174 research outputs found

    Chandra X-ray observation of the HII region Gum 31 in the Carina Nebula complex

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    (abridged) We used the Chandra observatory to perform a deep (70 ksec) X-ray observation of the Gum 31 region and detected 679 X-ray point sources. This extends and complements the X-ray survey of the central Carina nebula regions performed in the Chandra Carina Complex Project. Using deep near-infrared images from our recent VISTA survey of the Carina nebula complex, our Spitzer point-source catalog, and optical archive data, we identify counterparts for 75% of these X-ray sources. Their spatial distribution shows two major concentrations, the central cluster NGC 3324 and a partly embedded cluster in the southern rim of the HII region, but majority of X-ray sources constitute a rather homogeneously distributed population of young stars. Our color-magnitude diagram analysis suggests ages of ~1-2 Myr for the two clusters, whereas the distributed population shows a wider age range up to ~10 Myr. We also identify previously unknown companions to two of the three O-type members of NGC 3324 and detect diffuse X-ray emission in the region. Our results suggests that the observed region contains about 4000 young stars in total. The distributed population is probably part of the widely distributed population of ~ 1-10 Myr old stars, that was identified in the CCCP area. This implies that the global stellar configuration of the Carina nebula complex is a very extended stellar association, in which the (optically prominent) clusters contain only a minority of the stellar population.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. A high quality preprint is available at http://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/people/preibisch/publications.htm

    Orbits and masses in the young triple system TWA 5

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    We aim to improve the orbital elements and determine the individual masses of the components in the triple system TWA 5. Five new relative astrometric positions in the H band were recorded with the adaptive optics system at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). We combine them with data from the literature and a measurement in the Ks band. We derive an improved fit for the orbit of TWA 5Aa-b around each other. Furthermore, we use the third component, TWA 5B, as an astrometric reference to determine the motion of Aa and Ab around their center of mass and compute their mass ratio. We find an orbital period of 6.03+/-0.01 years and a semi-major axis of 63.7+/-0.2 mas (3.2+/-0.1 AU). With the trigonometric distance of 50.1+/-1.8 pc, this yields a system mass of 0.9+/-0.1 Msun, where the error is dominated by the error of the distance. The dynamical mass agrees with the system mass predicted by a number of theoretical models if we assume that TWA5 is at the young end of the age range of the TW Hydrae association. We find a mass ratio of M_Ab / M_Aa = 1.3 +0.6/-0.4, where the less luminous component Ab is more massive. This result is likely to be a consequence of the large uncertainties due to the limited orbital coverage of the observations.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Disc Clearing of Young Stellar Objects: Evidence for Fast Inside-out Dispersal

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    The time-scale over which and the modality by which young stellar objects (YSOs) disperse their circumstellar discs dramatically influences the eventual formation and evolution of planetary systems. By means of extensive radiative transfer (RT) modelling, we have developed a new set of diagnostic diagrams in the infrared colour-colour plane (K-[24] vs. K-[8]), to aid with the classification of the evolutionary stage of YSOs from photometric observations. Our diagrams allow the differentiation of sources with unevolved (primordial) discs from those evolving according to different clearing scenarios (e.g. homologous depletion vs. inside-out dispersal), as well as from sources that have already lost their disc. Classification of over 1500 sources in 15 nearby star-forming regions reveals that approximately 39 % of the sources lie in the primordial disc region, whereas between 31 % and 32 % disperse from the inside-out and up to 22 % of the sources have already lost their disc. Less than 2 % of the objects in our sample lie in the homogeneous draining regime. Time-scales for the transition phase are estimated to be typically a few 10^5 years independent of stellar mass. Therefore, regardless of spectral type, we conclude that currently available infrared photometric surveys point to fast (of order 10 % of the global disc lifetime) inside-out clearing as the preferred mode of disc dispersal.Comment: 31 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Multiwavelength interferometric observations and modeling of circumstellar disks

