32 research outputs found

    Direct observation of Oersted-field-induced magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostripes

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    We have used time-resolved x-ray photoemission electron microscopy to investigate the magnetization dynamics induced by nanosecond current pulses in NiFe/Cu/Co nanostripes. A large tilt of the NiFe magnetization in the direction transverse to the stripe is observed during the pulses. We show that this effect cannot be quantitatively understood from the amplitude of the Oersted field and the shape anisotropy. High frequency oscillations observed at the onset of the pulses are attributed to precessional motion of the NiFe magnetization about the effective field. We discuss the possible origins of the large magnetization tilt and the potential implications of the static and dynamic effects of the Oersted field on current-induced domain wall motion in such stripes.Comment: Published in Phys. Rev. B 83, 020406 (2011) (Rapid Communications

    Manipulating the magnetization direction of transverse domain walls in Permalloy/Ir strips using nanosecond current pulses

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    Using magnetic force microscopy and micromagnetic simulations, we studied the effect of Oersted magnetic fields on the chirality of transverse magnetic domain walls in Fe20_{20}Ni80_{80}/Ir bilayer nanostrips. Applying nanosecond current pulses with a current density of around 2Ă—10122\times10^{12} A/m2^2, the chirality of a transverse domain wall could be switched reversibly and reproducibly. These current densities are similar to the ones used for current-induced domain wall motion, indicating that the Oersted field may stabilize the transverse wall chirality during current pulses and prevent domain wall transformations

    Globalization effects on the reports of non-endemic parasitosis in Italy

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    Protozoa and helminths are responsible for several intestinal parasite infections (IPIs). Generally, helminth infections are very unsafe but scarcely reported in high-income countries, while protozoa and helminth co-infections are usually reported in children living in inadequate hygienic-sanitary conditions and in rural areas. However, the impact of growing globalization, intense travelling, international adoptions and high levels of immigrants and refugees has significantly incremented the incidence of orofecal parasitosis in non-endemic areas. Although most IPs clear without treatment when population, even children, emigrate from endemic to different geographical areas, some IPIs such as strongyloidiasis may persist for decades as subclinical infections or as low-grade disease with nonspecific clinical manifestations, unless to reappear under impairment conditions. Herein we report an unusual case of Giardia lamblia and Trichuris spp. chronic asymptomatic co-infection in a healthy adopted Romanian child, living in a Central Italy rural area, and a hidden case of Strongyloides stercoralis in an adopted Burundian child, resident in South Italy, long misdiagnosed as a recurrent undefined dermatitis. Our report suggests the need to review primary care practitioner guidelines and children’s hospital procedures for appropriate IPIs screening and follow-up, hence providing new screening and prevention strategies, in agreement with international guidelines

    The skyrmion switch: turning magnetic skyrmion bubbles on and off with an electric field

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    Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions are considered as potential information carriers for future spintronics memory and logic devices. Such applications will require the control of their local creation and annihilation, which involves so far solutions that are either energy consuming or difficult to integrate. Here we demonstrate the control of skyrmion bubbles nucleation and annihilation using electric field gating, an easily integrable and potentially energetically efficient solution. We present a detailed stability diagram of the skyrmion bubbles in a Pt/Co/oxide trilayer and show that their stability can be controlled via an applied electric field. An analytical bubble model, with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction imbedded in the domain wall energy, account for the observed electrical skyrmion switching effect. This allows us to unveil the origin of the electrical control of skyrmions stability and to show that both magnetic dipolar interaction and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction play an important role in the skyrmion bubble stabilization

    School in Italy: a safe place for children and adolescents

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    Background: During the first SARS-CoV-2 pandemic phase, the sudden closure of schools was one of the main measures to minimize the spread of the virus. In the second phase, several safety procedures were implemented to avoid school closure. To evaluate if the school is a safe place, students and staff of two school complexes of Rome were monitored to evaluate the efficacy of prevention measures inside the school buildings. Methods: Oral secretions specimens were collected from 1262 subjects for a total of 3431 samples, collected over a 3 months period. Detection of Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was performed by real-time PCR. Target genes were represented by E gene, RdRP/S gene and N gene. Results: Among the 3431 samples analyzed, just 16 sample resulted as positive or low positive: 1 sample in the first month, 12 samples in the second month and 3 in the third month. In each period of evaluation, all positive children attended different classes. Conclusions: Even if the school has the potential for spreading viruses, our preliminary results show the efficacy of the implementations undertaken in this setting to minimize virus diffusion. Our evidence suggests that school does not act as an amplifier for transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and can be really considered a safe place for students

