77 research outputs found

    La cultura ambiental y la formación de valores en la Institución Educativa Emblemática Daniel Alcides Carrión de Cerro de Pasco

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar que existe relación entre la Cultura Ambiental y la Formación de Valores en los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Emblemática Daniel Alcides Carrión de Cerro de Pasco, en la región de Pasco. La metodología de la investigación fue de tipo aplicada, el enfoque fue cuantitativo y el diseño que se utilizó fue no experimental: transversal-correlacional. Se obtuvo una muestra de 64 estudiantes de la institución mencionada; la técnica de recolección de la información fue la encuesta, por lo que se aplicaron dos instrumentos: el cuestionario N° 1 que midió el nivel de la Cultura Ambiental y el cuestionario N° 2 que midió el nivel de la Formación de Valores. La prueba de confiabilidad se realizó a través del Alfa de Cronbach, la prueba de normalidad se realizó por medio de la prueba de Kolmogorov – Smirnov y el análisis inferencial se realizó a través del coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Este estudio concluyó indicando que existe relación significativa entre la Cultura Ambiental y la Formación de Valores en los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Emblemática Daniel Alcides Carrión de Cerro de Pasco, en la región de Pasco.The objective of this research was to determine that there is a relationship between Environmental Culture and the Formation of Values in the students of the Daniel Alcides Carrión Emblematic Educational Institution in Cerro de Pasco, in the Pasco region. The research methodology was applied, the approach was quantitative and the design used was non-experimental: cross-correlational. A sample of 64 students from the mentioned institution was obtained; the information collection technique was the survey, so two instruments were applied: questionnaire No. 1 that measured the level of Environmental Culture and questionnaire No. 2 that measured the level of Formation of Values. The reliability test was performed using Cronbach's Alpha, the normality test was performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and inferential analysis was performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient. This investigation concluded indicating that there is a significant relationship between Environmental Culture and the Formation of Values in the students of the Emblematic Educational Institution Daniel Alcides Carrión from Cerro de Pasco, in the Pasco region

    Trade-off and adaptive cost in a multiple-resistant strain of the invasive potato tuber moth Tecia solanivora

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    EntomologiaResistance to pesticides is an evolutionary process that entails, in most cases, substantial consequences to the biology of the resistant populations. In this study we focus on the life history traits of the potato tuber moth Tecia solanivora, an invasive and voracious pest for which resistance to pyrethroid insecticides was recently reported. Marginally resistant and multiple‐resistant populations were selected from eight sampled localities in Colombia; the use of a fully susceptible population was not possible since none was recognized in the laboratory or field. The multiple‐resistant Siachoque population exhibited a 42‐fold resistance to the carbamate insecticide carbofuran, and low levels of resistance to chlorpyrifos, a trend observed in six of the eight tested populations. This population also exhibits 24‐fold resistance to permethrin. The marginally resistant population of Gualmatán showed 4‐fold resistance to chlorpyrifos. The multiple-resistant population exhibited a 3.8-day shorter developmental time than the susceptible population, but with higher larval mortality. The peak of egg-laying was delayed in the resistant population in 9 days and the population growth rate was lower than that of the susceptible population.We hypothesize that the short developmental time of the multiple-resistant population may be an adaptation to minimize exposure to insecticides, which are applied to the soil. This adaptation is likely to require the surviving adults to compensate for the smaller nutrient amounts accumulated by the larvae in investing part of its adult life in securing the necessary resources for late-life egg production

    Tapping into the maize root microbiome to identify bacteria that promote growth under chilling conditions

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    Background When maize (Zea mays L.) is grown in the Northern hemisphere, its development is heavily arrested by chilling temperatures, especially at the juvenile phase. As some endophytes are beneficial for plants under stress conditions, we analyzed the impact of chilling temperatures on the root microbiome and examined whether microbiome-based analysis might help to identify bacterial strains that could promote growth under these temperatures. Results We investigated how the maize root microbiome composition changed by means of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing when maize was grown at chilling temperatures in comparison to ambient temperatures by repeatedly cultivating maize in field soil. We identified 12 abundant and enriched bacterial families that colonize maize roots, consisting of bacteria recruited from the soil, whereas seed-derived endophytes were lowly represented. Chilling temperatures modified the root microbiome composition only slightly, but significantly. An enrichment of several chilling-responsive families was detected, of which the Comamonadaceae and the Pseudomonadaceae were the most abundant in the root endosphere of maize grown under chilling conditions, whereas only three were strongly depleted, among which the Streptomycetaceae. Additionally, a collection of bacterial strains isolated from maize roots was established and a selection was screened for growth-promoting effects on juvenile maize grown under chilling temperatures. Two promising strains that promoted maize growth under chilling conditions were identified that belonged to the root endophytic bacterial families, from which the relative abundance remained unchanged by variations in the growth temperature. Conclusions Our analyses indicate that chilling temperatures affect the bacterial community composition within the maize root endosphere. We further identified two bacterial strains that boost maize growth under chilling conditions. Their identity revealed that analyzing the chilling-responsive families did not help for their identification. As both strains belong to root endosphere enriched families, visualizing and comparing the bacterial diversity in these communities might still help to identify new PGPR strains. Additionally, a strain does not necessarely need to belong to a high abundant family in the root endosphere to provoke a growth-promoting effect in chilling conditions

