873 research outputs found

    Beyond Punishment: A Critical and Interpretive Phenomenology of Accountability

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    State responses to interpersonal violence in the US have long been focused on punishment and prison. While opposition to punitive responses to interpersonal violence has been marginal, there are small but growing efforts to challenge the primacy of punishment and incarceration. In its place, different non-punitive approaches to justice have been practiced and promoted including restorative justice and transformative justice, which see accountability, not punishment, as a primary goal. Accountability has been theorized and researched largely from the perspective of survivors of harm, and there is limited research on the experiences of people who have caused harm and engaged in accountability-taking. Using a critical and interpretive phenomenological approach, this study interviewed 11 men who committed homicide, served long sentences in prison, participated in a restorative process while incarcerated, and have since come home. They were asked how they defined accountability, how they expressed it in the context of their offense, and what supported and hindered their accountability-taking. The study found that informants’ definitions and expressions of accountability largely aligned with existing literature and affirmed two important ideas that to date have been marginal in discourse and scholarship. Most informants reported accountability was a process that took time, and individual agency was critical to their accountability-taking. The findings revealed a variety of forces that supported and hindered accountability-taking. There was no single pathway to accountability, nor was there one relationship, experience, or intervention that alone was responsible for cultivating accountability and engendering accountability-taking. Instead, the process of accountability-taking involved a constellation of factors and eventually an accumulation of supportive relationships, experiences, and programs that fostered and sustained accountability. Supportive factors also included time, experiences of safety and acceptance, and an intentional space to deepen accountability for their offense. While there were mixed experiences of the role of incarceration, the pervasive punishment of prisons was a barrier to accountability-taking

    Online Mental Health Information Behaviours of Emerging Adults: A Web Usability and User Experience Study

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    This study aims to employ usability study technologies to learn how emerging adults interact online with mental health information

    Nitrogen transport in the orchid mycorrhizal symbiosis - further evidence for a mutualistic association.

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    Mycorrhizas are symbioses integral to the health of plant-based ecosystems (Smith & Read, 2008). In a typical mycorrhizal association, fungi in, or on, plant roots pass soil-acquired inorganic nutrients and water to the plant host. In return, the host transfers excess photosynthate to the fungus

    Verifying RISC-V Physical Memory Protection

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    We formally verify an open-source hardware implementation of physical memory protection (PMP) in RISC-V, which is a standard feature used for memory isolation in security critical systems such as the Keystone trusted execution environment. PMP provides per-hardware-thread machine-mode control registers that specify the access privileges for physical memory regions. We first formalize the functional property of the PMP rules based on the RISC-V ISA manual. Then, we use the LIME tool to translate an open-source implementation of the PMP hardware module written in Chisel to the UCLID5 formal verification language. We encode the formal specification in UCLID5 and verify the functional correctness of the hardware. This is an initial effort towards verifying the Keystone framework, where the trusted computing base (TCB) relies on PMP to provide security guarantees such as integrity and confidentiality.Comment: SECRISC-V 2019 Worksho

    A Functional Naturalism

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    I provide two arguments against value-free naturalism. Both are based on considerations concerning biological teleology. Value-free naturalism is the thesis that both (1) everything is, at least in principle, under the purview of the sciences and (2) all scientific facts are purely non-evaluative. First, I advance a counterexample to any analysis on which natural selection is necessary to biological teleology. This should concern the value-free naturalist, since most value-free analyses of biological teleology appeal to natural selection. My counterexample is unique in that it is likely to actually occur. It concerns the creation of synthetic life. Recent developments in synthetic biology suggest scientists will eventually be able to develop synthetic life. Such life, however, would not have any of its traits naturally selected for. Second, I develop a simple argument that biological teleology is a scientific but value-laden notion. Consequently, value-free naturalism is false. I end with some concluding remarks on the implications for naturalism, the thesis that (1). Naturalism may be salvaged only if we reject (2). (2) is a dogma that unnecessarily constrains our conception of the sciences. Only a naturalism that recognizes value-laden notions as scientifically respectable can be true. Such a naturalism is a functional naturalism

    Genes Suggest Ancestral Colour Polymorphisms Are Shared across Morphologically Cryptic Species in Arctic Bumblebees

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    email Suzanne orcd idCopyright: © 2015 Williams et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Presentism remains

