129 research outputs found

    Planar dynamics of the mathematical pendulum

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá matematickým modelováním pohybu jednoduchého a dvojitého kyvadla pomocí obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic. Jejím cílem je odvození pohybových rovnic, posouzení stability i periodického chování příslušných modelů a grafická interpretace dosažených výsledků.This bachelor's thesis is focused on the mathematical modeling of a motion of simple and double pendulum with the use of an ordinary differential equations. It's main objectives are a derivation of equations of motion, an assessment of stability as well as periodic behaviour of respective models and graphical interpretation of achieved results.

    Spiraea salicifolia L. u šumama Hrvatske

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    The willow-like meadowsweet (Spiraea salicifolia L.) is an extremely rare shrub in the forest associations of Croatia. After investigating the forest vegetations of Croatia for many years, and analyzing numbers of phytocoenological surveys of other authors, we have so far established only three forest locations where this species grows: Drežničko Polje in the wider Ogulin area; the area of Česma near Vrbovec and the Đurđevac lowland forests near the Podravina village of Kalinovac (Fig. 1). On the first location, it grows in the association of Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris Horv. 38; on the second, Frangulo-Alnetum glutinosae Rauš 69, and the third, in the phytocoenoses of Pruno-Fraxinetum Oberd. 53 and Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae Koch 26. The habitats of these associations are of higher or lesser depression and are occasionally flooded. Spiraea salicifolia has not been clearly defined sociologically, and Central European authors classify it as a characteristic species of the alliance Pruno- Rubion fruticosi Doing 62. Two localities in the forest associations in which these species appears have therefore been proclaimed special forest vegetation reserves, whereas the Česma locality has recently been recommended for such protection.Vrbolika suručica (Spiraea salicifolia L.) vrlo je rijedak grm u šumskim zajednicama Hrvatske. Dugogodišnjim vlastitim istraživanjima šumske vegetacije Hrvatske i analizom velikog broja fitocenoloških snimaka ostalih autora ustanovili smo zasad samo tri šumska lokaliteta na kojima ta vrsta raste: u Drežničkom polju na širem području Ogulina, u predjelu Česma kod Vrbovca i u đurđevačkim nizinskim šumama kod podravskog sela Kalinovca (si. 1). Spiraea salicifolia (si. 2) na prvom je lokalitetu rasprostranjena u zajednici Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris Horv. 38 (si. 3), na drugom u Frangulo-Alnetum glutinosae Rauš 69, a na trećem u fitocenozama Pruno-Fraxinetum Oberd. 53 i Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae Koch 26. Staništa su tih zajednica manje ili veće depresije i povremeno su plavljene. Spiraea salicifolia nije u sociološkom smislu jasno definirana i srednjoeuropski autori je svrstavaju kao svojstvenu vrstu za svezu Pruno-Rubion fruticosi Doing 62. Dva od tri opisana nalazišta suručice zaštićena su kao specijalni rezervati šumske vegetacije, dok je predjel Česme upravo predložen da bude zaštićen

    Mercator projection, loxodromes, and related topics

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    v českém jazyce- Mercatorova projekce, loxodromy a souvislosti Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá Mercatorovou projekcí sféry do roviny, a to z his- torického i dnešního úhlu pohledu. Pozornost je věnována zejména formálnímu odvození projekce a studiu jejích vlastností. Projekci pak práce zobecňuje i pro obecnou rotační plochu s aplikací pro speciální případ, rotační elipsoid. Dále se zabývá loxodromami na sféře, jejich vlastnostmi a jejich vztahem k Mercatorově projekci. Opět pak tyto poznatky zobecňuje pro obecnou rotační plochu a násled- ně aplikuje na rotační elipsoid. V závěru pak práce zkoumá vztah Mercatorovy projekce se stereografickou projekcí a s exponenciální funkcí v komplexním oboru. 1anglicky- Mercator projection, loxodromes, and related topics This bachelor thesis deals with the Mercator projection from both today's and historical point of view. Special emphasis is placed on the formal derivation of the projection, and on the studying of its properties. The projection for the surface of revolution is also considered. Then the thesis deals with the loxodromes, their properties, and their relation to the Mercator projection. The loxodromes on the surface of revolution are also considered, again. And the thesis ends with some relations between the Mercator projection, the stereographic projection, and the complex exponential function. 1Department of Mathematics EducationKatedra didaktiky matematikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Društvena odgovornost poduzeća u Hrvatskoj