    Liderazgo transformacional y clima organizacional en la I.E. 80538, Sitabamba -Santiago de Chuco- 2019

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación significativa entre el Liderazgo Transformacional y Clima Organizacional en la I.E. 80538, SitabambaSantiago de Chuco- 2019. El estudio es no experimental de corte trasversal y se trabajó con una población muestral constituida por 25 de docentes, seleccionados con un criterio de inclusión favoreciendo a todos por el programa. Se aplicó un cuestionario para liderazgo transformacional y cuestionario para clima organizacional, constituídos por ítems según las respectivas dimensiones de las variables de estudio. Para contrastar la hipótesis de diferencia de medias se usó la prueba de Correlación de Pearson donde se encontró que existe una correlación muy alta entre el liderazgo transformacional y el clima organizacional (R=0.920; p<0.01), el valor R=0.920 nos indica una relación muy alta, el p-valor < de 0.01 nos da evidencia estadística suficiente para rechazar la hipótesis nula de manera altamente significativa y aceptar la hipótesis del investigador: Existe relación significativa entre liderazgo transformacional y clima organizacional en la I.E. 80538, Sitabamba, Santiago de Chuco- 2019.Tesi

    Subsistence Strategies in Traditional Societies Distinguish Gut Microbiomes

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    Recent studies suggest that gut microbiomes of urban-industrialized societies are different from those of traditional peoples. Here we examine the relationship between lifeways and gut microbiota through taxonomic and functional potential characterization of faecal samples from hunter-gatherer and traditional agriculturalist communities in Peru and an urban-industrialized community from the US. We find that in addition to taxonomic and metabolic differences between urban and traditional lifestyles, hunter-gatherers form a distinct sub-group among traditional peoples. As observed in previous studies, we find that Treponema are characteristic of traditional gut microbiomes. Moreover, through genome reconstruction (2.2-2.5 MB, coverage depth x26-513) and functional potential characterization, we discover these Treponema are diverse, fall outside of pathogenic clades and are similar to Treponema succinifaciens, a known carbohydrate metabolizer in swine. Gut Treponema are found in non-human primates and all traditional peoples studied to date, suggesting they are symbionts lost in urban-industrialized societies

    MamuSNP: A Resource for Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) Genomics

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    We developed a novel method for identifying SNPs widely distributed throughout the coding and non-coding regions of a genome. The method uses large-scale parallel pyrosequencing technology in combination with bioinformatics tools. We used this method to generate approximately 23,000 candidate SNPs throughout the Macaca mulatta genome. We estimate that over 60% of the SNPs will be of high frequency and useful for mapping QTLs, genetic management, and studies of individual relatedness, whereas other less frequent SNPs may be useful as population specific markers for ancestry identification. We have created a web resource called MamuSNP to view the SNPs and associated information online. This resource will also be useful for researchers using a wide variety of Macaca species in their research

    Analysis of global human gut metagenomes shows that metabolic resilience potential for short-chain fatty acid production is strongly influenced by lifestyle

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    High taxonomic diversity in non-industrial human gut microbiomes is often interpreted as beneficial; however, it is unclear if taxonomic diversity engenders ecological resilience (i.e. community stability and metabolic continuity). We estimate resilience through genus and species-level richness, phylogenetic diversity, and evenness in short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production among a global gut metagenome panel of 12 populations (n = 451) representing industrial and non-industrial lifestyles, including novel metagenomic data from Burkina Faso (n = 90). We observe significantly higher genus-level resilience in non-industrial populations, while SCFA production in industrial populations is driven by a few phylogenetically closely related species (belonging to Bacteroides and Clostridium), meaning industrial microbiomes have low resilience potential. Additionally, database bias obfuscates resilience estimates, as we were 2–5 times more likely to identify SCFA-encoding species in industrial microbiomes compared to non-industrial. Overall, we find high phylogenetic diversity, richness, and evenness of bacteria encoding SCFAs in non-industrial gut microbiomes, signaling high potential for resilience in SCFA production, despite database biases that limit metagenomic analysis of non-industrial populations

