133 research outputs found

    La ciència i la tecnologia a través dels superherois

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    El present treball exposa material didàctic per un MOOC en estat de creació, titulat ‘Tecnociència i ciència-ficció: de King Kong a Einstein’. Aquest MOOC s’adreça, d’entrada, a estudiants i professorat de Primària i Secundària. La ciència-ficció és un gènere cinematogràfic, literari i de còmic que presenta avanços científics i tecnològics ja siguin reals o ficticis acompanyats d’històries i situacions algunes vegades increïbles. Es diferència del gènere fantàstic en que, encara que de vegades les històries són fictícies, aquestes podrien tenir lloc en un futur immediat. Per aquest motiu, es pot veure com un punt atractiu que té per finalitat incentivar la cerca per resoldre secrets sobre la nostra realitat. Es podria veure com un primer pas per inculcar als alumnes l’hàbit de l’aprenentatge a través dels seus propis descobriments. Mirant-lo des d’aquest punt de vista, la ciència-ficció és útil per divulgar i transmetre en l’àmbit de l’educació, utilitzant una nova tècnica d’aprenentatge per facilitar la transferència de coneixements científics i tecnològics. Aquest nou concepte d’aprenentatge pot tenir interessants resultats en les aules, despertant l’interès per la ciència i la tecnologia tot inculcant una bona compressió lectora i competència en anàlisi crítics i adoptant noves solucions. Pot esdevenir la primera casella cap a ments creatives que ajudin a imaginar noves tecnologies superiors o diferents a les actuals amb objectius i finalitats diferents i adaptables a nous problemes en diferents camps (medicina, medi ambient....), oferint noves possibilitats d’innovació. El mòdul a realitzar, ens aproparà als superherois de pel·lícules, llibres i còmics. Què es pot dir i aprendre dels impressionants superpoders que acostumen a mostrar aquests personatges tan populars? Aquest contingut pretén ser un complement pels estudiants i pel professorat a les assignatures de Tecnologia i Ciències. El mòdul desenvolupat es testejarà com a prova pilot amb els estudiants de 2n ESO del centre assignat en pràctiques

    Prevalencia de fragilidad en personas mayores de 70 años en la Zona Básica de Benicalap: estudio transversal.

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    El creciente envejecimiento de la población ha venido acompañado de deterioro funcional y discapacidad y ha puesto de manifiesto que se debe de actuar sobre factores que son modificables como la fragilidad. La estimación de la prevalencia de la fragilidad es elevada (18%) y con una variabilidad del 12% al 45%. Este estado de fragilidad se asocia con un mayor riesgo de resultados adversos, la multimorbilidad y el deterioro capacidad funcional. Sin embargo, lo más importante es que es una situación prevenible, y en ocasiones, reversible, mediante su detección precoz. Por estos motivos se ha considerado pertinente realizar una evaluación de la prevalencia de este síndrome y sus factores de riesgo ampliando así la imagen que fundamente futuras intervenciones en esta población con el fin de prevenir, detectar o revertir la fragilidad. Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de las personas mayores de 70 años en situación de fragilidad de la Zona Básica de Benicalap en la Comunidad Valenciana, durante 2023. Se llevará a cabo un estudio descriptivo observacional y transversal entre la población mayor de 70 años pertenecientes al Centro de Salud de Azucena en la Zona Básica de Benicalap de Valencia. Se determinará la prevalencia de la Fragilidad siguiendo los criterios del fenotipo de Fried y se realizará un análisis descriptivo de las variables relacionadas con la fragilidad.Introduction: The increasing aging of the population has been accompanied by functional deterioration and disability and has highlighted that action must be taken on factors that are modifiable such as frailty. The estimated prevalence of frailty is high (18%) and with a variability from 12% to 45%. This state of frailty is associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes, multimorbidity and impaired functional capacity. However, the most important thing is that it is a preventable situation, and sometimes reversible, through early detection. For these reasons, it has been considered pertinent to evaluate the prevalence of this syndrome and its risk factors, thus broadening the picture to support future interventions in this population with the aim of preventing, detecting or reversing frailty. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of frailty in people over 70 years of age in the basic area of Benicalap in the Valencian Community, during 2023. Methods: A descriptive observational and cross-sectional study will be carried out among the population over 70 years of age belonging to the Azucena Health Center in the Benicalap Basic Zone of Valencia. The prevalence of frailty will be determined following Fried's Phenotype criteria and a descriptive analysis of variables related to frailty will be carried out