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    We investigate the structure of the innermost region of three circumstellar disks around pre-main sequence stars HD 142666, AS 205 N, and AS 205 S. We determine the inner radii of the dust disks and, in particular, search for transition objects where dust has been depleted and inner disk gaps have formed at radii of a few tenths of AU up to several AU. We performed interferometric observations with IOTA, AMBER, and MIDI in the infrared wavelength ranges 1.6-2.5um and 8-13um with projected baseline lengths between 25m and 102m. The data analysis was based on radiative transfer simulations in 3D models of young stellar objects (YSOs) to reproduce the spectral energy distribution and the interferometric visibilities simultaneously. Accretion effects and disk gaps could be considered in the modeling approach. Results from previous studies restricted the parameter space. The objects of this study were spatially resolved in the infrared wavelength range using the interferometers. Based on these observations, a disk gap could be found for the source HD 142666 that classifies it as transition object. There is a disk hole up to a radius of R_in=0.30AU and a (dust-free) ring between 0.35AU and 0.80AU in the disk of HD 142666. The classification of AS 205 as a system of classical T Tauri stars could be confirmed using the canonical model approach, i. e., there are no hints of disk gaps in our observations.Comment: accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Interferometric study on the temporal variability of the brightness distributions of protoplanetary disks

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    Multi-epoch observations have revealed the variability of pre-main sequence stars and/or their environment. Moreover, structures in orbital motion around the central star, resulting from planet-disk interaction, are predicted to cause temporal variations in the brightness distributions of protoplanetary disks. Through repeated observations with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) over nearly two decades, the ESO Archive has become a treasure chest containing high-resolution multi-epoch near- and mid-infrared observations of the potential planet-forming regions in protoplanetary disks. We aim to investigate whether the existing multi-epoch observations provide evidence for the variability of the brightness distributions of the innermost few astronomical units of protoplanetary disks and to quantify any variations detected. We present different approaches to search for evidence of temporal variations based on multi-epoch observations obtained with the VLTI instruments PIONIER, AMBER, and MIDI for 68 pre-main sequence stars. For nine objects in our sample, multi-epoch data obtained using equal baselines are available that allow us to directly detect variations in the visibilities due to temporally variable brightness distributions. Significant variations of the near-infrared visibilities obtained in different epochs with PIONIER and/or AMBER for HD 50138, DX Cha, HD 142527, V856 Sco, HD 163296, and R CrA were found. By estimating the impact of a small variation of the baseline on the measured squared visibilities, we are able to compare the data of another 12 pre-main sequence stars. Thereby, we find evidence for temporal variations of the brightness distribution of one additional object, AK Sco. Besides the two binaries DX Cha and AK Sco, HD 50138 and V856 Sco also show signs of variability caused by variations of asymmetric structures in the brightness distribution.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The multiplicity of massive stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster as seen with long-baseline interferometry

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from EDP Sciences via the DOI in this record.Context. The characterization of multiple stellar systems is an important ingredient for testing current star formation models. Stars are more often found in multiple systems, the more massive they are. A complete knowledge of the multiplicity of high-mass stars over the full range of orbit separations is thus essential to understand their still debated formation process. Aims. Infrared long baseline interferometry is very well suited to close the gap between spectroscopic and adaptive optics searches. Observations of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) in general and the Trapezium Cluster in particular can help to answer the question about the origin and evolution of multiple stars. Earlier studies provide a good knowledge about the multiplicity of the stars at very small (spectroscopic companions) and large separations (AO, speckle companions) and thus make the ONC a good target for such a project. Methods. We used the near infrared interferometric instrument AMBER at ESOs Very Large Telescope Interferometer to observe a sample of bright stars in the ONC. We complement our data set by archival NACO observations of θ1 Ori A to obtain more information about the orbit of the close visual companion. Results. Our observations resolve the known multiple systems θ1 Ori C and θ1 Ori A and provide new orbit points, which confirm the predicted orbit and the determined stellar parameters for θ1 Ori C. Combining AMBER and NACO data for θ1 Ori A we were able to follow the (orbital) motion of the companion from 2003 to 2011. We furthermore find hints for a companion around θ1 Ori D, whose existence has been suggested already before, and a previously unknown companion to NU Ori. With a probability of ~90% we can exclude further companions with masses of ≥ 3 M⊙ around our sample stars for separations between ~2 mas and ~110 mas. Conclusions. We conclude that the companion around θ1 Ori A is most likely physically related to the primary star and not only a chance projected star. The newly discovered possible companions further increase the multiplicity in the ONC. For our sample of two O and three B-type stars we find on average 2.5 known companions per primary, which is around five times more than for low-mass stars. Key words: binaries:We gratefully acknowledge funding of this work by the German Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG project number PR 569/8-1. K.G.H. acknowledges support provided by the Proyecto FONDECYT Postdoctoral No. 3120153 and the Polish Nacional Science Center grant No. 2011/03/N/ST9/01819. This research has made use of the Jean-Marie Mariotti Center AMBER data reduction package3 and LITpro4 service co-developed by CRAL, LAOG and FIZEAU. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. We thank the referee Douglas Gies for the helpful und constructive comments, which helped to improve the paper