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    Društvena odgovornost prema definiciji predstavlja prednost gospodarstva da doprinese održivom razvoju uz pomoć rada s ljudima, zajednicom te društvom općenito kako bi se poboljšali uvjeti u kojima živimo. Gledano s aspekta poduzeća, ona predstavlja koncept prema kojem poduzeća vode brigu o društvenim pitanjima i zaštiti okoliša integrirajući ih u svoje poslovne aktivnosti i odnose sa zaposlenicima, dioničarima, potrošačima, dobavljačima, vladom te širom javnosti. Koncept društvene odgovornosti primjenjuju sva poduzeća bez obzira na veličinu, premda se najviše istražuje utjecaj velikih poduzeća jer ona posjeduju najveću moć. Društvena odgovornost poduzeća najbolje se može predočiti kroz njene četiri dimenzije, a to su ekonomska odgovornost koja predstavlja osnovnu svrhu poduzeća. Povijesno gledano društvena odgovornost zapravo jest ekonomska odgovornost, što znači da je temeljna funkcija poduzeća obavljanje poslovnih aktivnosti, odnosno proizvodnja i prodaja dobara i usluga radi povećanja novčanih sredstava, točnije osvarivanja dobiti. Zakonska odgovornost zahtjeva od poduzeća da ispunjava svoje ekonomske ciljeve unutar zakona. Etička načela štite prava pojedinca, društva i okoliša. Etički odgovorno poslovanje postoji kako bi prosudilo što je ispravno a što neispravno u poslovnom svijetu, dok filantropske aktivnosti čine doprinos poduzeća najčešće u smislu donacija različitih namjena. Zajednica u današnje vrijeme postavlja pred poduzeća brojne izazove prema kojima ona moraju uspješno poslovati a pritom voditi brigu o dobrobiti zajednice. Zbog takvih se problema razvio koncept marketinga opće dobrobiti koji uspostavlja odnose između profitnog i neprofitnog sektora pri čemu svi sudionici ostvaruju određene koristi. Zabrinutost društva u pogledu ekoloških i društvenih problema potaknulo je poduzeća da pokrenu suradnju s drugim organizacijama u ispunjavanju cilja od opće dobrobiti i uzajamne koristi

    Influence of electromagnetic field (0,5mT, 50 Hz) on motor behaviour, oxidative stress parameters and morphological characteristicsof brain after global cerebral ischemia in mongolian gerbils

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    današnje vreme, jedna od najčešćih bolesti koja pogaña celokupno društvo je moždani udar, koji može biti uzrokovan moždanom ishemijom. Osim što u velikom procentu dovodi do smrti, posledice moždanog udara su najčešće trajne i za njih ne postoji efikasna terapija. Još jedna karakteristika modernog doba je razvitak elektronske industrije i primena sve raznovrsnijih električnih ureñaja, a samim tim i povećanje stepena zagañenja “elektromagnetnim smogom”. Povećano prisustvo niskofrekventnih elektromagnetnih polja (EMP) je privuklo interesovanje velikog broja naučnika te su ispitivani njegovi efekti, izmeñu ostalog i na funkcionalne karakteristike centralnog nervnog sistema. Na osnovu poznatih činjenica o njegovom dejstvu možemo pretpostaviti da ovo polje utiče i na razvoj patofizioloških dogañaja i oporavak u uslovima moždane ishemije. Cilj naše studije je bio da ispitamo da li elektromagnetno polje (0,5 mT, 50 Hz, u trajanju od 7 dana) utiče na hipermotorno ponašanje pustinjskih miševa izazvano 10-min globalnom moždanom ishemijom i to 1., 2., 4. i 7. dana (neposredan efekat EMP), kao i 14. dana nakon reperfuzije (odloženi efekat EMP). Takoñe, na modelu moždane ishemije smo ispitali da li primenjeno EMP utiče na parametre oksidativnog stresa, koji su inače povišeni nakon moždane ishemije, u pojedinim regionima mozga 7. i 14. dana nakon reperfuzije. Praćen je i uticaj EMP na morfološke promene u najosetljivijim strukturama mozga (hipokampus, striatum i kora velikog mozga) izazvane ishemijom 7. i 14. dana...Nowadays, one of the most common diseases, which affect the whole society, is brain stroke, which can be caused by cerebral ischemia. Beside high mortality rate, consequences of brain stroke are often permanent without appropriate treatment. Another hallmark of modern society is development of electronic industry and usage of diverse electron devices, therefore increasing degree of pollution with “electromagnetic smog”. The increased presence of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) has attracted the interest of many scientists to explore its effects, among others, on functional properties of central nervous system. Based on the known facts of its action, we can propose that this field affects development of pathophysiological events and recovery in conditions like cerebral ischemia. The purpose of this study was to determine whether ELF-MF (0.5 mT, 50 Hz, continuous exposue during 7 days) affects hypermotor activity of gerbils, induced by 10-min global cerebral ischemia on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 7th day (immediate effect) as well as on the 14th day after reperfusion (delayed effect). Also, on this model we examined whether applied ELF-MF affect oxidative stress parameters, otherwise increased after cerebral ischemia, in some brain regions on the 7th and 14th reperfusion day. Also, we examined effect of ELF-MF on morphological changes in the most vulnerable structures of brain (hippocampus, striatum and forebrain cortex) induced by ischemia on the 7th and 14th reperfusion day, as well as performed quantification of this changes in neurons and glial cells. Animal behaviour was monitored for 60 min in the open field. It was shown that the 10-min global cerebral ischemia per se induced a significant..