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    Here I examine some recent attempts to provide a new way of thinking about the philosophy of time that question the central role of ‘presentness’ within the definition of presentism. The central concern raised by these critics turns on the intelligibility and theoretical usefulness of the term ‘is present’ (cf. Correia and Rosenkrantz in Thought 4:19–27, 2015; Deasy in Nous, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1111/nous.12109; Williamson in Modal logic as metaphysics, OUP, Oxford, 2013). My overarching aim is to at least challenge such concerns. I begin with arguments due to Deasy (Nous, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1111/nous.12109). Deasy develops a view that he calls ‘transientism’ and that he takes to be a well-motivated version of presentism. I show that both this way of thinking about presentism and the argument supposedly motivating it all fail. I then move to an argument due to Correia and Rosenkrantz (Thought 4:19–27, 2015). Correia and Rosenkrantz purport to show that presentism can be salvaged without making recourse to the term ‘is present’. I demonstrate that their arguments fail. I then move on to a view, proposed and defended by Merricks (Truth and ontology, OUP, Oxford, 2007), Tallant (Erkenntnis 79:479–501, 2014), and Zimmerman (Philos Pap 25:115–126, 1996), and show that it has the wherewithal to meet the challenges raised by Williamson (Modal logic as metaphysics, OUP, Oxford, 2013) who, as noted above, raises genuine concerns about our capacity to define presentism

    A poisson regression approach for modelling spatial autocorrelation between geographically referenced observations

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    Abstract Background Analytic methods commonly used in epidemiology do not account for spatial correlation between observations. In regression analyses, omission of that autocorrelation can bias parameter estimates and yield incorrect standard error estimates. Methods We used age standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) of esophageal cancer (EC) from the Babol cancer registry from 2001 to 2005, and extracted socioeconomic indices from the Statistical Centre of Iran. The following models for SIR were used: (1) Poisson regression with agglomeration-specific nonspatial random effects; (2) Poisson regression with agglomeration-specific spatial random effects. Distance-based and neighbourhood-based autocorrelation structures were used for defining the spatial random effects and a pseudolikelihood approach was applied to estimate model parameters. The Bayesian information criterion (BIC), Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and adjusted pseudo R2, were used for model comparison. Results A Gaussian semivariogram with an effective range of 225 km best fit spatial autocorrelation in agglomeration-level EC incidence. The Moran's I index was greater than its expected value indicating systematic geographical clustering of EC. The distance-based and neighbourhood-based Poisson regression estimates were generally similar. When residual spatial dependence was modelled, point and interval estimates of covariate effects were different to those obtained from the nonspatial Poisson model. Conclusions The spatial pattern evident in the EC SIR and the observation that point estimates and standard errors differed depending on the modelling approach indicate the importance of accounting for residual spatial correlation in analyses of EC incidence in the Caspian region of Iran. Our results also illustrate that spatial smoothing must be applied with care.</p

    Subcellular localization of type-I thionins in the endosperms of wheat and barley.

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    Thionins are cysteine-rich polypeptides of about 5,000 Da. Localization at the subcellular level of type I endosperm thionins has been carried out by immunogold labeling, using an antibody that recognizes type I thionin variants. In developing wheat and barley caryopses, sectioned at different times between 13 and 24 days after flowering, this type of thionins was only detected around protein bodies from cells of the starchy endosperm, using light microscopy. Electron microscopy revealed that these proteins were located in electron-dense spheroids in the periphery of protein bodies, at the earlier stages, whereas later the label appeared also as a thin layer around these organelles

    The applicability of animal health surveillance systems for post-market monitoring of potential adverse effects of genetically modified (GM) feed

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    A facultative post market monitoring of potential health impacts of genetically modified (GM) feedstuffs on livestock consuming these feeds after pre-market risk assessment is under ongoing consideration. Within the IPAFEED database, scientific studies on health effects beyond performance in livestock and the results of a systematic search for evidence of outcome effects due to GM feed are consolidated. These outcomes were reviewed and checked for consistency in order to identify plausible syndromes suitable for conducting surveillance. The 24 selected studies showed no consistent changes in any health parameter. There were no repeated studies in any species by GM crop type and animal species. As such, there is insufficient evidence to inform the design of surveillance systems for detecting known adverse effects. Animal health surveillance systems have been proposed for the post market monitoring of potential adverse effects in animals. Such systems were evaluated for their applicability to the detection of hypothetical adverse effects and their strengths and weaknesses to detect syndromes of concern are presented. For known adverse effects, applied controlled post-market studies may yield conclusive and high-quality evidence. For detecting unknown adverse effects, the use of existing surveillance systems may still be of interest. A simulation tool developed within the project can be adapted and applied to existing surveillance systems to explore their applicability to the detection of potential adverse effects of GM feed
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