    A network of filaments detected by Herschel in the Serpens core : a laboratory to test simulations of low-mass star formation

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    V.R. was partly supported by the DLR grant number 50 OR 1109 and by the Bayerische Gleichstellungsförderung (BGF). This research was partly supported by the Priority Programme 1573 “Physics of the Interstellar Medium” of the German Science Foundation (DFG), the DFG cluster of excellence “Origin and Structure of the Universe” and by the Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca through the grant Progetti Premiali 2012 -iALMA (CUP C52I13000140001). C.E. is partly supported by Spanish Grants AYA 2011-26202 and AYA 2014-55840-P.Context. Filaments represent a key structure during the early stages of the star formation process. Simulations show that filamentary structures commonly formed before and during the formation of cores. Aims. The Serpens core is an ideal laboratory for testing the state of the art of simulations of turbulent giant molecular clouds. Methods. We used Herschel observations of the Serpens core to compute temperatureand column density maps of the region. We selected the early stages of are cent simulation of star-formation, before stellar feedback was initiated, with similar total mass and physical size as the Serpens core. We also derived temperature and column density maps from the simulations. The observed distribution of column densities of the filaments was analyzed, first including and then masking the cores. The same analysis was performed on the simulations as well. Results. A radial network of filaments was detected in the Serpens core. The analyzed simulation shows a striking morphological resemblance to the observed structures. The column density distribution of simulated filaments without cores shows only a log-normal distribution, while the observed filaments show a power-law tail. The power-law tail becomes evident in the simulation if the focus is only the column density distribution of the cores. In contrast, the observed cores show a flat distribution. Conclusions. Even though the simulated and observed filaments are subjectively similar-looking, we find that they behave in very different ways. The simulated filaments are turbulence-dominated regions; the observed filaments are instead self-gravitating structures that will probably fragment into cores.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Orbits and Masses in the multiple system LHS 1070

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    We present a study of the orbits of the triple system LHS1070, with the aim to determine individual masses of its components. Sixteen new relative astrometric positions of the three components in the K band were obtained with NACO at the VLT, Omega CASS at the 3.5m telescope on Calar Alto, and other high-spatial-resolution instruments. We combine them with data from the literature and fit orbit models to the dataset. We derive an improved fit for the orbit of LHS1070B and C around each other, and an estimate for the orbit of B and C around A. The orbits are nearly coplanar, with a misalignment angle of less than 10{\deg}. The masses of the three components are M_A = 0.13 - 0.16 Msun, M_B = 0.077+/-0.005 Msun, and M_C = 0.071+/-0.004 Msun. Therefore, LHS1070C is certainly, and LHS1070B probably a brown dwarf. Comparison with theoretical isochrones shows that LHS1070A is either fainter or more massive than expected. One possible explanation would be that it is a binary. However, the close companion reported previously could not be confirmed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The 2008 outburst in the young stellar system ZCMa: I. Evidence of an enhanced bipolar wind on the AU-scale

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    Accretion is a fundamental process in star formation. Although the time evolution of accretion remains a matter of debate, observations and modelling studies suggest that episodic outbursts of strong accretion may dominate the formation of the protostar. Observing young stellar objects during these elevated accretion states is crucial to understanding the origin of unsteady accretion. ZCMa is a pre-main-sequence binary system composed of an embedded Herbig Be star, undergoing photometric outbursts, and a FU Orionis star. The Herbig Be component recently underwent its largest optical photometric outburst detected so far. We aim to constrain the origin of this outburst by studying the emission region of the HI Brackett gamma line, a powerful tracer of accretion/ejection processes on the AU-scale in young stars. Using the AMBER/VLTI instrument at spectral resolutions of 1500 and 12 000, we performed spatially and spectrally resolved interferometric observations of the hot gas emitting across the Brackett gamma emission line, during and after the outburst. From the visibilities and differential phases, we derive characteristic sizes for the Brackett gamma emission and spectro-astrometric measurements across the line, with respect to the continuum. We find that the line profile, the astrometric signal, and the visibilities are inconsistent with the signature of either a Keplerian disk or infall of matter. They are, instead, evidence of a bipolar wind, maybe partly seen through a disk hole inside the dust sublimation radius. The disappearance of the Brackett gamma emission line after the outburst suggests that the outburst is related to a period of strong mass loss rather than a change of the extinction along the line of sight. Based on these conclusions, we speculate that the origin of the outburst is an event of enhanced mass accretion, similar to those occuring in EX Ors and FU Ors.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter
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