    SARS-CoV2 infection: the role of cytokines in COVID-19 disease

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    Elsevier concede permiso para que toda su investigación relacionada con COVID-19 que esté disponible en el centro de recursos COVID-19 -incluido el contenido de esta investigación- esté inmediatamente disponible en PubMed Central y otros repositorios financiados con fondos públicos, como la base de datos COVID de la OMS, con derechos para su reutilización y análisis de investigación sin restricciones en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio con reconocimiento de la fuente original. Estos permisos son concedidos gratuitamente por Elsevier mientras permanezca activo el centro de recursos COVID-19.COVID-19 disease, caused by infection with SARS-CoV-2, is related to a series of physiopathological mechanisms that mobilize a wide variety of biomolecules, mainly immunological in nature. In the most severe cases, the prognosis can be markedly worsened by the hyperproduction of mainly proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, IFN-γ, and TNF-α, preferentially targeting lung tissue. This study reviews published data on alterations in the expression of different cytokines in patients with COVID-19 who require admission to an intensive care unit. Data on the implication of cytokines in this disease and their effect on outcomes will support the design of more effective approaches to the management of COVID-19.Este estudio ha contado con el apoyo del grupo de investigación BIO277 (Junta de Andalucía) y del Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Granada

    Territorial studies and geography education a glance from the PUI-NOR, Medellín-Colombia

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    RESUMEN: El presente texto se origina en el marco de la investigación “El estudio del territorio como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de las competencias ciudadanas. Análisis del Proyecto Urbano Integral de la zona Nor-oriental -PUI-NOR-, Medellín-Colombia”, la cual tiene entre sus objetivos, la sistematización de la experiencia PUI-NOR como estudio del territorio, teniendo en cuenta variables, categorías e indicadores asociadas con las prácticas ciudadanas territorializadas y donde la referencia contextual es protagónica, a través del reconocimiento de las características político-institucionales, socio-culturales, socio-espaciales, socio-económicas, ambientales y tecnológicas; las cuales se convierten en el escenario propicio para concebir e implementar estrategias de transformación urbanística, social, cultural y económica del territorio y, a la vez, en un potencial formativo en el campo de la educación geográfica.ABSTARCT: The following text originates from the research: “Study of the territory as a strategy for strengthening citizenship competences, as an analysis of the Urban Integral Project of the Northeast zone (PUI -NOR) Medellin- Colombia” [1]. One of its objectives is to register the PUI-NOR experience as a territorial study. Some variable, indicators, and categories associated with territorial citizenship practices were taken into consideration; where contextual reference is protagonist through recognition of politicalinstitutional characteristics, as well as socio-cultural, socio-spatial, socio-economic, environmental and technological characteristics. Those become proper stage to conceive and implement strategies for urban social, cultural and economic transformation of the territory, and at the same time, an educational potential in the field of geographical education

    Selective Oxidation of Glycerol via Acceptorless Dehydrogenation Driven by Ir(I)-NHC Catalysts

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    After pandemic, healthcare workers experienced a series of emotional and psychological disturbances that could impact their mental well-being. In this study, the feasibility of morphological characteristics of photoplethysmographic (PPG) waveform to quantify stress and depression level posed by COVID-19 in first-line healthcare workers is explored. Results show that higher stress and depression level are moderately correlated with large systolic amplitude and parameters that might indicate early wave reflection. These results suggest that an arterial stiffness, quantified with PPG morphological characteristics, could provide valuable information in assessing mental healt

    Comparison of machine learning algorithms for wildland-urban interface fuelbreak planning integrating ALS and UAV-Borne LiDAR data and multispectral images