    Mathematical Modelling of Surface Water Waves

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá matematickým modelováním vodních vln v blízkosti pobřeží pomocí parciálních diferenciálních rovnic. Cílem této práce je formulace pohybových rovnic a jejich následné numerické řešení s grafickou interpretací dosažených výsledků.This master's thesis is focused on the mathematical modelling of surface water waves near coasts with the use of partial differential equations. The objective of this thesis is a formulation of equations of motion and their consequent numerical solution with a graphical interpretation of the achieved results.

    Viability of old house borer (Hylotrupes bajulus) larvae exposed to a constant magnetic field of 98 mT under laboratory conditions

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    The purpose of our experiment was to establish how exposure to a constant magnetic field of 98 mT affects behavior in terms of viability and larval mass of the old house borer (Hylotrupes bajulus L.). It is demonstrated that larvae exposed to this magnetic field show statistically significant higher viability, as well as a tendency of mass increase in comparison with the control group. These results can be attributed to the modulatory effect of the employed external magnetic field on metabolism and neurohumoral regulation in the insects.Cilj našeg eksperimenta je bio da se utvrdi kako izlaganje konstantnom magnetnom polju od 98 mT utiče na ponašanje u smislu preživljavanja i mase larvi kućne strižibube (Hylotrupes bajulus L.). Pokazano je da larve koje su se nalazile u magnetnom polju pomenutih karakteristika imaju statistički značajno veće preživljavanje, kao i tendenciju povećanja mase u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu jedinki. Ovi rezultati se mogu pripisati modulatornom uticaju spoljašnjeg magnetnog polja na metabolizam i neurohumoralnu regulaciju insekata.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302

    Investigations of the Swamp and Water Vegetation in the Lowland Woods of Slavonia (Croatia)

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    The swamps occupy about 5 per cent of the lowland area of Croatia and present a relatively difficult problem from the economic and forestry standpoint. Since swamp vegetation is closely connected with the development of different wood communities, we considered it useful to investigate this type of vegetation. The results of investigations show that the swamp vegetation of the lowland area of Croatia is very distinct and can be classified into 3 classes, 5 orders, 6 alliances, and 10 associations. The classes are Lemnetea, Potametea and Phragmitetea. The most spread communities belong to the class Phragmitetea with the orders Phragmitetalia, Nasturtio-Glycerietalia and Magnocaricetalia. The association Glycerietum maximae (order Phragmitetalia) and the association Caricetum ripariae (order Magnocaricetalia) have not been described for Croatia so far, as we are informed from available literature. Detailed knowledge of this type of vegetation could be a contribution in the efforts to cultivate this, now infertile area

    Viability of old house borer (Hylotrupes bajulus) larvae exposed to a constant magnetic field of 98 mT under laboratory conditions

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    The purpose of our experiment was to establish how exposure to a constant magnetic field of 98 mT affects behavior in terms of viability and larval mass of the old house borer (Hylotrupes bajulus L.). It is demonstrated that larvae exposed to this magnetic field show statistically significant higher viability, as well as a tendency of mass increase in comparison with the control group. These results can be attributed to the modulatory effect of the employed external magnetic field on metabolism and neurohumoral regulation in the insects.Cilj našeg eksperimenta je bio da se utvrdi kako izlaganje konstantnom magnetnom polju od 98 mT utiče na ponašanje u smislu preživljavanja i mase larvi kućne strižibube (Hylotrupes bajulus L.). Pokazano je da larve koje su se nalazile u magnetnom polju pomenutih karakteristika imaju statistički značajno veće preživljavanje, kao i tendenciju povećanja mase u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu jedinki. Ovi rezultati se mogu pripisati modulatornom uticaju spoljašnjeg magnetnog polja na metabolizam i neurohumoralnu regulaciju insekata.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302

    Use of germline genetic variability for prediction of chemoresistance and prognosis of breast cancer patients

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    The aim of our study was to set up a panel for targeted sequencing of chemoresistance genes and the main transcription factors driving their expression and to evaluate their predictive and prognostic value in breast cancer patients. Coding and regulatory regions of 509 genes, selected from PharmGKB and Phenopedia, were sequenced using massive parallel sequencing in blood DNA from 105 breast cancer patients in the testing phase. In total, 18,245 variants were identified of which 2565 were novel variants (without rs number in dbSNP build 150) in the testing phase. Variants with major allele frequency over 0.05 were further prioritized for validation phase based on a newly developed decision tree. Using emerging in silico tools and pharmacogenomic databases for functional predictions and associations with response to cytotoxic therapy or disease-free survival of patients, 55 putative variants were identified and used for validation in 805 patients with clinical follow up using KASP™ technology. In conclusion, associations of rs2227291, rs2293194, and rs4376673 (located in ATP7A, KCNAB1, and DFFB genes, respectively) with response to neoadjuvant cytotoxic therapy and rs1801160 in DPYD with disease-free survival of patients treated with cytotoxic drugs were validated and should be further functionally characterized. © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Czech Medical Council [15-25618A]; Charles University [GAUK 1776218