    Possible Positive Selection for an Arsenic-Protective Haplotype in Humans

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    BACKGROUND: Arsenic in drinking water causes severe health effects. Indigenous people in the South American Andes have likely lived with arsenic-contaminated drinking water for thousands of years. Inhabitants of San Antonio de los Cobres (SAC) in the Argentinean highlands generally carry an AS3MT (the major arsenic-metabolizing gene) haplotype associated with reduced health risks due to rapid arsenic excretion and lower urinary fraction of the monomethylated metabolite. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized an adaptation to high-arsenic living conditions via a possible positive selection for protective AS3MT variants and compared AS3MT haplotype frequencies among different indigenous groups. METHODS: Indigenous groups we evaluated were a) inhabitants of SAC and villages near Salta in northern Argentina (n = 346), b) three Native American populations from the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP; n = 25), and c) five Peruvian populations (n = 97). The last two groups have presumably lower historical exposure to arsenic. RESULTS: We found a significantly higher frequency of the protective AS3MT haplotype in the SAC population (68.7%) compared with the HGDP (14.3%, p < 0.001, Fisher exact test) and Peruvian (50.5%, p < 0.001) populations. Genome-wide micro-satellite (n = 671) analysis showed no detectable level of population structure between SAC and Peruvian populations (measure of population differentiation F-ST = 0.006) and low levels of structure between SAC and HGDP populations (F-ST < 0.055 for all pairs of populations compared). CONCLUSIONS: Because population stratification seems unlikely to explain the differences in AS3MT haplotype frequencies, our data raise the possibility that, during a few thousand years, natural selection for tolerance to the environmental stressor arsenic may have increased the frequency of protective variants of AS3MT. Further studies are needed to investigate this hypothesis

    Patterns of genetic variation and the role of selection in HTR1A and HTR1B in macaques (Macaca)

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    Research has increasingly highlighted the role of serotonin in behavior. However, few researchers have examined serotonin in an evolutionary context, although such research could provide insight into the evolution of important behaviors. The genus Macaca represents a useful model to address this, as this genus shows a wide range of behavioral variation. In addition, many genetic features of the macaque serotonin system are similar to those of humans, and as common models in biomedical research, knowledge of the genetic variation and evolution of serotonin functioning in macaques are particularly relevant for studies of human evolution. Here, we examine the role of selection in the macaque serotonin system by comparing patterns of genetic variation for two genes that code for two types of serotonin receptors – HTR1A and HTR1B – across five species of macaques. The pattern of variation is significantly different for HTR1A compared to HTR1B. Specifically, there is an increase in between-species variation compared to within-species variation for HTR1A. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that portions of HTR1A show an elevated level of nonsynonymous substitutions. Together these analyses are indicative of positive selection acting on HTR1A, but not HTR1B. Furthermore, the haplotype network for HTR1A is inconsistent with the species tree, potentially due to both deep coalescence and selection. The results of this study indicate distinct evolutionary histories for HTR1A and HTR1B, with HTR1A showing evidence of selection and a high level of divergence among species, a factor which may have an impact on biomedical research that uses these species as models. The wide genetic variation of HTR1A may also explain some of the species differences in behavior, although further studies on the phenotypic effect of the sequenced polymorphisms are needed to confirm this


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    Uma forma de diversificar e estimular o consumo de peixes no Brasil pode ocorrer com a elaboração de produtos inovadores como as linguiças defumadas. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar aspectos nutricionais (proteína bruta, gordura, umidade e cinzas), físicas (perda de peso e encolhimento, capacidade de retenção de água, textura e cor instrumental e pH), química (atividade de água) e bacteriológicas(Escherichia coli, Salmonellaspp., Staphylococcus coagulase positiva ebactérias aeróbias psicrotróficas) de linguiças de filés de tilápias do Nilo submetidas a defumação tradicional e líquida. As linguiças submetidas a defumação líquida apresentaram maior percentual proteico, maior valor de L* (luminosidade), menor valor de a*(vermelho) e b* (amarelo) porém com maior perda de peso durante o processamento e menor capacidade de retenção de água. Os teores de umidade, gordura, cinzas, porcentagem de encolhimento, textura instrumental, pH, atividade de água e análises bacteriológicas não foram influenciadas por ambos os métodos de defumação aplicados.Portanto, a defumação líquida causamelhora nos percentuais de proteínas, pouca variação nos aspectos físicos, químicos e bacteriológicos de linguiças elaboradas com filés de tilápias do Nilo em relação ao método tradicional, além de apresentar maior facilidade de execução, menor poluição ambiental, mais fácil limpeza após o processamento e menor possibilidade de deposição de compostos químicos cancerígenos, sendo um potencial substituto do método tradicional de defumação de linguiças de tilápias do Nil