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    Producción CientíficaControlling vegetation fuels around human settlements is a crucial strategy for reducing fire severity in forests, buildings and infrastructure, as well as protecting human lives. Each country has its own regulations in this respect, but they all have in common that by reducing fuel load, we in turn reduce the intensity and severity of the fire. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)-acquired data combined with other passive and active remote sensing data has the greatest performance to planning Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fuelbreak through machine learning algorithms. Nine remote sensing data sources (active and passive) and four supervised classification algorithms (Random Forest, Linear and Radial Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Networks) were tested to classify five fuel-area types. We used very high-density Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data acquired by UAV (154 returns·m−2 and ortho-mosaic of 5-cm pixel), multispectral data from the satellites Pleiades-1B and Sentinel-2, and low-density LiDAR data acquired by Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) (0.5 returns·m−2, ortho-mosaic of 25 cm pixels). Through the Variable Selection Using Random Forest (VSURF) procedure, a pre-selection of final variables was carried out to train the model. The four algorithms were compared, and it was concluded that the differences among them in overall accuracy (OA) on training datasets were negligible. Although the highest accuracy in the training step was obtained in SVML (OA=94.46%) and in testing in ANN (OA=91.91%), Random Forest was considered to be the most reliable algorithm, since it produced more consistent predictions due to the smaller differences between training and testing performance. Using a combination of Sentinel-2 and the two LiDAR data (UAV and ALS), Random Forest obtained an OA of 90.66% in training and of 91.80% in testing datasets. The differences in accuracy between the data sources used are much greater than between algorithms. LiDAR growth metrics calculated using point clouds in different dates and multispectral information from different seasons of the year are the most important variables in the classification. Our results support the essential role of UAVs in fuelbreak planning and management and thus, in the prevention of forest fires.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (DI-16-08446; DI-17-09626; PTQ-16-08411; PTQ- 16-08633)European Commission through the project ‘MySustainableForest’ (H2020-EO-2017; 776045

    Estudio de un sensor de caducidad para alimentos

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    El objetivo del proyecto era el desarrollo de un indicador de frescura para la merluza, en atmósfera protectora, que cambiara de color al alcanzarse el límite microbiológico de consumo humano. Para ello se hizo un análisis microbiológico de la merluza para conocer en qué momento se alcanzaba ese límite y cuáles eran las especies de bacterias predominantes. Una vez hallado el día en el que se alcanza el límite, se realizó un análisis de los volátiles liberados, durante el deterioro de la merluza, que pudieran ser utilizados como diana para el indicador o que pudieran causar interferencias. Para ello se utilizaron diferentes técnicas de análisis de extracción gas-líquido (métodos de Nessler y azul de metileno) y microextracción en fase sólida en el espacio de cabeza junto con cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (HS-SPME-GC-MS). Se probaron seis fórmulas diferentes en el desarrollo de los indicadores de frescura que debían cambiar de color en el momento deseado, al alcanzar el límite microbiológico, además el cambio tenía que ser claro para que pudiera ser fácilmente interpretado por el consumidor. Los indicadores se prepararon como etiquetas autoadhesivas y se analizaron en muestras de merluza envasada con atmósfera protectora. Se realizó un seguimiento de la evolución de los indicadores hasta alcanzarse el día del límite

    Acquisition of competences to prevent the aquatic accident: a service learning project with university students and population with different abilities