    Gate-Controlled Skyrmion Chirality

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    Magnetic skyrmions are localized chiral spin textures, which offer great promise to store and process information at the nanoscale. In the presence of asymmetric exchange interactions, their chirality, which governs their dynamics, is generally considered as an intrinsic parameter set during the sample deposition. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate that this key parameter can be controlled by a gate voltage. We observed that the current-induced skyrmion motion can be reversed by the application of a gate voltage. This local and dynamical reversal of the skyrmion chirality is due to a sign inversion of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction that we attribute to ionic migration of oxygen under gate voltage. Micromagnetic simulations show that the chirality reversal is a continuous transformation, in which the skyrmion is conserved. This gate-controlled chirality provides a local and dynamical degree of freedom, yielding new functionalities to skyrmion-based logic devices.Comment: 4 figure

    On the lookout for influenza viruses in Italy during the 2021-2022 season: along came A(H3N2) viruses with a new phylogenetic makeup of their hemagglutinin

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    Aims: To assess influenza viruses (IVs) circulation and to evaluate A(H3N2) molecular evolution during the 2021-2022 season in Italy. Materials and methods: 12,393 respiratory specimens (nasopharyngeal swabs or broncho-alveolar lavages) collected from in/outpatients with influenza illness in the period spanning from January 1, 2022 (week 2022-01) to May 31, 2022 (week 2022-22) were analysed to identify IV genome and molecularly characterized by 12 laboratories throughout Italy. A(H3N2) evolution was studied by conducting an in-depth phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin (HA) gene sequences. The predicted vaccine efficacy (pVE) of vaccine strain against circulating A(H3N2) viruses was estimated using the sequence-based Pepitope model. Results: The overall IV-positive rate was 7.2% (894/12,393), all were IV type A. Almost all IV-A (846/894; 94.6%) were H3N2 that circulated in Italy with a clear epidemic trend, with 10% positivity rate threshold crossed for six consecutive weeks from week 2022-11 to week 2022-16. According to the phylogenetic analysis of a subset of A(H3N2) strains (n=161), the study HA sequences were distributed into five different genetic clusters, all of them belonging to the clade 3C.2a, sub-clade 3C.2a1 and the genetic subgroup 3C.2a1b.2a.2. The selective pressure analysis of A(H3N2) sequences showed evidence of diversifying selection particularly in the amino acid position 156. The comparison between the predicted amino acid sequence of the 2021-2022 vaccine strain (A/Cambodia/e0826360/2020) and the study strains revealed 65 mutations in 59 HA amino acid positions, including the substitution H156S and Y159N in antigenic site B, within major antigenic sites adjacent to the receptor-binding site, suggesting the presence of drifted strains. According to the sequence-based Pepitope model, antigenic site B was the dominant antigenic site and the p(VE) against circulating A(H3N2) viruses was estimated to be -28.9%. Discussion and conclusion: After a long period of very low IV activity since public health control measures have been introduced to face COVID-19 pandemic, along came A(H3N2) with a new phylogenetic makeup. Although the delayed 2021-2022 influenza season in Italy was characterized by a significant reduction of the width of the epidemic curve and in the intensity of the influenza activity compared to historical data, a marked genetic diversity of circulating A(H3N2) strains was observed. The identification of the H156S and Y159N substitutions within the main antigenic sites of the most of sequences also suggested the circulation of drifted variants with respect to the 2021-2022 vaccine strain. Molecular surveillance plays a critical role in the influenza surveillance architecture and it has to be strengthened also at local level to timely assess vaccine effectiveness and detect novel strains with potential impact on public health

    Highly specific memory B cells generation after the 2nd dose of BNT162b2 vaccine compensate for the decline of serum antibodies and absence of mucosal IgA

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    Specific memory B cells and antibodies are a reliable read-out of vaccine efficacy. We analysed these biomarkers after one and two doses of BNT162b2 vaccine. The second dose significantly increases the level of highly specific memory B cells and antibodies. Two months after the second dose, specific antibody levels decline, but highly specific memory B cells continue to increase, thus predicting a sustained protection from COVID-19. We show that although mucosal IgA is not induced by the vaccination, memory B cells migrate in response to inflammation and secrete IgA at mucosal sites. We show that the first vaccine dose may lead to an insufficient number of highly specific memory B cells and low concentration of serum antibodies, thus leaving vaccinees without the immune robustness needed to ensure viral elimination and herd immunity. We also clarify that the reduction of serum antibodies does not diminish the force and duration of the immune protection induced by vaccination. The vaccine does not induce sterilizing immunity. Infection after vaccination may be caused by the lack of local preventive immunity because of the absence of mucosal IgA