexperiment.info

    The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: HerMES

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    The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey, HerMES, is a legacy program designed to map a set of nested fields totalling ~380 deg^2. Fields range in size from 0.01 to ~20 deg^2, using Herschel-SPIRE (at 250, 350 and 500 \mu m), and Herschel-PACS (at 100 and 160 \mu m), with an additional wider component of 270 deg^2 with SPIRE alone. These bands cover the peak of the redshifted thermal spectral energy distribution from interstellar dust and thus capture the re-processed optical and ultra-violet radiation from star formation that has been absorbed by dust, and are critical for forming a complete multi-wavelength understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. The survey will detect of order 100,000 galaxies at 5\sigma in some of the best studied fields in the sky. Additionally, HerMES is closely coordinated with the PACS Evolutionary Probe survey. Making maximum use of the full spectrum of ancillary data, from radio to X-ray wavelengths, it is designed to: facilitate redshift determination; rapidly identify unusual objects; and understand the relationships between thermal emission from dust and other processes. Scientific questions HerMES will be used to answer include: the total infrared emission of galaxies; the evolution of the luminosity function; the clustering properties of dusty galaxies; and the properties of populations of galaxies which lie below the confusion limit through lensing and statistical techniques. This paper defines the survey observations and data products, outlines the primary scientific goals of the HerMES team, and reviews some of the early results.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, 9 Tables, MNRAS accepte

    The Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey: source extraction and cross-identifications in confusion-dominated SPIRE images

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    We present the cross-identification and source photometry techniques used to process Herschel SPIRE imaging taken as part of the Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES). Cross-identifications are performed in map-space so as to minimize source-blending effects. We make use of a combination of linear inversion and model selection techniques to produce reliable cross-identification catalogues based on Spitzer MIPS 24-ÎŒm source positions. Testing on simulations and real Herschel observations shows that this approach gives robust results for even the faintest sources (S250∌ 10 mJy). We apply our new technique to HerMES SPIRE observations taken as part of the science demonstration phase of Herschel. For our real SPIRE observations, we show that, for bright unconfused sources, our flux density estimates are in good agreement with those produced via more traditional point source detection methods (SUSSEXtractor) by Smith et al. When compared to the measured number density of sources in the SPIRE bands, we show that our method allows the recovery of a larger fraction of faint sources than these traditional methods. However, this completeness is heavily dependent on the relative depth of the existing 24-ÎŒm catalogues and SPIRE imaging. Using our deepest multiwavelength data set in the GOODS-N, we estimate that the use of shallow 24-ÎŒm catalogues in our other fields introduces an incompleteness at faint levels of between 20-40 per cent at 250 ÎŒ

    “Shall We Play a Game?”: Improving Reading Through Action Video Games in Developmental Dyslexia

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