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    En esta investigación se pretende demostrar que la metodología aprendizaje-servicio es una herramienta eficaz para que las personas con discapacidad intelectual, adquieran las competencias necesarias para resolver el ahogamiento de otra persona, asumiendo un riesgo mínimo. Por otro lado, también se pretende conocer la percepción del alumnado universitario sobre el efecto que les ha producido la participación en un proyecto de aprendizaje y servicio desarrollado con personas con discapacidad intelectual. Para la consecución de estos objetivos se ha contado con la participación voluntaria de estudiantes del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte para impartir dos sesiones de salvamento acuático a un grupo de personas con discapacidad intelectual. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación ha sido tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa. Los resultados demuestran que la metodología aprendizaje y servicio es una herramienta útil para mejorar la seguridad de las personas con discapacidad intelectual en el medio acuático. Respecto al segundo de los objetivos planteados para este trabajo, se concluye que el alumnado universitario ha percibido que su competencia académica, su respeto y su comprensión hacia las personas con discapacidad intelectual ha aumentado. Al mismo tiempo, el alumnado ha apreciado cambios en su identidad personal y han manifestado la intención de implicarse en proyectos que tengan un impacto social positivo en el futuro.This research aims to demonstrate that the service-learning methodology is an effective tool for people with intellectual disabilities to acquire the necessary skills to solve the drowning of another person, assuming minimal risk. In addition, it is also intended to know the perception of university students about the effect that the participation in a service-learning project developed with people with intellectual disabilities, has caused on them. To achieve these objectives, this research has had the voluntary participation of students of the Physical Activity and Sport Science Degree to provide two sessions of aquatic rescue to a group of people with intellectual disability. The methodology used in this study has been quantitative and qualitative. The results show that the service-learning methodology is a useful tool to improve the safety of people with intellectual disabilities in the aquatic environment. Regarding the second of the objectives set for this study, it is concluded that university students have perceived that their academic competence, their respect and their understanding towards people with intellectual disabilities has increased. At the same time, the students have perceived changes in their personal identity and they have expressed the intention to be involved in projects with a positive social impact in the future

    Distinct synovial immunopathology in Behçet disease and psoriatic arthritis

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    Introduction The aim of the study was to investigate synovial immunopathology differences between early Behcet disease (BD) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Methods Needle arthroscopy of an inflamed knee joint was performed in patients with early untreated BD (n = 8) and PsA (n = 9). Synovial fluid (SF) was collected for cytokines, perforin, and granzyme analysis. Eight synovial biopsies per patient were obtained for immunohistochemical analysis of the cellular infiltrate (T cells, natural killer cells, macrophages, B cells, plasma cells, mast cells, and neutrophils), blood vessels as well as expression of perforin and granzyme. The stained slides were evaluated by digital image analysis. Results The global degree of synovial inflammation was similar in the two types of arthritis. In the analysis of the innate immune cell infiltration, there was a striking neutrophilic inflammation in BD synovitis whereas PsA displayed significantly higher numbers of cells positive for c-kit, a marker of mast cells. As for lymphocytes, CD3(+) T cells, but neither CD20(+) B cells nor CD138(+) plasma cells, were significantly increased in BD versus PsA. Further analysis of the T-lymphocyte population showed no clear shift in CD4/CD8 ratio or Th1/Th2/Th17 profile. The SF levels of perforin, an effector molecule of cytotoxic cells, displayed a significant four-to fivefold increase in BD. Conclusions This systematic comparative analysis of early untreated synovitis identifies neutrophils and T lymphocytes as important infiltrating cell populations in BD. Increased levels of perforin in BD suggest the relevance of cytotoxicity in this diseas

    Indicators of Good Practices of Service-Learning University

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    The proliferation of innovative experiences in university education has been confirmed in different forums, as well as the evidence of their impact in research. However, the available tools are limited when trying to address the quality assessment of University Service-Learning (USL) projects. We present a tool for the evaluation of your SL projects. The goal of the Matrix is to specify the essential and secondary indicators needed to develop good practices in USL: IM_USL. A protocol is established to carry out its assessment. Dimensions and phases indicators of a project are specied, as well as the agents or people involved in it. This tool tries to guide the development of USL projects and to specify different points to improve. The application of the IM_USL will allow you to explore, exhaustively, each of the dimensions and indicators that make up a USL project, regarding both the AGENTS involved and the PHASES that make up a programme. In order to gather information on the reality of the projects, the phases and agents involved in a USL project will be reviewed in particular, determining the level of achievement of the indicators that compose it and of the dimensions that specify the particularities of each indicator. Finally, a series of questions are proposed to guide the process of analysis and reflection on the quality of the evaluated project. As a result, we will be able to obtain an X-ray of the quality of the project and the possible aspects for improvement.Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Grant: I+D 2019. REFERENCIA DEL PROYECTO/AEI/10.13039/50110001103